.'\('/l)('. .\lotorhcad arid Sawii \cin. [‘llh a tcii ot thc ncu coittctttlct’x that lllL‘L‘l thc gradc: .‘\U(ll()\l£l\ c that kinda thing Ultragroove at (‘ahatt-t \ttltairc llpiii 4am £10 35 ()ct l-ortitightl}. latlinhtirgh‘x pccrlcxx rcal houxc part} \crwx tip track} gi‘oo\t'\. \Hllllltl \oc.il\ and trihal lllllc\ tn Studio I trotn l'c\ltlL‘lll\ (iarcllt Soutuicn illc and ('olui (‘ook iotnctl h} Jo \lalik and ('raig Sunth toi thcu aliitight} totirth htrthda} part} \Vtth tttnk. hoogic. hrokcn licatx atid hip hop in Studio 3 all cotirttw) ot l'tidgc l'lllgth aitd \tck Ytiill. I Underground [Gimme Back My] at Bcrlin liicrltatix. llpiii ittlll. £5. to ()ct .\'c\\ night trout thc l'l'l\t'titll\\'tt cit-ii. arid thc} \c drattctl iii ladiiihurgh'x lltilht' lll;i\lL'r Yogi llattghton tor anothcr night ot uptront lllti\L‘l'\ and \Itakcrx. I Utopia at l-.go. lttptit ittlll. £lti £l3 IX ()ct. \cn tip-tor-it litilht‘ night \Hlll a Scottixh L‘\L‘lll\|\ c trout Yonianda. I Vain at in iol Ron l'nion \cu dalc l5 Nth. I Vegas at lago. ltHlipnt 3am. £9 t£" in taiic) tll’L'\\l. I Not. .\lonthl_\. llcp dadd) \“llljJ. countr) claxxicx and \lcal} lixtciiing \Hlll }otit' high-kicking liti\l\i l-rankic Stintatra. lingo Scagull. l)ino Martini and thc \ttinntng \cgax \liti\\}_'ll'l\. And do tr} to ntakc an cttort \xtth thc tanc} tlrcxx codc. ch'.’ And gct rcad_\ tor thcir \l\lli hirthda} \pccial (8 .\'o\ i tloun ()ccan ‘l‘crutinal,

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva at ("a\cudi\li/l)i\a. Itlpin Kain. l'rcc hctorc l lput; £(i at'tci'. \Vcckl}. 'l‘lic lllll} t'ct’tirhixhcd \pacc liti\l\ a night ot all thc gi‘oox lC\l llll\ trotn thc

(itix Ullx. \\ itli ctii'rcnt chart l;l\L‘\ on thc top llooi‘. ()\cl 3.5\ Hill}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at .\lood. ‘)pin .5ltlll. l‘rcc hctorc l lpni; £3 at'tcr itrcc to uicinhcrxi. \Vcckl}. ('hart. part) and \tilll hitx troui 1)] Martin.

I Relight my Fire at .-\hhar. Upni .5lilli, l‘rcc. chkl). Scc l'irt.

I Shake It at l.'.'\ttachc. lthlpui 3am. £4 hct'orc l lpin; £5 at'tcr. \\'cckl_\. l’art} llilt\lL‘ troni thc (ill\ right tip to laxt \tcck. pllh loadx ot tll'lnk\ prouiox to uaxh it all doun “till.

I Subway West End at Stilma} \\'t~\t lintl. (ipin Rant. l’rcc hct’orc 9pm; £5 allcr t£~l I. \Vcckl}. (hart. tlancc and chcco luucx all itight loiig hah}.

I The Subway at Stihtta}. 7pm 3am. £l. \Vcckl). Scc Hi.

I Supernova at Rcmlutioii.

lll.5llplll 3am. £(i hct‘orc niidiiight: £7 at'tcr t£-l £5i. \Vcckl}. (‘liart aitd part} llllx all night long.

I Why Not? at \\'lt_\ .\'ot'.’ Itipin .5tilll. £3 lict‘orc l lpni; £5 7.50 allcr. “cc-kl). SL‘L‘ l'i‘i.

Edinburgh Sundays


I Audio Tourism at l’no liar (‘ltth 9pm .5lllll. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. S-:\rgc arid .lauiic Buchanan pla} otit a \clcctton ot~ hcals.

I Boogie Express at ('it}: lidinhtii'gli. l lpiii 3am. £5 itrcc it t'unkil) tll't‘xxc‘tli. \VL‘Ckl}. (ict Ll0\\l‘.. ti'cak fill! at llilx glittci'ing dixco part} night iikc no othcr all L‘Ulll'lt‘\} or DJ Strctcli l.into. l)rc\\ tip it' _\ott darc.

