NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM .\'e\|.ha\en Harbour. “I Jlb.‘ l).Ill_\

noon 4 45pm

A Tribute to Fishermen l'anl \\ ed il Dec .-\n exhrbrtron locuxrng: on the \torkrng ll\e\ ol tixherrnan. leatrIrIng: ceramic and te\tIle dexrgnx t reated b} xtndentx lrorn \Ictorra l’rIrnar) School and l'.dtttbttt‘j.'lt\ 'l‘ellord (‘ollege


3(ill4tlttlieh Street. :4" 431‘) .\Illll Sal lllarn Sprn I'l'tIe SprnI. Sun noon 5pm l‘ree.

Millennium Clock .\ chance to He“ RtIxxIaII rnecharncal xculptor luduar‘d llerxudxlx} 'x rIIIllerInItInI clock. a kInetrc xculpttrre. llle.t\llllllj._' nine rnetrex hrgh Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950-76 l'rItIl Sun 4 .»\pr Zorn 'llIe lornratron ol (‘ornrntrnrxt ('hIIIa Ix brought to lrle through a prnate collectIon ol rrIaxterpIecex made betueen l‘l5ll I‘Vb. acqtnred durrnf: and IInrnedIatel} alter the ('ultural Remlutron.


Lad} Starr‘x llonxe. Lad} Starr”x (’loxe. 5304001. .\lon Sat lllarn 5pm. Dorothy Dunnett (1923-2001) l'ntrl Sat 3b Jun, :\ locux on the lrle and uork ol author Dorolh} Dunnett. \xlro penned l,\HIH/lt/ (‘lrmlru‘lcm Kine I/t‘lt‘rl/lr’l'. I'llr' Hullu' HI XII 1 Nb! and the .III/mwn ./u/III\UII delectnc \el'lex.



\"ixual Rexearelr ('eIItre. Dundee ('onternporar} :\l'l\. l5: Nethergate. HHS: .USlltrtl, 'I'ue Sun ll_3(larn Tillprn. Breathing Space l'ntrl Sun It) ()ct. An e\hrbrtron charting; the conception and completion ol l-‘rank (iehr) ‘x Maggie'x ('erItre lll Dundee. lle Ix bext knonn for the (iuggenherrn Muxeum III llrlbao. and tlIIx Ix hrx lir'xt burldrng III the l'K. 'l‘he e\lIIbItIorI leatur'ex xketclIex. planx and architectural rnodelx and [no lilrnx “llleli chart the conxtructron ol the centre. .-\ xpecIth cornrnIxonrIed film. In me Spare. b} artrxt Sarah \Vood accornpanrex the xho“ and e\p|orex the relatronxhrp betxteen architecture and IllrIexx. Maggie’s Centres - Why Do we Need Them? Sat 4 ()et. 2pm. \‘alcrre Birxher. regional l'undraIxIrIg co-ordrnator ol~ the Maggie'x (’entre. dectIxxex the need for xupport \\ IthIrI larIIIlIex \xlIerI cancer lIax been dragrioxed.

A Cancer Doctor’s View Sun 5 ()ct. 4.30pm. l’rol'exxor' .\lurrr1w\plarnx “by lurther xupport for cancer patIeIItx Ix exxerItIal and lookx at the kmd ol'

em IrorIIIIerIt .\l.Iggre'x ('entrc Dundee can pro\ Idc.

Perceiving, Remembering and Being Within an Environment: An Anthropological Perspective iii-I lll ()ct. 5pm. Dr Wend) (ierIn lookx at ho“ people r'erIIember \\ ItlIIII a particular environment.

Architectural Prophet or What? Sat 1 I ()et. 2pm. l’t'olexxot' Robin \\'ebxter lookx at the In)tholog_'_\ ot' (iehr} 'x practice.


l'nnerxit} of Dundee. 13 l’erth Road. (HRSZ 3453M).

Roadshow - A Grizedale Arts Touring Show t'nnl l‘Tl I" ()ct ((‘ooper. l.o\\ er l5o_\ er and Matthew (ialleriexl. The final xtop ot thrx lourrng e\lIIbItIon which documcntx the .Irtxxork and performance of a group of cornIIIixxroned contemjmrar} artIxtx “ho \\ ere xerIt out on the road for a month to unleaxlr their work on an unxuxpectmg public. It Ix orgamxed b) (irI/edale Am. and artIxtx include Scotland'x llenr) \'ll|'x \Vn'ex and Kenn Reid.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 153 Nethergate. (HES: 009900. Tue Wed. Sat .k Sun ltl.31larn 5.30pm; Thu & l'Tl ltlfillam Spm.

