Film index

The Italian Job l tzm 0000 tl-‘ (iat‘) (Era). l‘S. 2003i .\lark \Vahlbet'g. (‘hat‘lt/e Theron. lidnard Norton. 1 lotnin. \Vixel). the produeerx ol~ thtx remake ha\ e tunked almoxt e\ er}thing bill the heixt thente. a couple of eharaeter namex attd the .\ltlttx. 'l’heron pla} x one ol‘ thexe gorgeoux .xaleeraekerx ulto ottl} e\ixt in lilntx. attd Wahlbet‘g‘x xctml lx ltxed to good el-l'et'l. l'ot‘ onee. ()nl) Norton. tuirling hix l)iek l)a.xtardl} mottxtaelte \\ itltout att ounee ol' eredibilit}. eomex ottt ax att_\thing other than a uinner ill the laxt xet ol \\;tek} taeex round the xtreetx. dratnx and xkiex ol l..-\. But tlte earx remain the xtarx itt thtx .\ltnt itthL‘tllllt‘L‘. Si'lt’t’lt’t/ I‘t’ll’ttu’.

Ivan ttbet t.v\le.\ander l)o\/henko. l'SSR. l933t l’}otl' .\laxokha. Slepatt Shkut'at. ()(ltnln. The man ix a god. and thtx ix _\olll' eltattee to xee hix lirxt xottttd lilttt tltat xtteeexxl'ttll) itttegrated poetie tntager} “Hit the doettdratna lilm l'orm. l)o\/|tenko tx better known for lam-III bttt thix tx eaxil_\ ax interexting altd ax imprexxn e. (I ".vl. (i/uxr'mt.

Jeepers Creepers 2 I lit oo

(Victor Saba. l'S. lellit Ra} \Vtxe. Jonathan Bt'eek. 'l‘rax ix Selnl'l'ner. \iekt l._\nn ;\'\eo.\. l)re\\ 'l‘}ler Bell. Ill-1min. ‘l‘he ereeper ix baek and he‘x alter tlte teenagerx on the bttx. \Veak xequel. ttot a pateh on tlte lll‘\l otlL‘. Si'lt‘t’lt't/ I‘t'li'tlu'. Jour De Féte it. .00. Tall. l‘ranee. l‘l-lb'l Jaequex latt. (in) l)eeotnble. «’7min. .\ t'ut'al liretteh poxtte .xeex a lilm abottt tlte ellietene} ol the Atltet‘teatt lllltll \Cl'\ tee itltd tlL‘L‘ltlL'\ lo xmarten up hix aet. ‘l‘lnx debut l'eature b) Tali. el'lortlexxl} bttildx \ txual xet-pteeex and extablixhex tlte anttable duller ol a eentral role tltat \xax later to beeome the unforgettable .\l llttlot. See re\ IC\\. ('umeu. lit/titlmre/t.

Journey to a Kingdom «1‘: t‘l‘ttttolll} Neat. [’K. 1992i 52min. llatled (il‘;tlltpl;llt TV doeumenlar} abottt the ltle altd ttmex ol Ilamixh llettderxon. legettdat'} Seotttxh


l'olklortxt \xho died tn lelll. film/mute. lil/Ill/Hll'fi/l.

0 Kill Bill: Volume 1 thl ooooo tQttentttt 'l‘at'anttno. 18'. JOHN l'ma 'l'lturmatt. l)a\td ('arradtne. lue) l.lll. l);lt'_\l llannah. \'t\tea .-\ l-’o\. \ltehael .\ladxett. llllmin.;\ longtime tntheeomtng. larantttto'x l\\o part martial artx xxtord lighting epte getx oil to a roaring rampaging xtat't “till Vol I. 'l'at'anlino \\L‘;ll'\ thoxe tttllueneex on htx xleex ex: ('htttexe/Jupanexe mat'ttal artx lliekx. bla\plottattott and antttte. Something ol' a departure lt'om htx pt‘e\ tottx lilmx tn tltat there tx no xmat't era delitttttg dtalogue here. itth glortoux blood} dt'i\ en narrattx e. .\ tnuxt l'or an)otte \\ ttlt a paxxiott lol' [he lelt lleltl lo“ blttlgt‘l lo}x ol people like .r\t‘gento. .lodortmxk} and an} of tlte dit'eetorx \\ ho eattte ottt ol the Shim llt‘olltct‘x \lltdlox Ill tlte allx. (It‘llt'l'u/ I't'lt'uu. Krampack l 15.00. «(‘exe (ta). Spam. Zoom l't‘l'lltllltlo Ramallo. .lol'di \‘tleltex. \larteta ()ro/eo. 30mm. 'l'\\o \l\lL'k‘ll-}k‘ill' old bo}x engage tn a btt ol mutual maxtut'batlott \xhtle on holtda) \\ llll their pat'etttx but what begtnx ax a hartnlexx aettx it} xoott leadx ttito tealoux) attd deeett. l'.ll|0};ll‘lt‘ Spantxh eomtng ol age dratna. (tum u. lat/IIt/ttt/‘e/I.

