Music rock a”: pop listings

Friday 17 continued


I Kill Your Timid Notion l)undcc ('onlcnipoiar} :\rl\. I53 \clhcrgalc. “I ‘53 WNW)“ "pni L35 lor lhc \xcckcnd. Ll” [X'l' llll} l'L‘\ll\.ll Hl lllC \Cl‘} l\c\l Ul cwcruncnlal lllllSlL and film troin all mcr lhc \Hll'lll includian .ippcaranccx lioin l’hilip JCklx. Rllllh. .'\cid \lollici'x 'lcmplc and .'\ll\lll.lll ('hrixlian l'cnllcv Scc

[Hm ll‘u

Saturday 18


I Zero 7 (Killing: Acadcnl}. l3l laglinlon Sllccl. nuns lilo WW/nxfii “Tl john

" illpm l’()S'l'l’().\'l-,l) mm] 30 March Bum.

I Southside Johnny 'l’hc l’crr}. 43 ('l}dc l’lacc. 43‘) llllll ‘lpni Ll‘) 5U llluc collar rh}lhin'n'bluc\ \clcran \Hlll linkx lo lll\ \cu Jcrxc} inalcx llrucc Springxlccn and SIM c \an /.andl lll\ group lhc Axbur} Jukcx ll;l\L' lk'cn lll‘u‘l’llk‘ll ax ‘lllL‘ \\Ul'l\l.\ gl'calcxl bar band

I The Boogaloo Investigators

l)i\ inc. (ilaxgoii School Hi All. 1th chlrc“ Slrccl. ‘5‘ 4531) L4 bclorc 13am; £7 «to \ludcnlw allcr llainmonddmcn iclro lunk band blcnd in \\ ilh lhc lab gcar \oundx ol l)l\ inc

I The Wolfetones l‘lill‘l‘llHlllllll. 244 (ialloxxgalc. 553 -l()lll. 7.3llpni. H3. (’cll rock \clcram “Ill! .i \ll'onj.’ polilical dam to lhcir |_\iic\.

I Sydney Devine l’;l\lllim 'l‘hcairc. Ill chlicld Slrccl. 333 lS-lo. 3pin/7_$llpiii. £l3.5l)/L'll)/[S.5(l. Scc ’l'hu lo.

I British Sea Power, Jeffrey Lewis and Eastern Lane King 'I‘ui\ \Vah Wall llul. 373a Sl \inccnl Slrccl. 33l 537‘). S. illpm. £7. Angular. all) indic rock quarlcl “llll a compclling \l\ll;ll \cnxc.

l.l\ c \ll(l\\\ hax c prc\ IUll\l_\ lcalurcd much lullllgc llllll limlllgL' ll‘Ulll .‘l .llulll'r (I! [171' will [hut/i. liil lacking: on lhc \ong lronl lhough

I Viking Skull NIcc'n'Slcal}. 43| Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 0M7. 9pm. £0 Sidc proiccl lor ('orb} hardcorc punk/mclallcrx Raging: Spccdhorn.

I Broken Social Scene, Eleven Mile Creek and the Stars liarll}. Jon ('|}dc Slrccl. 0370 007' (MM Spin. [5 lo- li l’a\cincnl} allcrnarock \oundx l'roni ('anadian collcclnc llrollcn Social Sccnc. lhc Slarx lla\ c llccn dcwl'ibcd ax 'lilcclronica lronlcd b} Sir/annc cha‘.

I Prince Boab 8: the House Band Rub Dunn. All l.ib. lll llopc Slrccl. 34H («>45 1 lpm. £4/£5. lilcclro. lunk and lll\L‘U.

I The Godtearing Atheists .\lc(‘llul|l\. 40 High Slrccl. 553 335. lllpni. l5rcc. :\llcounlr_\.

I Jamie Barnes & Cochise .\lacSor|c)x 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 34S S5SI. (\plll. l‘rcc. RL‘HdCllc) lUl‘ lllL' bluc~ \CIL‘l'all. I Roost SlacSorlc} \. 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 34S S5Sl. 0pm. l’rcc. (‘o\cr\.

I Paisley in the Park lhc l.lbcral ('Iub. 33 llighSlrccl.$03831. 7.30pm. £3 ipcr nighli. Scc l’ri I7. Rulh Marlin. Scoll .\lacl.ain. lhc Nalural and l’amcla .'\ll‘llL‘ pcrlorm lonighl.


