Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued

Visual Arts Scotland Annual Exhibition Sat (i l)ee Wed 2l Jan llttl‘n: ()7‘)(i(i ‘)4()2 I 3). Annual npen e\hihitinn prexented h} \ixual Artx Sentland. a enntempnrar) art xneiet} \xhieh reprexentx the line and applied artx. 'l'hix _\ear'x e\ltihitinn l‘eaturex unrkx h) im ited artixtx ineluding Jake Harte}. (‘alum (‘nlx in. Shnna Kinlnelt and ten reeent graduate ieuellerx. and a xuite nl' lithngraphx h} .\'elxnn Mandela. draun h} him “line he \\ ax a prixnner nn Rnhhen lxlancl. NEW-.7

Sr lO‘.'..


‘l'runkx (’lnxe. 55 High Street. 557 2376. Polaroid Poets: Maud Sulter, Ken Cockburn and Stewart Conn Hi 23 .\'n\. 7.30pm. £3 t£2i. linr nne night nnl}. a xhcming nl' Maud Sulter'x .vl/mul I‘ilt'e e\hihitinn enmprixing pnlarnid pnrtraitx nl' ten entttempnt'at‘} Senttixh pnetx and pnetr_\ readingx h} xnme til the xitterx inelttding Steu art ('nnn and Ken (‘nekhurir


l0 l)undax Street. 5.53 l2lll). Mnn l‘ht‘t Illam (rpm; Sat |()atn 4pm.

Sir Robin Philipson (1916-1992) Sat 2‘) .\'n\ Wed 24 Dee. An e\hihitinn nl' nil and \utterenlnurx h} Sir Rnhin l’hilipxnn l’l’RSA. RSA. RA l l‘)l(i l‘)‘)2) lettllll‘tng \\nrkx inxpired h_\ \ixitx tn tun .\le\iean \illagex.

Mixed Christmas Exhibition Sat 2‘) Ni“ Wed 24 Dee. .'\ mi\ed xeleetinn Ul' applied art ineluding [e\tilex. glaxxtt are. eeramiex. ieueller} and hagx.

Adam Paxon Sat 2‘) .\'n\ Wed 24 Dee. .le\\ ellet'}.

Craig Mitchell Sat 2‘) \m Wed 24 Dee. (’eramie ligurex.


5 (’riehtnn'x ('lnxe. (’annngate. 557 237(i. .Mnn l’ri llam (ipm1Satnnnn 4pm. Poetraits Tue 3 Sat l)ee. Mnn 3 Hm I I l)ee. l’aititingx nl~ leading pnetx it} (iraham Kerxhau.


Reiaeh and Hall .-\rehiteetx. (i |)arna\\a} Street. 225 3444. Mnn l‘ri 2 5pm. Some Kind of Kleine Bisschen, Please l‘ntil Tue 23 Dee. lnxtallatinn pieee h) Andreax Karl Sehul/e.


53 Ratelille 'l'erraee. (in? l‘)(i(i. Mnn Sat lllam (rpm.

Christmas Show l'ntil Wed 24 Dee. A l'extix e xeleetinn nl' paintingx and printx h} \at‘tnttx artixtx.


25 ('nekhurn Street. ()2: (i200. l)ail_\ llam (rpm.

Welcome Back l'ntil Sun 21 Dec: Stillx \xelenntex haek l'nur til the 27 artixtx \\ lin enntrihuted tn /('II(II)I(l[). Sentland'x lirxt pax ilinn at the Venice Biennale. Beaglex ck Ramxa) prexent ('Iirect/I'xec/ Urea/m. a pnxter nl' unrealixahle artixtx‘ prnieetx in the \ ixual xt_\ le nl' l.ennardn da \inei. Kat} l)n\ e prexentx a xhtirt digital lilm liar and Dan .\'nrtnn'x RAMS/tuck ix nne ()l xl\ inlernet—xpeeilie “til‘kx \kltlelt lS prexented in an inxtallatinn xetting.


2l l.ixmnre ('rexeent. l’arxnnx (ireen. 62” 3344.

Proudfoot l'ntil l‘t'i l‘) l)ee. ('nllahnratn e grnup l'rnm lixtnnia. l’l'tttltllttttl. prexentx a next inxtallalinn made expeeiall} hit the lag ’l'eam lixperiment. entitled A Bird in the Hnuxe. Karen Loughridge t'ntil l‘ri () l-‘eh. lidmhurgh artixt Karen l.nughridge xllt)\\\ unrk lrnm her reeent rexidene} in leeland.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l‘nnerxit} nl‘ lidinhurgh. Snuth Bridge. (i5ll 22H). ’l‘ue Sat lllam 5pm.

