Lighter Shade of Darkness I IIIII \III 1 (RI \ \HIU \Iltl‘tk HI Ilk'“ IIL'atI \IIIIIIC\ It} Rohctt \I-Ik \Itl|.ttt. \ktnnt-t ot IIIL' I<II}.II (iI.I\_‘__'II\\ III\IIIIIIL'.\ UH L‘IL‘II gIaIIIIalc a\'-.tIII

Colourplay 4 \at It tttt Sal I \m I’Il‘I.II\\.lPL'\. \ II} \\.t[k'\. \t'a .IIIII I.IIIII\\.IPC\ It} 8} |\ ta \IIcn


Ilt Ktng \ttcct. 55: 3I5I Want 5 ant Superficial or Inherent I IIIII Sat || (kt Ihgttal III.I\'~Illj_'\. photogtaph} and \IIIIIPIIII'I antntatton L'\[‘Ittltllf_' IIIL‘IIIL'\ and ttIt-ax ol I'\I\II'II\L' It} .Iultc




H). H (‘tanuotth Sltt'ct. IItllltt'atI. IIT‘HIZ “057-15. hall} I ltpnt

Next to Neck’s Neck I IIIII Sun 5 ()t't. \t'u p.IIIlIIlljJ\. \I’ulptutcx and tnxtallalton It} (ilaxgou Itaxt'tI .IIII\I Hunt) (‘olu

Artists Talk Sun 5 ()t‘t. *pnt. (‘Itt't\I_\ (‘olc talkx about IlI'I uork on \hou at Suttt'hxpat'c,

Lorna Maclntyre \Vt-a I Sun 12 (kt ISuttcltxpat‘c at V Mtkcn Sttcct t. Rucnt \\()II\.

Artists Talk Sun II ()k'l. 3pm, I.orna \Iactnty’c Ialkx about Itt't \utt'k on \hou at S“ Itchxpau'.


50 ()II Ktng Sttt'ct. .553 HHS

John Davis l'nttI Sun I.‘ (M. IIHWl" t‘caI colour and black and “IIIII‘ photograph} It) John I).l\l\. Jean-Marc Milliere Sun I: Sun In ()cl. I’hotogt'aphn~ lctnalc portratlx It} Juan .\Iatt‘ \Itlht't'c takcn Iront III\ hook (il'ullh t/t' lit‘tltlll'. 'I‘IIC \\ttt‘k\ t'\(lI\L' IIIC IIIIII non' ol Ihc I‘)5(I\.


35 .-\Ihcrt I)rt\c. 0845 *3“ ‘51”.

Inc Sat ttoott Xpnt; Sun noott (tpnt. Monica Bonvicini I'nttl Sun In ()ct. In ;I\\UCI;IIIUII with Moth-tn .-\rt ()\Iord. ncul} t‘ttlllllll\\l0llt'tl and ru‘cnl \xork It} thc tnlcrnattonall} rcntmnul Italtatt arttxt Montca llotntctnt. 'I‘hrough Ill\I;III;IlIUII. \cttlpturc antI IIIIII \IIC challcngcx tt‘atlttional conccptx oI our rclattonxhtp Ioth archttcclurc and thc htttlt cm II'UIIIIIL‘III.

Radical Loyalty - Chris Evans I'nttl Sun II Oct. .'\n on gotttg protu't It} ('Itt‘h Ii\an\ ccntrtng on thc conxtructton ol a \culpturc park ttt IIIC IlltIll\Il'l.|I to\\n ol Jat'utkanth. Iixlonla. IASI (III/\NM I() St I


IX Ktng Strccl. 552 ~18I3f|~uc Sat llant 5pm.

Members’ Show I‘nttI In 3 ()L‘I. .»\n UPC” \IIIHIII\\IUII \Ittm Ittghltgltttng thc “ork oI thc 'I'ranxnttxxton tncnthctxlttp.

Group Show Sat I I ()ct Sat .\‘ .\'o\. .\ group \Ittm Icaturtng \L'IIIPIIII'C It} Antcrtcan arttxt Iirtc \Volc). nc“

than tng\ It} Irv ()‘('onnor and nu“ \mrk It) R}an l)oolan. NI ". 8‘ It)\.'.


|.\' :\Ihton Strcct. 553 2332. .\Ion Iirt IIIant 5pm.

