Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgowOlichOMk, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Horthmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland :"l’a Argr. e Stu-M. Clamps, 01.1 ' I'C-i '7 t -',

Tickets Scotland Rm: Sim-:1. lgrlrntlurqlz, t’-‘,' 11;“ ‘3 a'. Ripping Records ’ef Sent" 8' '::;‘:. (21:31:);1‘65r'0lr:

Way Ahead .lilfl ‘if‘f‘i‘;

Thursday 1 6


I Shack, the Stands and Eastern Lane Krng 'l'ut'x \Vuh \\';rh llut. 333a St \'rnuunt Str‘uut. 33l 537‘), H.3llprn. L13. l.r\ur‘putltllr;rn runglu pop \uturunx uho murllatu lwutuuun tlrrrrnontl rnulotlrux and untnxprr'utl r'utr‘o tlrr'gux on nu“ ulhurn Hurr'x [hm urllr Illi' lll'rllllt'l'.

I Charlie Landsborough Roytl (‘onuur't Hull. 3 Sunuhruhrrll Str‘uut. .353 Slit)“. 7.3(lprn, {l7/L‘l5. lr‘rxh

\Ingt'l/xnllg“ rrtur \\ ho uornhlltux urrx} Irstunrng uountr‘} and toll rntluunuux rn lnx uornruururull) \uuuuxxtul \tltllltl.

I Sydney Devine l’mrlron 'l‘huutru. |3l RL‘llllL'ltl Str‘uut. 333 tho. 7.30pm. £1l.5ll/£‘),.5ll. \Vu \xlll mul'look thu

oln ioux ularxh \xrth .\lr‘ l.;rntl\horough\ grg to notu that Suotluntl'x r‘hrnu\tonu uon ho} rrdux ugrun.

I Regenesis ’l‘hu lit-n}. 43 (lulu l’lauu. 43‘) Hill), Nprn. £13. (lultu\l\ tr'rhutu. t'or' thoxu not \utud l3} thu r'uul thrng lrrxt \xuuk. I White Birch and Major Major Nrt'u'rr'SIL-rrI}. 43l Saruuluuhull Str'uul. 3.3.3 96.37. ‘lpnr. £3. Jo} l)r\r\ronu\quu rntunxrt}. l’urt ol‘ Sluul) ‘\ ()L‘ltllk‘l'tltt\t‘ lu\tl\;ll (ll rnuxru to hurrrltl thu \tgrr't ot’ thu \llltlt‘lll tur'rn.

I The Pearlfishers \ttrrror.rrl. .\lono. Krngx (hurt. .553 0455 h 3llpnr l'ruu, ln-xtor'u appuaraltuu trorn thu \u-xt uouxt ranglur'x to pr'ornotu thurr lou'l} nuu grlhurn .\L\ Hurt/on \

I Kunt, Dirt, Refrain .tlltl MIA 'l ht- ('.rlhou\u. l5 l'nron Str‘uut. 3-l.\ error» ".3llpnl L4. ()\ut'- l-lx \ltrm .\lut;rl lull I The Devotions, Paperback Throne, Symbolics .Illtl 3 Days Born l'ur'_\ .\lur'r'_\\. ‘Hr .\l.r\\\ull Slr‘uut. 33! (5| 1. ‘lprn. H. rnulutlrng; untr} to poxt-grg ulnh Shoxu‘axrng llru l-ur'_\ \ Kingx ot liantlx.

I The Fast Camels .llltl Milestone l.U.ItlL'tl. l,rquul l.oun§_'u. 9—1 Wu! Rugunt Struut. Illpnr. L3 1H on (ltml'l. \VL'Clxl} \lttm u.r\u Ul loual tll‘lhlx, I Unkle Bob 'l‘uhru ()\n.r.-13 ()t.r;_'o lunu. 35" 4534. Hprn. {thu ;\uou\tru tu\tur'u\ ur‘urrtutl urth gurtar'. [‘IJIIU. l,rhl.r and tlrurnhu.

