The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1 1.111 8.11 11 311

Rugrats Go Wild! 11‘1

.\1.1tiiici- 8:11 1& 81111 11111111. 3 31) 111111 811111 Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11 '1

111 1111- 1k '11111' 31111. (1.45 v\1\11111:11111cc 8:11 1& 81111 11111111 Underworld 1 151

11.111} 1111). 3 45. 1131). 9.15 \1x111.11c1‘1‘11& 8:11 11111111111111. Young Adam 1 1m

11.111} I 15. 1.45. 1115. 8.45 .\1\111.111'1‘l'l 1k 8.11 11111111112111. ' “11,3, 111/:1311,‘./ '1',

1’111jgi.11111111'11111-I} 111111- ~111111:1r111111c [111'1111ux 1111-11 1’1111111‘ 111831) 51151) 11117 1111 111'1.’111\.1111111111c\ \1-11 111111\1111L'1111111L‘11 1111111 31111

Cabin Fever 1 151

Finding Memo 11 '1

Odeon City Centre: Glasgow

511 1(1'11111'111 8111‘1‘1. 11141 3533-113. 111111 :11111(‘(' 1111111111134: 11871151151111117. [1)] \L'IL'L'118 5.11. ":11111 H. :\1111|1: £4.75, 8111111-111/1‘1141): £3.51) 11-1'1-811111. £31.\111n- 111111. (11111111111111 15: £3.95; 81‘111111' 1'111/1'11.£3.511.


Bad Boyszil51 2.311. 5311. Calendar Glr18113.v\1 1.1 8.45.

The ltalian Job112.»\1 11.1111.

Jeepers Creeperszil51 4.1111. 11.1111.

The Man who Sued God 1 151 1.311. 11.311. MatchstickMen112.\1 12311. 3.15. (1.1111. 18.45.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 151 1.311. 4.1111 11.311. 11111).

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peari112.-\1 2.1111. 5.15. 8.311. Underworld1151 12.311. 3.15. (1.1111. 8.45. YoungAdamilsi 1.311. 4.1111 11.311, 11.1111.

18.311. 5. 3.45. (1.15.

1.111). 3.45. (1.311.


Bad Boys 21151

1'11 1\ 8:11: 3111). 5.. 81111 11111: 1.311. 5.1111, 18‘ Cabin Fever 1 151

11111. 1.31). 4.111). 11.31). Calendar Girls 1 12.-\1 1):111}: 3.45. (1.15. 18.45. .r\1\11 111:111111'1‘ \11‘1‘1111:1)\: 1.15.

Down with Love 1 12.-\1

11.111): 1.311. 4.1111, 11.311. 11.1111.

House at 1000 Corpses1181

1):111_\: 3.31). 4.45. 7.111). 9.15.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 111 .\1:111ncc8:111k 81111: 13.15.

The Italian Job 1 13.-\1

11:111}: 1111). 3.45. (1.15. 9.111). Matchstick Men 1 l2.»\1

111 “1:11: 1.31). (1.31)111111\\'c111.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 151

I‘ll “1‘11: 4.1111, 9.1111.

Pirates ot the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.11

11:111}: 3.111). 5.15. 18.31).

Spy Kids 30: Game Over11'1

.\1:1tincc 8:11 1k 81111: 11111111. 3.111). Underworid1151

1):111_\: 13.31). 3.15. 11.111). 18.45.

Young Adam 1 181

1111111: 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311, 11.1111,



Programme 111ml} 111111‘ ~1111iI:1r 111 1111' [11m 11111\ \\ 1‘1‘11. Phone 11871) 51151111117 1‘11r 111:1:1ilx :11111 111110. No“ 1111118 11111‘ 111 1111011 1111 1-‘r1 3 ()ct:

Cabin Fever 1 151

Finding Nemo 11'1

Showcase: Glasgow East

81111\\c:1\c\urc 1’:11'11. Langmuir Road. ('11:1111r111gc. 1111311 1111c: 1113311 434434. ((3 1111111111114: 1113311 43811111111”. |1{l.£5.1)1) 1£3.511 111‘1'111‘1‘ (111111 Mon »1‘ri; tirx1 \1111“ 8:11181111 1k 1111111I:1_\~1. (‘111111/1).-\1’/811111c111: {3.511.


American Pie: The Wedding 151 11 25.1111. 31111. 4.25. "21). 935

Calendar Girls 1 13.31 11111111. 3 31). 7311. 111.111)

The Italian Job 1 12A» 11 31111111. 21111.


4111, ".1111. ".45. 11.45. 111.211 Jeepers 21151"55. 11115 TheLinleMcGuireMovied'i 12115.

341). 5.115. TheMan who SuedGod1151 1135:1111. 3.11). 4.35. "115. 9.35

Matchstick Men112.1\1

11.35.1111. 3115.

4.45. ".31). 8.55. lied Keliy1151 11.41):11n. 3.11). 4.51). “.35. 111.115.

