Theatre & Dance Ilstmgs

Edinburgh continued PLAYHOUSE

lh 33 (iII-I-INIlI' l’l.II'I'. H57) (IWIULI Ill. W(‘. \\.\l

Saturday Night Fever Mun 3“

(III \.II .\ .\'n\ 3 WIN”. Wul (k SIII

3 WIN“ I\ 3 ileIII Ll3 L‘dI RI'IIII-IIle'I lllt' llu' (law lllll\l\. lllt' Wllllt' \llll\. lllc Il;I_\\ \xllcn 'lI.I\nll.I \‘III\ .I plUlIIHIHjJ )nIIIIjg l.IlL'lll ' \II\I.I|;;I.I llllL'\ IIgIIIn Wllll IlII- lt'\l\.ll nl Ilnx lllllll I‘LIxxII‘ Ill \xlm'h .In nIIlIImI} \Inlklnj.‘ I‘|.I\\ )nIIIlI Ilmlx IlII- nIIl} “II-Am“): Ill lll\ lIlI' IlIIIIIIj: lIl\ \'llt'l}3k'll\' [II-II'yIIIIaIInIh nn llk' \II'I'kcnIl IlJllu' llIIIII


('II'Ik \III‘I'I. (Ink 3Hl‘l [l’. ll. \\'(‘. WA] Cubanite 'llIII 3§UII " illpm. {l3 IL IHI \IlmI ILIIII‘I' I‘IIIxx. IlIIIII‘I' (ll\pl;l_\\. llw \Ill\.l. \Imlm l\.IllIl\ .IIIIl l).l\. l);IIII‘I' I'LIxx “mu 3 NIIIIII IUII. \llnu II‘nIII 3 “I'll”

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (IIIIIIII.I_\ SUI-cl. 3-15-1515 ll’. ll. ll.

W ( '. \\.\I

Julius Caesar I lllll Sal 13 (III

5' ‘lfilllll. WI-Il .\ 5.” 3 illpm Ik 7-15pm. L l .\ L‘II II_’.\ L l(II SlIIIkcpr'III'CK lllllllk'\\l\t' [InlIIII'.Il IlIIIIII'I ku‘kx nll IlIL‘ [ImI l‘t'\ll\;ll plnymmmv .l\ Illc ncu .llll\l|\ IlIII'I'lnI \l.IIk 'l llUlllNIIll Ilnu‘h IIII- III-IIIIIIIH' \IIIIl) nl IlII' Ilcnllxc nl UllL' nl lllt' g'II'JII'xI lllI‘ll nl lIIxInI'}. llIglIl} II'I'nIIIInI'IIIchl

Blood and Ice In 3-1()\‘l SIII IS .\'m Innl SIIIIIXInnI 3 >l5pm, (7 L30. l,l/ l,nI'|I|II'.IIl\ haunlmg; pl.I} mplnrmg Ihc lllt'lll\'\ nl lnu'. (lk'Illll. |I-.I|nu\} IInIl wwul [NIlIlIIN l.IkL'\ In lllI‘ \lujJL‘. SL'L' pm IL'W


5 Ynlk l’l.II'I‘. 55X 3333.

Locals \\ C(l 3‘) “cl. SI'L' (ll;l\}_‘II\\. 'l-llL' SLIIIIl.


H IIIIIIIIlInn Maw. 33» 5-135. Ill. W('. W.\|

Jasmine Road l'nIIl SIII 35 (III l'l'l S.” 3. illpm; Wnl & ‘l’lIII 1pm I\

3. illpm. {5 IN I. :\ plu} I~\p|nrmg Ihc

72 THE LIST "4 5 .“

chullcngmg l'L‘ldllthlllp hclxxccn .I l’IIlLNIInIIIn Iclugcc pncl .IIIIl II )nung .lL’ll\l\l hrnughl Ingclhcr h) IlII- \lllldlh‘ll In llIL' (LI/II \ll'lp l)ll'k‘\'lt'\l h} RHl‘Cll RIIC


(‘IIIIIhI'IIlgc SII'ch. 335 MIN ll’. H. [l MI \\'.-\|

Gilt l'nIIl S.II IN ()I‘I. 5pm UH

till Mn ".34 PlL'\Clll\ Ilnx I‘nll.Il\nI.III\c plu} nl wwn chunulclx \\lIII\I' ll\C\ IhI'mIl IngI-Ilk-I \x IIlI lllL' cnmmnn lwnml nl lnw .Iml InnnI'}.