I Acoustic Open Mic l‘..r\l Krllwrrtlc .-\I'l\ (I'ttll't'. ()ltl ('oauh Road. l'.;r\t .\l;nn\. litrxl Krlhr'rtlu. 013553 (illlllll. Xprn. H t£3 urth tl_\ur r. l’ru't ol thu l’()l’ pop luxtnal.


I The Mighty Elephants llurnan liu-ln. 3/3 \Vuxt ('r'oxxuutrxuuu). (163 Shot). loll} tr'orn Sulxa (‘ultrua rntr‘otluuux ltlx nun hand at llll\ \u‘ukl} \houurrxu ol untlur‘gr'ountl .\'u Soul and l'unk rnuxrurgrnx.

I Fester, Concession 101, Dirtbox, Stalemate and MUWK 'l'llu \unuu. 17 3| (Krlton Road. 55" W73. ".3llprn. £5. Rouk and rntlru tr'orn Apouul} pxu.

I Wendy Rule and Hoochie Fig ('atu Royrl llrxtr'o liar". l7 \Vuxt Rugrxtur‘ Str‘uut. .557 4703. 7.30pm. £5, Dru-urn). tluup .-\rnur'ru;rnu tr'orn :\u\tr';rlr;rn \rngur/xong“ r'ttur' Rulu.

I Tandy 'l‘hu Villrrgu. In South l'or't Str‘uut. l.urth. 47x T‘h’ll). ".3tlprn. {8. .v\uou\tru;rll) tlr'nun truth and pop lt'om .\ll|\u l't‘l‘l'ttt. \\ ho hax u\un takun a lu\\ rtluax tr'orn hrx trrnu to a r‘orrdru lor' thu lluttholu Strr'tur‘x.

I Schism Studio 34. 34 3h ('alton Road. 5.58 .3758. “.3llprn. {thu .\lor‘u r'ouk and rnutrrl t'r'onr /.u;r|ou\.

I Intricate, Operator and Solotempo \Vuu Rt‘tl liar. litlrnhur'gh ('ollugu ol' .-\r't. l.tllll'l\lnlt l’lauu. 33‘) l443. “PHI. [-1 ()Ul‘ l'llt‘lltk liuluutlu pruxunt thtx night ot lL'llllL‘ltl uluutr'onrua t'r‘orn Bunhuuulu and Spu/rulrnutur'rrrl.

Hundred Reasons play the Garage, Glasgow, Sat 25 Oct

I Whole French Band

\\ lnxtluhrnkrux. .1 o South lirrtluu. 55" .5114 “pm lru' .llltl tlrrutt trorn l’.rrr~ rrnrtlnrght lmntl \trll thu!

I Singleskin .mtl Amateur Guitar Anti-Heroes llurrot “an I nut-rut}

l nron. Rruurton. ~15l 5 3 3“ "l‘rn l ruu l-.\ou.rtr\u lllkllt' trorn Srnuluxlan \\lnlu thrngx all go .r hrt punk rouk \xrtlr \(i \ ll l\llltlL'lll\ .rnd thurr guuxtx onlw

I Weird Attractors vs the Ruflness lhu Holth ('lulx \lor.r_\ lll‘ll\t'. llUlH'UUtl Riknl. 355 "NH lllplll {54:31) ()punrng; nrghl u\tr.r\.r;_'.rn/.r .r\ l'..n\hot' uonrux to thu llorrgo'x nu“ prurnrxux urtlr .r In u lruatl on uollrxron ol rnonxtroux l\u.rt\ trntl rult tru.rl~


OThe Darkness, the Webb Brothers ,Illtl Three Inches of Blood liarroulantl. 3-1-l(},rllo\\3_'.rtu. 553 Jotll. 3pm Sl )l.l) ( )l 'l .\o .ruu r‘uxtr'rutron on tln\ \lrou Suu tu.rturu lor thu l);ul\nu~\ .rntl prux run tor tlru \\ul\l3 llt‘ulllt'l'x

I The Warlocks, Modey Lemon and Julia Thirteen lxrng: lut‘x \\.r|r \\';rh llut. 3‘34 SI \'rnuunt Struut. 331 53“). K, 3llprn. LEN. lilauk ul.ul. uruax} hanutl. \xhu} tauutl drug rouk lronr \rll l'r‘;rrlul\uo\ lltu \Vtrr'loukx.