Young Talent I'l'l II) ()ct I“ II

\o\. .-\ttnua| ultihttton oI \xot'k t't'catctl It} chtldrcn and )otntg pcoplc \\ tth IIIIIHIIC \pcctrunt tltxortlcrx “ho cotnc tn I’rotcct .-\Ittltt} \ Satttt'da} x\:\ clavcx.

VACANT SHOP FRONT \VootIIantIx Road. I‘or ntorc tntortnatton \\ u \\ .cntct‘gcdnct or cutatl

cntcrgcdw hotntatlxont

[eti8] l'nttl I‘rt I0 ()gt. .-\l'll\I—I’llll organtxatton Ii tttcrgc I) pl’c\cn[ u m“ prograntntc oI L‘\IIII‘IIIUII\ houxctl tn tht~ (II\lI\L'Ll \hop Iront on \Vootllantlx Road It} ttp-and-conttng III'II\I\. Stnclatr .\’cc\on \hmu uork unttl 5 ()cL I‘olloucd It} I)ann} IIoIcroI'l I5 I: (MI and coIdcot't'cu I l2 1‘) (M t.


" IIaIIonI \ttt't't. I)cttnt\tottn. 55-3 \I‘N. I)II\L‘IIIII \IIIIII“\. I\I. :IIII A :I\l I IINII. I‘ I..I\I (".tttthu-II \ttcct. 55: ":5". ;l\l antI ~IIII I loot. I: Ktng \IICCI. 55: 3““

0 WASPS Open Doors \at J .\ \tttt < (M \at II.tllI “pm. Sun noon 5pm \ gtmt oppotttttttt} Io ntcct aIII\l\ .II .tII \I.I_L'\'\ HI IIIL'II talt‘t'h .IIIII \CC lIlt‘ tallg‘t' ol \xotk that got'\ on at \\ \SI’\ \IIIIIIH\ mm“ \otlantl l'lttlll patnttngx antI [‘llllIlII.II\lllj._‘ to \I.IIIII'\I gI.t\\ and

\t'IJIIlIk ~. )ott pan htt} \xorkx \IIIKKII} ltottt thc .tlll\I\ Sec I'thnhutgh I tlc .lIIII IIIIII\I


I I 5 \\t'\l Rt‘g‘t‘lll \Ilt't'l. ::I “III”

,\Ion III I” Want 5pm

Mixed Show I nItI I'll II ()gl \ IIII\k'II \Itou oI \xoth Itottt \Iot'k tnt‘IutItng a \clu'tton oI patnttngx It} IIa/t-I \agl

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Life, page 96.


I'hc (tow. KIIIxIIIIIIIUt'II. 5‘s III-H

'I'uc Sat Illant lptn tk 2 5pm

Me, Myself, my Life I‘nttI Sat .t (M .-\n L'\hthttton oI armorkx IIL'aItng \\IIII pt'rccpttonx o! w“ It) \IIIIICIII\ .lIIII \‘Ilt‘llh ol ('onttttuntt) .r\rt\ at .\'orth (il.t\go\\ (‘UIICIJC.

Fabulous Fibres Sat I I (to Sat .\' .\'o\. .‘\n mhthttton oI \xot'k It) tItc \M'xt ol Scotland (ilIIItI ol \Vcawtx. Sputnt'rx JIIII I))L‘I'\.


IIINI I’oIIonxItanx Road. SH" 355”

Mon 'I'hu «k Sat IIIant 5pm; I‘ll & Sun Ilant 5pm.

Whistler and Burrell I'nttl Sun Ix Jan. .t\n L‘\IIII\IIIIIII oI owr I” “oth It} \\'|n\l|ct. t'l‘IIL'k'ICII It} Sn \thltant Burn-II,


'I‘ratnua}. 35 .-\Ihcrt Ih‘nc. (N15 “0050]. Inc Sun IIIatn hpnt.

