I” 0‘” ’fi‘Fl'ular «gorilrWi. a .‘ezr’r‘ Int/stem art/st"; gee .‘l‘e" .'"o.ir'!‘.‘s

on the current ar.‘ _‘;r,‘i,>rie


Here are some recent headlines; their: .‘létf; something about a l), election in Brent t ast. deaths; on an oil rig called Brent C and the biggest ever ‘s;or:ial exclusion" ll‘ eriniii, Brent' llou‘xever. llie Hera/(l carried something alternative. ‘()utragef' it said and outrage it fitlltfllfillltjl‘,’ turned out to be. War has; broken ()‘lt. And if you thought (3qu War II had little Justification. this; one has; (3‘.(;'lt more dark players than an Mot) office party.

A war bett'reeh the art torrns. Scottish Ballet and Clasgov.’ (:lt‘. Council devrsed a plan to kick the Visual arts out of l'r'amixlag. and turn it into a l()() prrxate ballet machine. the outrage is ('3th neglecting to dex'elop for the (Ilt‘, a rounded culture that supports all the arts in favour of a l)()ll(;\, of ltétVlltg more National Centres; of . Whatever". the outrage is the 3‘31") million of public money spent only three years ago (l(?‘.’(?l()t)lltt; Tramway iadd a hit more for a costly gardeiii, The outrage is; that Trairiway is arguabli, the most important arts rplurali xenue in Scotland and I don't have to list its contributions to our culture here

CCC appears; eager to support this handover in exchange for rent from the ballet. But the counth, ‘.'.’l|l lose much more in real \alue. and it does beg the question V ‘_','IH it turn its back on Trari‘esat if the SAC turns down the ballets bid to buy Out the Visual arts’.‘

Yet again. SAC is the pox-.‘er broker. but how can it make a value decision on our i.-.ho|e national culture through one Lottery bid’? SAC must reject this bid wholesale until a strategi for both parties is formed and proton sustainable Here's a thought: maybe the ballet c0tild find another tenue that doesn‘t llt\0l\.0 a hostile take oxer of another art term? Het. maybe they ceiild move into that national embarrassment called GOMA that GCC is so annotinglt fond of.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


l(t~l \\iit\tllttlttl\ Rt‘dll. ii: WIS \liitt l‘tt Illani 5pm. Sat IHarri II ‘tlpiii

Mixed Exhibition trim in It ()et .\ \htm of uork h} regular gallei} .tltl\t\ inelutling Helen M 'ltiriier. lad Hunter. .\larion 'l‘hoinxon. Rotten l‘rfl?"”“”- J‘W Kearne} aritl lttatt_\ otherx


35‘ ;\rg.\le Street. ("Nil “33 Hill” Hail} lflain lflpni. Sun iiooii Illpin,

Just Some Things I Want to Show You l'ntil Sun 5 ()et Slew l.oiier;igraii. \ilio IS taking part iii the .Xrelrex l,i\e' textual \\Ilh her pieee

‘t 'it\e\ me Here' prexentx a eolleeiioii ot iiiiagex that inform her \toik a\ a perloriiiei.


l‘) l’arnie Street. 5.5: fl"). .\1on Sat noon 5pm.

New Scottish Figuratives l'l'l

.‘ Wed 2‘) ()et. l'igui'ath e paintings h} lle\\ gt'atltiatex and galler} l;t\tttll'lte\. .\le\ |)e\\ar\. l.}tli;i l-ariell and Shona l'intlla}.


12‘) Bath Street. (We: 3333: l,

Suite Art 'l‘hu 2 ()et ’l'hti lti ( )et. .\ \el'lL‘S of toi'titightl} e\hihition\ \htm mg the work of up and eorning ttl’tl\t\ \\ ith an opening night on truth lroiii (ipni. Pati'iek Burke \ltti\\\ \toi'k tiiitil I ()et tollim ed h} Raehel :\tl.’llll\ ii In ( )et i.


|N5a Bath Street. 33: SSW, {litre Sal Illaiii 5.3llprti.

Cherylene Dyer t~ii lfl()el Sat 15 .\'o\. l‘igtir'atne ptttlltlllg‘S.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I54 lil}lh\\\tmtl Street. 55: Jill“.

