Music rock & poo listings

Rock 8: pop listings continued

Wednesday 1 2


I Average White Band llte (iarage. 490 Sauehiehall Street. 332

l I20. 7pm. Lthe. The l‘unkiext hand met” In entne lll'ntn Dundee. nr Sentland t‘nr that matter. The} 're a hit lnng in the tnnth thexe day hut the) ean \till reeapture that Sl)‘ Stnne/lxle) Brnthers \umnier \pirit in their eurrent \et.

I Australian Pink Floyd l’a\ilinn 'I‘heatre. l2l Renlield Street. .352 l84n. 7.30pm. Ll7.5(). Snundalike trihute In the might} l‘ln_\tl uhn \lnp \hnrt nl‘ the ll) ing plgx.

I Breed 77, Velcra and Tempercalm King ‘t‘ut\ \Vah Walt llut. 272a St Vineent Street. 22] 5279. 8pm. Ln. ()\er- |4\ Slit)“. l‘rnm (iihraltar \ ia l.nndnn. Breed 77 ha\ e tempered the extremitiex nl their wand and rum neeup} similar territnr} In the like\ nt‘.'\liee in (’hainx and Pearl Jam. I Syth, Atriedes and King Rollo Niee'tt'SleaI}. 42] Sauehiehall Street. 333 9n37. 9pm. L4. Hem} metal and nltl \L‘ltnttl l'tlL’l’x.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. Int) \Vnndlandx Rnad. 5n4 I527. 8pm. Free. \Veekl} \exxinn tnr lneal Inuxieianx.

I Live Music \lttL‘Stil'le} \. 42 .Iamaiea Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free. l-‘nur hands In he ennlirmed tnr Ihix .\'nrth (iIIISgtm Muxie night.


I Black Eyed Peas the liquid Rtmtn. 9e Vietnt'ia Street. 225 2564. 7pm. Ll3.5(). Rnntx} hip hnp lt'ttttt the rapper\ hehind the maxsix e ntnnher one ‘\\'here l8 the l.t)\ e'.’..

I Magic: A Kind of Queen Bruntnn 'l‘heatre.} \\ ell \Va). Mtixxelhurgh. nn5 224i). 7.30pm. L|2 1L9l. ('nine and enin) ‘Bnhemian Rhapxndv \\ ith this Queen trihute aet. I The Quantic Soul Orchestra The Bnngn ('luh. Mnra) llnuxe. llnl)t'tititl Rtitttl. 553 7604. 8pm. £7. Breakheat ja/l enthuxiaxt \Vill llnlland decided it) reereate tlte \ intage gilt/l and tunk \nundx that ntherx \\ ere sampling h_\ lnrniing hix nun |i\e hand.

I Fleamarket Funk ('ahai'et \'nltaire. 3f) 38 Blair Street. 220 (i170. l lpm 3am. l‘ree. See Wed 5.


I Fountainbridge Collective and The Dazes Whistlehinkiex. 4 (i Snttlli Bridge. 557 5i l4. 9pm. llip ltnp lt'ntn the l-‘B enlleetn e u ith guitar rnek trnm (ilaxgnu \ l)a/e\.


I Lamb and Slovo (’arling Academy. l2l liglintnn Street. ()905 ()2() 3999/0870 77] 2()()(). 7.30pm. Ll2.5(). \n age rextrietinn. l’npp} eleetrnniea dun \\ltn are enjnying their greatext \ueeexx \inee Inuring uith Mnh).

I T Rextasy l’a\ ilinn ’l'heatre. l2l Rentield Street. 532 lh’4h. 7.3()pm. Ll2.5tl. llighl) praixed '1‘ Re\ Irihute.

I The Stands King ’l’ut'x Wait Wait lllll. 272d St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. L7. l.i\erpud|ian enmhn “ltn tall neatl} intn the Banduagnn \eene \ihieh ineludex the likex nl the ('nral. the /.utnn\ and the Banditx.

I Ju Ju Ten \iee'tt'Sleztl}. 42! Sauehiehall Street. 333 9n37. 9pm. L3. I Sonic Rev and The Sorrows leaded. liquid lnunge. 94 \VeSI Regent Street. lilptn. L3 (L4 nn tltmt‘l. \Veekl} \hnneaxe nl' lneal arti\t\. li\perimental and garage rnek hill.

I The Boogie Men Studin ()ne. (irnwennr llntel. (il't)\\eltttt‘ 'lerraee tnll Byex Rnadl. 34l n5ln. 9pm. Free.

I The Kite Flying Club 't‘ehai

()\ na. 42 ()tagn l.ane. 357 4524. 8pm. L2. lntprm t'rnm an enxemhle. ineluding (ienrge Burt. (ienrge l.) Ie and Kenn} Brnnm.

I Wild Strawberry Beanxeene. 5 (’rexm ell l.ane. 334 n77n. 8pm. l‘ree. l.aidhaek lmekgrnund \tttllttl\.

I The Vagabonds The Sentia.

ll2 ll4 Slnel‘“ ell Street. 552 ShSl. 9pm. l’ree. l’npular emerx.