OnceUponaTlmeinMexic01151 11.51):11n. 3.35. 7.41). 111.115.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curseolthe BlackPearl112.-\i 1115:1111. 13 15. 3.15. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. 11.15. RugratsGoWildlil'i 1130:1111. 1.31). 3.311. 5.311.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 111 111151111. 1.11). 315. 5.211.

Terminator 3: lilse oltheMachlnes112.v\1 111.15. Underworld1151 7.111. 8.1111. 9511. Young AdaflHlM 1155:1111. 2.211. 4.411. 725. 9.45.

Il.1)1):11n. 1.41). 4.311.

FRIDAY Zj—T‘HURSDAY ‘J American Pie: The Wedding 1 151

1):1i|_\: 7.31). 935. .-\1x11 1:111‘ 1‘r1 1& 8:11: Bad Boys 21151 11111): 12.311. 1.1111. 7.31). 11111).

Also 1:111' 1511 1& 8:11: 111.45.

Bright Young Things 1 151

1):111}: 1135:1111. 3.115. 4.41), 7.35. 9.51). .-\l\11 1:11c 1511 1% 8:11: 1315:1111. Calendar Girls 1 12.-\1

I):1il}: 11111111. 3.31). 5.111). 7.31). Also 1:11c In 1& 8:11: I3.31):1ni. OownwithLove112A1

I):1i|}: I 1411:1111. 3.111. 4.51). 7.35. .-\1\11 1:111' liri 1k 8:11: 13.31):11n.

The ttalian Job 1 12.-\1

1):111_\: 11.311:1in. 3.111). 4.311, 7.111). 7.45. 9.45. 111.311.

.-\1\11I:11c Iiri 1% 8:11: 13.31):1111.

The Lizzie McGuire Movle11'1

1):1i|_\: 13.115. 3.41).

The Man who Sued God 1 151

1):111}: 1135:1111. 4.55. 7.15.

Matchstick Men 1 l3.-\1

1):11|_\: 1135:1111. 2.115. 4.45. 7.211. 9.55. .-\1\1) 1:11c 1’ri & 8:11: 13.31):1111.

Mr lnbetween 1 151

I):111_\: 12.111. 3.35. 5.115. 7.51). 111.15. .-\1x11 1:1tc Fri & 8:11: 1335:1111. OnceUponaTime in Mexico 1 151

11:111}: 5.115. 7.41). 111.115.

.1\1\111:11c1‘r1& 8:11: 1335:1111.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.»\1 1):111): 11.15:1n1. 13.15. 11.15.

:\l\11 1:11c liri 1% 8:11: Bugrats Go Wild! 11'1 I):1il_\: 13.31). 3.35. Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11‘1

1):1il}: 11.1)5:1111. 1.11). 3.15. 5.31). Underworld1151

I):111_\: 4.31). 7.11). 9.51).

.1\1\11 1:11c Fri 1% 8:11: 1240:1111. Young Adam 1 111'. 1):111_\: 3.31). 9.41). .-\1\11 1:110 Fri 1& 8:11:


3.45. 4.15. 7.111).



3.15. 3.15. 5.15.


1 3115:1111.


Programme Iikcl} 111 be similar 111 111C prcx inux \1 cck. 1’1111nc 1113311 434434 1'11r 11c1:111\ :11111 times. New 1111111 1111c 11111pcn 1111 Fri .3 ()ct:

Cabin Fever 1 151

Finding Nemo 11'1

Showcase: Paisley

(irit‘tin Awnuc. Phocnn Ethnic“ Park. 11141 1887111111. 1111511: 11141 18187111131111‘ 111111111111: 11141 887111111. [1)]. [IS]. £5 1133.75 hct'nrc 5111111. (‘11111L’( ).1\1’/81udcni:

1;3. 5.

"541753532 a American Pie: The Wedding 1 15. 1135.1111. 3.111). 4 35. 7 21). 1115

Calendar Girisil2\1 11111111. 3 ‘1). .5111). ".31). 111111)

Glgllii51 1.1111. 415. “1111. 11411 Theltalian Job112.\1 11 311.1111. 3111). 4.311. 15. "45.1145. 111211 JeepersCreepers21151455. ‘55. 11115

The Lizzie McGuire Movie11'1 2.211. 4.35 TheManwhoSuedGod1151‘1111.«13.< Matchstick Menil3s\1 1135:1111. 3.115. 4.45. “.211. 1155

Ned Kelly1151 11411.1111. 3111.451). ".35. 111115

Once UponaTime in Mexicoil51 11.511:1111. 2.25. 4.55. ".411. 111115 Piglet's Big Movie 111 12,115. 2.35. Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse of the BlackPeari112.-\i 11.15.1111. 3.15. 5.15. 3.15

RugratsGoWildln‘i 11.111.1111. 1.111. 3.111.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 111 11 115.1111. 1.111. 3.15. 5.15. Underworld 1151 1111111111. 5.211. “.111. 18.111). 11511. YoungAdamilsi 1155:1111. 2.211. 4411. 7,25. 9.45.

11 45.1111.

141). 4 31).

FRIDAY 15 THURSDAY E1 American Pie: The Wedding 1 I51

1):111_\: 7.311. 9.35.

