
Glasgow kids continued

Fungi and Other Rot Sun 1‘) ()cl. 1pm l'ree Springhnrn Park. ll,l1_‘_‘l.l}1ll11 Rilail Jilin lhe iiliiiilr}\ii1i- laligerx lilr a lilligal lili.i}.i1i\iil\i'llllg inilieahiliil lhe V-t'lltl .lllil \xilllilclllll \Ulllil ill

llillSllliHllllS \li'cl .il lhe hilaling pilnil [lauliiln

Drama for Young People Wed 22 it 200d, ii 31! x 3llpill t5. (‘('.-\. 351) Silllcllli'llall SllCL'l. ‘52 491)“ \Vi‘t‘lxl) iliania \KllthhUPS lili 12 lx')L'ill'-Ultl\. Inspiration Day for Families Sui 25 ()cl. 11am 3pm. l-ree hill lickeleil. ('('.v\. 351l5anc1ne11a11 Slrccl. 352 40””. .'\ge\ 3 11 .\cli\ilie\ lill children and lainiliex incliiiling (iainalan iniixic \L'\\l(lll\.\llll}1i'11lllg \iilh laii Sle\eli\. llL'.l\lllk'11.lll\.lllll.llllllil till the (‘(U\ ghiml llililking recilininenileil.

Boo! Hallowe’en Workshop Sun lil ()cl. nililn 2pm L3 ('(U\. 35” Sanclnehall Slieel. 352 4mm. Ages .3 12. Make )ilii! im n ilecilialiilm aiiil L‘llSIlllllL‘\ lil i‘i'li'lllillc 11.l11il\\ i‘a'll

Lantern Procession Sun :0 ()cl. 5pm. l‘lL'k' (ll.l\‘_'lt\\ l‘nnei'xil} ('Iiapel. l‘nixeixil} .-\\eniie. “45 41) 3(l. (‘hililren‘x lanlern pi‘ilci'xxiiln ili'ganixeil h} the German Speaking Killilei'cliih \Hlll lhe lllllltl\pllt'l'lt' \lili} telling ill Sl .\larlin\ lale lilllimeil h) a parade ai'iliinil lhe (101\1t‘1\illltl \ilngx l-.\ei_\ilne \xelcilnle hriiig )ilnr imn lantern.

Miss Baxter’s Back to School San 2(l()cl. 2 3pm. lilee. Scilllanil Street Schilill \llixeiiln. .\lll\L'lllll ill liilucaliilii. 225 St‘illlllllil Sll'i't'l. 2h71l5llll. Jilin teacher Mm lla\li'i lili a hung hixlilr} claw wt in \iclili‘ian lllllL‘S. .-\rri\e 15 Illllillli‘S earl) lil illexx up in ileriilil L'ilSlllllli‘ llt‘lill'i' \i'i‘lltg [ll'il[l\. ll gL‘lllllnL' gax “link and lhe ilreaileil hell. llililkiiig L‘SSL‘lillill. call 287 (151)”,

Snug as a Bug Sun :(l()(1.

1.3!) 3.30pm, l-l'ee. 1.inn 1’ark('iluillr_\ l’ai‘li. Siinxliill Rilad. 03" 1147. liiigx anil lli';l\lli‘\ li‘cl lhe cillil lilil. (.(llllk' illltl help lhein \la) \llllg h_\ making hiheriialiiln lllllllt‘\ lilr lllL‘Ill. 1)rilp iii e\eiil till all age\.

The Bones are Singing in the Ground 'l'hu 311 ()cl. (l.3ll 7.3llpm. £3. (iilinilrehill(il2. ‘) l'ni\erxil) .»\\eniie. 331) 5522. .v\ge\ N 12. ()lhcmilrlil prexenlx a \\Ul'1\\llllp\\1lll a \inixler \Clk‘L'llttll ill leri'il'}ing lillL'M gllilillixh gainex and \pine- lingling \UlllltlS. l’ai‘l ill lliSIlll'illlllll (13.

