Art listings

In our regular column. a team of mystery art/sis give their thoughts on the current art scene.


"Spit fury and bile!' demanded the editor. yanking my leash. the price was right so I rose from my apathy. iumped up and down, ran full face at the wall and BANG. bruised and bewrldered. was ready to express hatred.

I don't believe Glasgow's City Council supports culture. Instead. under that banner. :t funds the building trade. Any plan inyolvuig a multi million pound refurbishment is most welcome. Culture is troublesome to support. explained the town chief to the brick wall. Why would anyone want to stimulate the minds and hearts of the Scottish? What is the pornt of feeding people with ideas? This will only Increase their health and intelligence. causing then: to challenge the status (too which we prefer static.

Let me explain what is going on. The biggest coritempor‘ar’y art venue in Scotland is being closed down. Scottish Ballet has proposed an S‘8rn development to turn it into a workshop for stage production. In other v-Jords. dear Scotland. that historical monument. the Tramway. ancient Transport Museum of the Southside. where fleets of folk once gueued round the block to file past a piece of moon rock. Where Douglas Gordon's 24hr Psycho slowed us all down even further. And where Peter Brooks' Mahabharata woke us tip and got us itching for cross cultural education. Ah. it's all going PRIVATE: t ocked doors for skinny dancers and their woor|\.'\.rorking buddies.

ln‘agine if . . the recent S‘Ei/lrn lramyt/ay refiirbishn‘ent budget plus the upcoming S‘Bm re r(}ll|rl)|Sltll‘.(}ltt budget were put together to create a S‘lIl/‘r million budget for Scotland to host the greatest art shows in the world for the next ft) 90 years! l low excited and exciting would we be as a nation?

Instead. we are about to have one very expensive. closed. woodshop.

96 THE LIST {Jet bar. 79’,


Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


7 Bo“ mont (iai'dens. 33‘) 42S]. Hector Berlioz t‘niil Sai IS .\‘m. A doeumentai‘} e\hibition eelebrating the bieentenar) of the birth of l’r'eneh eompoxer. lteetor Berliol.


lb-I \Voodlandx Road. 352 ()(l2S.

.\lon l‘ri Illain 5pm; Sat

Illam 12.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'niil |-'ri 3| ()et. A \IIU\\ of “ink b} regular gallei') ttl'll\l\ ineluding \\U|'k\ b} Marion 'l‘hoinxon. Robert ligginton. Joe Kearne} and man} others.

Autumn Collection Sat | Sat 3‘) No\. I’;||tttl|tg\ b} a \eleetion of at‘tixlx ineltiding Helen M Turner. [in l’attullo, James ()rr. James Watt and lid Hunter.


255 Arg} le Street. 5(i5 ltl25. Hail}

ltlain ltlpin; Sun noon ltlpin.

Gay Underground Mon 3 Sun 0 Nov Noon 2pm «k 5 7pm. Artist lan Nult} is seeking Stories abotit ga} life in (ilaxgtm before the eoniinereial eltib Seene \\a\ e\taltltShed itt the earl} S()\. (’all the Arehex box (ill—ICC to book a little to share _\our tales.

Lovelight .\Ion 3 Sim .ill Nm. Seotland-baxed (iit‘l_\goo l’rojeetx prexent a SIM)“ of pliotographie \\Ul'i\\ of people and plaeex. l’url o/ (i/uwux’.’


I‘) l’arnie Stt‘eel. 552. 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

Affordable Art Sat l Thu 27 No\. A pre--(‘hri\tina\ \eleetion of paintings at affordable pi'ieex.


12‘) Bath Street. ()7703 222525.

Suite Art l‘ntil 'lihii l3 No\. A \ei'iex of fortnightl} e\hibitionx \hou ing the \\t)l'l\ of up arid eoining tll'tl\t\ \\ ith an opening night on I‘rida) from opin. Adrian B Meklurehie \Il()\\\ \\t)l'l\ tiiitil 3|) ()et follou ed Siinon Ilill'lU“ and (‘ht‘tx .\Iel.eod (5| ()et 1.5 No\ l.


lS5a Bath Street. 222 2S3”. Tue Sal ltlain 5.30pm.

Cherylene Dyer t‘niil Sat l5 \m. l'iguratne pttllltlltgx.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART IAJ Iil}tlt\\\tmtl Street. 55.: 4027.

Mon l‘ri 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat

Illain lpm.

