of Scotland through the eyes of yisitors to the country. featuring trayel notes from the loth century to home rnoy ics (ll the l‘)()lls.


Queen Street. 024 (i200 treeoi'ded information 3 *2 2360). .\lon Wed & l'l'l Sun l0am 5pm; 'l‘hu l0ani 7pm. (are.

Fay Godwin: Landmarks l'ntil Sun ll Jan. £4 tUi; under l2s free. l-irst shoyy ii at the llarbrcari in London. this is a touring retrospectiye eshibiiion of the Work of one of Britain's leading photographers. l-'ay (iodysin. l-‘rom her early literary portraits of Ted Hughes and Philip l.arkin and her famed black and yyhite landscapes. the exhibition also includes her documentary colour photographs of Bradford and her most recent. abstract yyor‘ls's. (i/uyyii'orky. Parallel Lives: Where Past Meets Present t'niil Sun 4 Jan. l'i'ee. I’um/lel I.f\'('\ is ilie culmination of a sis-month partnership betyy een outreach stall at the galleries and a group of l(i~35-yeai'-olds from Wester llailes. ('raiginillar' and north and south liditibui‘gh. Working alongside a contemporary artist. the group hay-e deyeloped ai‘tyyoi'ks in response to Works in the national collections. Terrain: Landscapes of the Great War l'ntil Sun 4 Jan. l-‘ree. Since l‘)‘)(i. landscape photographer l’etei‘ (‘atti'ell has been photographing the battlefields (ll. \Voi‘ld War l. 'l'hese haunting images of the Somme and other battlefields of the Western Front rey cal boys the physical scars of yyar still remain. es en after the passing of more thaii 80 years.

After Hours - Contemporary Clarsach Thu 23 ()ct. (ipm. A programme of after gallery hotirs cyents featuring a harp concert with Katie 'l‘argett-Adams.

Europeans in the Middle East Wed 2‘) ()ct. l3.45pm. Jennifer Scarce. a lecturer" in Middle liastern sttidies discltsses Robert Scott‘s painting. l)ayid Roberts. l7‘)(i ISO-l Artist (in .-\rab dress i.

After Hours - Tour of Modern Scottish Portraits Thu 30 ()ct. (iplll. A programme of after gallery hours ey'eiits featuring a tour led by Donald Smith. director of" the .\'etherboyy (‘entre of modern Scottish portrait painting.


I35 l)alr‘y' Road. 633 3333. Mon-Sat l0am (ipm.

Mixed Exhibition t'niil Mon 15 Dec. .-\ rolling exhibition of paintings by up-and-coming Scottish artists. Artists W ho Would like to exhibit at the gallery sliotild contact 013l 623 3233.


34 Abercromby Place. 557 I020.

.\lon l-‘ri l0am (ipm; Sat |0am 4pm. A Scottish Trilogy l'niil Wed 22 Oct. to launch the ()pen liye (‘iallery‘s iieyy premises on .»\bercromby Place. this is an eshibitioii of yyork by l)ay'id Donaldson. Alberto .\lorrocco and Sir Robin l’hilipson three artists yy ho hay e influenced generations of Scottish

Continuing the Tradition: Ceramic Sculpture at the Open Eye t'niil Wed 22 ()ct. (‘er‘ainic sculpture by lioghan Bridge. Judith (iilmour. Jeremy James. John Maltby. \'iy ien .\loir. 'l'im l’omeroy'. Frank l’ottinger and Laurance Simon. Teena Ramsay t'ntil Wed 12 Nos; Ne“ hieyy'ellei'y.

Mari Bond Sat 25 Oct Wed I: Noy'. .\'e\y paintings.

Jonathan Gibbs Sat 25 ()ei-—Wed l3 \oy. l’rint yyorks.

Maggie Hollingworth Sat 25

Oct Wed l3 .\'o\. Crafts.


t\\'.-\Sl’Si l’atriothall Studios. off Jh llamilton Place. 325 I339 l)aily

noon (iprii.

Robert Ward: Ships in Monochrome Sat tis' Sat :5 ()cl large- scale drayyings of ('lyde tugs. steam ships and mail boats yyhich once sailed the Scottish coastline.


3 l)aridas Street. 5566-107. 'l'ue Sat

noon 6pm.

Midsummer Sutherland [mil in ‘1 ()ct. .\'e\y landscape paintings by l)ayid ('ook.


l’alace ()f llol}roodhotise. 550 5100. Daily 9.30am (ipni.