Theatre & Dance

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat l’niil Sui IS ()cl. 7.311pin; lile 'l'hu 2.30pm ik

7. 30pm; l-ri 5pm ik Spin; Sal 2pm. 5pm ik Spin. [8.51) [235“. King\ 'l‘healre. 297 lllllll Sll‘L‘L‘l. 24“ 1111. llillL' Rice/1.1il_\i1 Wehhei’ ililininaliilii t‘illlllllllL'S \\ ilh lhe lull relelling ill the \lili'} ill .lU\L‘pll. 111\ 11 hrillliei'x anil llial intainiliix cilal ill man} L'illillll‘x.

Big Bad Basil Broomstick Sui :5 ()cl. iiililii ik 2pm. £4 1L.3.5(ll. Scilllixh .\la\li ik l’uppel 'l‘heali'e ('enli'e. S |() Balcarrex .»\\ eniie. Keh inilale. 330 0185. The .-\ma/ing .\lr lliliiex 1l(l\l\ a lliggleil} - l’iggleil} llallimeen Happening hilt llaxil llrililnixlicli anil lhe \Viclieilexl \Vilch in llle Wexl linil [lllllh lll\|\011 it all. ('an 1’(' l’arrill \a\ e lhe i1a_\'.’ Yilii‘il heller cilme and find iliil.

Le Tour De France Mini 27 ik 'l‘ue 2S ()cl. .\liln 7.3(lpmz'1‘iie lllain ik 1pm. £1. (iilniilrehi11(i12.‘l l'ni\el'\il) .-\\eniie. 331) 5.522. .'\ge\ 7 12. Le lianlilme (‘_\c1i\le ha\ “010” lhe lainilux _iei‘\e_\\ lrilm 1.e Tour de l‘rance. (’an ilur inlrepiil ileleclhex linil lhein in lime'.’ 'l‘healre Sanx l'lUllllCl'LW inlrililucex French in a \imllle aliil inleraclh e \\;I} in lhix i1}namic race agallN lime. l’ui'l ill lnxpiruliiln ()3. Spend a Penny Tue 28 x “ml 3‘) ()cl. 2pm: \Veil Illam ik 2pm. £3. Trill] 'l‘hcall‘e. (l3 "lil'illlgale. .552 4267. .-\ge\

4 ‘l. The \\iliii1erlii| Shilnu Reppe hringx her latexl puppelr} creuliiln lil lhe \lage “ilh ilriginal lllUSlC and a linilleil lanilxcape lelling lhe \lilr) ill Herring and l’iirl. See rL‘\1L'\\.

98 THE LIST "3 Oi".

Spend a Penny 'lhu 311()cl. 11l.illli\ 1pm {3 (iilinilrehi11(i|2. ‘l 1‘rn\er\il'\ :\\ CllllL‘. 35‘15522. .-\:_'C\ 4 9 Sec iillil\ L'

and rex ien,


Terry Pratchett \Vi-il :2 ()cl. ilpm Bilr'ilerx HUNk‘. US Buchanan Street. 222 “all”. left} l’l‘alclletl. c‘l'L‘dlill ill 111C \uccewliil /)i\i lull-lil ai1\enliire \cl'ie\ ulll he \lglllllf.’ cilpiex ill 11|S1illCSl ailillllillh. .llumlmm li’i’elmi'nl .iliil .VIQ/rliiilli ll.

Gargling with Jelly Sui :5 ()cl. 3pm. (3.51). ('(‘.v\. 35HSauc1neha|1 Slreel. 352 401)“. .v\gc\ _ 12. l‘l'illll lhe lmmhle .\lan\ lll\|\ll‘1L‘ ililg lil iiiggling “1111 gerhilx. popular pilel Brian l’atlen hringx llIS cilllecliiln ill llllill'ltlUS anil iliilrageiliix PUCIHS lil lile.


