[built/E .Ei/-‘L. SCOTTISH ROCKS A new coach. a new team, a new season. How will the Rocks fare during their second season at Braehead? We profile new signing Jerry Williams who's likely to head the scoreboard come April. l"',-':'. w. Maureen Ellis Age: .' -'. Height: v' 4' "

Born: Harrow


Lives: t it: ':’

Career history: i i z z - r '


firm“ lTT'W-HHl hi".

Three players in your ultimate team? M’ at.- it ' 1:" t' .

Favourite music?i ate-"t it " ,'

How do you rate UK music? |°.':- 'mtpz .

"i:;i"ir:‘ il‘tf‘, w‘. (it. "t z ' skiing ‘<:i u 4,- "‘ ,9‘;‘:'T§

Favourite film of all time? Hm. flu. AmericanTV

i1‘\y i(i‘.(>'ti".‘t,' fa. .. ( “'

What did you know of Scotland before you

t'lit-i'l tummy <:<\" it; t.:: i‘<:-'-:: l";i‘. ~ .'

Is it difficult transferring to a new team and

rogramme you miss? “v.2

moved here? l’rzf :

becoming an unknown quantity

again? VHS ('19:: ":> lf'tt'HIli-“u': ", t: .tftt'Y ' c’

so l'ii‘ (lute suit”: t";i'. |"" " f"-:v Hill l'." w f"e- li'fl'. f" "1; iv the fans: (7‘.(?!. «(I tit: u'. f3'fi’“‘i";l

Is it strange playing in a country where basketball isn’t popular? \l'f'u. ' Slitii‘gc.\‘.‘lii2"l":;t :‘ti"‘~;,-J‘.t:' l7:?’.‘1“"" ';i«";i;ii‘;x.f I): ’1ii::x«"::"fi;‘:" :l Silliil '\.'\."i‘o ,t; [)gt‘. :1" [ii-"»\";i"‘ ,»‘\";: ‘."i‘:, w to“ m - ' l " look git iioon‘t} 020' how <t:>"". 3.411;,“ husk-nun:

Prediction for the forthcoming season? It's; "gl'fl to :‘w: :". l -.: a:

(all "rapport (hr. The .‘.:t. '.' Wilt» tilt? mow

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

l\/\Il ,wt. .


I Rugby: Caledonian Thebans RFC Training Session Bi‘otightoii High School. I (’ui‘i‘iiigtoii Roud. (l7tl74 8433.20. 7 0pm. :\|| \xclcomc l'oi' u ti‘uiiiiiig \t‘\\lt\ll ol' thix gu_\ » l'i‘iciitll) i‘iigh) club. It mcclx l‘oi‘tiiightl} \\ith \pcciul iiiutchcx Ul'g‘Hlltu‘d L‘\ Cl'_\ L‘Uttllh‘ (ll Illt‘lllilS. l'tlt' iiioi‘c iiil'oi'iiiutioii go to \\ \\ \\.lilL'h;lll\- l‘lL‘x‘tlllk


I Rugby: Glasgow Rugby v Munster lltighciidcii. 33 Hughciitlcii Roud. 353 3-108. “.Rllpm. L'ltl t‘l-l

(£5 (Tl. (ilu\go\\ hu\ c hud uii tiiic\ cii \ltlt‘l [U lhc \L‘;t\tltl. \U tl'\ ttttpCl‘ttth‘ lllt‘} l‘;tl\L‘ lllctt' gttltlL‘ l-Ut' llttx ('cltic (‘up quurtci‘ liiiul mulch

Saturday 4


I Athletics: McAndrew Road Relay Races Jortlunhitl. \cht tintl. 0138‘) 383033. ()iic ol~ thc liiiul t'llll\ ol lllC Scullhh .-\thlctic~ cttlcntlut'.

I Football: Rangers v Celtic lhi‘o\ Studiiim. l'.tlllll\ltlll I)i'i\c. “370 ()(Nl 1003. Ilfillpiii. Scuxoii tickcl illlltik'l'\ Uni}. lliilL' c}c\ til lllt‘ liliilhttll uoi‘ltl locux oii (iluxgoxx t'oi' lhc lirxl ()Itl l‘ii'iii iiicctiiig ol tlic \Clhtltl. Both tcuiiix might lic iii\ol\ctl in thc (’huiiipioiix l.cuguc thix \cuxoii. but don't c\pcct lhc |‘;l\\ltlll i'cchi~ to lull uii}lhiiig hchm c\hilui'uliiig. Broutlcuxt Inc on BIK‘I.

I Football: Partick Thistle v Hibernian l-‘ii'liill. so l-‘irliill Routl. 57‘) 1071. 3pm. li\pcctulioiix ol lhc llihccx tum \\i|l l'llll high ux thc} hcutl \\ cxt to lukc oii thc Jugs.


