
I Jane’s Addiction, the Flaming Lips and The Chemical Brothers l’rinccx Slrcct (iardcns. 6pm. 1’rcc htll lickctcd. SL‘L‘ pagc 1 1 for lull dctailx of ho“ to gcl tickctx. 'l‘hc 1.ip\ and the ('hcms gct togcthcr for a rcndition ol' "I'hc (ioldcn Path' \VilliL‘ \xc Sci a in” \ct li‘om Jane's. Shccial glicslx incltidc mcathcad actor \‘in l)icsclf

0 N*E*R*D, Policechief and Paul Cawley (‘orn lixchangc. .\'c\\ Marlch Road. (iorgic. 443 3437. £30. T110 coolmt. hippcxt produccrs in thc “orld thc .\'cpttmc\ lhchind .1ll\11ll 'l'imhcrlakc. Britnc) Spcat'x and \xa} too man} to mcntionl go 1i\ c \\ ith thcir hip hop act. OThe Electric Soft Parade The Liquid Room. 0C Victoria Sll'L‘L‘l. 33.5 3564. 7pm. £0. '1'\\o tccnagc hrothcrs mash it tip llltlic-\l_\1c. \\ itli toucring atmoxphcricx. Scc prc\ icu.

I Fester, Consession 101 and The System 'l‘hc \‘cnuc. l7 2| (’allon Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £5 l£.3l. .\'ight of punk and rock \\ ith morc lo hc annotmccd.

I Elkin and Aether 11criot-\\'alt 1‘ni\cr\it_\ l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 0pm. I‘rcc. Strong \ong uriting ix cmphaxixcd h} lilkin \\ ith crunching rock lrom (ilaxgtm \ Acthct'. Studcntx and lhcir gucxtx onl}.

I Echo 20 and The Zips \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 6 South lli'idgc. 557 5| 14. 0pm. Night of claxxic and original rock.


I Grandaddy and Snow Patrol (‘arling .v\cadcm}. 131 liglinton Strcct. 0005 030 3000/0870 771 3000. 7.30pm. £13. l'ndcr- l()\ to hc accompanicd h} an adult. Scc prc\ ic“ l'or (irandadd). Scc Sun 3 for Snou l’atrol.

Chicks on Speed play the Arches, Glasgow, Fri 7 Nov

I Chicks on Speed The :\l‘L‘1lL‘\. 353 .v\rg_\1c Sum. 0001 033 0300. 10.30pm. {Ill/£8 ladmnccl. [13/9310 tdoorl. Slink} clcclro li'om lhc Spicc (iirlx o1 clcctroclaxli who do a nicc linc in rohotic co\cr \crxionx.

I Martin Stephenson and Leo Condie .'\L‘t)ll\11L‘ Altair. 'l‘ron 'l'hcalrc

15o} cr Bar. 'l‘rongalc. 553 4367. 0.30pm.

£8. (icordic \ingcr/xongu rilci' \\ho 1il\1 lll\lk‘L1 \uccmx in lhc N0x \\ itli hix hand thc Daintccx. .ioincd h} thc \on ol’

countr} hlucx guitarixt Jim ('ondic.

I Life of Agony, Breed 77 and Fony 'llic (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Strccl. 333 1130. 6pm. £11.()\ct'-14\ \110“. Rcunion ol' lhc .\'c\\ York-liaxcd mclal hand lrom thc 01)\.

I Martin Grech and Orko King 'l‘ui'x With “all Hut. 373a St \‘inccnl Strccl. 331 537‘). 8pm. £8. ()\ct‘- 14x \1ltl\\. Stunning opcratic \ocal\ mcldcd to \omc highl) rocking matcrial. much likc .\1u\c \xitli morc rcl'lccln c momcntx.

Includes the , ,

hit Sln " Four minute warning ' And the new single ,. Alone without you

rock & pop listings Music

I Lagwagon 'I‘hc (‘aihuuxu lS t'ninn Strcct. 348 6606. 7.30pm. £13. ()\ct'- 14\ \il()\\. So(‘al mclodic punk hand punting currcnt alhum liltlfl'.

I Photek 1.i\c\'c\ i1. (ilaxgou School of Art. 168 chl'rcu Strcct. 353 530. 11pm. £thc. lilcctronica artist Rupcrt l’arkcs 1111\C\ drum'n'hasx. housc and cincmatic influences.

I Enon, Lapsus Linguae and Shesus Nicc'n'Slcal). 431 Sauchichall Strcct, 333 0637. 0pm. £6. Scc prc\ ic\\ l'oi' linon. 1)cmcntcd \upport l'rom 1.ap\u\ linguac.

I Underwood, Ampersand, Lusher and Sugarfly Barn). 360 (‘litlc Strcct. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. 1.4.

I The Pedestrians, Definitive arid Mexico 'l‘hc 13th .\'otc (all: 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 0pm. 1.3.

I Archangel, Striker and Endor rm} .\1urr_\\.‘)6 .\1a.\ucll Strcct. 331 6511. 0pm. £4. including cntr} to poxt-gig cluh. 'l‘riplc hill of upcoming local indic handx.

I The Fusion Experience Liquid Loungc. 04 \Vcsl chcnl Strccl. 353 6333. 6pm. l-rcc. chidcnc} l'rom thix .ia/z l'unk ll'io.

I Independence Samucl 1)()\\‘\.

67 7| Nilltxdalc Road. 433 0107. .\’.30pm. i'il'L'L'.

I Frank O’Hagan The Santa. 1 l2 1 l4 Sltk‘k“ €11 SII’L‘L‘I. 553 3031. 0pm. 1'l‘L‘L‘. ('mcrx ol' 1)} lan. thc Band. (’rccdcncc.

I Live Music .\1;icSor1c_\\. 43 Jamaica Slrcct. 348 8531. 0pm. l’rcc.


I Blackmore’s Night ()uccn'x Hall. ('lci‘lx Slrcct. 668 3010. 7.30pm. £30. 1i\ l)ccp l’urplc and Rainho“ guitarixl hax \hil'tcd gcar and intin to his lalcnt low o1 chaiwancc-cra llllhic‘. 11c play “1111 an ttxxcmhlcd group o1~ intcrnational mtixicianx luxing uorld muxic. chaixxancc. nc“ agc. l'ollt and rock «k roll.