Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

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All the Real Girls 1~I I... 11111.1.1 (11~11l1~11(111'1'11. l \ _‘111111 l’.111l \. 11111'1111'1 /1~1»1'} 111x. l1.111.'l l'.1111. 1.1 ( 1.11l.\1~11, \l1.'.1 \\l11:'l1.1111 ll.'111.1111111\l1-1111111 \l.11111..' (111111111111. 11.111111 \l.111111u lH\111111 \.'1111 \111111(.11111111.1. l. .'/:1 [1'1 ..f (ix/f1 11-11\ 111.- 111-.1'1111'..'l\ \11111111'111‘.1'\1111f. 1111’.111| 1\.l1111'11l1'11.1111l \111'1 11).'\.11.1111‘|1 l’.111! 1x .1 1111'.11.1111. 11111141111111.111‘1111I.1111111.1\111.' 111\I.11l11111.11111 \111'1 1x1.1l..-1111_\ l11\ 1‘1111-11111j: ‘.-..11\l111111.'1 1111111.‘ 11.‘\ 111 .11111‘:'1‘ .1111! .1 1111' .1\|..1_\ 11111111111-.11111111111111\ \111'11.1\-.'111‘.'.11111\ 111 111111 111111.11111'\-.1111l\ 1'.\1111".11.1l\l.".‘..1} 11111111111.-1'11'111111.1111.111111111111.'.1111111'.1l. (111‘1-11'x 1'\. 1'||1'111, 11111111 111111-\-. 1111111111\ 11‘111.1ll..1l\l1‘1l.‘l\111(nu/:31 ll..\iiii::f.‘ui: I f / ( lull/1.11:;

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28 THE LIST '1

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Belleville Rendez-Vous l.‘ \- ....

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“ impressive debut”

ran MINUTES bum: THE TRUMPET (15) 92min 0...

" '2- .irlooh short, Lifeline

One of two feature length compilations of film shorts by some of the great

filmmakers on the planet. The follow-up film. Ten Minutes Older: The Cello is due out this December. For now. though. The Trumpet is a wake-up bugle to the visually decrepit folk who pass themselves off as today‘s

arbiters of cinematic invention.

The theme - a bit of a tired one. really that each of the directors has been told to work with is time (the production notes allude to Primo Levi and Tarkovsky. something of a short cut to filmic respectability). First up is Aki The Man Without a Past Kaurismaki's Dogs Have No Hell. a bizarre little tale of escape and cowardice in a 15-minute timescape. The film betrays Kaurismaki‘s mundane wit. but barely hangs together.

Much better is Victor Spirit of the Beehive Erice‘s Lifeline. a gorgeous studied siesta of bucolic near-tragedy. Next. Werner Herzog‘s documentary. Ten Thousand Years Older, tells the tragic story of the last Brazilian rain forest tribe to have been made contact with back in 1981.

Jim Jarmusch delivers a restrained chamber piece with Chloe Sevigny as a disconcerted actress in Int. Trailer. Night. Wim Wenders‘ attempts to draw together (again) his obsessions for rock'n'roll and the road (and here. the relativity of time) in Twelve Miles to Trona: a travelling salesman accidentally takes some hallucinogenic drugs and takes a trip. It‘s all a bit

silly but very watchable.

Spike Lee‘s documentary. We Wuz Robbed, manages to make the fascinating events of the Florida recounts in the 2000 US presidential elections something of a wordy. woolly bore. The best film is. of course. kept till last. Chen Farewell My Concubine Kaige‘s 100 Flowers Hidden Deep is a slice of Beijing-ian whimsy so generous that it is difficult not to get swept up in its sweet nostalgia. (Paul Dale)

I J i

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“Like a cool drink on a hot day”

I'ctcr Bradshaw - THE GUARDIAN

FILM CRITICS’ CHOICE “Lovely, witty, elegant...0[ga is great”

(Ecol? Andrew - TIME OUT

\1111\.'1111.'111.1.l'~.1‘111111.‘\ 1.'111.1111\.11\.'1.'11111.1l

1.1‘.1111111.' ll\1\.1‘.‘.11.'11.:.l1\.11111I11111111:' \1‘1111.-l 1111‘ .l1.'1111\11j. 1-11|j. '.'.1111>..'111111..' (f \

Bollywood Queen -1’( II 00

Il.'1.‘111j. \\1~1~.l111;' l l\ .‘1111‘11’11'."..1

l\.11111.1\ l.1111.'~ \l. \'.I~'. ( 1.11.111

\l.\l1'11.1111111 l\.11|l!1.1111.'11.1 lx’.1'. l’.111111.1l.1.

1.111 \l.\l1.1111' \‘1111111 11111'111111111111c .‘111‘.\.11

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liIlll‘. 31.1-11.1 ..11‘.'1 111111\111,'1l1.' 1‘-



“A magnificent film”


“Mature and engaging...a promising debut”

Edward Porter - SUNDAY TIMES

* ‘A' * *“Exquisite Rohmer—style romantic drama”

Chris Roberts - UNCU'I’

hubert benhamdine - nathalie boutefeu - florence loiret-(aille - serge riaboukine and delphine rollin in 111. role 01 01;:

An Artificial Eye Release :1 maul-on tuna



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