Activities And Fun

An Hysterical History of Scotland Sun 1‘) ()cl. 12.45pm. 1.45pm ik 3.45pm. liree. .\lii\einn ill Scilllaiiil. ('hainherx Sheet. 247' 421‘). .'\L'lUl'\ Shilnagh Price and Alan .\lc11ugh lake )ilii ill] a \\1ll\l1L'-\l(lp lilur ill lhe high and Inn \ ill Scilllanil'x lll\l\ll'). Deborah Arnott .\liln 2“ ()cl. 10am. 11am. 2pm & 3pm. £1. .\'ilrlh liilinhiirgh :\l'l\ (‘enlre. 15a 1’enn_\\\e11('iliii‘l. 315 21.51. .-\gL‘\ .3 3. Hear lhe \lill‘} ill lllC (ireal Michael and hix ailxenlui‘ex lar iliil in lhe .\'ilrl|i Sea \\ illl l)ehilrah .-\rnilll. So you Want to Be a City Farmer? .\l(ll‘i 20 l‘il'l 24 “(1.

10am 12.30pm. £4. (iili‘gie ('ii) l-‘ai‘ni. 5| (iill'gie Road. 3 37 4202. Agex 8+. (‘ilnie and find iliil \xhal lile'x lilie ilii a larm. You can help “1111 gi'ililining a poll}. making a \carecrim. clearing iliil a duck pond and 1()l\ niilre lllingx lil gel nice and muck} \iilh.

Foragers Tue 21 ()ci. 2 3.311pin. £3. Waler ill |,eil|i Vixililr (‘enlre. 24 Lanarli Road. 455 73(l7. llilne )ililr \ur\ i\a1 \liillx ax )ilii lracli ilim n uhal‘x eilihle anil \\ llal\ nill alilngxiile lhe \Valel' ill 1.0111).


Edinburgh’s Schools Rock Concert Mon 27 Oct. 7.30pm. £lhc. ()lleen'x ll;t11.('1Cl‘1i Street. 668 2(ll‘). '1'“ e1\ e ill liilinhiirgh'x hexl hanilx cilinpele lilr pri/eil plauililx Such ax llexl Original Song. The lulure ill rilcli cilulil l‘L‘Sl iln llllx \lage.

Theatre & Dance

The Happy Gang’s Big Adventure Mon 20 it 'l‘ue 2| Oct. Mon 1pm ik 4pm;'1‘iie l lam ik 2.30pm. £6.51) £5.51); lamil} licliel £23. llrunliln 'l‘healre. Lad)“ ell \Va}. \liixxelhilrgh. (l(l5 2240. The (lung are al it again \xilh milre catch) lunex aiiil h)perucli\ e lalex ;l\ lhe} head Ull- lil lhe l.()\l \Vilrlil in Search of long lilrgilllen ci\i1isaliiln\ anil ancienl lreasurex.

Brunton Youth Theatre Sui 25 (let. 7.30pm. £5; lainil) licliel US. llrunliln 'lilleall'e. 1.ai1_\ \\ e11 Wu). Minxelhurgh. 665 2240. .\ he“ pi‘ililucliiln h} Brunliln Yiliilh ‘l‘heall'e. Le Tour De France Thu 30 lg l‘ri 3| ()cl.'1‘hu 10.15am a 1.30pm; liri 10.15am. £1. .\'ilrlh liilinhui'gh :\rl\ ('eiill'e. 15a l’enn}\\e1|(‘iliirl. 315 2151.

:\ge\ 7 12. See(i1a\gil\\. Books

Tiny Story Makers Hi I? it Sui IS ()cl. 1"ri (l Spin; Sal ll).3()ain 12.30pm. £1. Nill'lli liilinhurgh :\l'l\ (‘enlre. l5a 1’enn)\\e11('ilurl. 315 2151. Agex 7 10. Make up \lilriex thing a \ariel} ill prUPS \\ ilh \lilr}leller\ (‘Iaire .\lu|hil11anil. l.)ni1a .\lc('annan unil Fergux .\lc.\'icil1. Chinese Storytelling Wed :2 ()cl. Illam. l 1.30am ik 2pm. £1. .\'ilrlh liilinhurgh .-\rl\ (‘enlre. 15a Penn} \\ e11 Court. 315 2151. Agex (l I”. 'l‘raililiilnal lli}lllS anil \ltlrlL‘\ lrilm ('hina unil Silulh .-\\ia \\ ilh ('hien 1.i l-‘raxer along “111] ilrigumi.

