Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Amandla! l.‘ «\I llIIth. l'S.

.‘UH ;I III iIIIIII -\\x.IIIl \x llllllllj.‘ IlnIIIIIII'IIIuI) ,lnIImIl/II' .\ /\'('\ll/IHIIIII III In!“ I'm! [III/mum Icllx Ihc xIIII} III hI.II lx \nIIIh :\lllt.lll lIchlnIII lllll\lL' .IIIIl IhI- III\nI.I| InlI- II Pl.l_\t'tl III IhI- h.IIIlI' .l_L'.Illl\l .IlmIIlII'IIl .IIInxx IlII- tlt‘k'.l(lt'\ II~.IIIIIIII;: llllt'l\lt'\\\ \IIIlI Hugh \lawkI-la. .‘\l‘tlllll.ll| lhI.IlIIIII Illltl SIhIIIIgIII' KlIIIIIMIn (i/ I. (i/Inmm

American Pie: The Wedding I IS» ... lJt‘\\k' l)}l;III. [3. Jill”) JngnII lhggggx ‘NIIIIIII ’l‘hc IhIIIl IIIIII III IhI'

."IIll'III (Ill l’II' xI'III-x JIIII .IIIII \lII'hcllc Ill't'

gut-[Imp III.IIIII'I| .IIIIl .III- gnIII); In haw .I hlnxx nIII \chlIlIIIg IlI.II IInhnIl) Ix 3.3mm; In InIgJI‘I (I'I'III'III/ II'II'IIu'

Angela I ISI .0. IRIIhI-IIII 'I‘mxc. II.I|}. IIIIIJI l)IIllillt'll.'l l'lllUt'L'llldlU. .'\lltllt‘.l l)I Slclunn. .\l.II‘In l’IIpI'IIII, ‘HIIIIII l’.III nl Ihc ()pIIIIIIIIII l)l\L'U\t‘llC\ xI-III'x 'l'hIx l;IxI‘III.IIIII;; xIIIIl) nl Ihc IIIIIIIIl.IIIII} nl \l.IlInx.I drug; II'.IIlIII;_' h.Ix IIIIIIxII.I||} InI IlIIx l_\pc nl IIIIII gl \IIIIIIIIII .Ix pinlagnmxl II IlnI-x. lIImcwI. IIIIlnIIIIII.III‘|_\ gnc \\.I} III Ihc xccnIIIl lIIIll In .I IIIIlIcI xIll). xlIghIl) IIIIxn;_\IIIxIII' lillt' nl illllIIlll lnII lI Ix lInxu‘wI IIpIMII-nll) l‘iht'tl nII .I IIIII' xInI‘}. ('Ium’n. InI/IIIIIuru/I. L’Atalante Il’( i) 0.... lJt'Illl \Iun. l'l'.lllk't'. I‘M-h .\lII‘hc| SIIIInII. Jmn I);IxII'. l)II;I I’IIIln. .‘WIIIIII. ‘l‘hc n.Il) lI‘IIIIII‘I' In he llliltlt‘ h} lllt' hI'IllIIIIII \'Ign hclnic hIx IIIIgII‘ull) curl} tlt'illll. :\ xIIIIplc II.III';III\L' lnlln“ x IIII- l.lll}_‘lk'tl p.IxxInIIx nl

III-\I I} \\ I-le I);IxIc :IIIIl l’IIIln .Ix IlIc) xpcIIIl IhI'II' lIIIllt'} IIInnII nII .I hIII'gc II'Ip \\ IIII xI'I-Il} nIIl (UPLIIII SIIIInII. lfl-IIII/IIIIII'K I'II'II I'.I\;I|I‘.II|I' nl cu'I' I'hungmg IIInnle illlIl IIIIlnigt-IIIIhl} pnclIc llIUlllL‘lll\ nl xI'IIxIIIIIII) lllilkt‘ II II lllllt|llC I‘lIIxxII~ In lw I‘III'IleII'Il HI I. (i/IIwIIII ,' I'I/m/Inuu'. I’IIIII/m/gh.

