I Super Furry Animals and Dead Meadow ('aihu): .»\c;ulcm}. Ill lighquu SllL‘L‘l. ll‘lll5 llle “NU/035'” 5"] Jilllll, 7.30pm, tl5l l'mlcrr lox Io hc accoruparucd h) an aIluII. ‘l hc \M'lxh \xoiulcix arc cui‘l'cull) Iucarulcnu; do“ n a paxloral. [l\}\'llL‘IlI'llL‘ roulc huI Ihcu j._'l_‘_'\ hIII'xl \th a hcap ol oIth lla\qu’\. all ol Ihcui hpxiuackuigl} \IhrauI.

I The Raveonettes, Razorlight and the Boxer Rebellion 'l‘hc (iaragc. -l‘)(l Saucluchall Slrccl. 333 I ll”, 7pm, {H50 ()xcr l-l\ \hou (‘ool huI ouc- nolc l);llll\ll (lllll \xho coiuluuc Ihc colupclhug \)thpuuk Iuouolouc \oiuul ol Surculc \th a Ilaxh ol (illx girl group \“aggcr.

I Chikinki, Kilo arul the Shores King 'l'ul’x \Vah \Vah lluI. 372a SI \iuccnl Strccl. III 537‘). Sillplii. [5. Bl'hliil quiuIcI (‘hikinla pqu lthI' rocking: clchI'ouIca \ll'illlhhll.

I Terry Callier ‘l‘hc :\Ichc\. 353 Mg} lc Sll‘ccl. (NIH “22 (Will. 3pm. [l5 lLl 5i. ('hlcago\ laul hack lull/Mull guru. much |o\cd h) lchh ()rlon. plan ling Big: World. I Jetplane Landing and Fickle Public 'l'hc (‘alhouxcn l5 l'Iuou Slrccl. 248 (your). 7._~Ilpru. £5. ()wr' l-l\ \how .-\ug_'lo-lrish licr) uuhc punkx. “how pachIc raugc~ Irqu \Vcc/cr Io Sonic Youth. IouI uc“ alhulu ()m 4' 1.1km: Spark

I Bigman and Driverdown Haul}. 3m ('l_\Ilc Sll'ccl, ux‘u «In? (low 3pm. £3. Mclmhc I'ockcrx lllgiuau launch Ihcu‘ uc“ lil’ “hilc Ihc Iuol'c Imlic-oI‘IcuIachl Drixcrdouu ha\ c a ucxi alhuui Io puul.

I The "“r‘ ' , Pencilhead and UNited Front Nicc'ri‘Slcal}. -l2l Sauchichall Sum. ‘33 0637. ‘lpm. {3, local \ka \upcrgroup gcl lllC part) \lgll‘lcil.

I The Strand, Lassie Casserole and Punch Drunk Monkeys l’ur} Murry. Uh .\la\\\cll Slrccl. 33] (\5l 1. 0pm. £4. Including; cnlr) Io [NIH-gig cluh. 'l‘riplc hill ol~ upcouung local uuhc hand» I Paisley in the Park 'I'hc l.Ith'a| ('luh. 33 lhghSIrch.3893531. ". illpmv £3 Ipcr IughI l. Scc Thu 23.

I Nacoya Slioogicuhc. Ihc Souiulhaux. 47 llylc l’III'h SlI'L‘L‘l. Ill 46.5” lllpnl‘ L.-. I Scott McDonald, Anton, Bunker and therisingson lIIIIIuaIc. Ihc lidgc. (‘ochran SIrch. 552 I740, ‘ll‘m. £4. chular \ho“ caxc ol' acouxlic \uigcr/ \ongm‘ucrx. inning: hlucx. couulr}. \oul and rock \I)|c\.

I The Radiotones ‘l‘hc llo“ “(Hill Inn. Main SII‘ch. llo\\\\ood. ucar Johuxtouc. (H505 703 UV 8.30pm. :\ll hlucx,

I The Diablos .\Ic(‘huIII\. in High Street. 552 3l35, lllpiu. lice Rock’n'roll and rockabilly.

I Big Licks MacSorlc} \. 43 Jamaica Slrccl. :48 85M. 0pm. lircc

I Speedtrap SIIIIIIIL‘I Do“ ‘\. (i- 7| Nillmlalc Road. 433 IllIlT. 8.30pm. l'lrcc.