I Jam Session Samttel l)n\\\,

()7 7| \itlixdale Rnad. 423 “NW. 8.30pm. l‘ree. llnxted h_\ lndeiwtulenee. I Live Music .\le(‘huill\. 4t) High Street. 552 2l35. 9pm. l-‘ree. .\'e\\ hattd night. Iine~up tn he enntirnted.

I Live Music .\taeSni-le_\\. 42 Jamaiea Street. 248 8581. 9pm. l'ree.


I John Doe and Kalamazoo \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 n Snuth Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Madehexter en\er\ l'rnni Jnhn l)ne and it'\ a dehut gig tnr l‘allxirk-haxed indie t}pe\ Kalania/nn.

For ‘A to Cubano’ the Orishas invoked the blessings of the Afro-Cuban Gods of their native Cuba percussive Latin hip hop style. Recorded in Paris, they blew everyone away with their seductive energy and the sheer musicality of their sound, headlining concerts from London to Mexico on the back of it.

While the gentler, more poppy vibe of their second album Emigrante is more post-Manu Chao than Cuban fare, it still won them a Latin Grammy for best hip hop album. And it’s what they conjure up in their live gigs that confirms Yotuel, Roldan and Ruzzo as one of the most awesome and beautiful threesomes around; they’ll be the highlight of Si Cuba! and Big Big World. (Jan Fairley)

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60 THE LIST -, ’, '


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 30


I Jim McQuat Quartet Bur I85. Buehanan llntel. I85 Buehanan Street. 332 7284. 7pm. l’ree. l)i\er\e ial/ \nealixt leadx liix quartet \\ ith an axxnrtment Ulla/l \uing tunex.

I Lynne O’Neill Trio .-\d l.ih. l l I llnpe Street. 248 nn45. 8pm. L2. l.}nne ()'.\'eil| lead\ this trin \inging Bra/ilian tune\ and tan \lttlttlitl'tlx.


0 Grand Union Orchestra (‘)tteelt\ llall. ('lerk Street. nn8 2(ll9. 8pm. L12 tLllll. .\ltt\ieal luxinn in Blitz/tum. li’rt/n/u/I and the lf/uex. the latest Inuring \lttm lrnm (irand l’ninn ()rehextra leaturing the like\ nl' ('laude l)eppa and ll}rnn \Vallen pla) ing nith \ irtumn ltidian ttttlxlelttltx. \tnget'x. [wreuxxinnixtx and tall \Ultll\l\. plux traditinnal Senttixh mxtrumentalixtx. I Phil Bancroft Quartet llenr} \ Ja/l (‘ellatz 8 Mnrrixnn Street. 4n7 52()(). 8.30pm. L8. 'lennr \a\nphnni\t l’hil Banernlt leadx hix internatinnal hand It ith Mike Walker tguitari. 'l‘hnmax Strnnen IXnt‘xHi}. drumxl. and guext lizmixt Ste\ e \Vattx

I Joe Lee Wilson and Kirk Lightsey 80 Queen Street Bar and RL‘SIttttl'ttttl. 80 Queen Street. 22n5tl97. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Ameriean \inging and piann dun graee nur \hnrex lni‘ \nme gnnd nltl. elawie gltt/l. hluex and gnxpel.


I London Community Gospel Choir l’aixle} limit llttll. :\hhe'\ (line. 88." Hill). 7.30pm. Ll2 Ithli. 'l‘he ehnir lendx itx imprexxn e enlleetn e \niee tn \nul. \\\ ing and hluex ax \\ ell ax elaxxie gttxpel \t)l]3_'\.


I The Launch Party Blaelxt'riarx. 3n Bell Street. 552 5924. .\'e\\ lit/l eluh Xig/;ig npenx itx Iltmt‘x \\ itlt a In e \et trnm Mereur} pri/e nnminee Snuetn Kineh \\llll suppan l'rnm (ilaxgnu -ha\ed lirxtline and DJ ‘l‘nm .\le(iarrigle. See panel.

I The Fusion Experience the liquid l.nunge. 94 \Vext Regent Street. 353 5 8pm. l‘ree. ReSltletlL‘} ll'ttltl llllS ja/l funk trin.

I Manny Ferry’s Dixielanders (iarnethill (‘nnimunin (‘entre. 2l Rnxe Street. 332 97n5. ".3llpm. L4.5tl t L3.5tll. 'l‘raditinnal l)i\ieland _ia// hand \\ ith eheap drink and tree lnnd hargain.

I Catfish Keith Steren. l4 Kehinhaugh Street. 22! SW). 8pm. Lthe. Singer/guitarixt \peeialixing in the deep delta hluex and the hnttleneek guitar \nund.


I Soundbone and the Funk-Out- Fit llenr) '\ .la// (‘ellaiz 8 Mnrrixnn Street. to“ 5200. Midnight. Ln. 'l'rnmlmnixt (‘hrix (irei\ e and drummer Paul Millx \peeialixe in mild. tank and iau lll thix hand. leaturing \inger Suhie ('nleman.

