Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to

g g -.v,_.‘.-:.ce "It, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Back to Mine .n my |.Ilt' lin lllllk'\ ll‘k l'Icl' “Ix-H} l.\l'I} llIlI. my I II.‘ ll.n pull) l\ Lila-II nxt-I in .l \llllk'lk'lll It'll-hill}. D] In Int-Illa |I|.I)l'l. llnIngg \\ll.ll lllk' lll'll IlIl'} “am In nn Illl' lle lo

I Bennet’s .ll lil'llnl'l'x lll‘lll inn Lz III! \Vcclll} ('I.l/} llllJlll .lI llll\ lllll\l pnplllal nt pa} \L'llllk'\ llIl-l .ll\\.l}\ pct .I gll'nl (Inml III and llk' .Illl'I l‘.llllk'\ .nt- .ll\\.l_\\ \nIIIl'IlnIIj: In l‘k'lllllll

I Budda .II linlllln llpln inn Llln' \Vl'l'kh Rl'lnIIIIt'lIl'Il \cnnl' link nII ll.l\ l. “llll Ill-Llle \llll IN

I Cheeze .ll Sllalllt‘htll' \IlIlll'nI'x .'\\\Il\'l;lllllll. ‘lpln inn {thy “cl-kl} 'l lIc lIIggl'xl .lIIll lacklml \lllllL'lll llllell (\Cl

I Columbian .II lllc .\\\ llIIn llal'lt Rnnln. 5pm IIIIII l'I'l'l- In(‘l Sl Int-Inlll'h; L'l IllllL‘l'\\l\C \Vl'vkl} l’III \Illllk' hll'nknl' lIIIIk III )nIII IIlIIIk \\llll llll\ I'IIIcIIaIIIIIn: IIIgglII nl \lllIlL'lll lll.llll|L'\\

0 Concept Theory .Il I) (‘Iulx

IllpIII .iIIII. Lll IUI, ‘) ( )t'I Hill). (‘nllu'pl 'l'lICnI') I‘l'IlII‘nx \\ IIlI .lllUlllL‘l' llllell nl lInllxc. lL‘L‘llllU. clu‘llnlnnk and In l\lCll Illxw lII'nIIgIII In _\Ull ll) IL'\lllClll\ l'llll l’lI.lI .Intl llnnIn \lnnl. lit-II .nIll \plwlnl gllvxlx l).l\c Sllllllcx and Hand .\lnIII'.nII. lawlwl IlIc llllL‘\|lL'\'lCIl.

I Dirty Thursdays .II Ithlt-I

llpln inn. [5 IL’SI. WITH) (lL'l Ilccp (lll\\ll and dull cwl} 'l'lllnxtln} \\llll R;l_\IIInIIll \Vnnllx .IIIll \lII-cm InI\nI;_' up \nlnc nl Illc IIIan hnnl)lll‘lnllx Rtkll Ill IlIl' I‘II). “llllL‘ llIll} \lllllgun \l'l'wx up IlIc hot \llltlL‘lll k‘l£l\\l(\ .IIIII llII'I) pnp lllllC\

I DogGod .II () l’mr. IIHHIIIII inn [3 WITH), \cn lIIglII nl cclcl‘lll'lxln .ll IlIc lk‘illlllllll (lull lIIIlch' (‘nI'IIIIlII.nI. II'x hccn (lll\C\l tnI‘ ago. and mm lllC} ‘I'c gl'IIIII}: l‘IIL‘lx llllU lllC gl'nlnc. l’lll'L‘ l’lII“,

I The Edge .II Illc lull-:0. (‘nnIlII'Illglfi llpln .illn. £3 III‘ct-I. \Vcckl}. Rt'\lllL‘lll\ Slcw llilllllglll .lIIll \llchucl ()‘Sllcn gnc IlIc llcckx ll lull \Inl'knlll \Hlll IlIc \cl'} hexl III (lull (lawn 'IIl .inn.

I Fire Wire .ll llulnllnn, 5pm inn. (3 IL'ZI. \Vcckl). (il‘ullllln l'l'l'guxnn \pllh Rxli

.L Darren Tate plays Club Kinetic, Sat 4 Oct

.lllll .Il.nI .lawlo II: Innlzl E. ultnlx'. l).l ll‘.l\l I\ 111 Ill: It‘ll Innn‘. I‘l.:_\In-: Illtlxc png‘ .III.l liulx lII Ill: lnnngta Rnlnn ll play at: «lull. nn\ nl Ilixtn. Illnk .nltl will