Kung Phooey! t l_‘:\l ll);ll'l'}l long. [8. look; .\lteltael (‘hou _\lan Km. .lonex ('han. \Vallaee ('lto). Kat‘etta l)a\ tx. (‘oltttatt Domingo. l);ll'l'_\l l'ong. Vintn. l.o\\ bttdget llt'uee xpool along llte ltnex ol Rune

’ult .' [LINN [/li /'I\l. (iii [it'll/It'll Xll'l’t’l. (i/metm.

The Last Septembert t5. .0 (Deborah \Vat'net'. l’tx'. lotto; Keele}

llau ex. \laggte Stitttlt. \ltehael (iambon. lolmtn. Adapted b_\ .loltn Ham tlle lrom lilt/abeth liouen'x notel. tlte liltn ehat'tx the end ol' lll'tttxh rule tn lt'elattd through the e}ex ol the at‘txtoet‘atte .\'a_\ lot lamtl}. 'l'het'e the eotllliet between tlte lR.v\ and the .'\l'ltt} ereatex a xtttltng attlioxphere tor bttddtttg debutattte l.otx tllim ext. llouen‘x \ txton tx a\\ kuatdl} t'ealtxed tn eellulotd. .'\x eoxtttttte

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36 THE LIST 12’; 02'.

dt‘amax go. It'x t'expeetable enough bttt gt\ett \Vat‘ner'x reputation l'or mnmatix e xpitt on eanonteal \xorkx. tt'x xotttetlnng ol a dtxappotntntent. (It/um. I'a/UI/Hll‘g/I.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen t 13A» 0 tStephett .\'orrtttgton. l'S/(iet‘tttatn/(Veeh Rel‘ublte/l "K. 3W“! Sean (’onnel'). .\'axeetttddtn Shah. l’eta \\'tlxott. loll} (‘ttt't'atL Stuart lo“ ttxettd. Shane \Vext. llllmm. l)taboltea| \erxton ol Alan .\loore'x great grapltie no\ el. (it'm'm/ I't’lt’llu'.

Life is Beautiful «PG» 00.0 tRoberto llentgnt. Ital}. 190M Roberto lientgni. \ieoletta llt'axehi. | lomin. .'\ eomed} about the lloloeauxt'.’ Sut'el) ttot. \Vell. that‘x uhat ltaltan urtter-dtreetot' xtar lletttgttl hax dotte tn laxlttotttttg a poignant L‘olllle l-ill‘lt‘ ill‘lllll the l'exiltL'tlL‘L‘ ol the human xptrtt attd the pit“ er ol‘ the imagination. .-\ humane attd tno\ mg lilttt. [.(K Rut/It'll .X'II'H’I. (ilthgult .‘ (.(K ‘. lit/III/HH'QII.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie rt.

0. tJittt l’all. l'S. Itlllit lltlal'} l)ull. Adam l.atttbet‘g. llallte 'l'odd. Robert ('at‘t‘adttte. Jake 'l‘ltotttax. :\xltlie lll‘tllault. ‘Hmtn. l'tlm \L‘l'\lolt ol' popular l)lxne) elttldt'en'x pt'ogt'atttme. .\‘tee l.t//ie goex to Ital} and meetx a dirt} paxta munehet' ho} bttt tt'x ()K beeatIxe a “holexonle Yank tx around to proteel her. l‘or xolt bt'attted )ollllgxlt‘l‘x only I'( ‘l. lat/inlmrglt.

Los Zafiros t l:.'\l (l.ol‘L‘n/o DeStelano. [8. 20oz: 85mm. .\luxteal doettntentat'} about l.ox /.;llll'o\. (‘uba‘x equtxalent to the Ileatlex In the l‘)(i()x. I'l/m/tnuu'. lat/ln/mre/t. The Lost Boys I IS» .0 Mod Seitumaeher. l'S. I‘lh'") Jaxon I’atrtek. (‘ot'e_\ llattn. Barnard llughex. ‘len. .r\naemte eomie ltorror ax a Santa .\loniea teen lallx into bad eotttpatt} tn the xhape ol a mad. bad and dtltlgt‘l'oltx‘Io-ktlou gang ol' \atnptt‘ex. (’ottxtant .\l'l'\' \ txualx tttake thtx an altogether t'exixttble allatr. ()(li'UII ('t'l\ (tllll'r’. (I/thg'nll.

