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o a i i Artists fight for Tramway Supporters of pioneering Glasgow visual arts centre campaign to keep it alive. " Words: Ruth Hedges

I Two heads are better ever have the Visual arts in ESztot and Lee". zit/tress arrw- HAHN 1‘. f'ie art: ‘-_~ rt'rurfw' ; ,. '. / K" than one. they say. But suchahot topicofdrsrxrssxm thenens aft l’xat"‘ala'<r.'."_ :;-";,' 'a'. [)t."’)rri' gig ;/ (::';_i.(: t what if both heads monthotScottishHallet'sordtodexercr:the (L';"'.t:"‘t:’>';:". ;'\"tt~,tr".: .'.':';rr-:,~t;a"".r:-' Cd'a‘xrra '...-r‘. run; is" .2 ’"tii ~'r belonged to Ray

council owned lrarnwav l.’tt(> rehearsal srace "as career at l'ar“‘.'.a.. says 'l’. "warts "‘cre ::.r- aw: Winstone and he was

sparked unprecedented (:olurhn :nrthes and "‘()l)‘rif;(:tl at‘rxtrzt" the n. .:r'~:; sf "411.1%.'.fr’i\tt"r}:'t(r .r"‘.ré' \' 7‘ ' i using them to play both

a great wave of protest trorn the Scottish aw: ‘.‘."rl(‘:.' "(rertf‘r a area/tare : rr’ttuijt'siL" r ":,-:,-r '1: 'xe'r: mane my in,“ (M 1.1,!“ of the murderous Kray

International arts communtty Ir: a storrrn, rnor‘th. 'host 0‘ t .'.'I°.t‘r"‘ t".(- 1,:4‘: r.;;""";,nrt, t$:;:r".e kWh-m. , my: y. twrns, The new movie

(Elitftttow City Council suspended Arexra llolt. t\.4a<::;".ers<:h. a" a’fm'. r-x'xrt'tr: :a‘. l'a"‘.'.a. as? H‘f'fl' " i' 5‘5 lltlfit‘r A'T‘k about the gangsters IS

vv ... . .. lktr’1tttr": lramways heart of ‘.’lf3tr£tl art. and protests were new: gea', sans \. .re a. e. . sauna .t, :11.- r: ( 'l "‘3 set to be directed by llt the premises iatroveu Outside a demonstration Wontc-“fun the mitt/nu? .'.'a:; :tt‘ri x: st, '.’_i tttr '.a'.'.aj. Ray Burdis. who

’rms it: fits th.’. staged at the Scottish Arts (Iotrncrl otfrces an noun s tragrc.' the genera. trying .5; :vre petuea' tr, Let-m intiggdlwt .11.; w” produced the 1990 tidrnhurgh earlrer rn October. artist Stexe (Lasgor. (1m, (Zomr‘ , .'."‘.<:". 't :; ‘e‘t. moor: tie gum; :" but to the Shnttiflt‘. effort with the Kemps in l-lollrngsworth said: the support of Scottish [talc-t}: _.; :t': the l'a"“.'.a‘. .'.rt"trt.'. 'a.r":; ti" ".z’teit the Alt“ (thr'l‘l W the key roles. . . hid hy (‘rlasgow (3m ()ouhcri smacks of sup; :>". 'e-;:..'rreit 'or flu: spars-u 1:, realist,- it; fail f,""""li":€3fl : t Winstone's showbiz pal Incompetence and cultural ‘.’{t.'t(t{tllf§t‘. . It has a2‘.-.aj.s t7:>'.(3"'.|(‘:.. A'exra l lzfif's anima on :get :t’ E‘thifi/ -L‘ to ,I. JUde Law iS pondering had problems wrth trarn\.'.a\, and doesn't u"d<>r:;tar‘.<t curate a" .'tt(?'."a°.ro"a‘ arts ti'rlttttt"‘YY‘:r: s noel, over an offer of another rts rrnportance rt doesr‘t hate a full rnxestrnent :tor‘soertx: to he :hsatt :trr:"-‘. Mix a W >lt. hurt! ’Jt once in a lifetime role. as