Terry Callier plays the Arches, Glasgow, Fri 24 Oct

I The Fusion Experience I lama l.ouuj:c. ‘l-l \\cxl Ix’cjgcul \IIchl ‘5 1 hi ii (rpm, l'lcc chulcuc} lIqu Ilux |.I// luuh

I Frank O’Hagan IIII- \Ioua. II.‘ ll 1 Slockxxcll .Sum. 553. Mihl ‘lpu. l Icc (‘o\cix ol lhlau. Ihc llaiul. ('Iccllcucc

I Audiophile, Little Miss Debbie 8. the Scumbag Boogie Band, Pretender .uul Roost lhc I IIn-ral (‘luh ‘3 High ~\uccl. l’alxlc}. NW WI 5. illpiu. L'i l’aII ol l’.ll\l\‘} Ill Ihc l’aik'x \L‘“ llaluh l'c\lI\.Il


I John Watson, Roguestar and Big Hand \\ lll\llL‘l‘llll\lL'\. -l (i \oth lll'ulgc. 55‘ 5| l-l hpru Slaihiuu \I}|c rocking: lIouI Rogucxlal \\IIh hol \ka Iioiu Ill; llaml.

0 Public Enemy 'I hc l Iquul Ix’ooui. ‘lc \icIoI'Ia SIIch. 325 35M "pin 1.?” lhc original and hcxl hanlcoic pohlical llll‘ hop acl Ill Ihc “Ill'lll. pla} Ilux Iuciclhhl} luluualc

I Zoot Woman 'I hc Bongo ( ‘Iuh. MIMI} llouw. lllll}lllilkl RILIIl. 5.55 ~(ill-l lllpui. LN. .lacqucx l.u ('ouI'x uhcr Mix \_\nIh pop Ilio plaung ax pail ol cluh nigh! l’ogo Voguc. \nlh l)‘|\ Iakui; )oii Iluough quII *th

I The Boogaloo Investigators, Preston Pianz & the Seaton Sands .uul Modus Iago. ll l’IcaIII} Plant-1‘8 “.l i-l, lllpul, L“ d5! lx’cll hoI l'uuk. \url \oumlx. \loIl lC\l\.lll\lll .uul llauuuorul \mrlx ax llll\ Iriplc hill gllcxl .u IlIc (io~(io\ ucu mng Rcad} SIcaIl} (lo (in \Kllll Ihc lL‘\lIlCIll l).l\ laud \pccial _'_'III'\l \llkc} (‘olhuxi Liking; )oil Iluough lllllll


I Mariah Carey Sl:('(‘. l'IIIIIIc\loII Qua}, (LR—ll lHll Jilllll Llll '1” [4kg ‘1 pop aI th \ccuix liaukl) uioug Sth \o mail \hc Ilocxu'I uccd an) hclp lioru ux (ioIl hclp ha.

I The Elvis Collection (lnlc .'\llIlllUI'lIlllI. Sl:(‘('. l-quicxlou Quay H55" (rumour), L'I‘SII {ISM :I: in I In Inhulc lcaIuruig: a Icu piccc halul IrouIcIl h} Bill} J .\lc(irc;_'or who cowl Ihc lull \pccu‘uiu ol l’rcxlc} malcrial

I Hundred Reasons 'l‘hc- (Luagc. Ml Sauchichall SII'ch. “I III“ "pm {Ill .\'o agc l'L‘\ll'lcllHll\ ou llll\ \hou \lumlauc cmo \houIcix \xho lIIIlecI‘ a Ilcal ol cucrg} huI haw )cl Io tall owl a quc

I Thea Gilmore and Adam Masterson King Inn \\ah \\ah llul. I'Ia SI \inccnl Sum. 33! 52“) \ zHpru £10.l’ro|1licy~ung xmgcr \ougurucr lIouI ()\ll‘l\l\hll'C “how ~I} lc l\ \Irougl} lullucuccd h} Boh l)}l,lll.lli‘lll\\.1ll\,lll\l Joni .\lIIchcll


‘Flllll'a .-17llllClllBlll

W Will/film ~l5 I;Iisux;,iil hum


1mm avmm ++ Garriso: nmssnw lllE lillllllfil 0mm SlllllllllllY “cm

8) arrangement with HELIER SKELTER N- . fl n


il'y' arraooe'i‘en! '.'.‘T'I ASCIJID

Emmylou HarrlS+Spyboy ".7“

with Special Guest Buddy Miller

Glasgow Clyde Auditorium Wednesday 19th November -



Adflan Sherwood guest dj ,

Glasgow Barrowland

Thursmmth November

Fridamovember kSaturday 22nd November

'"_ m13msrs~,'~'

o - o - ~ By . l ‘. ' _':.. "" I V. ' j - ,I z i {‘2‘ e I 1. “I: I f Arcana” w T Jill - a. 7"»

_‘ m.in§pi'rillcarp§ls.¢o'lh-

l‘lonélqwsi «camber . .

TICKETS:‘B' 24HRS: 0870 169 0100 umimm-mommwmrmwmmwm rmwmwmnmummwm

Ind Outline: Q mmtlaudxiclietmstemomli a mgigsiuscotlaudxoul