
Theatre & Dance events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Disabled access key WA:Wheelchair aeeess. \k':\:\:\\ heelehair .teeess \sith assistaiiee. l’:l’arkitig taeilities. \\'(':.-\dapted toilellsl


253 .r\rg_\le Street. 505 1023. |\\'('. WA]

Waiting tor Godot l'titil Sat 25 ()et tnot Sun/Mont. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). Samuel lleekett's modern elassie pla) iii \ihteh tuo tramps uait tor the arrixal of their friend (iodot. l‘irst produeed iti l’ai‘is b) a group of )outig students. this eontinttes to be one of Beckett's best known and best lo\ ed \sorks.


ll‘) (iorbals Street.-12f)()()22. ll’. ll. 'l'l'. \\'('. WA]

The Cutting Room ‘l‘iie 2| Oct Sat 15 .\'o\ tnot Sun/Mont. 7.30pm. £l2 t£l £4). Stage adaptation of' Seottish writer Louise \Velsli's debut novel about a (ilasuegian auctioneer \sho linds a eolleetion ot pornographie Photographs from the l‘)-1(ls while clearing an antique~stulfed house of. a rieh. dead man. Last August. The l.t'.si'.s books section gave Welsh's novel a hearty four stars. so the tan iiiatei‘ial suggests potential.





0141 240 11 22 ticketmaster

0870 4000 680

(2‘: his, bit] let-i

The Queen of Spades Wed 22 Oct Sat l5 .\'o\ tnot Sun/Mont. 7.3(lptii £l2 t£l Hi .-\le\satidr l’tishktn‘s tale set in I‘M” St l’etersburg abotit ati iiiiptnerished _\oung engineer \\ ho o\ erhears a stor} that leads to a \er_\ dangerous obsession. With muste b} Adrian Johnston and direetion atid design b} Jon l’ope.

Private Lives Thu 23 ()et Sat IS .\'o\ tnot Sun/Mom. 7,3flpiii. £l2

t£l £Ji. laii Spiiik directs Noel (‘tmai‘d's sparkling eotned) about l\\o di\oreees \\ ho btitiip ttito otie another on their seeond hone}moons u itli disastrous consequences. It \s as an immediate hit \\ hen it \\ as lirst staged in 1930. and ('ouard‘s \\lll_\ dialogue and repartee ha\ e ensured the pla} ‘s popularit} e\ er sitiee.


‘) l'nixersit} .-\\enue. 330 5522. Tabula Rasa - Vis a Vis Wed 22 ()et. 8pm. £8 t£5i. (‘lait'e l’etieak presents three intimate solos ehoreographed b} l‘rank .\1e(‘ontiell. l-‘raneoise l)upu} atid l’eneak. .\'ot the most d)namie \sorks )ou'll see this year. but l’eneak is a \ei'} \satehable performer arid the shou has some deepl} atmospherie motiietits.

Le Tour De France Mon 27 ts Tue 23 ()et. See Kids listings.

Spend a Penny 'l‘liu 3t) ()et. See Kids listings.


297 Bath Street. 2-10 llll. Ill. \\‘('. WA]

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat l'ntil Sat lts’ ()et. 7.30pm; 'l'ue ’l‘hu 2.30pm & 7.30pm; Fri 5pm & h’pm; Sat 2pm. 5pm & 8pm. £8.50 £23.50. The 'l'im

Riee/l .lti}'tl Webber domination eoiitinues with the fun retelling of the

An extraordinary combination of theatre, dance, percussion and infectious humour.

Tue 28 Oct ~ Sat 1 Nov


trim @fEW

London's favourite comedy hit, with a mystery guest star.

Mon 24- Sat 29 Nov

slor} ol Joseph. his ll brothers and that tntamous coat of main colours Musical .it'ietonados \Hll happtl} be singing along to '(‘lose l'\et‘_\ lloot'. ‘( )iie .\1ore Angel iii llea\en' and more Just for Joe Wed 32 Sat 35 (let "fillpm. £b ill £lh Fll Brenda ('oeht‘ane's onewsoman shou, eo

\\ rttteii b} lilaine (' Smith. teeounts hei o\\ti lite through drama and song Some ma} remember (’oeht’aiie lolltmmg her huge success at the lidmburgh l-esti\al li't’itige iii 2tNl2 Stomp Tue 28 (let Sal l \ox.

Tue 'l'hu ".Rllpm; I‘l'l fipm tk 0. illpm. Sat 2.30pm tk "..‘~(lptii. £.\‘ £24 When osei' nine tiiillioii people pa} to see _\our \llU\\. )oti must be doing something right. liispit'ed b_\ streetxxorkei‘s tot the sanitation. rathei than prostitution \ariet} i. the Stomp gang tise brooms. hub caps. biti lids and mueh more to punetuate the ehoreograph} iii their auat'tl-u iiitiiiig percussion and danee show


(i (iraih tlle Street. ()345 33” 351”. Ill. 'tvt‘. \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

Sweet Charity .\1on 2t) Sat :5 ()et. 7.30pm; Sat 3pm tk 7.30pm. ('omie

musieal about a girl is ho has alotta lo\ e

btit not a liek‘a sense. Featuring elassie tititiibers sueli as ‘litg Spender" atid ‘ll M} l'l'letltls (‘titlltl See Me No“ ..


New Street. 887 l()l(l, Ill. “‘(I \VAI Tonight They’re Going to Be . . . 'l‘ue 2| & Wed 22 ()et. 7.3llpiii. £.\' (£4.50). Brenda Starr and liobb} l)a//ler haxe got stars Ill their e}es. liver} night the} shimmer oti the stage as Barbra Streisand atid Shirle} Basses But tame eosts iii 'l‘ake 'l‘uo l’roduetioiis' coined) full of" camp karaoke hits.

mm”, "mew. Starring Jonathan Wilkes Featuring

7 . LionelBlair ; ‘3' as The Narrator

’Fast, Funny, Sexy’ :_..i, Mat Mon 3 -Sat 8 Nov . 'Nsc SMITH s. ,‘RARD KELLYin

/ Ill/fly/flflf/

5 Dec 03 - 18 Jan 04

listings Theatre & Dance


Waiting for Godot Antlx Arnold's production of Beckett's modern classic :s as mating and et arm a piece of theatre as \ou'll see this month Strong performances and music hall humour make this a must see The A't‘hes. G.isg:e'.'., Stir Oct

Vincent ln Brixton lilt‘lltlltl Eyr‘e's pr‘odutttton of Nicholas Wright's plax is a mound and itiStghtful evening of entertainment [ xplorint; a with in the oath life of Vineent Van Gogh. the [)l'tXlLlfTIlOll features a stunning performance from Clare Higgins Anti}; lliegitre, Lorenz/full ltie J r' ~Sat .“fi ()3!

Serieant Musgrave’s Dance John Ar'den's legendary piece of lyrical radicalism should retain its power With the Skills of the Oxford Stage Company involved A play about war and occupation, it has much to say to a contemporary audience. Traverse Theatre, (“dinning/i, l'i/eti 2S) Oct—Sat 1 Nov

Starring Kid

If you only see one musical this year, see this!

Mon 10 - Sat 15 Nov




purrfect’ ‘3

h’a'ic’iester E.(-'tinq Muss

Tue 10- Sat 28 Feb

’1’ ’,c' 1/ .’ '-. THE LIST 69