The Front

theEditorial ‘3 "

. 5qu aslde Andy Ml: the new art ' . icons are Scottish

Why c0 land needs lrwa

L‘Ullillld Rnt‘kxfi Sn xcrcamx Ihc hI‘L‘iIlillL‘x\ lI‘nIIl L‘n\ L‘I' Hi ;I I‘L‘cclll 'Iilli'.

I/lt' url llllllg’rlflllt’. Think ahnIII Ihc impact nl' SL'nIIixII all ma lilL‘ p;le

dccadc. and iI‘x hard In dixagi‘cc. .-\ll met the “mid. li'nm \cu ank In Hciiing. aI'IixIx xuch ax l)nuglax (inI'anI and Richard \Vi'igIII arc the hipxlci'x' hnI Inpicx. :\I thix )t‘aI”x \cuicc :\l'l Bicnnalc. xIallx \xci‘c InuIing 'llxliirIx cmhla/nncd \\ iIh Dnugic (i‘x l‘acc. alnngxidc Ihnxc Iunrc iillllliliil' icnnx. And} \Vai'hnl and (‘hc (iumara. Ma) hc IITL‘} ‘d Inixtakcn him l‘ni‘ Rnhhic \Villiauix.

lI'x nnI nnl} in the \xnrld nl' an that Scntland ix making Ihc pact. lini' a L'nunII‘_\ “httxc pnpulatinn ix a IcnIh nl' (‘alil'ni'nia'x. lIIL‘ number nl' gi‘cal lilmmakcrx. ilClUI'\. muxicianx. \u‘ilcrx. and aI'IixIx ix mlranrdinai'}. | dnn'I nccd In lixI Ihcm; _\nu lxnnu uhn Ihc_\ arc. But did _\nu knnu. lni' mamplc. IhaI Ian Rankin’x Rchux ll(l\L‘i\ accnunt l‘nI' a \xhnpping lll‘i nlall l'lx' hunk xalt'x'.’

Sn. \xhcn I \\;1x imich In mnxc In Scntlaud In hccnnic Ihc ncu cditnr nl 'l'liv lixl. I didn'I Ihink micc. .-\x a puhlixhcr nl Inaga/iiit‘x and hnnkx nn aI‘I. archilcclui'c and dexign. l’w hccn \‘iining (ilaxgnu. lidinhurgh and Dundcc .xincc Ihc mid-Ullx. l‘w cdilcd hnnkx ahnuI Ihc ucu Muxcum nl' ScnIland in lidiuhurgh. and the HUIHL‘\ l‘nr Ihc l‘quI'c pinich in (ilaxgnxx: l xpnnxnrcd a tlcxign cxhihitinu aI 'l‘I'aum'a} in I‘M}. Yup. I'm a xuckcr l‘ni' iI lici'c.

All the mni'c xhnclxing. Ihcn. IhaI nn m) \ci'} lii'xI mni'ning aI Ihc cdiInI”x dL‘xk. ncux came Ihi'nugh til the planx In clnxc (ilaxgnu ‘x 'l‘raimxa} 2 “IN xpacc In the public. Apparentl} Ihc prngrammc dncxn'I nl'l'cr '\'aluc l'ni' mnucv. ll" Ihc implicatinnx \xcrcn‘l xn xci'inux. )nu'd laugh. l‘ni' all iIx lauIIx. 'lirauma} hax hclpcd In puI ScnIIixh ill’l nn Ihc inIcmaIinnal map. .\’nI nnl} did it xlitm (inrdnn‘x ‘24 llnur I’x) chn’ l'nr Ihc lii‘xI Iimc. huI iI hax exhibich xnIIIL‘ nl' lilL‘ gi'cal aI'IixIx li'nm ahrnad. 'I'I'aum'a)‘ hax been a brccding gi'nund l‘nI' ScnIIixh aI'IixIx and curaInI‘x \thxc unrk ix gunuincl} \Hil'id claxx. .-\nd Ilicxc arc the pcnplc \xhn giw ScnIland Ihc kind nl‘ culIural crcdihilil} IhaI nIth' C(illllll‘lC\ xn tiL‘\PL‘I'LllL‘l_\ claw. 'lakc away their cxliihitinn xpau‘x. and Ihc aI'IixIx \\i|| mnx'c clxcxx’hcrc. 'l‘haI \\ ill Icaw mtryntc in Scntland \mi'xc nllll Nick Bai‘lt‘} l



1 The Darkness

Music They believe in a thing called love. And we have faith In the Darkness. But are they the savnours of rock or Will their ‘ioke' tap Itself out? See feature. page 20 Barrow/and. Glasgow.

2 Kill Bill Vol 1

Film The much heralded return of Tarantino won't disappoint his legions of fans. Apart from the ones who want his trademark soliloquies. See Film. page 24 General release.

3 The Complete Maus Comics Art Spiegelman's Pulitzer Prize» Winning masterwork about the Holocaust lS brought together for the first time in one volume. See Buy it this Fortnight, page 103 Penguin.

4 Durex Performa Tour Comedy The likes of Mackenzie Crook. Daniel Kitson and Tommy Tiernan take to the Big Top in the name of condoms and comedy. See feature. page 74 Big Top, Glasgow.

5 Curb Your Enthusiasm

TV The underrated genius. Larry Davud. brings us the second series of his neurotic. blundering, coarse sitcom. It‘s nothing less than a modern day Faw/ty Towers. See Cult of the Fortnight. this page 8804.

6 Storm

Art Dalziel + Scullion continue their exploration of the natural environment in this installation with images that reveals ecological conditions around Scotland. See Art. page 89 Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow.

7 Vincent in Brixton

Theatre There‘s always been plenty of conjecture about Vincent van Gogh’s life. This tremendous piece speculates on the Dutch master‘s time in London as a young man. See Theatre. page 63 King '3 Theatre, Edinburgh.

8 Marc Almond

Clubs The former Soft Cell man breathes life into Death Disco, one third of a night featuring Traxx and Melting Pot. See Clubs. page 78 Arches, Glasgow.

9 Champions’ League

Sport Alex Ferguson returns to Govan bringing his Red Army to meet his protege Alex McLeish's Scottish champs in one of those Battle of Britain-type affairs. See Sport. page 99 Ibrox, Glasgow; Sky Sports.

1 0 Martin Bell

Books The man in the white suit throws an event to mark the launch of his fine memoir, Through Gates of Fire. See Edinburgh Life and Books. pages 101 and 104 Queen's Hall, Edinburgh; Weidenfeld & Nico/son.