The Birthday Party I'IIIII Sal |.\ ()I'I. WcIl ".RHpIII; lllll 3. illpm .\

3. me. l'I‘I " ,NIIIIII. Sill 3 5UP!!! &

'7 lllpm. L‘) It»: L5I Scc (ilmgnxk. l’IlelI'} :\l'l\ (l'IIII'c.

Into the Fade ’I‘hu 2% Sal :5 (III 5pm. L") IN L5I \I'I'nIIIll'Nl'l [‘lk'\t'lll\ )nung ladlnhurgh pl;I_\\\I'I;_'lII 'I III) l’I'IInI‘nxc'x ncu lllllllllllL'IlM pI'nIlIII'IInn IIlInIII [MINI-K IIl\\L'\\lUll\ .IIIIl lIlIII'IIIIg: nI I‘I‘IIIII} IIIIIl I;IIII.I\_\.

Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance “ml 3*) 0d SIII l \n\. 3. me; SIII 3 ‘llpm «k 3. lllpm. L") «H £5I. SnIIg.«l.IIIu-;II1Il lnlk lxIllule mugc Ill Ilnx cplc pla} h) .lnlm .‘\l'(lL'll. t'nlII‘II'x} nl lllL' ()\lnI'Il Slugc ('nIIIpIIn}.

Dldfl’l Die 'l'lIII WHI'I SIIl I \II\. Hpm. L") IN £5I. .-\lllllC (‘IIIIllIclIl nl llm /.I/I' and (mm III/m lumc hrmgx llll\ IlIII'k I'nIIII'Il} nl Ilnu‘ ll'lL‘lltl\ In Ihc




(‘III‘I'Ick SIM-cl. (II 303 (II I333. Ill. \\'('. WA]

The Nutcracker 'l‘hu II» (III. 7.30pm. U750. .\l(I\L‘U\\ llullcl |;I ('IIIxxlquc prcwnlx lhc cwr-pnpulm‘ lult‘ nl’ il nulcruckcr Ilnll WllII cnmvx In lllL‘. The Birthday Party Wul :3 ()cl. 7.30pm. f ll) (LXI. SL‘C (iluxgnu. l’ulxlc} :\l'l\ (‘cnlur

That’ll Be the Day 'I‘hu 23 Sul 25 (M. 7.30pm. L'ln. Slcp hack In lllllL‘ Will] Ihc pnpulur InuI'Ing \hnxx In thII' llll\ lI‘nm llll'L‘L‘ mcmnruhlc dccudw In


How Hovis Won the War WI-II :0 (kl 3 “Ipm I\ 3 ilem t" ILM \ l‘lex \III;.IlnIIj_' \cl nn Ihc l\l.lllIl nI ()IkIII‘}



('II_\ \IIII.III‘.H1‘\3~l1-W-1H ll’. ll. “(1 \\ \I

The Nutcracker \II 35 (III Inpm Ll5 5” Ll“ .5” IL‘l‘l 5” Ll“ 5th \I‘C \_\I


LI) SIIIIJII'. HI “3 33 ‘5 W ll’. ll. “(I \\.\|

Flora the Red Menace l'nIII XII 35 ()gl InnI Sun \lnnI " ~l5pm. th ()I‘I

3 ‘Hpm Ik " ~15pm 9." 1H5“ «H '5 LX\I .\ I.III' nppnIIIIIIII} In \I'I' Ilnx \lIn“ l\_\ Kdllklk'l .Iml l-lIlI. Illc