I Lee Paterson, Stealer and Jiva \Vhixllcbinkicx. 4 (1 South Bridgc. 557

51 I4, bpm. l'unk rock from Slcalcr.

I Nick Harper and Noochie Fig 'l‘hc liquid Room. ‘lc Vicloria Slrccl. 335 3504. "pm. [8. Virluow guilar pla_\ in; lrom llarpcr.

I Playtone ('abarcl \‘ollairc. So 38 Blair Slrccl. 330 ol‘o. 3pm. l‘lrcc. Album launch parl} [or local guy l’la)lonc and lhcir \ccond album Rig/11.4mm [11(' Wrong 'I‘lu'ngx.

I Def Leppard l’la}hou\c. IS 33 (irccnxidc l’lacc. 0870 6063434. "gfillpm. ()ld \chool hca\} rock l'rom lhc~c old lnncrx pcrhaps llli\\l lamoux l‘or lhcir \lring ol' cringcnorlh) llll\ in lhc Sllx and lhcir onc-armcd drummcr.

I Lucksmiths, the Aislers Set and Homescience (‘alcllonian Backpackch

50 THE LIST 76-3? 03'.

.l ()llL‘L‘lhlL‘l‘l'} SII‘CL‘I. 4-50 "334 S. illpm £5, .r\u\lralia\ l.llL‘l\\lllllll\ arc loincd b} l'l\lllf_' indic rockcrx lhc :\i~|cr\ Scl lpholo ID I\ rcquircd lor cnlr} I.


I Kill Your Timid Notion l)llll\ll‘L' ('onlcinporar} .\l‘l\. l53 \cllicrgalc. HI 383 009000. 7pm. £35 lor lhc \icckcnd. {Ill pcr da), l‘cxlnal ol lhc \cr} l‘cxl ol mpcrnncnlal muxic and lilm lrozn all o\cr lhc world including: aplwaranccx lroni l’lnlip Jcck. RUINS. .'\(l\l Mollich 'l‘cniplc and .'\ll\ll‘l;lll clcclronica c\pcrl (‘lirixlian l‘cnncv. Scc prcx icw


0 Mogwai and Bardo Pond liarrouland. 344 (iallougalc. 553 4(illl ."Rllpm U4. local hcrocx pla) llllCllNL‘ \ongs loi allcnli‘. c pcoplc lrom lhcir currcnl album Hull/n Son for Hap/n I’VUI’ll'

I Tom Paxton and Cathy 8. Marcy Slrallicbdc Suilc. Ro}al (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Sauclilcllall Slrccl. 355 Slllll). Spin. U45“. l'clcd lolk lllll\l\‘ \clcran \\ll()\L‘ \ocmll} L‘Ullxclnlh \Ullg\ llllu' lX‘L‘n l'L‘CUl’llL‘ll l1} llfllSIS as di\cr\c ax l’lacido Domingo and Willic .\‘cl\on. Supporl lroni (ll\L‘l'\C lolkxlcrx ('alh} link and Marc} Mann: 0 The Bellrays and Sluts of Trust King 'l‘ul'x Wall \\'ah llul. 373a Sl Vinccnl Slrccl. 33l 537‘). S50pm. LS Scc pl‘cx 1c“ lor axx kicking l)clroil soul garagc rockcrx lhc lh‘lll';i)x. \\llU\C \ingcr l.l\;l chaula alw gucxlx on lhc ncu liaxcmcnl Ja\\ album. Supporl lroni loulcd (ilamcgian garagc dllo.

I The Futureheads, Pupkin and Recliner Barll}. Jon (‘lulc Slim-i. MSW! 007 (NW. Spin. £4. 'l‘hc llCHtlllllCl'N arc a _\oung Sundcrland quarlcl \\ ho combinc art) pml-punk angularil} “fill a mclodic hardcorc \cnxibilily ('oinparixoih ha\ c rangcd from lillldllf.‘ llcadx lo X‘H’ lo lhc l'llllcl'lollcs.