I BootyLUSHous at ligo. l lpnt 54”". £3. \Vcckl). .\lorc ot a Stinda} Social than a hill on glain at't'air \\llll l)J l)alc l.tl\ll and occaxional gticxt Supaxta'x inning tip Rtkli. “ml and t‘tink. l)rink~ t'roni £ l .5“ all night inc \‘odka. hccr and alcopox. Slititilch £l

I Chocolate Sundae at t-‘a'ttli tt‘ornicrl} \Vilkic llottxci. t lpm Rain. £4 tif‘l. \VCCkl). 'l‘hc R&l3 and hip hop Sun \cxxion rcttirns \\llll 1)] Paul ‘l"ti\}' l5o\ hack in chargc.

I DKY at Studio 3-1. llpiii 3am.

£|.5tl £3. \\'cckl_\. DRY \tridcx contidcntl} into itx third _\car mth l'L‘\ltlL‘lll l)J\ Jordi. (iarcth aitd l)a\c pla} ing rock. goth. nictal. induxtrial and punk. 'l'hcnic nightx and t‘rcc git‘tx coinhinc to kccp thitig~ intcrcxting. neck in. “cck out.

I Gotham at \ichol l.d\\aid\ \c\t dalc ‘t \o\

0' Love Music at ()pal | otingc ttooii 5am l'tcc hctoic lttpui. L attci \\ cckl) (iat'ctli Souuucn illc tlillltig'ltitfit'i hoxtx an all da} \t'\\li‘ll that \‘ttt\\L'\ llic intddlc ground hctuccn cltthhing atid chilling. tcattiitng j_‘llt'\l l).|\ arid a plctltoia ot llllhlcal ~t_\ |c\ int ltidtng hotixc. latin. |.t//_\ g‘ltNHL'N diuo and Rtkll .-\nd gct icad} tot thc cagctl} anticipatcd appcaiancc tioiit \oiutan .la_\ \lltl: i l‘) ()cti. king ot \otting Ilill \‘.lll1 lll\ irt'cptcxxihlc (iood 'l ltllt'\ Sound S)\lL'tll i£5 ciitr} tot llll\ night out)»

I Kayos at ()pitiin llpiii ‘aiu l icc \VL‘Ckl). .\lL‘lal and rock l)_l\ (.ldllk' .\lottat and .lohu tiotti llogxltcad kccp tltc cioudx a uioxliing

I Missing at ('ahaict \oltauc

Uput 5d”) £-1t£‘t \\cckl_\ \cn tltih night tollontng thc \dlllt' toitiiat a\ 'l'i‘otililc itorincrl} at lltc lilticnotct \\'ith a [cam ittadc tip ot l).l\ aitd proinotcrx trout (ict logcthci. Hcpatttuc loungc. 5a} Sainha'. Sonica. l)tint Drum and liig lical. )0“ can hc \tiic c\cr_\ gcni'c ot clcclionic. ia// intlticnccd lllll\lL' \Hll hc rcprcxciitcd. chtdcntx \pcctal I ll) ()L‘ll ltillti“ t'tl li} \[k't‘ldl gticxt 'l'} tlitg liadai \\ itli \ll]\[\iill ltotn J'l‘\\'R and DJ lll/ltll/l t3o ( MI

I Phenomenon: The Urban Takeover at “in \tit’tipm 2 Want £0 (Um. I” ()ct out}. .'\litilll\'l niaioi liliangra nicctx htcakx \pt‘cltil ax l’tzniaht \l('. Rhlil Rich. .ltigg) I). .la) Scan. tlic l’tiniaht Hit Squad. Rt)”. \cc3 attd llatit lll\t' hip hop atttttidc. claxxical .-\\l;lll l'll}llilll\ and hcatx iii thcir \llt'lx. ctit tip \l_\ lt‘.

I Sugar Groove at .\la\\a,

lttpni 3am. £3. \\'cckl_\ Iiiol 3(i()ct. xcc liclott i. .\'c\\ Stinda} nightci' tor thc .\la\aa crcu tix \tc gct a \ttllr} ini\ ot \c\) \inooth groo\c\. tirhan t‘llh and Rtkli.