James Fullarton Sat l ’rue 35 No\. Next floral. tiguratn e and landxeape paintings b) .l;|l||e\ l-‘iillai'ton.

Ken Donald Sat | Tue 35 No\. .Ne“ eollagex and draxx ingx b} Ken Donald.

THE BRICK SPACE GALLERY ()ne \Vorld Shop. lllll [fires Road. 557 I507. .\lon Sat Illain 5.30pm. Jewels of Textile Art l'niil l-‘ri 3| ()et. (ilaxgou '\ first lair trade galler} opens \\ ith an e\hihition of Shoima elotltx made b) the Kuba people of the Demoeratie Republie of('ongo. Rapoka! Thu 3|) ()et Sun 3t) N’ox. Btixtx and absti'aetx in stone from /.itnhab\\ e. as \\ ell as textiles. Portraits of Tanzania 'l‘ue l | Sun 3t) Nox. A eolleetion of prints depieting e\er}da_\ life of people from tribal \oeietiex in Northern 'l‘an/ania.


tar: S Bruits“ iek Street. 552 (Mill. You are my Sunlight t'niil Sun 3 No\. lidinbui'gh (‘ollege of Art graduate (iillian lloodlexx explores the e\er}da) through photogi'aphx. texts and mixed media.


ll) King Street. 553 0733. Tue Sat llfillam llprn.

Angela Gasseling t'niil l‘ri 3| ()ei. The ttt’ttxl p|a_\\ \\ ith eolour. method and \trueture to reereate the interaetion betueen time and spaee. forming a kind of interaetix e e\eapixm.

Jean-Marc Milliere Sun 2 Sat 3‘) No\. l‘amoux landmarks are the \ubjeet— matter for [htx e\hibition of work b} l‘i‘eneh photographer Jean-Mare Milliei'e.


550 Sauehiehall Street. 552 4900.

Tue \Ved & l‘ri Sun llam (rpm; Thu llani Spin.

Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop t’ntil Sun 4 Jan. The um eiling of Kenn} Hunter's eominixxioned \eulpttire for the ('('A. a single. large-\eale figure of a Japanese teenager tron] the \ti'eetx ol- Haraitiki iit 'l'ok)o. a reprexentatn e of the e\ti'aoi'dinai'} \ti'eet fashion of that area. 0 After Nature l’ntil Sun 3t) Nm. ('lare l.angan. Dunean AIRII’LIUISS and Raehel Reupke e\plore einematie notlollx of nature. l'tlllltlllllelSIII and the

en\ ii'onittent through \oundxeapex and lllln. See l'e\|e\\ and llltltxt.


45 Bridge Street. £2. lot" more information See \\ \\ \\

Pointless Cinema #3 thin l3 .\'m.

S llprn. £2. A \eleetion of ne“ audio

\ ixual e\periinentx ineluding \ereeningx of \xork b} Arno ('ohen. Nomig and \’J Ainone. ik‘i'foi'inaneex from \'J Vitaxeope. Brand .\ and 'l‘oi'xteii l.;tll\elltn;|n and l||\t;|ll;tllttll\ and paintings b} Marianne (ir‘eated. Ja_\ -(}o. l'iSt and lint Spaee. NE ‘.'. Sr it)‘.‘..


l'nnei'xit} of Strathel_\de. 22 Riehniond Street. 54S 255S. Mon l-‘ri lllam 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

Aspects of Scotland’s Aviation: Dugald Cameron l'niil Sat IS No\. An exhibition of paintings and illtixtrationx ntapping e\entx in Seotland'x lllSlUl'} of

a\ iation b} Dugald ('anieron. former director of (ilaxgott Sehool of Art. Glasgow Belongs to Me t‘niil Sat l5 No\. An exhibition of print\. paintings and ma“ ingx porti‘a} ing (ilaxgtm landmark and the eit} \ infamoux tenementx. eloxex arid dr}ing greenx. \eleeted from the l'nixerxil} \ l‘ine Art eolleetion. donated

b} Dr Helen ('argill-'l‘honip\on.


l7S \Vext Regent Street. 22l (xi-rill.

Mon Sat Illam 5.30pm.

James Needie t‘niil Sat 22 No\. A \olo Shim of reeent pttlltltngx and drauingx.


5t) \Vexl (ieorge Street. 552 555 l. .\lon Sttt Illam 5.30pm.

Terra Firma l-‘ri 3| ()et Hi It .\'m. Paintings b) l’am ('arter. Hamish .\lael)ona|d. Kristie ('ohen and Seott Naixinith.


