Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I The Cathouse .il lllc (‘alliottxc

ll) illprn iatn £l belore llpm. £4 «Lit alter. Weekly Riding high on the nu metal waye. tltix ix one ot the huxtext tiightx lll town Rock. grunge. itidie and a daxh ot hrcakheat acroxx lht‘cc lloorx at (ilaxgow 'x top \cnue tor rockerx and alternateenx.

I Coded at Vault llprn 3am. £5 i£~li Weekly. 'l licy 'rc limit a record xtore. xo tlte tunex are going to be trexh and highly ltinky aren't they ’A rotating roxter ol DJx atliliated to 2 ird l’iecinct xtipply houxe-letl glooycx at lllc new cltlh. Sley cll Mc(‘recry ix the main man. btit the pool ol talcttt includex lltlly Kilkte. Billy Woodx and Atnanda l’tice.

I Crash at the Shed lllitipm 2am. £3 (£3). Weekly. Lnan and Andy play the tinext ol cyerything at tlttx blinding xouthxidc club tltat alwayx xeetnx to bc btixy

I Critical Mass at the (ilaxgow School ot Art. Next date the.

I Creation al (‘orinthian l lptti 3am. £tbc. Weekly. l’aul Rea and Keytn Atixtiti play lll tlte Lite bar and then DJ at thix tine club tlownxtairx II] the big claxxy yentie,

I Cypher al the Renlrew l'crry. Neyt date the

I Deathkill 4000 at the \VlllltlSltlL' Social. Ncu tlalc the.

I Destiny at Dextiny | lptti 3am. £tbc. Weekly, Dextiny 'x relaunch contintiex witlt tip-tor-tt party ttinex. houxe arid Rtkll llayax.

I The Edge al the lidge (‘oatbridge

I lptii ialll. £5. Weekly. Rexidentx Ale\ Kay atid Scott (iranger bring yott the bext ot liotixc and club claxxicx.

I Electric Circus at .-\d I.ih,

l lpiti 3am. £5. 2o Sep. Montltly.

l’xy elietlelte rock‘n'roll lroin the People. who play tltetr ow ll material. DJ Looxetointx ix the rextdent keeping thingx

I Electrobix at liar liloe. Next date the. I Fluid at 'l‘raxh. l lpm .itllll. £(i t£~lt. Weekly. licat l(l(i'x tha Lilllcwootl. .Scoll Mackay and Raw l3 all play ax rexitlenlx at thix ratieotix party tip at the ttiad eiid ot

tow ti. l-"unky houxe. urban pop atid loadx of

cheap boo/e tiiake thix a winning propoxition.

I Fnuk at lhg Joint. South Street. Next date the.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. l lpiti 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy take charge ol the intixtcal dtitiex iii thix deliciotix. mtyed Merchant ('ity clttb. Whether you're lll the 'l‘rophy Room or on the dancelloor. the tunex will luel your llapplllcxx.

I Friday Funk at Liquid Lounge.

lllpni .‘iam. £5 t£3i. Weekly. l)Jx Lee Watxon. Brendan llixlop atid 'l‘homax Kink play l'tink. xoul. litp hop and broken beatx lo lllc crowd aboye xlrect leyel.

I Fridays at Blanket at Blanket tl'oi‘inei'ly liedi. llpiti 3am. £(i t£~1i. Weekly. The big back room hax an Rtkl‘l llaya eyery Friday when Ray inond Woodx. Naeem and Stttart Mc(‘a|ltun take it Ill ttirnx to take yott on a trip eyery week while Billy Mtlligaii brtngx xoine Motown ltin mi\ed with party claxxicx iii the front

I Fuel at l'itlcl lliixllophrtggxl.

10.30pm 2am. £4. Weekly. New cluh yenture from the (il group. w ltich ix attempting to e\pand the ayeragc

(ilaxw egtan'x idea ol what w cekeitding ttteanx. l’atil Rea playx clttb claxxicx. Rtkli. ltmk arid anythang with a grooy e. Sottthxide and Northxtde it‘x xtat'ting to get like London iii here. A wee bit.

I Full On at l’rtyilege. 10.30pm 3am. £9 t£7i. Weekly. ’l‘om Wilxon. (iekkoboy. Stewart (ireen. Williaitt Daniel. (iay llouxton. Stti Him and (iio l-‘errr are your hoxtx at thix weekly dance night down on llope Street.

I Funhouse at Barfly. 1 1pm 3am. £4 t£3l. Weekly. A night of" wixed tip punk traxh aitd catltartic nonxenxe pop. dexigned to clear all ot' the xhit out of your earx. Radio l'x charming \‘ic (ialloway and Mr Paul Needlex are in charge of the tnuxic.