The Hidden Gardens St-otlttnth IIth \IIIICIIIIII'} gtll'th‘ll IICIIIt'aICII Io pcau' crcatcd ttt collahoratton \\IlIl tna organtxatton. lantlxcapc art'httcctx (‘tt_\ I)c\tgn ("oopcratnu Ihc local t'ttIIIIIIIIIIII} and a tcatn ot ;II'II\I\. ‘Iranxlorntntg a dcrcltt‘t llltIlhIl'laI \ttc .ttltotntng 'I'rattma}. Ihc lIIl\ l\ a L'UIIICIIIPIIIIIH‘ gardcn \HlII tIt‘tltt‘aIuI artuorkx.


I'ppcr (‘oltluhottn Struct. IICIL‘IIxI‘IIl'g'II. IIHRI» IRWIN). I)at|_\ IN) 5.30pm. Ut It-It.

Rest and Be Thankful In“! In SI ()ct. .-\ \clcctton oI Iurntturc It} contcntporar} III-\tgncrx \xorktng tn Hrttatn tncltttItng Izrtka |)ouglax. Ruth Ingrant. Ion} Jackxon. \nta \locllcr. l)a\ III Santttclx and I’ctcr 'I‘oatg.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER IIUIIahoIhlon Park. III Dunthrct‘k Road. 353-17“. I)at|} Illant 5pm. £35” II§35IIt

Hugh Gillan I'nttl Sun 3” \m. [3.51) I£3.5I)t, Rcccnt patnttngx It} (ilaxgou School ol .»\rt gratluatc. IIugIt (ItIIan.


I'nncrxtt} ;\\cnuc. 33H 423i. .\Ion Sat ‘ISIIatn 5pm.

Lord Kelvin: A Life in Science I'nttl \Vcd 3| Du: .v\n L'\hthttton oI Ihc \(ICIIIIIIC III\II'IIIIIL'III\. III\L‘IIIIUII\ atttI patcnh uth It) (ilaxgou '\ I.IIIIHII\ PI'IIIL'\\UI' ot ph} \IL‘\. \\'tIhant 'I'hontxon. The Passionate Collector: George Rae’s Fossils l'nttl Sat 3n Du: .-\n C\IIII‘IIIUII oI (icorgc RINK onxll\. an antatcur L‘IIIIIII\I;I\I “Ito collcctcd III\\II\ throughout III\ lttc antI Itccatnc .t rcscarch Icllou at Ihc IIttntcrtan \Iuwunt.


IItht \Itct't. \\" iI5] Inc \at II'aIII 5pm. \tttt.‘ 5pm I'tcc Artists Astray I IIIII mm In I to \ thpra} ot \xoth on papct tIcttttttng \'\l‘II\ Iantlxtapcx It} \attoth .tlIl\I\ Fresh I nItI \ttn .‘h I III Rucnt .I\I\IIIl|‘II\ to thc tollutton

Paisley Patchers I IIIII .\tnt 3n ( M \n c\IttItttton \Itoutaxtttg tht' \totk ot IIll\ Imal group


(ilaxgou (itt'cn. 55A1IIII§ \Ion Hm t\ \al IIIattt 5pm. I II A Sun Ilant 5pm Joan Eardley: Paintings and Drawings I nItI Sun II» ,\o\ I’atnttngx .IIIII (II.I\\ tngx It} ,Ioan IzattIIc). III.l\\II Itottt Ihc (‘ \(”\ pctntancnt (UIIIKIIUII IIIL‘ \k'Ik'L'III‘II It‘aIIIILN IIL‘I Iattttltat pulllalh oI (ilaxgou \‘IIIIIIICII. land and wawapt‘x IIHPIICII It) tItc Il\IIIle_‘ \ tllagc oI (‘attcthnc “Ilk'lk' \Itt- hth ttt Iatcr ltlc


I’oIIok ('ountr} Park. IIINI I’UIIUIx\II.l\\\ Ro.ttI.(tI(t(t.1lll I).ttl_\ Illant ~Iplll