Claire Barclay: Ideal Pursuits l'ntrl Sun I: ()ct \ next group of xculptural \xorkx rexpondrng to the architecture ot the galler} xpacex at D(’ \ b} (‘laIre Hatcla}. \xho Ix currentl} reprexentrng Scotland at the \erIIce llrennale Shou II In three xpacex. the \xorkx are a tanon of tentath xtrIIctrIch. xctrlpltrte. craft and dexten xtrrkrnj; a balance betxxeen the hand made and the Inachrne-lInIxhed 1 ' Andrew Weatherhead l‘ntrl Sun in ()ct t()ne l‘ne lxxo xlIopI \exx \xork b_\ Andre“ \\eatherhead. IIprIred b} the DurnlI'Iex and (iallima) landxcape Child’s Eye View l'rI 10c! Iprn \n Inxrght Intochrldren'x perceptionon the .llllil/lllg xtructure and la}out ol \laeerex (‘entre. Dundee


Albert Square. (ll 3S3 JilllS-l .\lon Sat 10.30am 5pm; Sun l3. ‘xll thll. 'l'lIrI lll,3ll.'rrri “prn.

Ode to the North Wind l'ntil \\ ed il Dec. x\n exlantIorI lIrglIlIgglItrng Dundee'x collection of leth centur} oIl parntrngx .Ilongxrde changing: drxpla} x of \\alet'colotltx and uorkx on paper Revealed -Ten Years of Collecting l'ntrl Sun l .lan, ,'\ll rnxreht Into “hat the .\lc.\lanux (iallet‘tex |Ia\e been collecting; lor‘ the paxt ten Manx llrghlrghtx Include archaeologrcal InateI'Ial unearthed III Dnndee'x High Street. a model ol the record litealxltlg xeaplanex. the Mara and \lercur‘) and Derek Robet'lMIIl-x beqtrext Jl e\otrc thttcrllrex.


“'efl llenderxon \V} ltd. ill 35: 325352 Mon Sat Illarn ~lprn; Sun llarn ~lprn Paintings and Etchings of Charles GL Phillips l'ntrl Sun ‘) .\'o\. l’arntrngx and ctclIIngx b_\ ('lIarlex (il. l’lIIlIIpx l ISM I‘M-ll ol lanIonx Dundee lananarkx paxt and prexent.

Outside the Cities


Ro/elle llouxe. Monument Road. llll‘ll 44544". .\lon Sat lllarn 5pm; Sun

3 5pm.

Save the Children 2003 l‘nlrl Sun 5 ()et. .-\n exlIrbitIorI and xale ot parntrngx and prrntx b_\ amateur and protexxronal at'llxlx.

Michele Lazenby Sal ll ()cl Sat .x' .\'o\. Next \mr'k b} tlIIx ScottrxlI-baxed artixt featuring photograph} and \ rdeo. NU". SilOl“.



Durdeale Road. (ll 75” Sllfillllll. ,\lon l'rI lllanI (Iprn; Sat llanI 4pm; Sun I ~lpnr The Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2002: Textiles l'ntil l‘rr Fl Oct. The pr'extigioux Jet‘\\ood Applied .-\r'tx pr'r/e tour'x to Selkirk. xhoucaxmg the Innmatixe textile \\ot'k produced b) the xcx en xhortlrxted ar'trxtx. .»\rtrxtx Include Sarah Reader. \xho creatcx xculptural “eaxrrig ol optrcal librex. .\la\mc Brixtou, \x ho xpecIaIIxex III hand and machine xtitching. and \\ Inner Shell} (iolderIItlI. \\ ho producex tapextr'} \urt‘kx.



35 The Strr'lrng .-\rcade. lll'Sts J“)_‘~bl. 'l'ue Sat llarn 5pm

Dogboyz l'nttl Sat 4 ()ct. Ne“ uork b} (ilaxgoxx -baxed artIxtx Da\ Id \erhart and Stuart (inrden. LAST Chin 'CE *1? SFE: Landfall: Donald Urquhart Sal I I Oct Sat 33 .\'o\. .\'e\\ \mrk b} Donald l'r'quhart. Much e\plor'ex the natural Iandxeape through a xerIex ol plrotographx and IarIdxcape draumgx III pencil. \F SHOX'.