King of the World: The Padshahnama, an Imperial Moghal Manuscript tin 24 Oct Mon J May. £4 t£3 Hi. The ieyyel-lrke illustrated manuscript knoyy n as the l’adshahnariia or (‘hroiiicle of the King of the World. ranks as one of the finest examples of .\lugha| art. (iiyen to King (ieorge III by the Nayyab of ()udh (Lucknoyy. India) in 1797. it forms ati official record of the first ten years of the reign of Shahjahan tr. 1628 5th. fifth Slughal emperor of lridia and builder of the lat Mahal. NEW SHOW


('lerk Street. 068 2(ll‘). Mott Sill

l0am 5.30pm.

Gillian Drinkwater t'nul Mon 27 ()ct. Recent paintings.

Mike Kinane Mon 27 Oct Hi 28 Noy. Recent Work.


-l(i l)undas Street. 556 2238. Mon l-‘ri l0.30ani 5.30pm; Sat [0am 4pm. Mixed Exhibition t'ntit Thu 30 ()ct. Sexy paintings by Barbara Balmer. (ireer Ralstori arid Jason (‘ainpbell


43 Victoria Street. 477 3255. Daily l0.30ain 7pm.

Contemporary Artists t'niil fit 24 ()ct. Set up by Jason Redmaii. lidinburgh‘s newest gallery opens yy ith a changing selection of yyorks by up-and-coming local artists including ymrk by newly graduated students from lidinburgh (‘ollege of Art. The shoW features works in mixed media. painting. drayy ing. photography. artists books and jewellery.


l5 Rutland Square. 32‘) 7545. Mon l-‘ri 9am 5pm (except local batik holidays). From Sketch to Sculpture t'niit Fri 24 ()ct. An exhibition of drawings from the Scottish Architects' Papers l’resery'atiott Project which looks at hoyy sculpture plays an integral role in a building.

Scottish Architects’ Papers Preservation Project Thu 9 Fri 24 ()ct. lishibition looking at sculpture as an integral part of the building yyith original drayy ings and preparatory sketches.

The Architecture of Carlo Scarpa Thu tr» ()ct. 7pm. l‘llltl and discussion led by thedocuinentary-makers Richard Murphy and Murray (irigor.

Stretch City: Fine Artworks By JIII Calder Mon 27 ()ct l’ri l-l .\'oy. Large-scale drayy ings and paintings by illustrator Jill ('alder as a result of her trips to Vegas and the surrounding desert.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lny‘erleith House. lny'erleith Royy, 552 717]. Daily l0ain 5.30pm.

Julian Schnabel: Paintings, Sculpture and Photographs l'ntil Stiii 26 ()ct tlnyerleith llousei. American anisi and filmmaker tli’uyqurut. [mm-c Night Fill/Al Julian Schnabel has his first solo slit)“ in Scotland since the 80s. The shoyy features paintings on tarpaulin. customised surfboards and large-scale Polaroids of himself. his dogs and his family. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Charmain Pollock - Papermaking l'ntil Stiii " .\'o\ tlzyhibition llalli (‘harriiain l’ollock esplores the landscape of both rural and urban central belt Scotland. collecting materials and inyestigating found obiects yy itliiii her papermakiiig 'l‘his e\liibition yyill incorporate yyorkshops and demonstrations

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindlay Street. 313 4843,

A Nation in Search of a State Sat 25 Oct Sat l5 \oy. Photography by Mark \aftalin documenting daily life in a hill-tribe yillage in northern 'lliailaiid

ROYAL OVERSEAS HOUSE landings (ialler'y. I00 Princes Street. 335 l50l. .\lon l‘l'l l0arn bpin

The Competition l'niil l'l'l :1 ()cl. Specially commissioned behind the scenes photographs til recent Kl lSl. Annual .\liisic (‘ompeiition finals by photoiourrialist Richard Smith.


'l‘he Slound. (i3-l (i300, x\(l\;|ltk't' booking 0870 *)()(i 3770. Sun Wed l0am opiii; ’l'hu Sat l0am Spin.

Monet: The Seine and the Sea - Vétheuil and Normandy 1878-1883 l‘ntil Stiii 26 Oct. £8.50 (£5.50); family ticket £201urider l2s free). The restored and refurbished Royal Scottish Academy reopens in grand style yy ith this major eshibition of around 00 paintings by the l-rench impressionist (‘laude .\lonet. Organised by the National Gallery of Scotland. it is the first eshibition to esamine the

IS7S ISSK period yyheii Monet “as at the peak of his career. The shoyy features rural scenes of \etheuil. including his famous group of canyases of the ice floes on the Seine tyyhich pr'efigured his lily paintings) and seascapes of the Normandy coast. llanging alongside Monet's Works is a small selection of paintings dedicated to French landscape painters yy ho Monet admired. including ('ainille ('arot. (itistaye (‘oiirbei and ('harles l-‘r'ancois l)aubigny. lASl

Cl lANCl’ l() Sll.