78 THE LIST 2—16 Oct 2033

Expect an almighty din from Steve Kotey

I Funk Room at the .-\l‘cliex.

llptn 3am. £l2. l7 ()ct. Monthly 'l'liix grand ltitik cluhitixt kecpx coitittig at tix with lllaxxl\c gttext ttightx and pletity ol liye action. 'l‘hix tittte it'x the turn ol the Jantex 'l'ay lor Quartet. they ol~ yery line l'tink xetx the world oy er. l’hew. an eyhatixting plethora ol t'unk.

I GOOdTOOt al the Riycl'xttlc Social. Midnight 3am. £5. 3 ()ct. Montltly Hop on your good loot otice again ax they take you oti a journey into northern xotil. lunk and Motown. with l‘raxer. Barry and Scott at the helm.

I Hardfloor with Melonhaus at The Areliex. liltch the. £tbc. l7 ()ct otily. l'ine night ot~ tunky tnuxic. with a great headliner and a rexpectahle xel lroin our yery own Melonhaux.

I Heads Up at Sub (‘lub. .\'e\t date the.

I I Love 1970 at Strathelyde Sttident'x .-\xxociation. 9pm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Ax the name xtiggextx l'tinky lun 70x elaxxicx all night long.

I Kinky Afro at the Stib (‘ltib. Next date the.

I LiveVEvil at (ilaxgow Scltool of Art. llpm 3am. £7 t£5i. 3 ()ct. Monthly. Klutc ix the maxxiye gucxt at tonight'x drutn & baxx inaxh tip. arid you ktiow that a prextigioux appearance like thix dexeryex your prexenee. (‘omitiercial Suicide indeed. Alxo. iii the \'ic bar. the wonderful Kinky Atro do their l'unky thing for your dancing pleaxtire.

I Latin Fever at llayana. 9pm Earn. Free. “cck‘ly. l)J Keith l) xplllx up xotllc ('oltimbian. (‘tiban. New York and Alriean xalxa. adding a tw ixt of Latin chart. Rtkll and global heatx lo the rhythmical xtew. 'l‘axty.

I Lite at the ('orinthian. ltlpni 3am. £lhe. Weekly. The (‘oritilliiatt l'acelilt getx into t‘till xw ing. with the Lite har arid clttb takitig oy er weekly proceedingx. 'l‘hix club w ill hay e regular appearancex t'rom all ol thoxe who make the (il partiex go with a xwing.

I Magnetic Interference at the Archex. l lpiti-3atii. £8 t£(ii. Welcome thix underground radio inxtilution back to the dancel'loor at thix night of techno with the yery loy‘ely Mr T Raumxclittiicre. electro rock'n'roll xtar and all round good guy The root' ix going to cotne oll thix joint. xo get in early for the xexxion. with l’ercy X. too. For this date only '.-l-1.i.\r'<‘urtl Ito/den gel hull/nice entry before iritdltrelrr. See Pl't'l'lt’ll'.

VENUE THE LIQUID LOUNGE The Liquid Lounge. Glasgow

The Liquid Lounge has been making an

almighty din up those stairs on the corner of Hope Street and West Regent Stret since its opening. Since then. club nights have come and gone, but now the venue is establishing itself as the kind of place that offers true musical diversity. Such a reputation can only work in its favour as dance music (and clubbing

in general) seeks to redefine itself.

The residencies sound like a roll-call of fine club nights new and established. Hi-Karate is there, along with the Good Vibration Sound System from the Carbon Records boys. Thursdays have one of the most raucous live music nights in the form of Loaded, and on Tuesdays there's the Beat Delivery, a night with a burgeoning fan-base and a refreshing approach to the clubbing soundtrack. Friday Funk comes with a raft of high-class spinning talent: Lee Watson and Aaron Petrie, whose underground mixes have been causing quite a stir wherever they‘re played out. Break Yourself welcomes a very special guest on 11 October, as Chicken Lips DJ Stevie Kotey plays a set. The personable Kotey says he's looking forward to returning to the Liquid Lounge: ‘It will be great to get back to Glasgow. It's never boring, and that's in line with my approach. As long as the beats aren’t the same for the whole night, I‘m happy.’ (Johnny Regan)

I Manga at Stib (’ltib. l lptii Jain. £9 t£7i. ll) ()ct. Monthly llugely rexpeeted Digital playx otit at thix latext inxtalinent ol the brilliant drutn (k baxx night. lle'x xtipported oti the deekx by (i Mae arid Senxex. DJ Kid. The (ieneral. M(' Sonny and VJ A-Dan Another claxx night tn the pipeline.

I Medicine Wheel at the Stih ('luh. Next date the.

I Midi l‘li-Fi at the (ilaxgow School ol Art, Next date the.