I Freakmoves .ll (Ilmgnu \litml nl \II l lpln inn L-1 ‘1 " “cc .l} I” lll.:l.;} I\ In nn Illl\ Ingln nt lllc \I'I}. act} llllLWl llll‘ lInII \n I'lllk'l lllj_‘lll tlncs Ilnx ltlntl nI Ilnn; IIIIIIt' .I\ \xt‘ll

I Homework .II \.IlIlI 1 1pm inn 1‘ «Lil \M'l'kh l.nI .nltl fill-\It' Illl' hn\.. \n all lll\k'\llllllk'\ l‘\L'l llll‘ Ilnlt'x .nc \ll‘l‘k'llk'kl llll\ Inglll .Iillh InI \IIItll'nI lIIIIll‘lllk'\\ \klllll'lll gnInIIInIIIIxIII; IlII' tIlIalII} Inch

I Hype .II ('uht' ll ‘HIIIII inn Ll IL: “cckh .lnn l).l llt'xl lk'.llll\ up \\llll lllL' llnlc \lk'“ In [‘lll nn .1 Inglll nl IquIt'tl. lllll.I llIIIk} llnnxt' l)lk'lll_\ nl lllt'ap lInn/l' lll.Il\L'\ Ilnx .l IIIII llllell nlII

I Instant Access .Il \nh ( 'Iuli

lll‘lll inn Llhl‘ lh ( kl nIIl_\ llt'l- [\Ill} \IIIII .l lnl nl lnw ht-lnntl II lllk' Illl'.I l\ IlI.II _\llll hung )nlII ;_'Inn\c .lll\l lmw )Iltll cgn at my \ll‘l‘l Mllltl I|Ic_\ haw .I git-.II can I'ln.ll\InnInI Sh Slnllc \\lll l‘L' I\|.I_\l'll .Ilnnpxnll' \lnlnkn .nIll \lnInxxII lll' l..I Snnl .nIll lll\\l‘ \ll \\llll k'llkll nIlIcI. Inn

I Loaded .Il l,l\|lll\l l nIlII_~_'l‘ lllpln inn (-1 till \M'I'kh lllk' l.l\|lllll l nllnjgc plot-III .l lk'\\ lllll Inplll I‘llIlI lll.ll \l.lll\ L'\Cl'_\ \wck \\llll IlIIl-c llw l‘.lll\l\ IIll I.nII

'l lI.lI\ ll‘lll'\\L'll up h} .I «1 nl llllllk' .Intl llIIIk lInln chlllcnl In" \\.Il\\lll

I Madhouse .Il lllL‘ Shall.

Ill illpIn inn L5 IL in \\L'k'l\l_\ (fl and MM} lec _\nn In HR" hunk nl III\.IIIII} \\|lll \nlnl' nl IlIl' llIIl\l nlIll.I§_'cnlI\ .nIIl pnlnngt'nllx \llltlL'lll .IlllllL'llh

I Old Skool Reunion .ll lulu.“ llpIn inn. [5 Illcc ‘43 5th. “mill ()lll \l'llnnl lk'x‘lllll‘ L'l.I\\lL’\ .nIll llm‘n \I} Ic IlIIIt'x lnI IlIc lIcII/Icll \Illtlcnlx Ilnun .\l‘t‘lI.In~ \\.l.\

I POIO for MC Ill llll' l’lllll l.Illlllf_'C, lllpln l.llll l'lcl'. \\L'L'l\l_\, Ynll. IlIc luck} pllllll'l. l.ll\L' Ihl' llL‘llll InIIIg_'lII. .l\ lk‘llll\‘\l Inn'tlx .lI'l' .I\;lll;ll‘lL‘ nxcl IlIc h.n and III IlIc hnnIlI. .\'nIIt‘c lnl‘ IlIc IIIIIIII.I;_'III.III\c nncx: ‘I am \\ II.II l lIIII‘ l\ plnlnhllctl ll} l;l\\ .lnll [‘llllhllnlllc II} \II.IIIkIIIg:

I Push and Pull .lt Sllh (‘lllh

llpln inn ‘5 I) ()II \lllllllll). .\ \Inllllcrlnl glllwl \ l\ll\ lllL' k'llll‘ nn llll\ III IlIc \llnw nl \II l\.nI Slnnggllc. l'l.nlu'\ Innxt \lnnlcll l.l\ll\l IInxl. lll\ It'xt I';IllIn \‘Iilllplldlllllh lllnllglll nII .I lit“ \ lenn nt lL‘llllL'lll L‘ll‘l‘llllllll‘d I‘ll Rdllln \II\.I. Illlll lll\ pl'ngl'nlnlnlng \lInlllll gut“ \nlnc (Inc ;I\ In IlIc cclccllc IIllIlII‘c nI InIIIglII'x