I James Taylor Quartet l‘lrt- l'nnk Roorn. thu :\r‘u|ru\. 35 3 My} lu Struul. tltltll H33 (l3tlll. llprn. {l3 \qu |.r// \utur'anx \xhrp up a \tor'rn on thu tlunuutloor' \xrlh llrurr |l;nnrnontl uroou-x. I Sydney Devine l’,r\ rlron 'l lluatru. |3| Rt'llllt'ltl Str'uut. 333 lh-lh. ". 3llprn. (USU/[951). Suu 'l'hu lo.

I The Hugh Reed Explosion ’I lit" l'ur'r'). ~13 (lulu l’lrruu. 43" NH“. ‘lprn, L35 l,U(;tl lt‘fJL'lltl llllglt Ruutl ltlkLN .t \urlk on thu ('lulumlu.

I The Seers, Cosmos and the Pedestrians lhu (lrtlronxu. l5 l‘nron Slt‘uul, 3-13 ()(rllh. q__3llplll. Ur. ()u't' l.l\ \hou. 'l‘hu Suur'x ar'u thu nun lmml ll‘l'lllt‘tl h} u\-();r\r\ gurlur‘rxt lionuhuutl and thrx rx part ol tlrurr‘ l‘rrxt l’K tour

I OX, Roddy Hart tllltl Ally Kerr liar't'l} ltlp\l;lll'\l. 3(rll (lulu Struut. UN-” *)()7 (NW). Hprn. L3. .\lullo\\ ,ruouxltua hour a hunuh ot plurntn u \rngur'l' \ongnrrtur'x.

I The 80993, Nibushi Shanghong and Murnie liar'll) ttlounxtznr'xl. 3M) (lqu Slr‘uut. “83H 007 (NW). Hprn. £3. 'l'hu [loggx aru a .\'u\\ York haxutl hand \xho ur'uatu a \puutr'ul hrllhrll} trunhor'uu ol a \Hlllltl. I Cartel Communique, lDC, McSIeazy arul the SCO Network .\‘luu‘rr‘S|u;vy J3! Sauulnuhall Struut. 3.33 9037. 0pm. £3. llootluggurx ol thu \xor‘ltl unltu and \lap a uouplu ol mlunatuhutl l'uutll‘tl\ touulhur ltil' lxlulu. I The Aislers Set and The Lucksmiths 'l'hu \Vrnuhuxtur' ('luh. \Vootlxulu Sourrrl ('Iuh. ()pnr. £5. 'l‘lru .-\r\|ur\ Sut ar'u a uult llltllt' \upurgr'oup

t’r‘orn San l’runutxuo. lour‘rng: hur'u tor' thu

l'rr‘\t lrrnu rn l\ur _\u;u'\. \llpplll'lL'tl l3} an .-\u\tr‘;rlran old \uhool IllkllL‘ pop ll'ro.

I Infusion, Milestone and The River l‘ur‘} \lur‘r‘} \. \lauxull Str'uut. 33l (351 l. 0pm. £4. rnulutlrng untr'} to pttxl-glg uluh. 'l'r‘rplu lull ol upuonnng Iouul llltllL' hand»

I Intricate and Solotempo o llunr') '\ llrrxurnunt. l-l l)r'ur’} Str'uut. 343 3751. 3pm. 93o. Spu/ralnrrrtur'ral Ruuor'rlx Ul' /.ur'ruh \lltl“ L‘ttu‘ lllL‘ll' lull llL‘ltl uluulro talunt.

I Trampas (hand ()lu ()pr'}. l’anlu) Road loll. 43‘) 53‘)(r. ".3Uprn. L4 1&3 rnurnhur'xr. ('ountr').

I The Tremors .\lu(’hurll\. 4t) llrglr Str‘uut. 553 3|35. Illprn. l'r‘uu, l’t‘autluall} thu houxu hand at .\lu('hurllx.