I Moda at Moda. ‘lpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Darren Dunn eaxcx liix way

through the night with the linext in houxe.

garage and Rtkli.

I Monox at the Sotitidliattx. Next date the.

I Music for Pleasure at the Arc-hex. llptti 3am. £3 t£(ii. 3 ()et. Monthly. Ktixhi and Day e Moore once again expand your hotixe hori/oiix at thix great tnonthly night.

I National Pop League at the Woodxitle Social. Next date the.

I The N00 Groove at the l'niyerxal. Sauehiehall Lane. llptti 3am. £lbc. l‘) Sep. Monthly. Alter the xuccexx ol their birthday night. which wax their biggext yet. thix great (ilaxgow club takex ll tip another notch with Nick l’eacoek and Brian Williatnxon playing the bext tnuxic you haye cyer heard in your entire lite. I Nurture at ('luh (i‘). Neyt date the. I Offset at ('ubc. 10.30pm 3am. £8 (£5 l. Weekly. ()llxcl w elconie a l'axcinating new rexident. none other than the tlelightltil Rehckkali 'l‘caxdale. .l/uttm coltimiiixt. Sun Millennium (iirl and former I’luylmy (‘l'llll'i’fU/(l. Supporting the lowly lady are Simon l-‘oy, (iary (’urley. Jim Da Bext arid Richard Ley-inxon.

I Off the Record at Ad Lih. Next date the.

I Pressure at the Archex. Next date RI Oct.

I Red and Gold Room at Aria. ltlpm 3am. l-‘rec belore l lpm; £7 alter. Weekly. DJ Michael ()‘Shea popx tip to xpiti only the linext xalxa atid Latin ttitiex to a yery w ell-heeled Ana crowd.

I Rocket at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £7 t£5i. Weekly. llotixe mtixic t'roin (ieot'l' Montl'ord attd xotil and tank l‘rotti (iralialll l’erguxon make thix a yery attractiye propoxlllon in the heart ot' the city.

I Second Nature at the l‘niyerxal. llpm—3am. £4 t£2i. 26 Sep. Twice monthly. Tom (‘hurchill and Andrew

l’trie are lll charge ol thix night with no tnuxical boundartex Sottlltil tnuxic lroin paxt to prexent iit the remit. btit it'x a looxe one

I Sedition at Q ('lth H). illplll iant £5. 2b Sep. Monthly. Marcello l)ella ('roce and Mean (iene are the hoyx taking you back to the dayx ol top quality houxe tnuxic played by DJx that are otit there partying with you. A tourney lroiti the lllllk) to the clitinky

I Sidewinder at Ad lih Neyt date the.

I Southern Soul at [p arid Down Nc‘tl tlalc the.

I Stick it On at Ad Lib llpm iani. £tbe. 17 ()ct. Monthly Your cliatice lot 15 minutex ol lame behind the deckx. ax tltix xparklingly relrexhing clttb tiigltt lll\’llc\ you. ycx. you. to play what you like lor the allotted lllllc. A great idea. arid a bit ot an tiixtittitiott down xotith. xo try it ottl.

I Subscience at ('luh (it). Neyt date llk‘.

I Sub Tropical at ('tiba Norte 9.30pm 3am. l-‘ree. Monthly Sub tropical continuex caxttiig pearlx belore xw me at thix xcxxion in the Merchant ('ity llll l’eaehex ix your man.

I Tales of the Unexpected at ('ottier'x 'l‘lieatre. Spin late. £5. It) He! only. Beat llm poetx Atxle lo perlorin at thix titght with Martyn Jcngahead. A heauttt'ul cht lind yenuc and a xweet line-up. None too xhabby

I Tidy at the Shack. llHllpni Lillani. £5 t£3i. Weekly. Let that inlectioux l-ri l'eeling take hold ol you w hilc DJ laiti llanlon takex control ot the datice floor. I Tiger Tiger at 'l'iger Tiger.

1 lprti 3am. £(i. Weekly. 'l‘hix hugely popular bar. elttb atid rextaurant goex w ild alter hourx with a xelectton ol commercial dance and Retell tor all thoxe xtunning ladiex arid xwanky boyx.

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at MAS. l lptti 3am. £7 i£5i. Weekly. Rexidentx (iordon Logan. Maxlt arid ('hrtx llarrix xptn at thix great trippy hotixe party. Three great rexidentx with the paxxtoti and production experience to make it work.

I Unity Reggae at Sotindhatix_ Next date the,

I Urban at the Tunnel. 1 lpiti 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Ait thli xexxion cotirtexy of Paul .N'Jie at thix newly relaunched. claxxic (ilaxgow ycnue.

I Vacuum at the Riyerxide (‘Iuh. Next date the.