I Record Player: .II (il.l\:__‘l\\\ St-Iinul nl :\l'l. lllfillpln Zfillnln. (3 till. \Vcckl}. lll-l'l Scull Illl l'IllclII} I and llll\ll[\llp|‘)

Qw" '- ’h '

ll)l'~ ilk“ pcrlnlnl .llcn‘ listll \nlkln' In Illxtcall. Illnnl‘ clqllln .nI.l \lk I‘lllnlk Inc} .Ith I»; }I‘ll In .nI up. .lI.'\\ .lnun .Intl I‘ln} tats} In gut \g‘cllal gncxl nn this night 1\ Illclnlnnlahl:Rngcl.\ngclII;‘~-1IIlII\nI~: I Retro .11 ll.l\ll lli‘n: inn 11 It.” “ct-kl} l).I\; \nllng. \cht'n lilnnn and Ill: l‘\l.l/} Kalankc lc.nn Ill} IlIl-II \\.n;\ .n Ilnx‘lllI‘ll\ InglII llntll'l l’III \Ilcl'l \ \llhlk'lll InglII \\llll \IIIIIIIIII; Inns. \Ilnnlln; lnnlnng [It'nplc .nlll .l \Inalll'nng nl \llllll\\ plnInnIInn~

I Skint .ll lllk' (Lllllnllxc llI‘In inn L-l ILZI \M'ckh \l'll Inulll .l InglII In It'llcd ulmlk j.'nIII;_' nn III (ilmgnxx .It Illl' InnIncnI lnllgll tlIl-Inital l‘lL'.ll\\ .nItl l‘k'dl‘. Intk .lll\l Intllt' InI .l \llnul IIIIIlll llk: IlIt- nll.‘ nlllmlc lllL' (iallul nI \lntlcln \II

I Speakeasy .Il llit- I III\.'I\.Il ISalItlIIt-llall l .tnw lllpln :nlll lIcc “cl-kl} lnI Illmc \xlln Iccl like .I lk'\\ Illllll\\ .IIIcI IlIc [‘lll‘. hIII .lnn'I \\.Illl In gn \luhhlny. Spmkcm} l\ tnI )nll lllc Inllxlt Ixn'l \‘I‘lllplllllll\L‘ll. .lll\l IlIc \ Illc l\ glnllctl I Soul Shaker .II \l.\.\ llpln inn L-l It'll \\l'cl.l_\ \II lIntlIxt’anl-tl gcln \\c haw .I IIII\cIl lit; nl I'll-Inn. lulInn. lInlIw .llltl Illnk gnlIIch} nl l)lll_\ l.III}, IlIc .llnIk}.nIl l)ng; .lIIll ,lnlIn \llltllt'll ()n 3 (kl then-K l'ulll'lI tInIn ()ptnnn

I Theorm .il llit- \.IIIlI \t-xl llIllC llk’

I Phunky Monkey .II lit-In Ilnlllll‘ll) ll.llI.l/.II .\pIII inn l'Ict- lwlnlc llpln. L-l IUI .lllL‘l, “cckh Sl'nII (n.lIII§:l-I. \.IIIt‘c .lntl Rll'lnc \ld‘nlln Inkl- U\L‘l \IIIIIIIlnf: llllllL‘\ .Il llll\ llk'“ l‘llll‘ lll.ll l\ [\Inlxll‘l} gnIng.‘ In hc cwn Input-I IlI.In ll.IlI.I/.l l’lcnt} nl lllllllw plnlnm. lIIIIk} .llllllk'llh and Hunt llllL'l\ lll.ll\\‘ II .I \IIIIIIIIIg: InIInlll.I

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous .II (illlxgnxl St'lInnl nl .'\l'l. llpln inn 9." IUII. III ( )cl, .\lnIItlIl_\. .\II§:Ic Rccll tI'nIII IInIIc nIlIl'I IlI.nI (‘lncltx nII Spcctl Iu‘nlllx Illa} \ ll\L' \lL'II/L' L'll‘n'll‘n llIllll llL'l llCl‘lll album In Ille cupllxullng l‘llIlI InglII.

I Aerodynamico .II Inc l'nnt-letl .\‘t-\I llgllL‘ llk‘.

I Afterglow .II \II llh llpln lll.nn. {5 It-ll. lll()t'l. .\lnIIIlIl_\, Inn knnu lllL‘ \l‘nlc .I clawc IIIglII nI IInI‘IlIl-III \Hlll. IIInll Milk and \wll-lll‘cxxcll lllll\lL' tnI _\nlII llclll‘lllc pcnnal. \L'I’} llllL' IIIllcctl.

I Archaos .ll c\l'\’llilll\. l lpIII inn. £5 Itlfilh. \Vcckl). .\l;IIII\tI'c.nII \‘llill'l llanu'. \Ulll .Illll CllL'k'\C Ill Ullk' Ill llIL‘ llll\lc\l l'l'l IIIglIIl-I'x III In“ II.

