
vusnons FOR THE FUTURE NCHARD WRIGHT VI Modern Institute. Glasgow. until Fri 17 Oct 0...

Frunmarket Gallery. Edinburgh, Sat 11 Oct-Sat 29 Nov

The final instalment of Visions for the Future, the Fruitmarket's programme of commissioned new work, has Paul Carter assembling objects and artefacts in museum-like displays of an alternate Scotland. Chad McCail, meanwhile, is to present his own vision of a possible future, drawing on myth to investigate current mores and suggest an alternative world.

‘l've been interested in working around the link between sex and violence, and how the two have become so intricately linked,’ McCail says of the seeds of his three-year project. ‘I made a cartoon version of Genesis II and Ill and that made me interested in the snake as a symbol of desire, and I realised I could use the snake as a sort of familiar. as Life is driven by the desire for pleasure, 2003 something my characters could speak to, something that could be the idealised world first, so that you galleries. ‘l‘m happy to be described almost hostile to them.‘ have something to measure our world as a political artist.‘ he says. ‘I try to

The result of McCail‘s offbeat against. At the end, the viewer is be clear, to make an idea pictorial in a musings on desire is a sequence of offered a choice between the two.’ way that people can understand. I digital prints tracking life cycles in This struggle is presented in want to communicate with people, I two detailed make-believe worlds. simple, graphic terms, based around want my work to be easy to read. ‘What the story does is present a distinctive stick figures. This Some of the ideas are quite fictional, idealised, possible world to readability is key to McCail's work, complicated, but all the information is start with, and then it goes on to and along with his political there to be found.’ make an analysis of our world,‘ inspirations, make the artist McCail's exhibition is likely to be explains McCail. ‘l‘m really trying to something of an oddity when set that rare thing, a learning experience create a possible world to hold up against the obfuscation and self- as much as an aesthetic one. against this nightmare world. You see reflection more commonly found in (Jack Mottram) Untitled

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