Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

* l IIIIII- \III-I'l. IlIIII‘I. ill 1| 1|" H 7.? Iii 9. ii



“(I \IIIIlIII'lmH \lII'cI. H] il ‘3‘ WIN! Lllt__‘ SIII

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) I I (I IQ

Swimming Pool I I<I S III Swimming Pool I I<I II I<

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to llave) I l I

The Future is Not What it Used to Be [In i Hi i

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) II I (i

Swimming Pool I I‘. 5 III

.>l div/b“ . ’/I‘/,I

Watership Down II I IIIIIIII

The Black Stallion Il 3 IIII

llli III". ' I i’ .'

legacy oi a Dream II I I Get on the Bus IIM II IIII

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I I.\I

fIi 7/)!" . L ( I“ N

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I I.\I (I (ll).

Legacy of a Dream II I I Get on the Bus IISIMIII


Weed (Geturkt) IIII.-I I We Forgot to Go Back (Wir liaben Vergussen Zuruckzukehren) IIIII-I I The Lovers of

Osman’s llotel (Die Liebenden Vom Notel Von) lllk’l II IIII


Sevda Means Love (Sevda Neisst Liebe) IIII_ . Dealef Ink. \ IIII

Lola and Billy the Kid (Lola Und Bilidikid) I\I I. IIII Springtime in a Small Town II .I \ IIII

Basquiat I<I :IIII

Springtime in a Small Town Il’( I. I. III. German Policemen (Deutsche Polizisten) IIII. \ IIII

Springtime in a Small Town II II IIIIIIII Foreign Tour (Die Auslandstoumee) Iii).

Springtime in a Small Town Il’( II II IIII BasquiatII<I .\ I<

The Draughtsman’s Contract I l‘I \ I<

Glasgow Film Theatre

I: RIIxI' \III'I'I. iii-1| 1‘) .\i.‘.\ ('.III' l‘.|l \Il III'IIIIIIII.IIII'I'\ l‘lll‘ile‘lL' [HI {l l \L'liiligW 1-1 ‘Hi It i ‘HI \l.ll|ll\'\'\ L 4 ‘HI It: *HI \\I-III|II‘1IIII‘ *IIIIII ti‘ill I L.‘I \.i\\'i\ t. l" Rll Ll lI ll\I‘ ll\ lxI‘l\ lIIi IlII' IIIII'I' IIi 1I\.I|IIl iIII IIIII‘I' iiiHlilli\i

.I -..>).,'\. ‘I 1. Spellbound II I KIIII. i IIII_ " IIII. 2. Kirikou and the Sorceress I I I


Young AdamIIxI 3 III. Ii III. I. :II, .\ IS

I;;Ij/,\. I~I 1. Kirikou and the Sorceress II I I IIII

SpellboundIi I {IIII SIIII, "IIII_ ‘iilil 2. Le Chignon D’Dlga I I<I 3 in. I HI.


Spirited AwayII’III I.__‘II

rm III"! IIV '

l. Spellbound II I NHL R IIII_ liil‘

2. Le Chignon D’Olga I ISI 3 in, -i III. .\ SII

Spirited Away Il’( iI II _‘II

:;I N II'-\\I/ :I :I

1. Wondrous Oblivion ll’( iI 3 IIII

Spellbound MI -1. “I. II {II Spirited Away I|’(II .\ {II

2. Le Chignon D'Olga I < .‘ lII ; :II

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping I<I II I<


2. SpiritedAwayII’I.I _‘IIII_ \ III

Le Chignon O'OlgaII~' : :II I. :I.

l. Spirited Away «H II _‘ IIII. \ :II SpellboundII ; :II I. :II

2. Le Chignon D’Olga 1*I : III I I «I. Nuba Conversations IIII. II IIII Kaii’s Story 'll‘.I IIIII.

1.BatcatcherII~I IIIII

SpellboundIl UNI SIIII. 'llii. ‘illii 2. Spirited Away Il’(II .‘ IIII II _‘II

Le Chignon D’OlgaIIM IIII \III

1.SpellboundII lIIII. *iiii‘ ‘IIII_

2. Spirited AwayI|’(II ,‘ IIII_ II _‘II Le Chignon D’Olga I I<I 1 :II x <II

1. Bright Young Things I I*I .‘ <I Los Zaiiros I: \I .x I<

2. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I M €IIII. S IIII‘ ‘iilii

Ten Minutes Older: the Trumpet I I < " ii)

1. Pirates ol the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Subtitled) I I.‘ \ I


Bright Young Things I I<I .I IIII

Havana Quartet I IiI I. III

Los Zaiiros I I: \I 51*

2. Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet I I i. Hill. ‘) (ill

Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I I<I < IIII.


