one who can save her frotn the clutches of the 'l'oymakcr (Stallone). an evil games designer. The 3-D effects are both inventive and impressive and the set-pieces are terrific fttn. The highlights include a duel between giant robots. an exciting tnttlti vehicle speed race and some bizarre pogo-frogs, whose tongues shoot out into the audience as they attack. ()deon At The Quay. Glasgow: Ster ( 'enturjv. Edinburgh.

Summer Madness (PG) (David Lean. L'S. I955) Katherine Hepburn. Rossano Brazil. 4min. Restoration of David Lean‘s adaptation of Anhur Laurent's popular play. The Time of the Cue/too. about a tniddlc aged secretary who pins all her dreams on a once in a lifetime trip to Venice. Moving. passionate and mature. GI-"IC Glasgow. Summer Things (Embrassez Oui Vous Voudrez) ( 15) me (Michel Blanc. France. 2002) (‘harlotte Rampling. Jacques Dtttronc. Karin Viard. Denis Podalydes. ('lotilde ('ourau. 103mm. (‘lever adaptation ()f Joseph (‘onnolly's novel into an astute comedy of manners. A group of friends are vacationing one summer at the seaside resort of Le Touquet. Bourgeois mind games and flirtation are the inevitable side products. Fxpertly marshalled by Blanc. who skilfully weaves together the various storylines while dragging some great performances out of this impressive ensemble cast. a witty roundelay of mistaken identities. amorous adventures and emotional subterfuge. [1']. Edinburgh. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (18) «0 (Marcus Nispel. LS. 2003) Jessica Biel. Jonathan Tucker. Iirica Leerhsen. Mike Vogel. Iiric Balfour. Andrew Bryniarski. 98min. Remake of Tobe Ilooper's I974 original with tnore kids. tnore gore and not a lot of air to breath between the slayings. It's actually a pretty decent retnake. if you like this kind of thing. but then any Iiltn that is inspired by this true life horror story is going to look good after the travesty that was Ed Gein. General release.

The Politics of Fur ( 15) (Laura Nix. LS. 2002) 76min. Twisting character study about the power dynamic that is locked in a middle class lesbian relationship. Petra Von Kant eat your hean out. Part of (ilasgay! GET Glasgow

0 The Time of the Wolf (Le Temps Du Loup) ( 15) em

(Michael Ilaneke. France/Austria/(iermany. 2003) Isabelle Huppert. Beatrice Dalle. Patrice ('hereau. Rona Hartner. Maurice Bénichou. ()livier Gourmet. l 10min. Ilaneke the director of Funny Games. ('ode Unknown and The Piano Teacher is back with another remarkable journey into the fundamentally perverse and violent. When Anna (Huppert) and her family arrive at their holiday home. they find it occupied by strangers. So begins an appalling confrontation. Another gift from one of the most talented directors currently working in Europe. GI-T Glasgow; Eilrnhouse. Edinburgh.

Tokyo Lullaby (PG) (Jun Ichikawa. Japan. I997) Mitsuko Baisho. 85min. A middle aged man reappears in his local community after disappearing for years. He retums to his family to the consternation of most of the locals. but is he still sweet on the girl/woman who works in the local coffee shop'.’ lchikawa's best known and most popular filtn internationally. Part of Akibiyori New Japanese Filtn Season. see preview. I'i/rnhouse. Edinburgh.

Tokyo Marigold (PG) (Jun lchikawa. Japan. 200i ) Rena Tanaka. Yukiyoshi ()zawa. Yoichiro Saito. 97min. Life. love and romance in modern day Tokyo lchikawa style. Part of the Akibiyori New Japanese Film Season. see preview. I'ilmhouse. Edinburgh.

Tokyo Siblings (PG) (Jun lchikawa. Japan. I995) Yuriko Ilirooka. L'rara Awata. Naoto ()gata. Toru 'I’ezuka. 92min. Intense drama that follows the near incestuous relationship between a brother and sister in an old Tokyo district. Jealousy and obsessive protection abound when these young people are left to cope without their parents. Part of Akibiyori New Japanese Film Season. see preview I‘llrrtlloti.\‘('. Edinburgh.

Tous Les Matins Du "ends (12) O... (Alain (‘orneau. France. I991) Jean-Pierre Marielle. (ierard Depardieu. Anne Brochet. Guillaume Depardieu. Carole Richer. l04min. (‘lassic (‘orneau lt's late I7th century. The widowed viola da gatnba player Monsieur de Sainte (‘olombe (Depardiett Snr) is trying to bring up his two young daughters Madeleine and Toinette. without the interference of the outside world. One day a handsome young man. Marin Marais (Depardiett Jnr). comes to see him with a request. he wants to be taught how to play the viola. Interesting and slow moving period drama. fascinating for being one of the Depardieu father and son teams rare collaborations (they no longer speak to each other allegedly). ('(‘xL Glasgow; Film/rouse Edinburgh.

Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) (15) me (Claire Denis. France. 2002) Valerie Lemercier. Vincent Lindon. Helene de Saint-Pere. 90min. A winter's Friday night in Paris. where a public transport strike has forced the city‘s traffic to a standstill. Caught up in the gridlock is Laure (comedienne Lemercier). When a stranger Jean (Vincent Lindon) knocks on her car window. a chance encounter turns into a joyful one-night stand. Verbal dialogue in this impressively acted filtn is almost non-existent: meaning is conveyed by the close-ups of looks and glances exchanged between the lovers. or by the way Agnes Godard's mobile camera tracks their bodies moving in mutual attraction within confined spaces. Accompanied by an excellent string score from Dickon Hinchliffe of the Tindersticks. A warm. tender and wonderfully romantic filtn. GI-“II Glasgow.