Bad Boys 2 I ISI 0.. I.\lII'h.II'| Bil). 'I‘S. ZINHI .\l.II'IIII l.;l\\lt‘ll\'k'. \VIII SIIIIIII. .lnIIlI .\lnll.I. (i.IhI'Ic|lc l'nInn. l’cII-I‘ SInIIIIaI'I‘. l-PIIIIII. .\lI;IIIII l’l)‘x I’I‘III'gIIIIc II.III'nIII‘x IIgcnIx .\lll\L' l.0\\l't'_\ ISIIIIIlII .IIIIl BI'IIIII'II Il.;I\\I'cnch ill'L' hack. IhIx lllllt‘ nII Ihc II'IIII nl .I hugc xlIIpIIIcnI nl I'cxIIIx} l.nIIIl. n\ crlnng hIII llecuhIc xI-IIIII'I. “llll ll Iv“ lllt‘llllll'ilhlt‘ I‘nIIIII‘ ch vau‘x lllI)\ll_\ Imnlxing .\l;II‘IIII. Sec IcIIc“. (iI'III'I'II/ rI'II'uu'.

Baghban IIth IBR (‘lIan'II/Ruxi ('lIanII. lIIIlI.I. ZUIHI .Nllllldl‘ll BIII'lII‘lIIIII. llt‘llld .\l;IlIIII. S.IIIII‘I‘I' SnIII. l)I\_\;I l)IIII;I. .'\lll.lll \L'IIII. llk‘llllll. Rill MIIIhnII'II (Bilt‘llt‘lltllll .IIIIl hIx \\ III' l’nnIII I.\l;I|IIIII haw llllll‘ xnIIx, Tho) gum Md and IhCII‘ xnnx chIlc III IlIcII' I‘Cxpcclnc pI‘nl'CxxInIIx. 'l‘hI‘II' ll\t'\ .II'c lIllI‘Il \\ IIlI In\ c and III'npr-I'II}. IIIIII .III IhIx lqu hccn pnxxihlc l‘L'CdIN‘ Rtll lilh III\L‘\lL'Il all hIx IIIL‘IIIIIL‘. IIII‘IIIIlIng hIx pl'U\ltlL‘lll lllllll gIIIIl gI‘IIIIIII}.




Etre Et Avoir (U) 7 300m TIIL’S 7!!) OH

Buffalo Soldiers (1S) 7 30pm Thu/‘5 9m 00’

Respiro (15) 7 30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

28 THE LIST .‘ 7'5 O“. .3003

III lle L'lIIlIll'L‘lI. \\lIII lk' \k't'\ ;I\ lll\ .|\\t'l\ lllill \IIII xccui'c hIx lIIIuI'c. l’l't'IlL'll}. L‘Ull\t'l'\.lll\L‘ I‘cIIIIIkc nl IhI: l‘) ‘3 punch}. cnnxcnuliw cluxxII‘. I'( 'I. InI/III/Iurg/I. Battle Royale I 1.x» 0...

Il‘ukuxuku KIIIII. Jupun. ZIXH I IIHIIIIII Inn! I” (In l-'III-\ Ix I'c-IIIIIIgIIIcIl ;l\ :I \InlI'III pic-llllllt‘lllllill IIIghIIIIIIIc ;l\ .‘I (luxx nl Iccnugc .lupuncw xI'lInnIchIIIlII'II Ix uhIIIIIlnncd nn .III hlillltl. gnu-II .I \III‘IcI} nl \\ capnnx. illltl NM NM! nII|_\ Ihc IIIxI xIII‘xIxnI‘ “Ill hI' illltl\\t'tl In lcuw. I '(i(' RI’II/I‘I'II .X'II'I'I’L (iluwnu,

A Beautiful Mind I IJI .00 llImul‘Il. l8. 3WD) Rllxxcll (‘I‘Im C. JI'IIIIIII'I' ('nnncll}. l’IIul Bk'llilll} HSIIIIII, .-\ “(UH/I’ll] .llInI/ pI'chIIIx ('I'nII c \\ IIlI llllUlllt‘l' Ihc nppnI‘IIIIIII} In illlt‘l'llult' hIx Inugh gII} l'UlL‘\ IIiIIIIIIIIIan \xIIh ‘xcrInIIx ilL‘llllfJ‘ (\t‘t' IA/H' [HUI/I'M. llCl'L‘ llL' pl;|}x Jnhn .\';leI. Ihc IIIIIIhcnIIIIII‘x gcmux. during hIx cnllcgc Il;I}x III .'\lllt‘l'l(.’l III Ihc IU-lle. .\';Ixh Ix Ilen il p;II‘;IIInIIl- xchI/nphrcnlc. uhn \\;|\ nu cthclI'xx ;I\\;II‘Ilcd Ihc Nnhcl l’I'I/c lillL‘ III hIx hlc. ()II Ihc ncgulnc xIIlc nI' Ihc chIIIIInII. llnIIIII‘Il‘x IlII‘chInn xIIIlex. llIx I'I'lnI'Ix In IIIIIkI: Illillll IIIII‘I‘I‘xIIIIg lull tll\lll;lll}. .\ InI‘ ()\t‘éll'\ CllUl'l. hIII (’ lnI' t‘Ullll'll‘llllUn In the hold nl~ hIanc I‘IIICIIIII, I'I/m/quu'. IfI/I/I/Iuru/I.