I Tackno at .\la\\a. lthlpui ‘~aiii. £(i t£4i. 30 ()ct. .\tontlil_\. lt'x hack to tlic lillltil. litil' ilyl't'lltl} \Vt‘lltl} and lit't tuiutitahlc part} uii\ ot kitxch L‘l;I\\lL‘\. .\lagic 'l'ackno to cclchi‘alc tlic toith coining night ot .'\ll llallott '\ l'.\c. ()ooh \ptitilx}.

I Taste at thc liquid Roont.

llpiti 5am. £5 lictorc ll..5llpllt; £3 attcr t£(i incinhcrxi. \Vcckl}. ’l‘hc capital'x lllldllitilh Sun night \L‘\\lt‘ll conttuttcx apacc. l-‘ixhcr tk l’rtcc \tippl} a pl'tigl'c\\i\ c iiti\ ot litilht' and gat'agc iii lliL‘ main room |UlllCll l\_\ Rti\\ Kt‘tltllt'. hack trout i'ctircincnt dtic to popular dcuiand t l‘) ()cl i. \Vlnlc .\lartiii \alcntinc and SIM c Want-tux “on llic nn\cd/ga} crond \\tlll Milk} ['5 liotixc gcinx through lltc hack.

Chart & Party

I Devils’n’Angels at ('att-ntttxlt/lma. ltlput 3am. £thc. \Vcckl). Satic} tun at llll\ nc\\ l} i'ctittcd cltth. \\ itli a hca\cn and hcll lliL‘liiL‘. l't‘L'l ll'L‘C lll tll'c\\ to \tilt and hoogic to chart dancc all night long. I Essential Karaoke at .-\lihar_ ltlpni .‘iani. \Vcckl}. Scc 'l'hti.

I Mood Live at Mood. ‘lpin Rani. licc hct'orc l 1pm; £3 attcr ttrcc to lllL‘llll‘t‘t’H. \Vcckl}. .\lood opcnx ll\ door\ to a xclcction ot' thc cotiiiti'} \ lop co\cr~ handx. “llllL‘ l)J~ \pin lill\ trout acroxx lllL‘ )L‘dh.

I Peppermint Lounge at l’cppcrinuit Loungc. ltlpni 3am.

l‘i'cc £4. \Vcckl}. l’cppcrnnnt l.oungc\ DJ \titiad including Kingdom l-’.\l\ l-iawr .\'aptcr. .-\ntl} '.\li\' .\larkhain and Rob 'lca pla} otit thc chart aitd part} L'l;l\\lc‘\.

I Subway West End at Slilhut} \cht lind. ~put 3am. l’rcc hctorc ‘lpui. £3 at'tcr 1933!. chkl}. Scc 'l‘liu.

I The Subway at Stihiia}, "pin 3am. Ll. \Vcckl}. SOC l'il'l.

Edinburgh Mondays

Club I Audio Tourism at l’ixo Bat (‘ltttx 9pm 3am. l'il-L'L't \VCL‘kl). .-\ ~clcction Ul

tip tiont tau and othci tttnk} tooiix ttotn llolilicx liottlilc

I CC Blooms at ('(‘ liltitillh

ltl ‘ttpiit idlli licc \\cckl} llttlth utcllou ottt tot \o thc} clatitin at llll\ ga} clttl‘. \kllll an llt‘l‘t‘dl dtxco \clcction

I Come Play at ()pal I ottngt-

lttpnt 5am £thc \M-ckl} l‘lllllx} \ll\ct\. \titll aitd RAH ttotn l’atil \lliciton

I Cuban Crisis at tatth ttotittt-tlx \\ ilkic lloti~ci llpiii 5.illl licc \\t't'kl} l‘dtlll gt\c~ lok}ol\|ti tlic clldllct' lti ptlll .i l\‘\\ til lllk' l‘k'llk'l knoun lllllt‘\ otit ot tlic liag. \ocal and dixco llUll\t' \\ttli and \lightl} inoic coinincicial ttngc than ll\ll.tl

I Fuego at (Adl‘dlk'l \oltaltc

llptit 5d!” l'icc \\cckl_\ \ Spaiitxh thciticd pait_\ night \\ itli lL‘\|thlll hand \li Sticna lti ('aia and lllk‘tltl\ \l\\.t}\ hot aitd tici} c\ cit iii thc dcad ot \\tntci I Groove City Radio at llk' Bongo ('ltili ltlptii 5.111] l'icc \\cckl_\. lllk' titic \Hlllltl ot dtxco \\ itli ical dcal di\co t‘l.t\\lc\ .illtl .t \ll‘\k' t‘l llt‘.t\} llllll\.

I Latin Quarter at .\lcdina.