Veronica Ouerin (18) see (Joel Schumacher. ISA. 2003) (‘ate Blanchett. Alan Devlin. (‘olin Farrell. Brenda Fricker. Joe Hanley. 98min. Jerry Bruckheimer- produced and Schumacher-directed take the true story of (iuerin‘s investigation of. and murder by. grubby Dublin drug dealers in the l990s. Pretty pedestrian sttiff but the film greatly benefits from the presence of (ale Blanchett in the title role. When the Sky balls with Joan Allen was better. ()deon Wester Hailes, Edinburgh.

The Wedding Shirts (PU) (Josef Kabrt. (’zech Republic. I978) l0min. Free event where various academics and experts on (‘zechoslovakian folklore politics and culture discuss the folk tale work of Karel Jaromir firben. Animator Kabrt‘s exquisite animation take on iirben‘s macabre romantic ballad The Wedding Shirts. along


Some peo

with FA Brabec's live action film homage to Erben Mild/lowers. will forth the backbone of the debate. Film/rouse. Edinburgh. Whale Rider (PG) eee (Niko ('aro. New Zealand. 2003) Keisha (‘astle-Hughes. IOI min. In a small New Zealand coastal village. the Maori peoples claim descent froin Paikea. the Whale Rider. a pseudo mythic male elder who was one with the barnacled beasts. The bloodline is supposed to lead to Koro. now an old man. who is worrying that his sort Porourangi has only given him a granddaughter. Pai. who cannot carry on the dynasty. Keisha Castle-Hughes (as the chosen one. Pai) and the rest of the cast are delightful. while (‘aro makes maximum use of her low budget and amateur crew by working within the confines of a real east coast Maori reservation area. Touching and intelligent naturalistic drama for older kids and adults. this has enthralled audiences at film festivals across the world. (.'('I. ('l_vdeban/t'. What a Girl Wants (i’(i) ee

(Dennie (iordon. LS. 2003) Kelly Preston. Soleil McGhee. (‘olin Firth. liileen Atkins. Jonathan Pryce. Peter Reeves. Amanda Bynes. Anna (‘hancellor l05min. Bynes plays Daphne Reynolds. a sweet. good- natured seventeen year old girl who is thrilled to discover that her father is British politician Lord Henry Dashwood (Firth). However. though Ilenry welcomes the opportunity to get to know his daughter. his conniving fiance (Chancellor) and his political advisor (Pryce) plot to get her sent packing. I'ndoubtedly cheesy and shameless. this has tnore bad gags involving Royal Family lookalikes than any film since The .N'aked Gun. It remains watchable thanks to Bynes herself. who gives a spirited. funny. genuinely sweet pcrfortnance and could well be someone to watch in the future. ('('1. Edinburgh: ('(‘I. ( 'lydebank.

Wildflowers ( l2A) (FA Brabcc. (‘rech Republic. 2000) Bolek Polivka. Dan Barta. Zuzana Byd/ovska. 8 I min. A series of short films based on the (‘zech folk ballads of Karel Jarotnir lirbcn. all brought together by cinematographer FA Brabcc. A huge success in its homeland. the filtn has been compared favorably to both Neil Jordan's

( 'ornpanv ofllolvm‘ and Bergman's The Seventh Seal. The film is being shown as part of a free open discussion forum on lirben's work (see The il’edding Shirts ). I’ilrnhouse. Edinburgh.

Yanks (15) 0.. (John Schlesinger. l'K. I979) Richard (iere. Lisa Iiichhorn. \‘anessa Redgrave. Williatn Devane. ('hick Vennera. I4lmin. (’olin Welland scripted

pie are so selfish, Sarah Polley in M Life Without Me

index Film

WW2 epic concerning itself with what was happening on the home guard while ottr boys were fighting for old blighty. Shock horror - good looking GI Joes were having affairs with our women. Bloody animals. Steamy. enjoyable fttn frotn the late great John Schlesinger. One for a Sunday afternoon perhaps (it does have quite a few longeurs you may want to sleep through). St Bride ’s ('entre. Edinburgh.

Year of the Devil (tbc) (Petr Zelenka. (’zech Republic. 2002) Jaromir Nohavica. Karel Plthal. 88min. Appealing documentary about the underground folk group Nohavica and Plflial and the relationship between them from the (‘zech director of the excellent Happy End. Look out for a guest appearance from Jaz ('oletnan of Killing Joke fatnc. I-‘ilrnhouse. Edinburglt.

You Only Live Once (PU) eeee (Fritz Lang. l'S. I937) Henry Fonda. Sylvia Sidney. Barton Maclaine. 86min. Httgely influential lovers-(m-the-run movie that looks forward to the likes of Penn‘s Bonnie and ('l_vde. (iodard‘s Pierrot I.e Eou and even David Lynch's Wild at Heart. as petty criminal Fonda and wife Sidney‘s attempts to go straight result in them being fratned for a bank robbery. hounded by police and the media. and desperately looking for an escape. Film/rouse. Edinburgh.

Young Adam ( 18) secs (David Mackenzie. l'K. 2003) liwan McGregor. limin Mortimer. Tilda Swinton. Peter Mullan. 93min. Mackenzie remains loyal to the dark. existentialist spirit of Alexander Trocchi's I954 novel about Joe. at nihilistic drifter who seems only to find connection with the world through sleazy sexual encounters. Shot in seedy green and grey hues. the film opens on the (‘lyde where Joe (Mc(iregor) is working on a barge owned by lilla (Swinton) and her husband Les (Mullah). The men are in the process of dragging a corpse ()f a young woman from the water. an act done with particular care by Joe. thus hinting at his complicity in her demise. A flawless and coherent adaptation ()f a dark and disturbing tale and a work of haunting beauty. ('G(' Ren/rew Street. Glasgow.

Check out the


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