

Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Tue 28 & Wed 29 Oct & Gilmorehill12, Glasgow. Thu 30 Oct .0.

Shona Reppe is one of the most captivating performers on the children's stage. Her huge, sparkling eyes twinkle out into theatres and create instant rapport with the audience. She’s almost other-worldy, like a sprite creating magic with her hand-made puppets and intricate sets.

And so her latest show, Spend a Penny, is eagerly anticipated by big and little fans alike. The first impression is good. Standing all in brown with a blue knitted pinny, Reppe introduces a lovely-looking squishy rabbit, Puffy. She tells us, she was supposed to be babysitting him but double-booked with the show. Puffy has to ‘spend a penny’ in the toilet sense, but the pun is rather lost on the younger crowd. Puffy then discovers a meter in which he realises if he spends an actual penny. magic things start happening. Reppe has painstakingly created a set that features tiny chests. drawers and cupboards that open from all angles and from which an array of treats emerge. Within this space two main puppets, Herring the boy and Purl the girl, spend their pennies finding horns, coloured wool hair and music, dancing and playing. A sense of sunny, pastoral dreaminess reigns with sounds of twittering birdsong and bright, warm lighting.

lt‘s charming and lovely and often witty, but the dreaminess is sometimes a bit too vague. Unlike her hit show, Cinderella, in which a familiar plot could be played with, Spend a Penny, takes on quite abstract spaces. Objects and sounds appearing and disappearing sustain the piece but not always the momentum. For all the enchantment and fun there is unfortunately too little pull from the characters or plot to engage completely. It’s all there in style but a little re-working of story would bring the twinkles in Shona Reppe’s eyes out in her audience's. And we really want them there ‘cos we know she can do it, oh beautiful fairy puppet- making queen. (Ruth Hedges)

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Tiling the Tenement House 1 lllll “ed 3: (let. I 5pm l-ree 'l'enemenl Houxe. l-l5 llueeleueh Street. (iainethill. 55} lllh V llt‘lp t‘l'eale the lltlll\L“\ outl tiled eloxe h} dexigning a tile \Hlll _\oui oun pattern» .r\l| agex.

Egyptian Bead Craft Workshops

ill I“ (let. I lam lpin, l'i'ee. llurrell (‘olleetioiL liltill l’ollokdtaux Road. 35- 355“. l'lllti out hon important |e\\e||ei'_\ “ax to aneient l:g_\ptian\ and ha\ e ltllt making )oiu o\\lt headed ei'ealion, l)ltl|\'lll .lt'll\ ll} lttl' .l:_'\\ (i ll.

Tile Decorating in I" ()el.

I it! i illpm l'ree l’eople\ l’alaee & \Vintei (iaiden. (ilaxgou (ii'een. 55-1tl33“ .v\ge\ 5 l.‘ Heeoiate lllt‘\ inxpned h} Mall}. t'ltt\L'\

Pottery Workshops Sat Ix ()et. Sat 35 (let. noon (ipm, £5. l'neuorkx Studio. i5a lthltUthtC Street. .55: 5-55 .'\:_'L'\ 4* Pull” l‘utx or ha\ e a :J‘ on the putteik u heel in thexe \xeekl) \\tll'k\lltlp\ lor ehildren. Saturday Art Club Sat t.\ ()et. Sat 25 ()et. llam lpm l‘i‘ee. (iallei') ol \lodern ,-\rt. Queen Street. 33‘) two. New \xeekl) art eluh. led h} pl'tllt'\\l0ll.'ll art edueatoi'x \homng )ou hon to enio} and de\ elop di‘a“ mg. eollage and \eulpture making. .'\:_'L'\ 5 ill.

ActiVItieS And Fun

Centro Espanol Lorca - La Feria Latina Sat 35 (let. lllattt noon liee

l '(‘. “5 \Vt‘l‘tlitllltlS Rtttltl .\ elldllt't' lt‘ \ainple llixpame eultui'e. entertannnent and lood \\ Illl gainex. Spanixh wing and mime and danee. l’art ol llhpllallull Hi Destination Space t‘niil Sun In ( )et. (ilaxgon Selenee ('entre. 5H l’aeilie Qua}. ~13” 5(llll l’iin hinlding roeketx. lindmg out about hle on other planets in a \ n'tiial \eienee \ho“. \eai'ehmg l'or lit and taking part in lite \eienee demoiNrationx. Egyptian Discovery Interactive 'l‘hu lli. l'l'l l" & Sun I” (let. \lon. \Ved & l'll 2 inii; 'l‘ue. lhu tk Stilt l «lpm l'i‘ee. lltu'i'ell ('olleelion. leoti l’ollokxhaux Road. IS" 355”. l)i\eo\ er hidden treaxin‘ex in the ~eai‘al‘ pendant tunnel in llll\ drop-in aetnit} lot 5 l3-)t‘;ii‘-tiltl\.