.\lon l'rt 9.30am 5.5llpllll Sat

Illaiii lpiii.

Chris Bushe - Landscapes of Desire Sun 5 the 2S ()et. (‘onternporah laritlxeape ptlllltlngx of ‘l‘uxeaih and (ireeee h} ('hrix lhixhe.

Nl' St tt)‘.'.‘

Thomas Hill Sun 5 the 2S ()et. \Vir'e \eulpturex.

Brett Payne: Long and Low Sun 5 the IS ()et. (’oiiteinpoi'ar} xi|\er\\ai'e,

THE BRICK SPACE GALLERY ()ne \Vtil‘ltl Shop. If)“ B}re\ Road. 5.57 1567. Mon Sat Illarii 5.30pm, Jewels of Textile Art t'iiiil l'l'l 31 ()et. (ilaxgim \ tir'xt lair tratle gallei'} openx \\ ith ati minimum of Sliooua eh)th inatle h} the Kiiha people of the Dernoeratie Repiihlie of ('oiigo. ’l‘he eut- pile elothx are plain “men h} men and their eiiihroideretl h} \\Ulltell and are euthltlel'etl h} the Ktlhtt people to he the true ieuels of their te\ti|e art


We 5' Brurixuiek Street. .553 (ititll. You are my Sunlight t‘iiiil Sun 3 .\'o\. titltrthurgh ('ollege ot' .v\r‘t graduate (itllltllt IlUUtllL‘\\ e\ploi‘e~ the e\er'_\ tltt} through photographx. te\t\ aiitl iiii\etl media.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY lll King Street. 5.53 “"33. Tue Sat

l 1.30am llprii.

Eastern Promise l‘iiiil t-‘ri _‘~ ()et. .\ group \hou of uork h} ttl'tl\t\ from limterrt litirope featuring pttllttlllgM drum iiigx and eerainiex.


‘5” Sauehiehall Street. ‘5: 40””

lue “ed A ll! Sun llani tipm. 'l'hu llatii Spin

0 Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop l iitil Sun «1 Jan llie tin\eiling ot

Kenn} Hunter's \‘HHHHISSlt‘llt‘tl \eulpttiie

tor the ('('.\. a \lllg'le. large-«ale figure of a .lapattexe teeiiagei tioii‘. the \treeh ot Hararuki in liikyo. a representatix e of the e\tiaortlinai_\ \tieet l.t\llt\\lt ot that area See re\ie\\ and Illtlht

After Nature S'ai ll ()et Sun In \o\ (late I angaii. |)iinean \laltltllSS aiitl Raehel Reupke e\plote eineinatie llttttHltx of nature. It'ltlaltllelSltl and the en\ ironinent throuin \HtllltlSettpt‘S and film


t niteixit} ot Strathehde. I: Riehmontl Street. 5-1.\' 355S \loii l'i'i Illaiii 5pm. Sat tiooii ~lpiii

Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living l'ntil Sat ll ()et .\ niaioi \olo \hou of “ink eelehiating the I“ _\ear ear'eei’ of te\ti|e .tltl\l .lilli Hlaekuootl ()\ er «ll! with are on tll\[‘l.l_\ ranging from wall hanging\ and eeraniiex to art lU'\\ettl elothing and digitall} printed l‘llH‘le‘x .2505. 1" '»'~\’ if " ‘35? COMPASS GALLERY

1‘3 \\e\l Regent Street. 23' (i ‘7).

Mon Sat Illarii 5.3flpiii.

Cabinet Paintings l'iiiil .\loii 3h ()et. ('ahinet paintings h} met 5” \\ ell knoun .ll'l|\t\ ineltithng \\Ul'l\\ h} .loxel llel'lltttn. l’hlllp Ree\e\. (.tll'lt) Rti\\l. l._\\ llanxen. \\i|l Maelean. Denise l‘llltlltl}. .\nnetle lidgai' and Stuart l)utlin.


it) \Vext (ieorge Street. 553 .555 l. .\loti Sat lflairi 5.5(lplll.

Iain Carby: My Catalonia Sat -l Sat 3.5 ()et. (‘atalonian ltllltlSt‘thL' \eeiiex h} lain (Xii'h).