Scottish International

Storytelling Festival

Lend me your ears. children, and listen to voices from all over the world. Coinciding with the witching hours of Hallowe‘en. some of the creepier tales are coming out of the bag. But don‘t be afeart - you're in safe hands. Children‘s highlights from the ever-expanding and widely-recognised

festival are listed below:

Fri 24 Oct-Sun 2 Nov, Scottish Storytelling Centre at Netherbow Arts Centre, 43-45 High Street, 557 5724.

African Tales l-n :4 ()cl. 2pm. l-ri-e. \lilil'hiluxe |,ihl'al"\. 15 Penn} \\ e11 ('ilui'l. 52‘) 5528. .-\ge\ 5 11 and lamiliex. (ihanaian xlilr}le11el. .‘\lllll l.ilgil\te. lapx iliil a I‘li}llllll anil le11\ animal lalex trilm 11l\ nalix e cilunlr}. Ilililking L'\\L'llllill. Doodles and Tales In :4 ()cl.

2 4pm. liree. Naliolial (ialler) ill Scilllanil. lhe \liliiiii1.(l24(l2il(l, :\:_'L'\

5 ‘) anil lamiliex. Jilin arlixl Juliana ('apex and \lilr}leller Juil) 1’;ilel\ilii ax lhe} hring [lainnngx all\e \iiih lll1\ ill liin acliuliex. .\leel al lhe galler}

Bea Fergusson lin :4 ()cl. 3pm ik 4pm. £1. .\'ili'l|i liilinhiirgh :\rl\ (‘enlre. 15a l’enn}\\ell (’ilurl. 315 2151. :\ge\ 8+. 1"il1li lillL'\. li‘gcllilS illltl \lill‘lex ill the naliiral \\ilr1i1 “ilh Bea 1‘el‘giixxiln. lhe \lilr)le11er \\1ll)i|1\\;l}\ [lacks her \L'\\lllll\ lilll ill [larlicipaliiln \Hlll lllllSlC \ilngx anil l'll_\lllC\. liililliiiig recilniinenileil.

Spooky Storytelling l-‘ri :4 ()cl. 1().3()am ik 11.30am. 1‘ree. .\lu\euin ill (.lllltllllllltl. 42 lllgll Slreel. 52‘) 4142. Agex 7+. ('Iaire .\lu1hilllani1lakexylii (10“ n lhe creep) palh “1111 \lttl'lL'S ill lilt'lli ()'1.;llllL'l‘ll\. \xilche\ :lliil gllilxlli‘S. Bililliing exxenlial.

Storytelling in the Tipi lit :4 ()cl. 1.30pm ik 3pm. l-‘ree. Rilin Mini-um. 2 ('halnherx Street. 247 4422. :\ge\ 5+. Jilhii llamilliln lellx lalex lrilm lhe nali\e peilplex ill (‘anaila including. Him iliil lhe Slzll'S get in lhe sli) '.’ llim iliil lhe Ra\ en get In he hlacli'.’ llim iliil crim pi‘illecl lhe hiillalil'.’ Bililliing exxenlial. A Harvest of Stories Sui 35 Oct. 1.31) 3.30pm. £5. Ril} a1 Billanic (iarileii. 1n\ei'1eilh Rim, 557 5724. Agex 7 11. llllL‘l'élt'llH‘ \kill‘lixliilp \\ llll Rllllt Kirkpalricli. l‘el'giix .\lc.\'icil1 anil (‘laire Millhilllanil galhering 1ea\e\ and creating \lili‘) characlerx anil \xilrlilx lrilm _\ilur picking»

Spooky Lauriston Sui 25 Sun 3i» ()cl. 10am 12.30pm ik 1.31) 4pm. £4. 1.aiiri\liln ('axlle. 2a (‘ramilnil Rilail $011111. 52‘) .3905. :\gc\ .' 1.2. (iel in the llallime'en Spirit “111] \peciall} lhemeil games. ilrama. \tilr}le11ing anil arl acli\ilie\. Bililliing exxenlial. Storytelling in the Tipi Sui 25 (M. 1.30pm ik 3pm. Free. Ril} a1 .\lu\eum. 2 (‘hamherx Sireel. 247 4210/4422. Agex 5+. (ialher in the Tipi lil hear Margaret Bennet l'rillll lllL' lxlc ill Slew \haring lraililiilnal \lUl'lL'\ ahilul lhe peilple “hil lell Scilllaiiil lilr a ne“ lile in ('anaila. Tales to Treasure Sui 25 ()ct. 2pm