Oscar Wilde said: ‘All art is quite useless.‘ On seeing an exhibition of children’s art, Picasso said: ‘When I was their age. I could draw like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like them.‘ However useless or whatever your age and talents, it's time to give it a go and set the creative juices flowing. The nationwide campaign. The Big Draw, to get people scribbling, returns with an array of colourful activities. Here is a comprehensive guide for those on in your area

The Big Draw t'niil Wed 22 (M. .\lon 'I’hu & Sat lilam (\pllll Stiii llam 5pm. £3.50 «£1.75; l'annl} tieket £8). ('l)dehuilt Seollixh Maritime .\lt|\L'lllll. Braehead Shopping ('enti'e. Kings lneh Road. 88o till .i. (iet )our pen\ and peneilx otit as part ol the nationmde initiatixe to eneourage than mg and ereate all \til'l\ ol' maritime ohieets and artel'aetx. Saturday ha\ e a \peeial pirate theme “line on Sunday there's alxo singing and \lor}te|ling. Drawing Sessions l‘iiiil Sun It) ()et. l lam 5pm. l‘ree. (ialler) ol Modern :\l'l. Queen Slt't‘el. 33‘) lmlli. Artistx \till he on hand throughout the da} to help )iiti ereate llltt\lt‘l‘\\t)l'k\ and Inn e some tun ax part ol Big Draw

Drawing Workshop t'niil 'l‘hu lo ()et. llani noon. l‘i‘ee. Hurrell (‘olleelioiL JUN) l’ollokxhaux Road. 337 3.5.5”. :\}_'e\ 9 l2. (it'l L‘l‘ettliu‘ ill lll\pll'illltllltti \urrotindingx \\ ith help l'rom pl'tllt'\\ltilltll tll'll\l\. Booking t‘\\t‘lili;tl.

Young Illustrators Club t'niil l‘i‘i l7 ()et. llani lpm. .\lel.e||an (iallerie\. 37H Sauehiehall Street. 505 4 Hill. ('reatn e \\ riting and dramng L‘l;l\\L'\ lot 3- I .‘»'\eaI'-o|d\ to prodttee tour oun eomie. Hooking essential. Big Draw - Drop in Activity Sat IS‘ ()et. llani lpm «k 2 4pm. l'it'L‘C. Burrell (.UllL'L'llUll. lehl) l’tllltik\lltl\\\ Road. 337 3550. All

agex .\lo\t ol the eountr} ix dram mg

toda) \o eonie and make )our mark at the llurrell h) di'auing )otn' laxourile ohieet and putting ll on itx giant map.

The Big Draw Sal Is ()et. .\lel.e||an (iallet'ie\. 37H Sauehiehall Street. 5(i5 Jillll. Drawing aeti\itie\ l'or all age\ as part ol' the natioim ide ltto\ ement to get ex er_xone drawing. Painting Glasgow’s Skyline Sat IS ()et. noon 4pm. l‘ree. People‘s l’alaee & Winter (iarden. (ilaxgim (ireen. .554 “22.5. ('reate a collage til (ilaxgou \ \k}line h} painting on )our l‘mourite huilding. Drop-in aeti\it_\ l‘or all ages.

Illustration Workshop Sun I() ()et. l l.3(lam l.3tlpm. l‘ree. ()\lttlll Bookxhop. 330 By‘ex Road. 333

(ilh'5. (‘hildi‘en'x norkxhop on hou to best llltl\ll';llt' _\ttlll \lttl'lt'\

The Big Draw Sal Ix (iii. \ttin 3n

()et. Illam me l‘lt‘t' (‘it_\ .\it ('entie. ,

3 Market Street. 53‘) “Ni Iliamng aetn lllt‘\ lll\|lllt‘tl h} the r\ll (‘entie'x t'\llll\lllttll\ hit all age\

The Big Draw Famin Workshop Sal Ix (it-i: t \opm l'i'ee. l-rintmaiket (Ballet). ~15 .\laiket Street. 335 3‘3; l'un \\ttlk\lltill led h} (‘haihe llaeketl that eneouiagex eieatnit) \\llll a \ai'iet} ol lllttlt'lldlx. Booking t'\\t‘llll;ll.

Dreams of Leaves Sal ix (iii. llam -lpm l'iee Ro}al ltotame (iarden. lineileith llouxe. 553 TIHI .v\nnd the autumn eoloui‘x make tout oun pieee ol natinal paper and take it to a loealion m the gaidem “here an .ll'll\l “Ill ollei diamng lll.llt'll.ll\ and help In t‘l't‘alt' .t lt'\ptill\t' lH )Utll \urioundingx. :\l| age»

It’s a Big World! Sal Ix ()et. l‘lt‘t'. Ro}a| .\ltl\t‘lilll. 3 (‘hamheix Stieet. 3-17 .13 I‘M-HIS. (‘oine and eieate huge landxeapex \tith pieturex ol annnalx. ohleeh and people inxpu'ed h} the eolleetionx. .v\l| )ou need I\ a hit ol llltaglnatton.

Kids Art Days Wed 23 ’I hit 2*(let. llam lpm t\ 2 .lpm. l'lt‘t‘. 'l'alhot Riee (ialler). l'nnerxit} ol lalinhuigli. South Bridge. 050 33 ill. l‘l'anee\ \Valkel leadx lhl\ \Hit‘k\liop \xllh llte theme til l’;t\\lllj._' l\l;tlttl\ \theie )ou ean rerereate tour laxourne landxeape \xith Illillt'l'ldiS prouded. Jll\l hi'mg man image to get _\ou started. Agex 3+. Hooking L‘\\L'llll;ll, Unchartered Territories Sun In (let. | inn. l-i'ee National (ialler) ol Modern All 75 Behold Road. 03-1 (illlll, Drop-in .‘lL'll\lllL‘\ loi all the lamil} “till the ttl'll\l\ and lltttlL‘l'lill\ }ou need to \eek out neu tll‘ll\llt' Iandx.

The Big Draw t‘niil Sal Ix ()et. I‘i'ee. lzast Kilhride Artx ('entre. ()Id ('oaeh Road. l'.a\t Kllhride. (ii 355 3(iltitlll. l‘ttlltllle and lriendx dran in a HUD!) ol \hape and pattern on the galler} “allx. darkroom and eale. this )ear merging “till the Pop Pop textual

and Using lllll\lL‘ lor artixtie lllNPlrillltill.


’, ‘. THE LIST 97