O Belleville Rendez-Vous I l2:\) oooo IS}l\;IllI (‘hnIIIcL l-I‘uncc. ZUIIRI XIIIIIIII. l)lllllllllll\L‘. cluh-l‘nnlcd .\l;IIl;IIIIc SnII/II prcpurcx hCI‘ nI‘pthncd gI‘IIIIIIxnII ('hIIIIIpInII In hc II \xnI‘lIl-huIIIIIg C) cIIxI. Shc pcrxnIIIIll} xupcn [\L'\ hIx III'IlIInIIx II'IIIIIIIIg I'chIIIc. BIII IlIII'IIIg Ihc IIInIIIII.IIII xIIIgc nI Ihc 'l‘nuI' Ilc l-I‘IIIIcc. ('h.IIIIpInII Ix lxltlllilppt‘tl h} hIIIck-xIIIch lllL‘ll IInIII Ihc lircnch \lgIlIII ;IIIIl \xlIkacIi :IL‘I'IIxx Ihc .-\I|;InIIc In Ihc I‘II) nl lit-Hm Illc. lI'x up In gI‘IIIIn} IIIIIl (‘lIIIIIIpInII‘x helm cd Ilng Brunn In pcrl'nrm II during l'C\L‘UL‘. .IlIhnIIgh Ihc) can rcl) nII ;l\\l\l;|llL‘L' IInIII llIC cldcrl} lh‘llLW lllC SlxlclN. II “mg-und- IIIIncc II'In IIhn nncc pcrI'anIIcIl \\ IIlI l‘I'cIl .'\\l;lll‘CI RIIIIICI' xpchIII lxnnk) curlnnn lll‘Ulll l"r;IIIcc. lhgll xhn\\x l)IxIIc} llIL‘ Ilnnr


In real lll\pll';ll|0ll. (ii-"IL (ilmunu .' (‘IIIIII'IL


Beyond Tara Il’(iI I.\l;IIlIxnII l);I\ Ix l.llL‘_\. l‘S. ZIXIRI 59mm. lluIIIc .\lcl)IInIcl Ix l‘cxl I'cnIcmhcrcd l'IIr hcr rnlL' ux .\l;IIIIIII_\ III (in/Ir IIII/I [In Him! and IhIx IlncIInIcnIuI') Icllx Ihc IIIc xInr} nI IlIIx

Dory and Marlin are forever searching in Finding Nemo

II'III.II'k.Ihlc .II'III'xx \illlJlt'Il h) \\ hnnIII (inlIlhI‘Ig. (i/ I. (i/IIIQIIII

The Black Stallion Il'I O... I(';II'I'nll “Illldltl. l'S. l‘lfl‘h KI‘H} RI’IIn. \llL'le'l RIIIIIII'}. 'lI‘I'I‘I (I.Ill llHIIIIII \VIIlL'l} lIclIl In ht‘ IIIII‘ III llII' l\I'xl (lllltllt‘ll.\ lIlIIIx t‘\L'l lllI'IIlt'. IhIx xInI} nI lIn\\ .I )nIIII; hn_\ hI‘lIII-IIle .I hl.II k .-\I';IhI;III xl.I|lInII. and HIV” xIIth-IIIII'III .IIlwnIIIII'x. lt‘ll|.llll\ .I III-II-IIIII.I| l.l\I'lllllI‘ lI xp.I\IIIcIl .I IlIx.IppnIIIIIII_I_' xI-IIIII-I IhI~ t'llt‘lllhll} nIIl_\ “Ullxt'tl nIII'I~ (I I. (i/IHQIIII

Blackwatch Animation I I’( II I\';II'InIIx. l'K. ZINHI ~lllllllll (il.IxI_vII\I l\;l\L'Il Blut'kualt‘h l’InIlIII'IInIIx Plt'\t‘lll\ IIx thmrccl HI I. (i/munn