the venue. orrgrnalh the (3(E'tt'éti hub for (Elasgovfs lhe'e :s clearly, nun" "i:t:;t ‘or :r srtass c)" o" a. the "“*“" ‘m‘ I"'"""""- he considers playing {tiring/riftrijtfjrt ,"( Irrtt't’il pape Jab" Paul in Since It was transformed rnto the Museum of ltttrt>tl=r(tllt(_]. ‘.'./l‘.i:7‘t has 11(343{1"th;t.".l‘.(:(} r'r; Yt‘. M “1,4,3: .1 ("Mt a movie about the

tram system, has been kept rn the public sphere :ssues tr‘a‘. 'tzt\.(} tree" that‘s." r" the last month

transport rn the (30s. lacing demolition r". the hits. .t or‘terer‘t incarnations. cont: t,(,- 'e'r“. go'ateo ~.-.r'.l‘ a Pontrft's early life In was developed as a multr ar s space and became the 300k for a new era Hat less::r‘s ."(3'312 tr: he Lea'”_‘. “or? V ’i‘i'll'ii‘l" 51”“ 3"“ Poland. The potential

.,, rr': 'ttlftl ",f Srg'rttrsh model for galleries such as late l rverpoor and the the method rt at" t what tot. <10. as 'hej. sa, \."rat E" , f upsrde Is that It may only )arrrrt ‘; Hex. Baltic ltt Newcastle. But tramway has struggeed \‘JItt‘. has “urt and an'toyet ceor: e s the ~."":er"an<t w, ,anw My 1W.“ ever see the light Of day issues such as vrsrtor attendance and engaging with :t:; thin/1:;tiihetttiérft'fa'tftlért.‘ saxs Kat' "a Bronx". worm: against the On Italian W. . .

local community of t)()il()i\t§ttit‘.‘.t§, Major proxxfis such ‘>~rtSK>f?'tT%=<>-"- “rt Alrtx'd Perhaps even more as the Y t ‘9 mrllron Hidden Gardens attempted to Disagree? react@list.co.uk Hi” ‘1’") W’ bf" [M mysterious than all that is news that the

. . League 0!

Singles chart rethink _ , _ _ ahead with plans for a

Musrc brz debates downloading in Glasgow Words: Ruth Hedges movie about their

f\.o1. can't peat ‘err‘, Join 'en‘. the HUSH? peer and Ka/aA. Morris Joins Suvrss music Royston Vasey Crazies.

rndustrfi. appears to haue adrhrttet: that hr: regent Dieter Meier rprctured, left; among the The film is pencilled in to

an‘ount of cash or rt‘usr‘le can stem the ketnr :te speakers. Merer rs petter‘ Known as appear in 2005 with a tide of don-.nloadrng and its :rhpact on tne one half of electro-pop duo Yeiio. fourth TV series to follow sales of singles. this 't‘O'tttt, lxes. figures rr‘. the the debate comes tlt the wake of the chaos soon after. . . And even rndustn, come together Itt Glasgcs. at the in the US .'.’her'e the Recording Industry heavier than all those International Cross—Media Music Corrxentorr. i ssccratron of America has threatened action should be Dave Musrtftxorlxs. to thrash out the issues. the against people. Including a t2year-old girl. Grohl's new album, set future of the singles charts looks set to be for :tr;.-.hloaorng music. The heats; tactics are for a February release. t‘O\OlUthtt|5(}(t by incorporating dot-axioms not working and the RIAA has been forced to While he's written a” the rnto the figures to protrde a truer reflectzor‘ of back down. In the UK, singles sales have ‘tunes' for PrObOt. he's a song's popularrtx. the serrrrhar. Pey'pe' Tc f'e t:i:r'r"ri<:-t~::d t 35> this year. the weekly left screeching duties On people— grze octets the charge. 2:; er t‘. yr‘a'ts are lrrsrtg credibility as a reflection of all the tracks to different Alan MOHIS of Sharn‘an Netu‘ales. the the patrons tastes It's a brt popdrastrc. n‘ate. vocalists, including company u-ahrch has pmneered the use of the I tutorns. ‘.'.t,><12t<)Oct—Sat 7 No»: Lemmy.

rnternet for distribution thrcagh P2P rpeer (3as_:;«r.z. )fksukcom