I Cafe Carioca luhar ()\ na. 43 ()lago lanu. .35" 453-1. Nprn. l; l. .'\CUll\llL‘ llr'a/rlran \oundx.

I Nacoya, Hopper, Deque Rivers and Jacqueline Cogan 'l‘hu l.rl3ural ('luh. 33 llrgh Slruut.

~\ 5 rx‘t st as Musrc


The Darkness ( Mr .1! the rnornerlt hut f§(ft'l:'ltl lllt'l": at the

Starf; are e\.er$.‘.'.'lere

Banal; nous l‘llttllt he ,t :lll lax! (:hanee to \.‘.rtne:;:: thew rr‘ tr \.‘enue thrs; ‘.'.’(3(’ hetore the” 130th annr‘.’ert;ar§. reunrl lll tr )tll Vt 7030 See feature [lt'lrrol.'.rtrtx.. (Waggon, In ’r' ()r t

Mogwai lherr new: allrllr'l Hap/n Mum; for Ham”; M u 1; we rf; a r'elatrve t§l()\'.’ ourner alter the almost poppl, Hora x‘lt‘fwr anrl the; are ‘3lrll a hanrl that must he \.'./rtnessf;e<l irw: to ll“ truly rnarle sense of. llar'r'owlanrl. (‘rlasrto'src Sen lSl Oct.

The Bellrays l ::;a Kekuaia lfr the perfect trorrtxt‘l/ornan, (She looks; lrke an angel rle\.r| anrl has a voree that can shatter gl; 8:; antl make the earth quake tn the space of one song, Garage r‘oek as rt T$ll()lrl(l he. Raw. r'elentl 23;, anrl real. King lut's. ()lt'rsxflnv. Sun lfl Oct.

Public Enemy A charter;- to see these hrp hop Iegerrrla, fronted by Chuck D Iprettrr'erlr llexrng therr‘ polrtreal lllllf‘JLlU?) whrle the rest of the eorllrnerelal rap nurnptress hlrnr; hlrng therr way Into ohlrvrorr / rot/rd Moo/n, [-Y/rnl/‘urg/r. [H 94 ()(gt.

l’.ll\lt'_\. N-l‘) 3 mo .3llprrr, t 3 l’.rrl ol l’arxlu} In thu l’.ul\'\ \L'\\ “.Illll\ l'u\ll\al.

I Live MUSIC l'..r\l Krlhrrtlu \rt\ ('untr'u. ()ltl ("oaulr Roarl. l..r\l \l.llll\. laaxt Krlhrrtlu. ill 3553 (illlllll 3pm 9.3 H33 \xrtlr llu'rl Shoxuuw ol _\onn;' l‘QIlltl\. l’.’lll (ll lllu l’( )l’ pull lu\ll\.ll

I Grande Soires, Ross MacMillan .rml Feral l..r\l Krllmtlc .'\l‘l\ (.untlu. ()ltl (out ll Roarl. laxl .\l,nn\. larrxl Krlhrulu. “I 3.553 (rlll‘lll hprn. {51‘44 \xrtlr tlu'rr Shmuaxu ol _\ourrg_' huutlx l’art ot thu l’Ul’ pop tuxtrurl

I Paisley in the Park 'I lrt- trill-ml ( ul‘. 33 llruh Struut. 33‘) 3h3l " 3llprn L' lpur' nrghtr 'luo \\L'L'l\t'lltl\ ol lllll\lL. \trrr‘trng otl \xrtlr tlrruu (lap ol .ruouxlrt \(illll(l\ horn thu Irkux ol Jaquulrnu Cogan. St} lux :\tllHlll;rllu. tlru \.rllrl;rl. \auqul. Suott MacDonald .tlltl rnoru


I Stuart Clark, Bernard Brogue Band and Miyagi “hotluhrnkrux. l South lir'rtlgu. 55" 5| ll (rprn \Vrth thu llur'nar'tl liroguu Band on tour trorn thu \L‘lllL‘l’ltlllth.
