
They want their MTV

Mr ..rt.trr.:rtfw-t :n-traa‘ |r (7 Iv", 5% ' «' [WY/1' .7 r i‘ ‘tl’

.'.r'ltlr .1 t1 rr‘tla r l\_ I) ‘,T

. t;-rr}!l‘r‘§;trt‘rti ll‘.r:l<lr't.rr_)t,-

plus «East; tarrm» 'l cult;

Lelth ets MTV too It 'rlr."_~;' rrr cl "'Jrrat’x thr-

Christina, Beyonce and Travis ply their trade down Leith docks, but just how do you get a ticket? :."I"""'y"" Kmmm Words: Mark Robertson

alttrt) Iran-'1 'lt Ilzt,‘ rihartoc. I)? nt-r :rttlr: rrrrl uperstars a'e (rueurr‘r; at) to tam;- ;;art " t're MlVl morn: ;:" .: :z '. ' r '. z: .' ' : ‘rrr 2(Llitlt‘l1ttlltll‘..f. ,.rl| MJS'CAV/HTUSIH[NUWDU'QVU{HY}{)tt'13(3t'33‘.'.'lli}ilét'l'fQt}: "if; f"-',-. " féttrt " ' ‘- a : ~' 5 ' ' ' -' :‘ hat? trtt; return to, :.r:‘all the ruarn event be able to watc" twe c" a .'.':rr,- s;:;'<;--;:" [H '-,-:n_ :l :11 navy-4:1. " :w -. :r : ' : : - f»..‘.,’r:t"‘.‘t In Janet Ellis rn Punces St'eet (3arrlers. C'rrrstrna Agurlera mil host t"<: tittfi“ v": '."',rui,- ..« " .'°. «wit. .' w: ' :- ' lht- 7.}?3‘ rw H N<:‘.(:!'tt)(3". and K',r.e. Bet/once. Sea" Pas. Iran's. the l a”‘ r‘g; l :4: '."~f".f. '4 1:. qr: '* :~.-" .1 " ,: :. 2' -- "'- :- ' '; :v taxour'tt: baa l rat." rrwu' and the (J'rernrcai Brothers; wrrl berfcrrn lave. l"‘e {t.'.’£t'f} presumed, : l 3'. t ., 1m,” :.'. w; " (a: .‘ :' :E :': .r 2' ~ : -..- tarr‘rruu t lu'l: tr tr ‘.'.rr|lr't(?-tr()(3J£1ttC'S Addrctron. 5:”, t mutt; ‘2' '."'.: '7.‘."". ' r ' Y. r :- ‘. .- " : ~' :;l)zt‘.‘.’.'l7'l'_l f'ihtrl‘rfr: l ll“. lhe soace that once "oused t"e Royal Yacht H’ntac" a ‘.::;'t:;' want-x- :'. limb. ,r but rx rum. twl CW3"? '5 “(3”‘9 cleared {tf‘tl a seecratr‘, constructed te"t or; l asst 'Tf.t":» -:;.-_,-'*'. " Hm -' ' .:: r 1. ' '. rr‘ tin-x- ruct'r'w .wr’h How.-

erected for the event. Athoug“ (it) )(2 oeooe are expected to oatm a." -:‘°’r:". '.:; '3 :, T’xa'. r -- «.1 : '. ' - i " W B.;:;.’w:.. rll urn/r

into the arena. rt ts bmeved only 15>Ct) t exets be 'r‘aoe {run at; 4: (Bey/1w”: 5-1. ~ .~ . T' "- 2' : " " .- " 'rrrv,;~;.trr:,r;:r' 1': mm. arr; to the ger‘eral bublrc. The other 3.000 are Me to do to 'r‘(>‘.(:'f;. ;“ .; a "i: ..; f1. '. :w ' »~ :: .‘. " 1-, :" 2' " ;. gum: the l urn; Strut

Shake”; “"0 (“3990's rr‘ the must: rndust";.. "r:a:: "-_: f"»:.- :;" f" '.’ ' 1"“ : ' ' "- 1 trr:;rtrrr»:rtt. IT", or: five '3'“ WCICW JilSt “(W “WW 0’ "TC ‘500 tckets .'..H be or‘ sat: "I '."-:.- " ' '~,- : :--' .:-- '. '~ -' v' .: ' earl, :r: ,.2 Scotland at; these ‘.‘./r|l be dart: 2d up across Europe. MTV "um; : .29: 1%.- .:.-.;:' :\ ' " w 2:' 2»' Another lV arm es", stcr '.'.artrrtr) to haul: rts

bubble bunt r5; aura-l,

m rh . . Graham Norton e Though not (tutu ‘,r:t.

- . (by r; k;l.r. .' r. he") takrrlr National Poetry Day offers amateurs and experts a chance to shrne. Rachael Street ) H '

1th so many novels and therr 5;lt()‘.'.' that ‘rxww; mt; f'r‘r; a: t

lrrf; otter: tu'rrtm: that slurs: to the U15 next sumrrter Mel Gibson rrra‘, be upset over the lxaltrrrr; of lrr‘;

'.-.rrrter's hoggrng the medra spot‘rrght experterrces cc'r‘n‘c': tr: e:.-:,-r‘ " these days. rt sonretrrnes seen‘s .'.a§. that rs easrc, aii::<:t;§;t‘~:. {415.111, w : that poetry rs a neglected art. Natronal Po m1. thought-ore.omng'. Day on Thursday 9 October seeks to redress Euer‘ts .-.rli ct: taw‘g; r‘ a «,- .: x: the balance by offener a dar.-.rn~to-dusl\ <‘<>u.".t",. tr'orr‘ Shet’aMt ~ '1» Eir'rz-gns. WOSJWWHe ot‘ readrngs. workshops artd (“though the man hut? ,t a ‘1 . t, ' - mus‘rc. Dundee, The DCA ’-,-a'._.'»~ Thrs year's exent has been organrsed as a ncrr‘ber of readrnos, at... :"4; ‘r collabmatron between the Scottrsh Book cnrrdren's ‘.-.'rrt<:r Lhasa. ’.’«;F«‘;:-- a“: a Trust. the Scottrsh Poem Lrbrary and Dundee oer'for'n‘ance of 0.2::3: '. :

latest 514W: Ma). uprs'flle due to post lr'arr .‘xar oversensatr.rty. but he's takrrrr; lllf, Hand of? that annoy/truce .'.’lllr negotratroux to star rrr Under and A/erre, Thrs rs;

Contenrporan Arts. Marc Lambert. chref the chance tc be or‘ rd; . W: In“: BTU!) 0* exexnrtrxe of the Scottrsh Book Trust. sees thls tazourrte ooerrx I" (Stamina. '."~_,-'-.- r - undercover agent Brlly as an Ideal opponunm. to focus people's sessron at the tvtrtcirxe L_ '* ; Queen who rnfrltrated a attentron on the contenrooram. relexance of hard Alan Spence. a":: a. "t."‘:;~_:' . r '1' "UWWUU “"110",,Nl“?

the form and emphas‘lses that ‘rt rs ten. much Suruenes‘ at .-.t‘.r::"‘ asrn " about Scottrsh poem, today '. B\, then‘ work read o. (:xt‘ezrf:l COVTCON'UW‘SJ en modern narrter’s. he hcrtes to I '.'..s‘r'::>.'.' scum»

gang and helped have

80 thusz arrested.

4 THE LIST .‘ “5 Q2". 3.