1. Beyond the Sea/Miami - Navana

I II \I 3 -l5

Bright Young Things I I < I II IIII

Buena Vista Social Club II I .\ :II

2. Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet I I R ‘~.IIII

Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I I<I < IIII. iii)

Sex is Comedy I I.\I IIIIII

A night in with The Party Monster

1. Bright Young Things IV _‘ :II \ :II Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl i.‘ \I I.IIII

2. Sex is Comedy I\I iIIII ~III. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I \ \ IIII

1. Bright Young Things i‘I _‘ I IamCubaII.‘\I \ h

Pirates ol the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Subtitled) I .‘ \I \ W 2. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I \I

SexisComedyIIx. \IIII

1.Adio Kerida II _‘ I\ I. :II

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I.‘ \I IIIII

Bright Young Things I I~I \ III

2. Bright Young Things I IN I IIII Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1M : III I

<IIII. 'IIII ‘lilil

1. Bright Young Things INI .‘ <II_ A III Balseros I.‘ \I x 1‘ 2. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I \I

{IIII \iili ‘IIII ‘liiii

lmax Theatre: Gla: I ow

(I|.I\§.'II\\ \ II‘IIII‘( I'IIIII', ‘ii |’.II lli\ ()IIIx. III 1| i_‘II \iiiill D II l \iiI l)I'lll\l\‘ lk'.Illll\' ll\ lxx'l\ l" IHI \UI \l.IIII\ 18‘” I! "M ( 'I\(' llli'llll‘k'l\i

Bugs 3DIl I II l‘dlii. IIIIIIII, UNI

SpaceStation BDII I h. 11*


I).IIl} ll liIIII. IIIIIIII. zii”. iii Space Station 30 II I

II.IIII I 1*. II'~

Bugs 30 II

I).II|) <IIII. i {II

.\|\IIIII.IIIIII'I' l'll \IIII II l‘.llli, IIIIIIII \lM' III.IIIIII'I' \lIIII llili l_‘ Hi

The Matrix Reloaded IiI

III IIIc (I13 ‘i W

\l\l‘ \II I\ \IIII Hill

Space Station 30 l I

I).IIl} l-l‘. ii‘

Odeon at the Ouay: Glasgow

()il l).ll\lt"\ RII.III IIIIIIIMII- ||.III} R.IIII\IlI’II\. ill-H 1|.\ HI ll lIIIII .IIIIl (‘(' II.IIILIIII- IIVII iII SIIIIII' [1); [I I ,\IiII|I 95 IIII \IIIIII'IIh UNI ('lIIiIl IIIIIiI-I l.‘

L i *H l.Iiiill_\ IIIkI-I i, ll I l\k'li\k'll lI.II

Bad Boy52I|<I IIIII, _‘_IIII_ .IIIII.

< ill \ IS *Hiii

Cabin FeverII<I I43 I IS II 1%. ()1;

Calendar GirlsII_?\I I 1*. Hi (I Ii. .\.1<

Down with LoveII3\I IIIII. HII. II IS ‘HNI

Finding NemoIl I” “LIIII. ll linII,

13H, |IIII jIIII. _‘ III. {NI iii). <IIII, IIIIII_ “IIII. III. xii I) ii) lgby Goes DownII<I I IS Hi I. III.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen I13 \I ll |<.IIII. l 4‘. -1 1‘. (I ii

i) I;

The Lizzie McGuire Movie II IIIIIIII Once Upon a Time in Mexico I<I *) III Pirates ol the Caribbean: The Curse ot the Black Pearl I.‘ \I II I<.IIII. 3 IS. < RI). x .1<

YoungAdamII\I IS II {II