I Babaza .II llcln. (Ipln .inn Il),l\ lInIII llpIIII, l‘I‘cc lwlnrc llpIII. £5 .IIICI. \Vu'kh 'l‘lIc \cnllc'x lcgcnllln'} l5I'I Inglle Inkc lllL‘ lltllllL‘ nl IlIc \‘llll‘l‘lllg lll\lllllllllll IlI.II llwll In hc lIclc. l’.llIl 'l‘I‘.l.\IInI'. lllll} JUHL" .nltl Rn“ .\l.IcInIll.nI Inc III clingy nl IlIc lllll\l\'. and the) 'w hccn knnxxn In up It llp III llIc pllxl.

I Bluntz .lI (illlxgnu Sl‘lInnl nl .\I’l \ml ll;llC llk‘.

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse .Il lllL' Sllh('lllh. llpln .iIIII Us. lll()t‘l

.\lnIlIlIl} (ilIIclI. lllln‘l'llllllllu'. \\llHl'L'llUll\C. II llnmn't Illullcr ulI.II )nll IlInlIglIl hctnl'c. lk‘culhk‘ Illm Ille (lull lléh I'cllctlncll IlIIIng. \\'lI.lI\ InnI'c )nll can Iglllc part III llll\ cmlnllnn nl IIIlIxIc .nlll glllhhlng. \VlIIle l\

I Boogie Wonderland .Il lam}.

llpnl .inn. L'" H45 I. \Vccltl}. Mall \ll\L'U IIIglII \\ IIlI lll;l\l\ nl llI‘IIIkx prnlnm and .l \nlnllllluck In Inlllw lllC l.IllIc\ \llllkc IlIcn

I Budda III “Uklkld. llpIn .inII Llhc \\'ccl.l_\. RL‘ldllllCllL‘ll \cnlIc hack nII hack “Illl \lL'lilll\ \llll llk‘.

0 Bughouse .II Sllh ('lIIh. l lpIII inn. LIN 3 ()cl. \lIIIIIlIl}. l)rnp \llIxItN lIIluIItl Klllgllh pl} IlIcII lnnqllc hlcnll nt |;I//. hull. and \Hlll \lnnplcx. lhnalnn~ pct'gnmnn .nIll \Ilk} \lllIHllll \nglll lInnkx .II Illlx itl‘vlllllcl} hl'IllluIII lInlIw IIIglII. ()llC nl IlIc hcxl plll'llcx III llIL‘ (In.

I Canvas lII .-\rI.l. llpIn .inn. tlhg. \Vccl‘l). [)1 “‘ullcr [‘lil}\ ll plclhnrgl nt IlIIIk. \Ulll .nIll Rtkll .ll Ilns hcallllllll \lL‘IclIInII ('Il} hIII'.

I City Sessions .II (J (‘luh \th tltnc ll‘C.

Bughouse We always; sat the same tlrinu ahout this night: It's; a towering house ellitzttt: that plays glootl tune dance music for anyone with taste. Blinding lust ahout even time they play. Silt) C/l/l). In .3 Oct.

Club Kinetic I out; antIcIIIated night from this I‘elatIvely nets; haul house and trance night. lhis; date has scene hero Darren late nlaVIntI the tunes alongside Colin lex'entlale. l_Is;a littlewoorl and Steven MCCI’OUI’V. Queen [Margaret Union. Sat :1 Oct.

Traxx The Soundhaus llélf; been bereft of the tram treatment for a while now. hut it's deculed to end the funk moratorium and get on :t one more time. Bill, V't’oods. Simon Cordiner, loin Churchill and Andrew Pine are the residents. and they are hosting the very fine Carlos Dominguea/ out of Brazil on this date. Sound/mus. Sat 4 Oct.

Concept Theory A nemsh night that brings the house. techno. electro. funk and IWIsted disco to this great wee club up the side of COI‘Inthian. Full Phat and Boom Monk Ben play alongside Dave Shades; and DaVId lvlottraln. A hot SGSSIOII all round, O C/uh, Thu 9 Oct.

Bebado Bebado brings you the finest Brazilian drum & bass. Latin tribal funk and just straight goddamn house every time. LIve Samba comes from the East West Collective. and the residents are Chief, Dog. Branco and GMan. Pure exhllaratlon. Fill/Grade Socral. Sat 77 Oct.

Boutique The last time Erol Alkan (pictured) played. he ripped he CCA up. so this time they're aiming to do the same to the Arches. on a bill that also includes the Glimmer Twins. One of the new club nights currently on offer at the Arches. Arches. Sat 77 Oct.