A Pleasing Prospect: A History of the Mound and its Building l'ntil Sun 3(i ()ci. .-\n eshibition focusing on the history of the site on Which the National (iallery of Scotland and its sister building. the rieyy ly refurbished Royal Scottish Academy. yy ere built in the mid- l‘)th century. lASl’ CHANCE


Helen Frankenthaler: Paintings on Paper (1949-2002) l'ntil Sun 3b (M. £5 (£3.50); under l2s free (Info: 23.5 (i(i7l ). 'l‘he lirst ey er Scottish

shoyy ing of o\ er 40 paintings on paper by the influential American artist. lleleii lirankeiithaler. Who came into prominence in the 50s for her stained- technique paintings. LASl CHANCE


listings Art

New Associates l iitil Sun I" (ch {5 H3 50'. under l3s tree rliito 235 0th l \ group shoyy ot ncyy yyoiks by recently t'ls‘cleil .tsstk'lalt‘ tttt'ttllk‘ls t‘l the Royal Scottish \cademy. including .loe l‘an. (iareth l-isliei. \lalcolin l iasei and .lohri \ \lackechiiie

[$87 ‘H-‘s‘sfé ' The RSA and its Heritage l lllll Sun 20 ()ct rlrio 335 bb‘lt In the iieyyly restored RS \ building. this e\hibitiori looks at the acti\ ities and achieyeiiients of the Royal Scottish .\catleriiy met the last ITS _\s‘ats .-'\.s" 3* “KM ‘l "y \ :lii


lb l)uitdas Stteet. 55S I300 .\loti l'll l0aiii opin. Sat l0aiii -lpiii

David Mitchie l ttlll \\ed 3*) ()cl \eyy paintings by l‘tlllll‘tllg’ll painter. llayid .\litcliie featuring studies ol eyciyday life from batheis on the beach to market stallliolders

New Wave - Wales: Scotland It l'ritil \\ ed 3" ( )ct l'lie second of tlitee roint slioyys betyyeeii the Scottish (ialleiy and the Rtitliiti (iallety in Wales. featuring sis designers fioiii each gallery and including ceiaiiiics. testiles and ieyyellery

Graham Crimmins 1 mil \\ed .‘U ()ct. .-\ set‘tes ol altsltact stlyet lttooclies by Indiriburgli silyeisiiiith. (iraliaiii ('i'imniiiis.


5 (‘r'ichtoii‘s ('lose. ('anoiigate. 557' 3S7o. .\loii l‘t‘l l0ain opin; Sat

noon -lpiii

The Hirta Portfolio t'nril Sat t \o\. .'\n csltibition of a hand made limited edition portfolio of poetry and etchings by yyi'iter llill Duncan and artist Susan Wilson. inspired by the life and history of the main St ls'ilda island.


Reiacli and Hall .'\l\‘lttlet'ls_ (i l)ariiayyay Street. 335 Hill .\loii l‘l'l 3 5pm.

The Square Root of 2 that to it Oct. .-\ siterspt'cific‘ installation created by ('har'les .'\\er‘y. comprising a sculpture Work and yyallvbased dr'ayyings.


5S Ratclille 'l'errace. 007 twin. .\lon l'tl 0am (ipin; Sat l0am 5pm.

Mixed Show l'iitil l'l‘l 34 ()ct. \eyy Work by local artists including .'\ltst)lt :\ttldio. llelcn Jackson. Rona l.ee. Kelly Steyyar't and liyyan Spii'i‘at.


l0 ()ryy ell 'l'er'i'ace. Ho l-l05. .\lon Sat lllarit 4pm.

Carolyn Burchell l'niil in 1-1 Nos. .-\cry lic paintings of the sea and coast. esploring reflected light. inoyemenl. teyture arid pattern.

Michelle Knight that to H .\'o\. .\lon Sat l0am 3.30pm. Works featuring .\lidlothiari and the Highlands inspired by natural light. colour. form and the eyer-charigiiig eny ir'ontiient.




1 N ‘\~ ;\v\‘r\,\ ' N’ ‘1;

’7}. ’27,”, THE LIST 95