I Sophie Bancroft Quartet llenr} \ .la/l (t‘lldl'. IS \lttl'l'tStttt Street. 4t)" 5200. 8,3tlpm. Ln. \nealixt llanernlt \uhtl} \ieaxex l’nlk and tan inllueneex intn a mi\ nl' \tandardx and enntetnpnrat') numherx. Snphie \\lll Iauneh her lie“ (I). .llm/n'n I.Hl'('. ill llllS gig.

I Guest Band Night 8t) Queen Street Bar and Rextaurant. 8t) Queen Street. 22n5tl‘)7. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Regular _i;i// night l'eaturing tnp Senttixh _ia// grnupx.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Merehant'x ('nrner. l8 John Street. 552 38()|. 2.30 5.30pm. liree. Drummer Me(in\\ an leadx his hig hand \Iith guext \nealixtx.

0 Dominic Alldis Ensemble RSAMl). lllll Renlreu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. L12 IL8l. .-\n intriguing and ltllllttltxlllg’ prnxpeet uith pianist and \nealixt Dnminie .v\|ldi\ leading hix _ia// enxemhle tngether \\ ith the l’a\an String Quartet perl'nrming the l9n()\ Iilm \enrex nt Meehel l.egrand /.¢’\ pump/trim (ll' (‘llt'l'l’Ullrk’ illttl [.('\ (It’nmiu'l/I'x r/(’ RUt'ltr'lUl’l.

I Omar Sosa Trio Rtt}ttl (‘uneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. Ll2 Ll4. (‘nmpnxer and pianixt lead\ a hen ('uhan _ia// \nund drauing l'rnm eha- eha gt‘nn\e\. hip-hnp heals and l'llttpxtltllL‘ melndiex. l’art nt‘ Si ('uhaf lestnal.

I Jazz Supper with Kit Carey (are Snuree. I St :\ndre\\ ’\ Square. 548 (M20. 8pm. Ln.95. Veteran hanjn pla} er Kit ('are} \ hand are here In get )nur Ines tapping \\ ltile _\nu eat.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Blaeklriarx. 3n Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. l-‘ree. Mndern gia// quartet led h} tennr \a\man Deans.


I Rumba Caliente lleltl’)\ .la/l (‘ellatz 8 Mnrrixnn Street. 4n',7 5200. Midnight. Ln. Si\-pieee hand lead h} Salxa (‘eltiea trumpeter 'l'nh) Shippe). pt'n\ idiiig the linext in hnt rauneh} l.atin \QlllltlS.

I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llttl'l‘} ‘\ Bar. Randnlph l’laee. 539 8ltltl. 3.30 npm. l‘ree. .-\ngie King ininx the drummer's l'unlx} quartet In prn\ ide the meals.

I Catfish Keith 'I‘he l’leaxanee (’aharet Bar. nt) The l’leaxanee. n50 2349. 8pm. Lthe. See Hi 31.

I Sophie Bancroft Quartet llenr} \ Jal/ ('ellar. 8 Mnrrixnn Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. See l'll‘l .5 l.

I 8OQSt House Band 8() Queen Street Bar and Rextaurant. 8t) Queen Street. 22n 5097'. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Mndern .ia// elaxxiex t'rnm thix d}namie 5-pieee.


I Yuri Honing Trio lnlhnntlt. Jail \\')Ittl. (ll78n 2740i)“. 7.30pm. L8 tL5.5t)i. .\ luxinn nl‘ dil't'erent muxieal \t}|e\ l'rnm the Yuri llnning 'l‘rin teaturing drtnnmer .lnnxe Iiihaart. 'l‘nn} ()\er\\ater nn aenuxtie ha“ and Yuri llnning nn \a\nphnne.


I Jazz Brunch (‘al‘e Snuree. I St Andre“ 'x Square. 548 (M20. lpm. L795. llnhh} \Vixhart and triendx pla} a tan hruneh tnr a ehilled end In the ueekend. l’riee ineludex retrethentx hut nn eharge tnr har and \ide lnunge.

I Paul Towndrow and Friends Beer (are. ('andleriggx. 552 9815. 2pm. l’ree. Mndern ja/l \tandardx and nriginah l'rnnt the altn-\a\nphnnixt and hix palx.

I Blues Sunday l.auriex Bar. 34 King Street. 552 7l23. 2 4pm. l‘ree. Regular ne\\ hluex \exxinn l'eaturing Re\ l)ne and the (‘nngregatinn

I Perdido Budda. l42a St \"ineent Street. 243 22l2. 4 .7pm. l‘ree. Mainstream l.atin tan and \nealx.

I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison Wax} ()‘(‘nuum-\, 44 \Vext (ienrge Street. 354 5 I54.

4 npm. l-‘ree. Vnealixt and pianixt (‘amphell ('nnxidine pet‘lttt‘lttx ia/I \tandardx \\ ith haxxixt Stuart llarrixnn. I Hermie Longalong Blaeklrtat‘S. 30 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free. 'lennr. altn and \npt'ann \a\. flute arid \kllltl \}nth pla) er. nrigtnall} lrnm the l’hilippinex. l'nrnterl} rexident in (ilaxgim. and tin“ haxed in IA.