‘ll‘lll 5.llll l'icc \\cckl_\ Rclcaxc _\otii l .tttu part} \ptiit cxct} .\lon \Vllli trcc \alxa lcxxonx tioiu l’ctcr Rogch at ‘lpin thcu \alxa atid “tilltl licatx ttoin .lainc\ (’oiiilic tintil cloxtng,

I Local Product at (‘aliatt-t Vollatic llpiit 5.Itll. £(i £" 3tl()ct. \lt‘lllltl}. \\ thc nauic \tiggc\t\ thc hcxt iii local talcitt \\llll l)cc .I .\‘la l‘lt. ,\lictdccn lad mcll it’x .tlnioxl locali \tlio'x lit-cit touting \iitlt .\likc l.add'\ .\ld|\'\ll\'Utl\. alxo lt\c \t) llll_L‘\ tioin hip hop collcctix c \loiioxaptcnx alongxtdc l).l\ 'l'ouiiii_\ l’ci'iiiaii. \Vrcckagc. arid l)an Bland.

I More on a Monday at (at): Izdiiilitiigh. ltt. 5UP”! 5:111]. £§ hctorc ll.,5ll]3lli; £~l attci. \Vcckl}. \loi'c llllit'\. ntorc prontox. ntorc llllll

I Spanish Fiesta Night at H Barrio. lttpui 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl}. .\ right old knccx tip tor thc Spantxh and Spannh |o\ing L'tillllllllltll} lioxtctl Ii} l).l Sanchc/ and tcattiring t'lauicntltiito \traight through to llixpanic chart llll\.

Chart & Party

I Decadence at RL‘Htllllltill.

It). 5ll|illl .5ttlll. £4 t£3i. \Vcckl). ()K \o lair ciiotigli. it’x \lon. litit tliat'\ no c\cti\c. ('hccx} lllllC\ and clicap think all night long.

I Flare at \Vh} .\'otl’ ltipui iaui. £5 t£~li. 3." ()ct. l-orlnightl}. (‘hcc~_\ chart and dancc nttuthcrx \\llli a good tc\\ atlx claxxicx tlii'oxxn iii tor good

I Peppermint Lounge at l’cppcrinint l.otingc. ltlpui 3am.

l‘l't't' £4. \VL‘L‘kl). Scc Still.

I Subway West End at Stilma} \\'c\t lind. "pin .5gllll. l'rcc hctorc 0pm; £3 attci' «£3 I. \Vcckl}. Scc tho.

I The Subway at Stilma}.

,"pni .5ttlll. £l. “cc-kl). Scc l-ri.

I Tasty! at .\tood. 0pm 5:11”. l'rcc hctorc llpnt; £3 attcr tti‘cc to nicnihcrxi. \\cckl_\. Rk'\lthlll l)J Hand 8 pla} \ lltc hcxt iii llll\ trout (itix to tlic prcxcnt da_\ \ch a hcalth} doxc ot t‘llct‘\_\ c‘l;t\\lc\ llii'tmn Ill ltii‘ glititl

I Toss the Boss at \\'h} .\‘ot .’ lttpiii .5tltli. £5 t£—l it drcxxcd tipi. 30 ()ct. lri'c\crciit \llltlcnl night rcxclltng tit chccx} l1ll\ throughout thc _\car\.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Audio Tourism at l’l\ti Bar (‘Iuh ‘)piu .5;tlll. l'i'cc. \Vcckl}, .\lonkc_\ho_\ dropx tlic lit'cakx. licatx and lioliw.

I The Club Foot at llcnr} 'x ('cllar liar. lttfitlput 3am. £3. 38 ()ct. l-ortntglitl}. 'l'xx txtcd atid llll\\lt;tpt‘ll ttiuk lio\lcd h} litith' hand thc Ahdouunal Shouutcn \\llll rcgular gllc\l\ along thc lIliL'\ ot l.t\c Scicnccx. Stirtacc linipirc and thc llc\ ('oalition. l’lux l)J \lxlll\ t'roni :\-('hi. ('arincn. l)ciiit. lntinit}. Shcllsuit and 3 Stick\.