I Snow sports: Whiteout Weekend ~\litllothiun Ski ('ciiti'c. Higgut' Routl. Hillciitl. 4-15 4433. ‘lfillum "pm: l'l't‘L‘: Scc photo cuptioii. I Rugby: Caledonian Thebans RFC Training Session t’oi-iohcllu Riigh} ('liih. ('u\u|i'} l’ui‘k. Dittltliiigxtoii Routl \cht. lhidtliiigxtoii. (l‘tl‘J 84333:. 3 ~lpm. Scc Thu 2.

I Football: Hearts v Dundee 'l‘_\iiccu~tlc Stutliiim. (ioi‘gic Routl. Illll 720i. 3pm. ‘l‘hc 'I‘}iiccu\tlc l'uitht'iil look lorxxurd to lhc ui'i‘ixul ol' lhc 'l‘u_\\idc tcum .mtl. prohuhl} moi'c \o. thcii' llllltltltllh ltuliuii xigiiiiig. Ruumclli.

I Rugby: Edinburgh Rugby v Cardiff Blues .\lcutlo\\ hunk Spoi'tx (‘L‘llll‘u 13‘) London Rtltttl. (fill 535 1. 5.30pm. Both [L‘illth ui'c L‘ltmg‘i) pluccd iii lhc lcuguc. \o llll\ (‘cllic (‘up tltiui‘tci' liiiul mulch could go cithci' \m).

Outs : t

I Football: Livingston v Dunfermline Athletic \lii:.~nu\.~.lc Sluthtiiii, \lirioittlxulc \l.ttillllll Routl. [I\IH:_‘\IIIH. ii] <1": :2]~llllll lrm [Hg cuii oiil} hoi‘c to hold thcii guiiic uguiiixl lhc oii toiiii l’uix

I Football: Kilmarnock v Aberdeen Rughx l’uik Rugh} lx’outl Kiliiiuiiiock. lll‘h‘ ‘I‘IW lpm \ltci .i l‘iiiil ~tuil lo liic \L‘Jvlll: thc l)i‘ll\ \M‘llu lt'ihil lilh ltll‘ to Rughx l’uik


I Cycling: 60 Bike Cycle Ride licllx Hiidgcl‘ongitwc Rti‘1d_tl"‘)§_‘

lot it N1 Illuiii \ 5 iiiilc cltlc to l uig~ uloiig \.itioti.il (‘tc‘lt- Roiitc “5 thioiigh lhc lx’ciiticuxhiic toiiiiti_\\itlc

I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Leicester Riders “le'ilt'dti \lL‘llJ. Kiiigx Iiich Routl. Rctilicu. \.\5 Mil 5pm {a tilllti 1M. luiiiil} tickct {le ScoliutidX oiil} pio huxkcthull \klllJti [\lu} thcii lll\l hoiiic iiiutch ot lhc iic\\ Hill \t‘.t\iltl Scc piotilc ol iicu \igiiiiig _|cii_\ \\liil.tlll\


I Snow sports: Whiteout Weekend \litllolhiuii Ski ('ciitic. Higgui Routl. llillciitl. “5 ll 1‘

‘l illum “pm, l'icc Scc photo cuptioii

I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Cuildford Flames \ltll'l.t}llt'iti ch' Rtllk. Rlu'lxtitth‘ (‘i'mcciit U" 0‘)“ (mm {Ill tun. luiiiil} tickcl {In i'llltlll\ (‘iiii icc hockc} mulch I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Paisley Pirates \llll'l;t}llt‘iti lcc Rink. RHL'lNiilik' (‘icxcciiL ‘3" (Ni.; ‘lpiii: to till. 'I lic (Lipitulx plu} llicii \ccoiitl guiiic ol lhc c\ciiiiig. lill\ tiiiic iii thc ,\iiltiiiiii ('iip.

Outside the Cities

I Motor racing: European Sidecar Championship Final & Jock Taylor Memorial Races Kiiockhill Ruciiig ('ii‘ctiit. Kiiockhill. l)iiiilcl'iiiliiic.013M"333‘". llum. t'lll 1°45; tmdct‘ llx li'cci, '\ lllll\l toi l\\o .lllti thi'cc \\hccl L'lllilll\l.l\l\. lcutiIiiiig thc lilllltith Jock 'lu}loi .\lciiioi'iul 'l'i'oph} .llltl thc Scollixh \lotoi‘c}clc (‘h.’iiiipioii~hipx I Horse racing: Kelso Races KL'iV‘ Ruct'cilttt‘w. Kt‘ixil. 0157‘ 33-17)". 3 5.30pm: L'llltfi; iiiitlci‘ l(\\ liccl \.itiiiii.i| liiiiil i'uciiig

Thursday 9


I Rugby: Caledonian Thebans RFC Training Session Hi‘otighloii High School. 1 (Xii‘i'iiigtoii Routl. ti"ll"4

5.13320. 9pm. Scc Thu 3.