3| (‘hixholm Street tenti'anee through \alonl. 552 7|tltl. .\lon Wed. I'l'l & Sat |(l.3l)am 5.30pm; 'lliii lll,_5ll;|ltt 7pm. Remembrance of Things Past l'ntil l‘i'i 31 ()et. Alan \Vilxon explores themes of time and \paee in thix inxtallation of llSetl and found niaterialx and photograph}.


Saltotiii lane. 24 Ruthxen Street. 357 l‘)‘)‘). .\lon fit A Sun 12.30 5.30pm; Sat llain 5.3llpm.

New Paintings Sun 2 Wed 26 Nov. Paintings b} (ieorge Devlin. Alexandra (iardner. John Kingsley. Hamish Maedonald. Joek Maeinnex. Jim MeNauglit and Ronnie Smith.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) 19%. Mon Thu & Sat ltlam 5pm: Fri Sun llam 5pm.

Self Portrait UK t'niil Sun It» .\'m'. A touring exhibition featuring self-portraits by people from all regions of the t'nited Kingdom “I10 took part in the national campaign. .St’l’f’fll'lltlfl ('K organised by Media W in partnership “till ('hannel 4. the National Portrait (iallery and the Arts ('ouneil of lingland.

Love Over Gold t'niil Sun 25 Apr. A \eleetion of \torks drawn from the Seottish National (ialler) of Modern Art'\ eolleetion of eontemporary art with a foeus on artists based in Seotland. ('hristine Boi‘land. Martin Boyee. Roderiek lliiehanan. Jim I.ambie. Vietoria Morton and t)a\‘id Shrigley feature in the Seleetion.

0 Storm: An Installation by Dalziel + Scullion t’niil Sun 7 Mar. A eommixxioned installation for (BOMA. ei'eated b} artist duo I)al/iel + Setillion. Iiaeh da} a different image will be projeeted onto a screen. Iiaeh one reveals the unique eeologieal eireumstanees found at a number of \itex throughout Seotland. See Ilttltxt.

Artists’ Talk Thu 15 Nm. 6.30 7.30pm. l)al/ie| + Seullion talk about their new installation. Storm.


Rotiken (ilen Road. 620 ()235. Mon. Thu. Fri tk Sun Lil) 5.30pm: Sat

ll.5ll;|lll 5.30pm.

Three-Person Show Sun 2 Mon 3-1 No\. l’aintingx b} (ieot'ge Birrell. Jennifer Anderson and .-\lexander Robb plus eeramiex b) l)orinda Johnson.


l-IS \Vext Regent Street. III 5095.

Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

October Selection t'ntil l-‘r-i 3| ()ei. Paintings and drawings b) liardle}. l’ergiixxon. Redpath. (’oitie. .\te('anee. Shankx. Herman. Hunter and man} other»


l2 Rose Street. 552 SI2S.

Mi Cuba t‘ntil \Ved l2 Not. Photograph of ('uba b} ('harlex Jamiexon. bext knou n for hix paintings of the ('aribbean and Mediterranean.


22 x 25 King Street. 552 0704. Tue Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

Hitch l'ntil Sat S No\. The third in a series of themed exhibitions in \thieh

im ited artixtx eollaborate \\ ith (iSl’ master printers to make pot'tloliox of editioned prints inspired b} the films of Alfred lliteheoek.

Ashley Cook: Process or Progress? l'ntil Sat S No\. Ne“ prints b) (ilaxgtm -ba\ed artist Ashle} ('ook‘ featuring \tor‘k made during a reeent \ iin to Xaeateeax in Mexieo.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Top floor. ()4 ()xboi‘ne Street. 552 l-l72. 'l'tte Sat noon 5pm.

Neil Bicketon Sat l Sat S No\. A win \ltt)\\ of reeent uoi'k.


The Maekintosh (iallet‘). lb'.’ Renfreu Street. 353 45M). Mon Fri lllani 5pm; Sat Illam 2pm.

Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 l‘ntil Sat I Not iMaekintosh (ialler') l. Robert Ste“ art ma) not be a familiar name but during the 5(l\. (it)\ and 70x. he “ax an intluential designer and leading edueationalixt. A eontemporar) of |.ueieime Da). Ste“ art “ax head of printed textilex at (ilaxgotx Sehool of Art as \\ ell ax tinding time to design for l.ibert_\. Motif. Austin Reed and the tidinburgh 'l'apextr} \iorking iii the mediums of