\\l'llL'l\ nl ('lquIgn .IIIIl (LleIII'I

East KIIDrIde

EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()lIl ('Imt'll RHJIl. lll 3(llllllll W ( I W.\l

The Faith Healer Hm I I (II-I .\pm in IUI Scc lleIIIhIII‘gh. l‘ll'lllllIIll lllL‘IIllI'

Tonight They’re Going to Be . . . l'll 3-1()\'I 8pm. LIIIL»1I.SI'I' (iIIngnW. l’.II\lI-_\ :\l'l\ (‘I-nII'c,

An Audience with the Lizard Lady 8. Backstage at the Pussy-Kat Club SJ! 35 (M hpm. LII (U I. ()(k'lhlllllill 'l‘llchII'c ('nIIIp.III_\ pl'cwnh IWn IIIIIIInlngIII-\_ nnc l\;I\L‘Il Im II lL‘;II'llL'Il \lL'lL'llL'L' lllt't'lhlllhlll. lllL‘ \I'I‘nIIIl \L'l In llcrlm'x llUlHl'lHll\ I‘IIlIIII'I'I

The Reliant Robin Workshop Manual ‘l‘lIII fill ()cl SIII l NM. 3pm. UI ILJ I. (SIIIlulInIII 'l‘hcull'c (‘nmpglm prcwnlx (lnnlnn llIInI'x (Ulllt'tl) IIhnIII .I mun \xhn IlI‘I-IIInx nl nWIIIIIj: II RcIIIInI Rnlun.


.\l;I\\\c|l l)l'l\L‘. lll355 348600. ll’. \\'('. W;\|

Forever in Blue Jeans Hm 1!» ()cl. 7.30pm. L") IUI. lllgh cncrg} nnn-

Paul Thomas Hickey, in San Diego, Tron Theatre

\Inp \Ingmg .IIIIl Il.IIIgIn;_' lt'Jlllllll}: mm \H lIII \nngx lInIII 5llx Ingk‘n‘Inll.

Nix “(k \Ullllll§. pnp .lllkl lmc Il.lll\'lll;3 Anybody for Murder? WM 2: MI 35 ( )II " me L-15IIINI link I‘nIIII‘Il} IlIIIlch \I‘I nn .I II‘mnII' (Heck l\lIlll\l .IIIIl l‘k'llI‘llllt‘kl l‘) l'.l\l Klll‘lhlk' RCP llk'dllu‘ (Vllll‘


ADAM SMITH THEATRE llcnnnyh} anl. HI 5"3 -1l3"3" Il’. ll. \u‘. \\ \I

A Happy Medium 1 lllll l'll I‘ (III " ‘Hpm Lll SHIL'IH SIII (‘nmI-Il) \I.IIIIII:_' l)I\lIIlll} l’.IIIl .l\ l'llI‘n. .III nIIlIIMI} (ll.l\:_'l\\\ unnmn \\llI‘ lllk'\ In \‘UlllJt'l lk'l Ilk'x‘I‘JM‘Il \l\lk'l

Each Peach, Pear, Plumb l’hu lh ()t'l SIT KlIl\ ll\llll;:\

Jesus Christ Superstar MI 25 (III me in H5 Luml) III'kI-I {3m l'hc I‘l‘l‘llldl Rut- l lnyl Wcl‘lwl lllll\l\’.ll (llJlllllfJ Ihc l.l\l \\'\\'ll \l.l_\\ In my lllk' nl .lcxux nI \.I/.IIcIlI

Hannah and Hanna 'Ihu ‘sIHlt‘l

" :“pm {5 5” I191 35 L5 5III (‘nmpam III ;\llf_'L‘l\ lL‘ll\ [lIL‘ I.IlL' IIl [WU lh _\I‘.II nldx nnc IInIII KnanI. nnc lInIII \l.IIg.IIc (Km IlIc cult-134mg; lllL‘llIl\lllP III-III Ihc lL'\l nl lIIgnII} IlI.II \llllHIllhl\ IlII'm‘