:\1\111:11L‘ 1'1'1 1K 8:11: 1155.

Bad Boys21151

111111: 12.311. 1.1111. 3.45. 4.15. 7.1111. “.311. 111,111.

.-\1\11 1:111' 1511 1& 8:11: 111.45.

Calendar Girls 1 12.-\1

1):1il_\: 11111111. 2.31). 5.1111, 2,311. 111.1111

:\|\11 1:111‘ 1‘1‘1 1k 8:11: |3.311:11n. Down with Love 1 I2.»\1

1):111): 1 1411:1111. 3.11). 4.51), 7.35. 9.55.

Also 1:111' l'i'l 1k 8:11: 1315:1111.

The Italian Job 1 12.11

1):11|}: 11.311:1i11. 3.111). 4.31). 7.15. 7.45. 9.45. 111.211.

:\l\11 late 1511 1k 8:11: 13.31):11n. The Liule McGuire Movie 111 l):1i1): 1145:1111. 3.31). 4.35. TheMan who Sued God 1 151 1):1il): 1135:1111. 3.11). 4.35. Matchstick Men 1 I2.1\1

1):111_\: 1135:1111. 3.115. 4.45. 7.31). 9.55.

.1\|\11 1:110 liri 1% 8:11: Ned Kelly 1 151 Hall): 7.115. 9.41). :\|\111:1lc Fri 1& 8:11: 13.11):11n.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 151 I):1iI_\: 11.511:1111. 3.35. 4.55. 7.41). 111.115.

.-\1\11 1:111' 1'11 1& 8:11: 1335:1111.

Pirates ot the Caribbean: The Curse ot the Black Peari 1 12..\1

1):111}: 1115:1111. 3.15. 5.15. 8.15. .-\l\111:11c I‘ri 1k 8:11: 11.15. nugrats Go Wild! 11‘1

Hull): 1 1111:1111. 3.111). 4.35.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 1 1 '1

Hail}: 11.115:1111. 1.111. 3.15. 5.15. Underworid1151

i);1ili: 1111111111. 1.411, 4.211. 7.111. 11.311. 9.51).

Also 1:110 l‘ri 1& 8:11: Young Adam 1 131 1):1i|}: 1155:1111. 3.35. 4.41). 7.35. 9.45. .-\1~11 1:111: 15ri 1k 8:11: 13.1)5:1111.






I’rngraninic 11111-1} 111111- \111111:1r111111c prcx 11111\ \\ cck. Phone 11141 887 111131) for 1101:1ilx :11111 lililL‘\. No“ 111111\ 1111c 111 11pCll 1111 Hi 3 ()1'1:

Cabin Fever 1 151

Finding llemo 11'1

UCI Clydebank: Glasgow

(1111c Regional ('ci11rc.('1}11ch:11111. 11187111) 11131131). [1)]. £5.11) 1£4.|1) 111:1an 5111111. ('111111: £3.35 1.-\111111 1111111111111 111-11111- 511111: £3.351.().-\1’: £3111). 8111dcni~z


listings Film


Spellbound ‘Give me a C please 8011'. 'Only 11 yOu spell COhSLibstantiation. boy'. Brilliant US feature documentary detailing a year in the lives of child stars of the Spelling 8 competition. See preview and reView. GFT. Glasgow. Fi/rnliouse. Edinburgh.

Finding Nemo Pixar's latest. universally declared as another cIaSSic. This one. 11 you can't guess from the title. is about da fishes. General release

Young Adam DaVid Mackenzie put himself 111 a Trocchi Situation adapting this Scottish beat Cult novel but he comes up smelling of roses and barge 011. Ewan McGregor. Emily MOrtimer. Tilda SWinton and Peter Mullan shine. See reView. General release.

Belleville Rendez-Vous Sylvain Chomet‘s glorioust imaginative. Wildly eccentric animation. Selected release.

Cabin Fever Gloriously Violent old school teen horror shocker. Touched by the spirit of David Lynch. Herschell Gordon LeWis. DaVid Cronenberg and George A Romero. This brings to mind a heyday before the Scream mowes came along and made everything so damn ironic. See prev1ew and renew. General release

La Grande illusion Jean Renoir's brilliant indictment of war from 1937 With Jean Gabin. Pierre Fresnay and Erich Von Stroheim. GFf. Glasgow (73 8 75 Oct)


Bad BoysZ1151 2.311. 5.411. H.511. 11.211.

Calendar Girlsil2..\1 3.1111. 11.1111. 11.311. Camp112.1\1 3.511. (1.25.

The ttalian Job112..\1 3.15. 11.211. 9.111). Matchstick Men112.-\1 .. . 11.311. 9.11).

tied Kelly1151 3.311. 11.111. 11.45.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 151 2.1111. 4.311. 7.1111. 11.311.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse ol the Black Pearl112.»\1 2.211. 5.311. 11.411. Underworld1151 4.1111. 11.511. 11.411. YoungAdamilxi 2.111. 4.35. 7.111. 9.35.