The Man who Sued God l IS»

.0 I.\lark Jolie. .‘\ll\ll';lllil. loolt Bill) (‘ottttoll}. Jud) l)a\ tx. ('olm l’t'ielx. \Vettd} llughex. Btlle Bl'o\\ll. ltL‘mtn. Bill) ('onttoll} pla_\x Stex e .\l}L't'x. a l.t\\}er \\ ho Itax opted ottt atld beeottte a lixhet'tnan. \Vhen lttx boat tx xtrttek b_\ lightning and dextt'o} ed he tx dented tttxut‘anee mone} lteetlllxt' ll \\;tx 'tllt aet ol' ( iod'. So he tlllxlx do“ n htx lau bookx and xttex the tttxut‘anee eotttpan} and the ehut'elt under the gutxe ol' (iod delendtttg lttmxell. .'\ll\ll';lll;lll lialmg exque eomed}. .S'Ier (tn/um. lat/tn/uu'e/t. The Man without a Past (Mies Vailla Menneisyytta) I IS» 0... |.'\l\l Kattt‘txtttakt. l'itllattd/(iertnan)/l'ranee. Illlllt \lat'kku l’eltola. Kat! ()ttttnen. ‘thm.

Hurt and loss prevail In America

A tttatt lx tttttgged and dtxappeat'x. ottl} to Hi} xtertouxl} reappear \\ lllt no t'eeolleetton ol‘ hix pre\ iottx Iile. lle ereatex a lie“ ltle l'ot‘ htmxell amongxt the hotnelexx eottttnuntt}. attd lallx in lo\ e \\llll one ol' ltix xottp \L‘I'H‘l'x. x\ L‘oltllL‘ deptetton ol‘ ;l lllalt'x

tout'ne) to tnake xenxe ol lttmxell and the

\mrld. thix lo\ e-xtor} ix lt'otll one ol l’inland‘x bext knomt lilmmakerx. lat/tit/ture/t I'l/m (I'm/ll. Ia/tnluug/t.

The Matrix Reloaded 1 IS: 00.

t'l‘lte \Vaehou xki Brotherx. l‘S. 3003i Keanu Ree\ ex. l.;tl'l'} l‘ixltburne. 140mm. llo“ good ix HIV .l/(llrlt /\'('/mu/('t/'.’ Well. it xull'et'x l’rom xequel x}ndrome. aka the la“ ol' dtmtnixhtng l'etttrnx. Seeond ttme around \\ e knou “hat the Mann tx and \te'xe xeen ho“ eool ‘bullet ttme' ix. ltt tel'mx ol xtor}telltttg. lie/outlet! lailx to mamtattt the paemg ol' the original. (’ritteixmx axtde. ho“ e\ er. there'x plent} to imprexx the e} e m lie/milled. lhe lttal'ttal at‘lx lightx attd eomputer enhaneed ell'eetx lllltl thetr lenitlt it] it battle lk‘l“ L‘L‘ll [he no“ xtlpt‘l‘ pou L'l'L‘tl .\'eo attd lttx nemextx. Agent Smith tllugo \Vem tug t. \\ ho hax lottnd a ua} to elone httttxell‘. 'l‘he ultra eotttple\ light beNeen .\'eo and too Sttttthx tx ttothtttg xhot‘t ol gobxttiaeking. ’l‘lten there'x the l'reeua} ear ehaxe. itt\ol\ ittg tttot‘tal eombat atop a xpeedittg IX \xheelet'. \xhteh likeutxe ratxex the bar on xpeetaele etttettta. l.ll.’l.\'. (i/(lwmt.

Matrix Revolutions l 15: l.'\lltl) \Vaehoxxxki.'r_\ \Vaehou xki. ['S. Illllfit Keanu Ree\ ex. l.aut'enee l‘txhburtte. llttgo \Veming. ('arrte x\llllC .\loxx. .\lontea Bellttei. l32tttin. 'l'he trtlog} eoneludex ax \xar breakx ottt on the xeot'ehed liartlt ax the maehittex tmade /.tott. Rex te\\ ed pt'operl} tte\t ixxue. unable to \ teu at prexx ttme. (it'llt'l'tl/ I‘l’ll'tlu.

My Life without Me I tSt COO tlxabel (‘oi\et. Spattt/(‘allada lellfit Sarah l’ollL‘}. Seott Speedtltan. Deborah llttl‘l‘}. .\lat'k Rullalo. Leonor \Vatltng. loltntn. ~l‘ratler tttom .'\ltlt tl’olle} t \xot‘kx nightx dotttg a eleantttg lob at the loeal llltl\L'l'\ll). and hax to pttt up \\ ttlt her erotehet) mother tllarr} t attd diet obxexxed t'rtend l.attt'te tl’lunttttet't. But dexptte all thtx. her lite \Hlll Ituxband l)on tSpeedmant attd her l\\o _\outtg datlghtet‘x tx a happ} one .r\l'tet‘ xttddenl} eollapxtng. her doetot‘ te\ealx xhe

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