I The Pastels, Movietone and Sister Vanilla lilN Kilhridc Am (‘cnlrc. ()ld (’oach Road. liaxl .\lain\. l'.;l\l Kilbridc. “13553 (illlllll Spin. LES it'oi. (‘clcbralcd indic \clcranx \\ ho rcccnll) \oundlrackcd lirullu ull/lml lllrL‘L‘lUl‘ l);l\ Ill .\lacl\L‘Il/lc\ lirxl lcalul'c I'lu' lm! (inn! Hill/(nun. Sixlcr Vanilla lcalurc Linda Rcid \ibling oi Jim and William ol lhc chux and Mar) (‘hain \\ ho l\ hcrc :n \upporl oi hcr dcbul album [Jilli' l’o/i Rm A. Part of lhc l’()l’ pop l’c\ll\al.

I Pole ()plimo. Sub (‘lub. 33 Jamaica Slrccl. 34.\‘ 4mm. llpm. Ulk‘. Minimal clcclronica l’rom lhc llrlhl alxo knoxin ax Slclan Bclkc \\ ho pla}cd al lrip'l‘} ch llll\ )car and _|ll\l rclca~cd lll\ llL‘\\L‘\l album on .\lulc.

I Andybodon, Newborn Nobody and Davelectro Slcrco. 12 14 Kclxinhaugh Slrccl. 57b 50”. 8pm. {lbc .»\ rim of llL‘UlhllC and clcclronica.


The Ravonettes bring their electro garage rattle most appropriately to the Garage, Glasgow, Fri 24 Oct

I Talon - Best of the Eagles l’axilioii 'l‘hcallc. l3l chlicld Sliccl. ii3 Islo " illpin {ll 5” {Ill liibulc lo lhc bcaid} counli} iockch Ilon‘l Kingw ol l.con mm lullil llial icnul'

I God’s “Vin, Bladderpatch, Deadites, Lifeblind and Keyanti lhc ('alhouxc. I5 l'nion Sliccl. 34S (moo. "Hillpin. {4.51) \lclal bill

I Elvis Special \lt'k"ll'SlL'il/_\. 43| Sauclnchall Sllccl. “VHS” ‘lpni. l'icc l'l'Ulll lhc makcrx ol lhc lcgcndar} S|ca/) '\ acouxlic |;llll.

I Emotional Tourists \llicsoill-i \. 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 34S 55S] Spin l'lcc I Paisley in the Park lhc l.ll‘L‘l.ll (‘Iulx 33 High Slrccl. bb") 3bi| " illpni. U ipcr nighli, Scc l‘ll I“. Sl}lu\ .-\ulonialic. Scoll .\lacl)on.ild. ('alhciinc ()‘llalloran and \\ondcilu| .\lliludc l’roblcni pcrloiin lonrglil.


I The Listening Room 'I hc liliil- lila/cr. 3 Spillal Sum. 33‘) 5”“) Spin, Suggcxlcd donation (L3 .«\cou\lic \onndx ax lhc aulunin \caxon (illlllllllc\ \\ llll And} & (iranl l l‘) (M) lolloucd b} limalinc l)c|apai\ ilbci on 3o ()cl,

I Tom Jilbert \Vlnxllcbinkicx 4 (\ Soulh llridgc. 55“ 5| l4 ‘lpni ('oxcix and original inalciial.


I Harper 'linllmnlll. .lllll “)llll. lil‘x‘so 274nm. “.Rnpin. [S «[5 5m, Scc Sal IS.


I Kill Your Timid Notion Dunllcc (‘onlcmporau .'\l‘l\. I53 \clhcrggalc. (H.133 000000. 7pm. £35 lUl' lllL‘ \xcclxcnd. {Ill pcr da_\. l'L‘\ll\;ll ol lhc \cr} bcxl ol L'\pL‘l'llllL‘llllll lllll\l( and lilin l'roin all ma lhc \xoi‘ld including aprwaranccs lroni l’hilip .lcck. Rllllh. .'\L‘ltl .\lolhcr\ l'cniplc and .'\ll\lll.ll] (‘lirixlian l-cnncv. Scc picx lL'\\


I Ruins, Acid Mothers Temple, Zubizura X, Alcaten and lofty (illhgou School ol x\l'l. lob chlrc“ Slrccl. 353 4531). LS. liumpcr bill oi c\lrcmc a\anl rock lroni Japan

I DJ Format 8. Abdominal King; 'l‘ul‘x \Vah \Vah lllll. 3"3a Sl \‘inccnl Slrccl. 33l 53“), SFllpin. LES ()ld \l'lliml lunk} ciil-;iiid-pa\lc hip-hop lcclllllquo lrom l'Ul'llllll and 'l’oronlo .\l(' .-\bdonunal.