St Andrews


.v\l\ln'_\ Sun-I. HI “4 -I"Snnn |l’. W(‘. \\',\|

The Sea lhu lh Sal 35 ()I‘I InnI SIIIII. 3pm. XIII 3. illpm & Hpm. {3 UH 'llIc SI Audit-xxx l’lII} ('lIIh prcxcmx l'.Il\\;II'Il llnml'x pIII}

Molly Whuppie SIII l3 ()(l. SCI" KIIl\ lIxIIngx.

The Glass Menagerie 'I'hu XII

()I‘I SIII 33 .\'n\. Tillpm. £3.50 {I350 (£7 £3.5UI, 'l'cIIIII-xxcc WIllIIIInx‘ III‘IIII'I} IIIIInlIIIIgI'IIplIIuIIl plu}. “Inch (lt'ill\ Will] ll|\ Inw InI' ;l lllL‘lllilll} Ill \lecr and lll\ nun gIIIlI} llHlllIHCHlillll}.



lhnnhurtnn RnIIIl. UI7HII 47354-1. ll’. ll. W( '. WA]

Tonight They’re Going to Be . . . Thu 33 (M. 7,3(Ipm. {SSH (£05m. Scc (iluxgmx. l’unlc} .'\l'l\ (‘I'IIII'u


l'nncerI} nl SIII'lIng. III7X(I-1(I(I(I(I(I. ll’. ll. W('. W.-\l

Diversions the Dance Company of Wales In I7 ()L'l. 3pm. £8 lL-ll. 'l'lIc Duncc (‘nmpum nl \Vulcx \llIIW cuxm Iun cclchl'ulcd prnIlucIInnx l'culurmg ’l'nnI .\lIrII\ .llunulu/I. II \IIIIl} nl urlIIIn hung. IInIl III'll\lIL‘ IlII‘L‘clIII‘ Rn} (.illllplk'll .\ll)(ll't"\ ‘I'uIIu/I /,u\¢'. \cl In Ihc lllll\lL‘ nl JIIIm anlin.

The Purple Potting Shed l-rI

l7 Sun l‘) ()Cl. SCL‘ KIle llxllllgx,

Into the Fade 'l‘uc 3l ()L'l. 8pm. £35“. Sec lleInlIurgh. 'l'rIIxcrxc 'lllculrc. Gilt 'l‘hu 33 ()cI. 8pm, L'h‘ IHI. Scc lidlnhurgh. 'l‘rIIxcrw 'l‘thIIrc. Cubanite l‘rI 3-1 Oct. ()pm. £10 (13“). Sec lidmhurgh. ()uccn’x lllel.

Life Boat - A True Story Sui 25 ()Cl. SL‘C Kl(l\ llxllngx.

Hannah and Hanna Tue 33 (m. 8pm. {XII-1). Scc Kirkculd}.

Women on the Verge of a T- Junction Thu 30 (kt. 8pm. £8 (LII. 'l‘hrcc unmcn. Ihrcc gcncrIIIInns. llIrcc IIgcnIlng. and nut lapse nl uInccnIrIIIInn I\ all II lillk'Cx In rulucc il grnun AA man In Icurx. (‘nIIII-Il} IIhnuI II cnllmnn lllill “Ill chungc IllClr lI\L'\ lnrcxcr IInIl \CrltIlhl} IlIInIIIgc Ihcnr rczIr \ mt. mirrnrx.


JIIII W}nd. (Il786 374000. Ill. W('. WA. W'.-\:\I

One TWO 'l‘uc 3| ()cI. 7.30pm. £8 IL'5.5UI. SUspch ('ulIurc lilkC\ llx l‘rlngc \lIIm. Ll IlrIImII/nIck/Ihculrc lll\l()n. nn