I Rugby: Edinburgh Rugby v Llanelli Scarlets \tt-titltmtunlt Spot'h (it‘lllt‘t‘. i3” l.illltlilll Rout]. Wt] 535 i. “Hillpm. {Ill £15 H45 L‘M. :\ tlilticiill tic loi' litliiihtii‘gh ux thc \Vclxh giuiit~ hcutl iioi'th.


I Football: Scotland v Lithuania Hitlttpth‘ll Put’k. l.L‘lilL'l'i‘) [)t'l\c. (lit) (illllll. 4pm. till £15 H43 .iccoiiipuiiicd chiltlrciii. Bcrti \ngic mcii lllll\il thcii’ lziiro lllllJ tiiiulituiig cumpuigii \iilh [ill\ criiciul mulch iii ti'oiil ol u l'L‘MiilllL‘i} tip-tir-it 'Iui‘tuii .\riii_\. Scotluiid llL‘Cti to “in lill\ gumc. uiitl hopc thui (ici'iiiuii) ;t\lilti tiL‘lL‘ul ttl ill‘lllL' [H lc‘t‘iullti till th' \umc tlil}. ll thc} ut‘c lo hc lll u ilh u hopc ol u plu} - ott \pot. .v\ll going \xcll. thc di'uu tor thc pluyotlx l\ mudc on Mon l.‘ ()ct.

Edinburgh I Rugby: Caledonian Thebans RFC Training Session l’ot‘tohcllo

Sf"518 Sport

Rug'm tluh t‘.-.\.:'.i\ l‘uz'k. llzttltiiiicxtozt l\’“il\ii\\ki\icl‘li\i\iiii1“il‘i‘.Nu";\':‘:,‘A‘(‘ I ~1i‘iti \cc lhti.‘

I Basketball: Edinburgh Kings v Boroughmuir \it‘.lt‘ii‘\\i‘.tlli\ \imm (‘ciitio l W l i‘lltii‘ll lx‘outl hhl * z*l

ti :lll‘lll Ihc kiiigx piu} Ihcii ill\l coiiipclitiw lll.tlcil ot lhc \cuxoii. lollouiiig .: \xuiiii up guiiic .t;‘:tlll\l thc \cilllhit i\)i\k\


I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v London Towers lliut-lit-utl \lc'llJ. Kiiigx lllcil lx'outl. lx'ciilic\\_ \\‘ l 111

L lll i 1* L\I. l.iiiiil} [It kcl if“ llic lil\\t'llllj.' l oiitloii tcuiii \\cic thlltt till oppoxilioit luxt \t"l\|‘ll. hut thc Rot k! iic\\ \klllJti \klli l‘c iiioic lhuii up toi thc l.l\i\ Scc [\tolilc ol llt'\\ xit'iiiiij: Icii\ \\l||l:tlll\

<piii t~


I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Hull Stingrays \liiiiullicltl ltc lx‘iiik. Rncixilulc (‘icxtciiL ii‘ivl H tililll tlll itlii. l.tlllli_\ tickct 13h illliilh ('iiii itc hot kc} mulch

Outsme the (:itios;

I Motor racing: Hot Hatch Kiiockhill Ix’uciiig ("iiciiiL l\iiot khill. l)tiiilciiiiliiic.lll15*".‘iiV ‘luiii §l‘iii t! it'ii \ \pcciul I.l\ c iticcliiig \xith iiiothlicil .iiitl iiiipoil \ .ll\

OLilSide the (:ilies

I Horse racing: Ayr Races \_\l Rucccoiiixc. 3 \\ illlit'lh Routl, \li. HIE”: loll") 3 Illpiii LS I'lul l.t\'lllf.'

Tuesday 14

Outside the Cities

I Horse racing: Ayr Races \}l Rucccouixc. 3 \\ hillcllx Rout]. \_\i. “1:”: :(i‘H—‘U 3 3”]‘tll L5 \t‘t' \liill

Thursday 16


I Rugby: Caledonian Thebans RFC Training Session Htoltghlolt llljJil Sciliitil. i ('.tt'llllg‘liltl Rikki. ‘lfllli‘sl

5432]». " ‘lpiii Scc 'I hit I

WHITEOUT WEEKEND The serious snowflakes have yet to fall on the slopes up north, so now’s your chance to cram in some preparation for the snowsport season. Midlothian Ski Centre is hosting a weekend dry ski slope extravaganza. Experienced down-hillers can take advantage of discounted practice time, new product testing, or watch the demonstrations and take part in the Big Air Comp. Meanwhile, for beginners there's free ski and snowboard tuition. fireworks displays, DJs and a Mexican barbecue. There's even a beer tent if you want to recreate the St Moritz apres-ski atmosphere. in Hillend.

I info/omen 8% Edinburgh, 0737 «no-3 4433. Sat « 8 Sun 5 Oct. 9.3062/77—7pm Free.