I I Luv 888 at latth ttointctl) \\tlkic lloti\ct It) ittput ‘xtiit £5 \\cckl} l)oc\ c\.tctl) “hat )oti'd c\pcct. uit\tng tip thc hottcxt \clcclion ot lx’tklt. [‘llh plcnt} ot \ltllil\\ pionim lhc“ codc l\ \ttidcnt \c\_\‘ tucll that \\li.il it up hcici

I Lyrics to Go at (‘al‘aict \oltauc llptti ititll licc 3| ()ct l-oitnightl_\ \tt opcii nnc hip hop taut \t'\\litll hmtcd l\_\ l i\ c \ctcnccx arid l).|l\‘cdti \\ itli tllll‘ and icggac itt thc lotingc liotii ltclt} \otil llt l'l

I Motherfunk at thc llonc_\coinh

ltt ‘ttpni iatn l'tcc \\cckl_\ \lt‘\\l\ (into. l'i}ci arid Spcctitun ttcak tlic ltink l.llll.l\llc' at thcit \‘Hll\l\lt‘llll_\ taiuincd night ot t‘l.l\\lc\ old and llL‘\\

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l ottiigc ltlpui idtlt U \\cckl) \ ini\cd hag ot tttiikcd tip \ocal littlht'. Rtklt and t'l.t\\lc' di\co trout I” (Hi

I Punk Ass at ()ptttui llpiit 5.tlll ltcc “ct-kl} \c\\ lttc nightci ax l).| l’xxatil} tll\lit'\ otit thc l‘k'\l iii liaidcoic. \katc aiid ptitik

I Rhythm! at \lood ‘lpin iaui l‘icc l‘t'liilt' l lplll. £3 .tllt‘l lllk'k' lti ntcuilicixi \\\'L'l\l_\ \ \lllHHlll iiti\ ot lx’tklt. hip hop aitd \tilll lioui lt‘\ltlt‘lll l)a\ id 8

I Salsa Buena at Po \a \a

ltlpni iant l-icc. \\cckl_\ .lainc\ ('oiiilic tSalxa RoinantitaSalxa \'i\ax( tub

I atinoi and latin l'.\plo\ion coinhinc to gnc )oti a night ot hot \alxa utagic' .\l‘\t\llllt‘ hcginiictx \al\a lcxxoiix li_\ lattn l'.\plo\ton hctnccn H ‘lpui

I Split dl ('aliaicl Voltaii‘c

llpiti itllll. law 33 ()ct l)i‘tiut tk ha“ \\ itli Sliadonxkill. tlic l)iopoiit Mix and a \ittattcring ot \ci'} talciitcd local gticxtx lhth. clcclio. houxc and tiink arc all in \llltllti 3

I Vibe at Iago. llpiit iaiii £3 “ct-kl}. \t-tt ga} night \\llli ,l;llllt'\ l.oug\\oi‘l|t on tlic dcckx. tltc Dancing Stud .\llllll|l\. thc Singing llatr} lilokc and thc .\linitng \tiii. l)on't \a} “c didn't “am )a.

Chart & Party

I Nursery al (‘a\cndi\h/l )i\a.

ltlpin .5tillt. £3 t£3; tit-c \\lllt Snapta\ lictoic ntidiiigliti. \Vcckl} .-\ pla} aica tor adtiltx t\\lll1 cliiiiliiiig ll'ltlllL‘N ctci and thc inainxtrcaui chart and Rtin action. I Peppermint Lounge at l’cppcrnunt l.otingc. lllplll .5lllll.

l'rcc £4. \Vcckl}. Scc Sun.

I Subway West End at Sulma} \cht land. 7pm .5dltl. l'i'cc hctoic ()piu‘. £i attci' t£3 l. “ct-kl). Scc 'l'htt.

I The Subway at Stilma).

'7put 3am. £l. \Vcckl). Scc l-i‘i.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Audio Tourism at l’i\o liar ('Iuh. Upnt .5tillt. l'l‘CC. \Vcckl}. Jainic Buchanan. And} Brock and S-Aigt- on thc tlL‘c‘kx

I Bling at l’o .\'a \a. ltipin .iaui. l'i'cc. \Vcckl}. l)a\ id (iraig la_\\ douti thc tincxt Rtkli and hip hop trotn thc l;i\l lL‘Ii _\L'al'\.

I DIPT at .\lcdina. ‘)pni itllll. £i t£3i. \Vcckl}. ('liilc aitd l.iuic pi‘cxcntx llll\ c\cr popular hip hop night u itli l'L'\lthlll\. .\'a\t} l’. (‘ttnnic and la} 1’ cooking tip a part} llil\ ot hip hop L‘ltl\\lL'\. ttitik and Rtkli. Ncu actx arc tcattircd on rotation c\cr_\ \\ cck including hrcak dancc lullh troiii Random .I\\pckt\. opcn inic scssionx and li\c [)L‘I'L‘ll\\l0ll.


Your pass to great club nigits in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 83 for details

C'.’ 7/]: THE LIST 87