The World in Blue and White l'nttl Sun III NM (51937“; Iatntl} ttt'kct (I ‘5”, .\n L‘\IllI\lIlHII ot \'t'l.IIIII\'\ tIattng thuccn l ‘3“ and l.\_‘II Itottt IIICIIII‘L'h oI thc ()rtt'ntal (‘ctanttc Sottct)

ST MUNGO MUSEUM OF RELIGIOUS LIFE AND ART :(XHIII‘ SII'L'L'I. 55; 155-. \IIIII IIIII tk Sat IIIattt 5pm. I'll A Sun 11am 5pm Faithfully Yours I'nttl 'Ihu KIIIKI .\ photograph) C\Illl‘lllttll tItk‘IlllIt‘llIlllg‘ IIIIIL‘IL‘III .hpt‘t‘h HI II‘IIgIUIh L'\PI\'\\IUII tountI ttt and around (II.t\go\\

St Mungo Inspired In I In II ()t-t.

.\ (IIIIKK'IIUII ol tuttlc. \tIk patttttngx. u “Mon and altar hanglngx. (IcaIL'II It} \IlIIIL‘III\ Irottt I‘..I\Illlllll' Suhool.

Edinburgh Galleries


a‘ IIIL'.1\I\II\‘\‘I.’;~"zi:\ \I\‘II I II IIattt 5pm. \at IIattt -1;\ttt Communiques from the Ghost House I ttttl \at I (kt I’atnttttgw In (Low Ill \\ tlwtt ttottt I""\ III”; Sympton and Symbol ll: Art as Healing Process Ittc 'Ikt \at I \o\ \ group \IIII\\ \‘\I‘II‘IIII_‘.' thc thctattctttn ttatttrc ot t tcattxc utttcxxton Painting Workshop \.II I I (M

I I.IIII -1pttt Iltott ttt patttttng \\UII\\III'I‘ \\IIII aII “oth gouty on tItq‘Iat


It I)IIIIII.I\ \Itt‘t't. 55711)“! \Iott I II IIIant hpttt. .\.tt IIattt Ipnt

Haidee Becker and Philip Archer III I III 1I (ht IlattIt't' “\th'I \Ito\\\ nt'u patttttttgx ttt hut III\I \Ittm .tt IIotttttc IIIIt' \II and l’htltp \I\II\'I I‘I\‘\\'|II\ II\'\\ \\I\II\\ III otl I\.t\lt‘I " '


.3 \I.III\\'I \Ilt‘t'l. <3" “I”; \IUII \II IIIaIIl 5pm My ('tI_\ \tt ('t'nttt‘ tt-ottt'th \\IIII Ihtt'c t'\IttI\tttott\ on \at I5 I ht IL‘.IIIIIIII;' [I/I.'[4’,I\ III 1 It! I /;H\ In! I’ll/1h. Worm/m Itttt't' lI/IH/‘llIL’II and III. (III til “UNA HI (“it I,“


:3 IN ('ot'khtttn Sttt't‘t. 33H I.‘ItH

IUL' Sun llattt 5pm

Their Nightmares are our Dreams l IIIII Sun I.‘ (III I)t \I\II'II \I Iat‘oututc \‘tttatt'x IIII\ mlnhtttott oI o\t't {II \Ktllh\ I‘} Illk' I.II\‘ \} I\ It' \II‘IUIIIIII'. .I Il.l\\IIIII‘lII‘ pollu'tot .lIItI II.lII\'I III (HIIIL'IIII‘HIal) .ttI \It'tt'ottttt' \\|III\'\\\'II \UIIIL' ol Ihc \ctntnal IIII‘IIIL'III\ tn .Tllth u‘tttut} att. IIIIII. IIIII\I\ and PUIIII\\ .IIIII ttght up IIIIIII hut tIt'.tIIt IaI tItc .tgu oI ‘Nt. \IIL‘ (IIIIIIIIIIL‘II Itt \IIItptttI )Itllll}? .IIII\I\

13 seplember' - l nuuember 2003

dick Institute, elmbank auenue, lulmar'nncli hill 381]

’II( If r I: 1H mu (Lt‘a‘t't

gallery mm


[last Ayrshirc

‘v‘I If]

" ', 'k.,‘. THELIST89