The Blue Room IIhI‘I I\;IIInIIx. l K. 20”] I lthIIIII. :\II L'\t‘lllllj._‘ nl xhnII IIIIIIx h} max illltl C\l.ll‘ll\llt'tl lntul lIlIIIIII.IkI'Ix. lnllnxxul h) Il|\L‘ll\\lUll\ nl \\ll.ll IIIIIXI' xchI. ll )nII \\.llll )nIII lIlIII In hI- I‘nIIxIIICI'I'Il InI lllllllt' _‘._‘.llllt‘llll_‘_'\. IhI'II xI-IIIl II VHS CUP} III l'IlIII .'\lltl \IIlI'n \I’I’I'xx (.Cllll't'. ISJ Snlllll \VL'xl 'l'lIlelI' SIII'I‘I |.;IIII'. liIlIIIhIIIgh. lill.‘ ll'.\\, Ill \Illl III il 32“ 0331). ('mm H. IZI/IIII’IHL’II

El Bonaerense I ISI Il’.Ihln 'l mpcIn. .-\rg.'CIIIIII;I/( ‘lIIIcfl'IxIIII‘I'I\I-IIII‘I|.IIIle, ZINL‘I JnI‘gc Rnlllilll. .\lIIIII \IdII. I).IIIn |.I'\_\. VII‘InI llIIgn (III‘II/n. llIIgn .'\llj.j.lllll//I. (Il'ilt‘lilllil (‘lIIInIII IIISIIIIII /.Ip.I Ix .I lnclxxIIIIIh III .I (llllt'l lllllL' IIIIIII IImI “UCHH\ _»\Il'cx “ll\lllt'\\ Ix \lIM xII l’IIldI‘IL lllL' II\\IIL'l' Ill lllL' \lIIIp. \t'lltl\ lIIlII UH .I |IIlI lllill ImnlxI'x npcIIIII; .I x.IlI' .II .III nIIIIc 'l‘hc llC\l ILI). /.;Ip;I Ix IIIIpI'IxnIII'Il InI xIIppnchll} InthIIg Ihc pluu- IIIIIIggIIIIIy .'\l':_'t‘llllllt'.lll IlI';IIII;I Ih.II lI.Ix l‘t‘t'll (Ulllpill'L‘Il In hIIIlI J.II‘IIIIIxI‘lI'x HIM-.11 In I.uu IIIIIl .'\lC|.llltll’H ( inII/.Ilc/ III.IIIIIII'x .-lnInI'I'\ I’I‘rrm I'IlIII/Inuu. IzI/III/IIIIg/I Bright Young Things I IS. 000 ISIcphcn I'I‘). l'lx'. ZINNI SIcphI'II ('.IIIIphcl| .\lnnI‘c. l).III .»\}kIn_\d. .lIIII liI‘nuIlhI-III. SIIIInII (".Illnxx. Sllklxdltl ('hIInIIIIIg. RII‘huIIl l: (imnl. l'.IIIIl_\ .\lnI'IIIIIL-I'. IINIIIIII Adaplul IInIII lam-I)” \VIIIIgh'x cnruxcuIIIIg xncI.Il \illll't‘. \I/I HUI/1m. l'l'} 'x lnIIg-chI-I‘Ixhul pcI pInII-II xculcx Ihc III/I} lIchlIIx .IIIIl plIIIIIhx llIL‘ gruhh) Ilcplhx n! ;I ch nI \\IlIl .IIIIl \xcll hcclcd [Will'l_\:_'UL‘l'\. uhn Ihc pl'L'\\ haw IIIckIIuIIIcIl IhI: 'BrIghI YnIIII; llIIngx' x\lllIIll:_‘ Ilwxc IIIIIIIIggIII; hcanIIxIx Ix Ihpll'lllg \II'IIcr .'\tl.llll Sync ISII-phcn

(".IIIIIIIII‘H \ll'l‘l\" ‘.‘.llI‘. Il.II IIInIII' .IIIIl IInIIIII InIIIII‘III‘Il. xIIIIg';'|I'x II.IIIIII .III‘I In xI LIIII' Inz'I'IlII-I IlII' II'.IIlII'x II'IIIIIII-Il In III.III_\ lIIx IInIII‘II'xxh III LII‘ ll.l"l‘\'l g‘IIllIII'IIIl \III.I II IIIle \lnIIIIIII'II ('IIIIIIIInIIIIxI'Il. ll lllx\'.ll‘lt' IlI'lIIII IInIII | l\ Ihlx IIII‘x \\.I\ Inn lI.IIIl In .IIIIII‘JI In .III \lllI'll\.l|I .IIIIlII-IIII' II'III'HII \\nnl:'.II .Ix IInIII III-ll IlII‘.Illlll‘.' \".llll.l .lllll \III h.II'l \llk'k'll .Ix IhI‘ nIIII.I‘.'I'I-IleI I'III-II- \lIlI‘x \II‘Jl lllI' \lIII\\ \I'I‘ II'\ II".‘. (:1 HI /..','


Buffalo Soldiers \I O...