3| ('hixholiii Street. tenti'aiiee throuin \aloni. .552 7H)“. .\lon \Vetl. l‘l'l & Sat llHtlaiii 5.30pm; 'l'hu lll.5tl;tlll "7pm. Remembrance of Things Past in 3 l'l'l .‘l ()et. :\lan \Vilxon e\plore\ themes of tiiiie and \paee in tlllS tltxtallation ol uxed and found llltllel'IHIS and photograph).

FULL CIRCLE GALLERY Saltoun Lane. 2-1 Rtithxen Street. 357 I000. .\lon l-i'i tk Sun ISM) 5.30pm; Sat llaiii 5.30pm.

Alexandra Gardner t'iiiil Wed 2*) ()et. .-\ \olo \hou of he“ paintings,

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 33‘) I‘Nti. .\lon 'l‘hu tk Sat Illairi 5pm; in Stiri Ilain 5pm. Self Portrait UK l'ntil Sun In .\'o\. .-\ touring e\hihition featuring \elt- portt'aitx h} people from all regioiix of the l'nitetl Kingdom \\ ho took part in the national eampaign. Self I’rirlrrlrl (’K oi'gariixed h} Media 1‘) in partnership \\ ith (‘hatinel 4. the National Portrait (ialler') and the Arts ('outtetl of lingland.


Roukerr (ilen Road. (ill) “235. Mott. 'I‘hu. l‘ri tk Stiii IN) 5.3llpm; Sat ll.3t)ain 5.30pm.

Mixed Show Sun 5 Mon 2" ()et. A tuned \hou of paintings ineluding \Htt'kx h} Shona Barr. Maleoliri ('heape. Ian lilliot. ('Iaire llarrigan and Simon Laurie. \E“.'. SHC‘I.


Ms \\'e\t Regent Street. 221 3095.

Mon Sat ()Rtlam 5.30pm.

October Selection Wed 1 Hr 3| ()et. Paintings and tlrau ingx h) liardle). l‘er'gthwn. Redpath. ('oxtie. .\le(‘anee. Shankx. Herman. Hunter and man} others.

iistings Art

Fay Godwin: Landmarks Oter 200 :r‘iages b, the ceietirated photographer f-at Goat-an, COl‘tDFIS'ltg her tamed black and ‘.'.i’l‘.li°.(? landscape studies. early lltCt'Etl‘,’ portraits and a series of abstract coIOtir iriiages, See pr'evrew i/‘t’atiorial POrtrait Gal/er"; Edinburgh. Fr: 70 OCI~Sun ll Jan.

Susan Derges Photograph, of a very different kind. Susan Derges captures the light of the moon and stars in this series of cameraless images made on the River Findhorn. See preView. Inglehy Galleria Edinburgh. Wed 8 Oct—Sat 8 Nov,

WASPS Open Day WASPS Studios across Scotland open their doors to the public. and provrde a great cnance to meet artists and purchase a little something speCial. See listings Or call 0141 8299 for more information. WASPS Studios. various venues. Edinburgh <8 Glasgow. Sat 4 8. Sun :3 Oct.

Visions for the Future VI The final chapter in the Fruitmarket's series of commiSSioried new work featuring Paul Carter. who presents an alternate Scotland. and the CulminatiOn of Chad McCail's three-year protect Life IS driven by the desrre for pleaSure. See DFGVIGW. Frurtmarket Gallery. Edinburgh. Sat 77 Oct—Sat 29 Nov.

Richard Wright The work of Richard Wright is short-lived and site-specmc. and here he creates new wall drawmgs in his first show in Scotland since 1999. See revrew. Modern Institute. Glasgow. until Fri 77 Oct.

Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop Hunter reveals his latest commissioned SCUlpture for the CCA. a large-scale. glass reinforced plastic figure of a Japanese teenager. See revrew. CCA, Glasgow. until Sun 4 Jan.

Welcome Back Feur artists who contributed to Scotland's first paVition at this year's Venice Biennale are back on home turf: Beagles 8. Ramsay. Katy Dove and Dan Nonon. Stills. Edinburgh. Sat 4 Oct-Sat 22 Nov.

"1 Se: THE LIST 87