/ / \ WOW 11*” '/ ‘\ %/ . \\

ik 3pm. l‘il‘ee. (‘il_\ :\rl ('enlli'. 2 Market

Slreel. 52‘) 3903. :\ge\ 5+ and lannlicx (iraiiilinillhei‘ ill eight. 1)illin.i\\'.i1|.ice. llax galhcreil man} a lale lrilni llli' \pililk} lil lhe magical lrilin lhe llighlanils anil \Vexlern l\lillltl\ inei llii' )earx. (‘ilnie anil llSIL‘ll lil \UlllL' ill lhein Birds and Beasties Sun 20 Oct. 2.3(lpin ik 3.45pm. L2 in ailililiiln lil nilrnial /ilil chargex, lailiiihiii'gh /.ilil. ('ilrxlilrphine Road. 334 0171. \Vh} i1il penguinx \xailille. hippm \xallim anil L'UL'hilllH)\ \xlllxllc'.' lilllll llilllllllillllk'11\ a|| \\ ilh lilS animal lalex ll‘ilni ariliinil the world.

The Story and the Dream Wed 2‘) ()cl. 2.30pm. l-ree hill liclieleil. liiliinlainhriilge 1.ihrar). l)uni1ce Slreel. 529.5010 Ages 4 (l. Magical lalcx allil crall aclix iliex lilr teen) “HS in ilh Slill‘}1L'11Cl' BL‘lll (‘l'ilxx

Garden of Delights Thu 31) Oct.

2 5pm. 1"ree. Rina] Billainc (iarilen. Imerleilh Rim. 552 7171.:\11age\. Slilr}le11er\ lilcaleil thriliighiliil lhe llillanicx lcll talex alliilllg lhe “Hill and launa a map ix a\ai1ah1e al lhe inani galex.

Native American Stories 1'ri ll ()cl. 2.30pm. l‘ree hill liclieteil. Blackhall 1,ihl'al'}. 5(l llilllliluxe Rilail. 52‘) 5595. Agex 7+. .\'ali\e .-\nierican \lilr}le|1er. 1)il\ ie llllHllilSUll. lrilln '1‘e\a\ lellx her anceslilrs' haiinling. magical \lltl'IL'S trilln the 1.;i1iilla/Kiima Apache.

Doocot Tales Sun 2 Sin. 2pm it 3pm. 5llp. ('ilrxlilrphine l)il\ecill. 1)il\ecill Road. 557 5724. Ages 7+. Slilr)le|1er (‘illin Macka} lll\llL'\ )ilii lil

join him in lhe ancienl ililileili ill

(.(hlllrplllllc and llxlell lil lalcx ill the murder ill 1.ilri1 l-'ilrresler. the lliglll ill the Uralgililn allil ()lllL'r \pllllh}. Ill} \lcl‘lilUS SlllrlL‘S. Room on the Broom Sun 2 Sin. 2pm. £5 t£.3.5(1l. Sanileman llllllSL‘. 'l‘runlix (low. 55 11ighSlreel.557 5724 Agex (l+ unil lainilies. llexl-selling aulhilr Julia l)()llilltl\()ll i'l'lii' (irri/lu/u. 'I‘lii' Smurli'il (him! in lilll/il \\ ill he acting iliil her lale ahilul a lrienill} \HlL‘ll ax \\ e11 ax reailing 1mm and \igning L'UplCS ill her new hi lilli' 'I’lli' .S'nui/ (llli/ Illl‘ le/i'. The Story and the Dream Sui I .\'il\. 2 4pm. £5. ('il} .-\rl (wire. 2 Markel Streel. 52‘) .3993. Ages 7 1 1. Slilr}leller Seliga Munril anil urlixl Kale l.C1pCfllUSl illix \xilrllixhilp u here )ilu lislen to a magical Slur} and then bring it to lile \iilh arl llL'llHllL'S. Bililking Cxxcnllill.