I Aurasun, February Solution, Refrain and Second Fault 'l'hc l {in .\'olc (Eric. 5” (ill King: Slrccl. 55“ In“. Spin. £3. Nu-mclal linc-up.

I Rev Doc 8; the Congregation

Sludio ()nc. (il'li\\C|10l' llolcl. (iroocnor

'lcrracc loll B)rc~ Roadi. 341 (i510. 9pm.

l‘rcc. ’l'rad leli. lcalurrng.v auard- “inning harmonica pla_\ in;

I Acoustic Jam \icc'n‘Slca/y 43l Sauclnchall Sliccl. iii ‘Ni V .\pin l‘lcc \\ llll a licc drink ax inccnlnc loi |‘.llll\'l[\.llll\

I Candy Sniper \lclco. . l.‘, I4 Kchinhaugh Sliccl. Vo 5Hl.\ Spin {lhc laino. poxl lialdcoic indic \oundx


I Open Mic \\ liixllcbiiikicx. 4 o Soulli lliidgc. 55" 51 14 “pm .luxl luin up and pciloiin

I Acoustica (Ill‘dlx'l \HllJllL'. 5i) {X lllaii Sliccl. 33llb|3o 3 “WIN I-icc l\ollllllal_\ conllllmllonx on c\lli \ llcu niglil ol .lt'UllSllx' \oundx ollciinc \aiicd linc upx lioin ludinbuiylh lllll‘\l \inggcr/xonguiilcix .v\nd icincnibci no \‘UM‘I' \k'ISIl'll\ .‘lllim l'll


I Remedy, Catapult and Sidney & DGI llllll‘lllllll. .lllll “)llll. lll HIV) I‘llnnn. Spin. £3.51) ‘44 Indic lock \\llll ioolx lcclingx lroni Rcincd} licadiny anolhcr lop ol lhc Rockx \lioucaw

Tuesday 21


I Karl Bartos King: 'lul‘x \\.ili \\.ili llul. 3‘3a Sl \inccnl Sllccl. 33] 533‘) S. illpni. U3, liai‘lm \\.i\ lhc nian \ilio lL‘ll Kl'llll“ Cllx l‘k'k'illHC llL' \\.l\ \lt'k Hl lllk' olhcr incinbcrx' iil\\\'\\lnli \\ ilh \"\\’l|llj.' ln lll\ \olo caiccr. hc llax laxouicd a much morc inanNrcain pop approach lo clcclronica,

I Funeral for a Friend, the Movielite and Million Dead 1 lil- (iaragc. 4‘)“ Sauclllcllall Slrccl. H3 |l3ll. "pin. L“). ()xci l-l\ \liou. Scc pic\ 1c“ lor \Vclxli cino rocle l'uncial lot a l'ricnd. l’lux \upporl iron] kindicd \pii‘ilx.

I Sign Red and Your Scarecrow Nicc'n'Slcal). 43l Sauclnchall Slrccl. 33‘.“ 9037. 9pm. 9; i. Indic.

I David Murray 'l'chai (Mira. 43 ()lago l,anc. ‘57 4534. Spin Ll

I John Alexander Isl-amccnc. 1*) Skirun; Slrccl. (H3 mun. Spin l'icc l,aidbacl\ background \oundx

I Munter, the Stick Finlays and Fez Slcrco. l3 l4 Kclnnhaugh Slrccl. 57) 5lllb. Spin. 1; i. lndlc lriplc bill. 'I hc Slick l‘llll.’l}\. ll](i\L' bop lroin lhc bordcrx. gcl lhcn \inglc i'cxicucd in lhc Rccordx \cclion.

I Phil’s Session l'ixgc licallla. 332 \Vimlllalllb Road. 504 I590 ‘lplll. l'lcc. \Vcckl} lain.


I Charlie Landsborough ()uccn'x llllll. ('lcrk Sll‘ccl. ()(ifi 3lll‘), 5‘. “mm. H“ {lli5ll.SL'L-'ll1ll lb.

I Band Showcase \\'lii\iIc-hiiiLic-\. 4 (i Soulh Bridgc. 55" 5| l4, Upni ('all in ad\ancc tor a