I(III';'nI lI'lIlHIL ( II'lll|.Ill\ l \l l\ .‘IHIII "MIIIII \ \l'l'llllI>\l\‘\kllll.l\1'1‘lI.l\l.IlIIl .I _‘.‘l\'.ll \Ullllilll.l\ k llII' HcIlIII \‘..lll Ix .IlInIII In l.lll, .IIIIl III .II \ |\.IxI' III \\I'xI (iI'IIII.III_\ .I IIIIxIII xnlIlII-I llI>.lI|lllll l’hnI'III\I IInIleII‘x hIx \lI‘II h_\ Il.I\ .lllIl \|'|'l\\ lll‘ \l.l\ In InI.IIIII' III Illi'lll In xI‘Il nII IhI' l‘l.l\ k lll.lllx\'l IIIIIII.I}.I| nl lllt'l \ IIIIlII.II\ .I l.I Hm. Alum (Hum \I [III (hm. (I/Inynu Bugs 30 II II\IIII- xII-I- I l\. .‘IIIHI

lHIIIIII l).llllI' lIIIlI |)\'ll\ |I II.III.III'x IhIx

\ \\.lllllll'.'.IllIl.llllll\lll1'

j.'I.IIII xIII'I'II il) IIIIII \Klllxll Int ll\I’\ nII IIII' hlI‘ \}\lt'\ nI .I [‘l.l_\lll'_' III.IIIIIx .IIIII .I IInIII-Ill} IInIII lllI‘ll hIIIlI In lllx‘ll

IIII'\ II.Ih|I' llt'lll|\\’ III IhI' IInIIII .Il I.IIIIlnII'xIx nl \nIIIlII-.IxI \xI.I /\/\\ (i/legIII'.

0 Cabin Fever l‘I.... II ll l<IIIlI.l \. .TINIII l<IIlI'I \IInqu'. InIIl.III l.II|Il. Inc} KI'III, (’I'IIII.I \ |ll\\'|ll_ |.IIIII'x lk'llclln ‘HIIIIII lhI‘ llllI' II-IInI III IhIx x.I\\} hnIInI mm It' Ix IIxj.\lIII|II-.'II .II

\\ h.Il'x IIII-xl llli'lllt’lllllL' Ix In»! my \}lll]‘|IIlll\ nl lllk' ll\'\ InIIxIII;' l.IxI IIIIIx lIlII- IlIxI‘.IxI‘_ l‘lll IlII' \I..I} llII‘ lI'.II II I II'.III'x xI‘Ix .I l‘lllltll nl Inllcjgc lIII‘llIl\ .II IIIII‘ .IIInlhI'I'x IhIn.IIx \x mm lI lllI‘IIIl‘I'l nI IhI' _-_'InIII\ \llttllllll‘\ In xI-llleI II.II.IIInI.I II’x IInI lllt‘ gnIc Ih.II ‘\.llk" _\nII. II‘x IhI~ IIle' 3_'IIIII ‘-'~lll In \lll\|\I' lhIx IlI'lIz'hIIIIIIj. \|\ l. ll_\\lk'll\.ll II-IIIIII In IIII- hI~_\Il.Ij. nI ll\'\ll I‘.IIIIIj_' hnIInI hn.IxIx .I L'lt‘dl III-IlI-JII'I‘ .Ix II II.I}x llHlll.l_‘_'I' In .IlllI'llL‘ nIlII-Ix. l).l‘- lIl l}llt‘ll. llk'l\\llt'll(l1‘ltl|’lllt"-‘-l\. l).I\IIl (.lUllL'lll‘t'lffi .IIIIl (II-nI-JI' \ RIIIIII‘IH l’lIIx. '\ll}_‘t'lII li.IIl.Il.IIIII'IIII'x xtnII‘ Ix Ullt’ nI IlII' hcxl lllllljJ\ llt' lI.Ix IlnIII' III j.I'.IIx \k'k' IlIIu’InI llllt‘l\ l\'\‘- .IIIIl lt"- It'll. (It 1:. II./


Calendar Girls I.‘ \ 00. I\I;-I-I ('nlc.l l'x" I‘NHI IlI'II'II \llllL'll. lllllt' \\.IlIch. (I'llJ llllllt’ IIIMIIIII lhIx