Theatre Royal. Glasgow, Thu 2—Sat 4 Oct 0000



Violence. nobility. passion and valour

It’s a big old tale that Wee Stories has decided to take on for its latest production. Full of grand gestures and mighty deeds, it may well be one of the largest there is. So how is a diminutive. three-member theatre company with a greater familiarity with the small-scale to tell the tale in all its mythical glory?

For a start, take it right down to earth. All the pomp is blown right out of the lake with a double act between boyishly charming Andy Cannon and the more BFG~|ike lain Johnstone involving mobile phones and lots of cornflake boxes. The cereal cartons become books, helmets. thrones and castles in Blue Peter style, but these low-key, slapstick beginnings are the gentle foil for exploring dark, powerful and moving aspects of the Arthur legend.

Andy and Iain are joined on stage by piano-playing David Trouton. and their passion for communicating the myth enthrals the audience right from the off. Each shift of tone carries everyone along so that in a stroke they have you laughing at a mobile phone gag and then suddenly listening intently to a sinister tale of a black. scratching raven told by candlelight. The long- developed dynamic between all three performers holds these many components together so that you feel you‘re in safe. trusted hands. And then. like magic from behind the buffooning and clowning, an ethereal voice breaks through and a figure is illuminated to evoke a true sense of timeless mysticism. Alyth McCormack's haunting voice transfixes, and when woven among clarsach. cello and oboe. it sends little shivers right through, but is just as quickly dismissed by a raucous call from the floor. This brilliant use of live music is combined with projections of illustrations from medieval and Pre- Raphaelite sources - ornate, lavish, beautiful knights. maidens, dragons and swords, allowing the fantasies to be indulged for a little while longer. before

bringing you back home.

Part of Wee Stories‘ big idea is to show how folk legends are not set in stone. to use a timely phrase; how they are all interpretations and variations on a theme which belong to everyone as a shared mythical history. Though a laudable aim, there are a few times when this message feels slightly laboured and are the only points at which the otherwise compelling piece of theatre drags its heels 3 little. But as a complete work fusing drama, narrative, comedy, music and visuals, the Arthur story is carried off with all its violence, nobility, passion and valour with great skill by these fair knights of the round

table. (Ruth Hedges)

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.


ACtivrtieS And Fun

Drama for Kids Sat 4 .k Sat It ()cl. £5. ('(‘,-\. 1.‘llSatIchIchall Street. ‘5: 49”“. \\eekl} tll'allla \\Ul'l\~llU[‘x l“! (I ll- )ear‘ oldx

Knockout Stories with Seth Gardener Sat 4 (let. I larn limit] :5 Scottrxh .\laxk .K l’trppet 'l'heatre ('entre. S I“ B.Ilcar'rex .\\enue

Keh Indale. 3.“) blS.‘ Help create a xtor'_\ b} prckrng out )Illlt‘ oun rnagrc Ingredient and then xrt back and xee \\ here It takex )IIII. ,'\:_'L'\ h .\ llookIng exxentral

Pottery Workshops Sal .1 .\ xar I I (let. noon (Iprn 5+ l'llL'\‘.Hll\\ Studro. “a Dalhotrxre Street. “I i“ ‘\ \eex ~1~r l’aIrIt potx or haxe a go on the potter'x

\\ heel lll thexe \\ eekl} \Mllixxllrtpx lHI chrldren

CBBC Sunday Sun 5 ()ct. noon Iprn l'iee ('(.:\. is” Satlcllleltall Street. ii: 49”” \gex ‘1 I: lill(' chrldren‘x channel ('lil“. [\l‘eu‘lllx ll\ lllitlllill} e\enlx lHt clIIldren

Aileen Paterson \lotr (lllcl. to warn l'ree. Drurnchapel l.ll\'_\. (I5 lletla .v\\enuc. Dr'rrrnchapel \cclanned chrldren‘x author and creator ot the \larxre bookx xpcakx to children about her xtorrex liookrng recommended

Steve Hutton 'lue ' ()ct. Ill-14am l'ree. \larwhrll |,rbrar_\ .\ leartnn; (‘erItre. ISIIx Mai-nun Rina. ‘Mo 3 14x (‘IIIIaIt-nx book Illuxtrator entertarnx urth lIIx drawn; xkrllx and helpx chIldren explore their own ar'trxtrc potential llookrnj; exxentral