John McLean - New Works l'ntil Sat l3 l)ee. \eu paintingx and earl)

100 THE LIST I; ' \ .. " I)":

Work by Tone Kjonniksen as part of the Masters of Design show at Edinburgh College of Art

\Htt‘kx nn paper h} leading Britixh ahxtraet painter Jnlm Mel.ean. See re\ iext. Matthew Collings and John Mclean: Non Ironic Abstract Paintings Thu 27 .\'n\. 5.30pm. Artixt. \\ riter and prexenter nl‘ the 'l’urner l’ri/e Mattheu (‘nllingx talkx tn Jnhn Melean ahnut hix ne\\ \xnrk nn xhtm at the 'l'alhnt Riee (iitllet‘).

Andrew Mackenzie t'ntil Sat l.‘~ l)ee trnund t'nnint. A pedextrian lnnlht'idge nn a heaeh near l)unhar ix the xtarting pnint l'nr llttx xet‘iex ()I. xite-xpeeilie \tnt‘k‘x nn paper h} Andreu Maelx'en/ie.

Road Map l‘ntil Sat l3 l)ee. Art grnup Multiplieit} prexentx a lilm \\nt'k l'nllntt ing the rnutex nl' tun l’alextinian and lxraeli ta\i driterx ax part nl‘ a nne—da) x}mpnxium \thieh quextinnx whether reenneiliatinn atnid the eurrent glnhal xiltlctltttn ix pnxxtltle.


3n l)undax Street. 55(i (i360. Mnn l’ri llam (ipm; Sat |().3()am (rpm. Christmas Exhibition Sat 2‘) .\'m Sat ll) Jan. Mi\ed xhcm featuring n\ er 7() galler} artixtx \tith ieueller} h} Sheana Stephen.


3 Brixtn Place. 22() 4533. |)ail_\ nnnn l()pm.

Taste Kunst t'ntil Wed 3 Dec: A grnup

Silt)“ nl' intrndueing the “(Mk nl' neu at‘tixl

enlleetix e 'l‘ntal Kunxt.


\‘arinux \enuex. Sentland-Wide. l‘nr a detailed itinerar} eall ()l3l 52‘) 3‘)3()/3(i32. Jack Cunningham - Brooching the Subject l'ntil Hi 1‘) Dee. 'l'he ;t\\;tl‘tl-\\ inning 'Ii'a\elling (Ballet) xetx nll nn a next tnur nl‘ Sentland l‘eaturing the \\nt'k nl'iexxellet‘. Jaek Cunningham. The xhnu enntPl‘txex a xeriex nl 2U lirnnehex made lrnin l'nund nhieetx. xemi-preeinux xlnnex and xil\ er and eaeh nne ix a miniature enmpnxitinn x}tnhnlixing perxnnal memnriex. relatinnxhipx and xtnriex. 'l‘he galler} xx ill he xtnpping tilt. at the l‘nllnuing \enuex: (ilttxgtm Sehnnl nl' Art t'l‘hu 27 ck Hi 23 Ni“ l’ \Vext l)unhartnnxhire t l 5 l)eei and .\'anh l.anarkxliire (3 12 Dee).


('al'e Bar. ll) ('amhridge Street. 223 5333. I)ail) Illam midnight.

Stuart McCafter l‘ntil Sat 3 Jan. l’rintx and plintngrapli} h} lidinhurgli ('nllege nl~ Art graduate. Stuart Me('al'l'er.


‘) Hunter Square. High Street. 220 ()‘)3l. Mnn Sun nnnn 5pm.

Kfir Bolotin Mnn I \\'c-cl 3| Dec: l’lintngraphx nl~ Edinburgh and .\'e\t /.ealand h} Klit‘ Bnlntin.


44 Mnrtnnhall (iate. 072 2345. Hail) nnnn 5pm.

4+ Sat (i Sat 2() Dee. linur l)unean nl Jnrdanxtnne graduatex. lilaine Allixnn. l’atrieia Bra). Miriatn Dr} xdale and Mnira Mnrrixnn inx ited l‘nur guextx tn xhn\\ “ith

them in an exltihitinn nl~ mixed media \utt'kx tn raixe mnne} l'nr ('aneer and leukaemia in ('hildhnnd. 'l'he xhntt l'eaturex paintingx. printmaking. eeramiex. artixtx hnnkx and emht‘nider}.


In Snuth l-'nrt Street. 473 7310. .Mnn Sat

1 lam ll.45pm; Sttn 12.30 l 1.45pm.

Zoe Fothergill: Line of Sight t'ntil Sun l4 l)ee. l’hntngraphx h} Zne l5nthergill taken in 'l‘hailand.


4 l)undax Street. 553 ‘)544/5. .Mnn l‘ri lllam (rpm; Sat llam 4pm.

Recent Acquisitions l'ntil Sat 2‘) Nm. .-\ xeleetinn til. Wilt eentur) nilx. uaterenlnurx and printx.

Christmas Exhibition Tue 2 Wed 24 Dee. A mixed xhcm featuring new \Hil'k h} 14 enntempnrar} artixtx and nilx. printx and \utterenlnurx h} Will and 2()th eentur} artixtx in the haxement galler}.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life.


42 High Street. 52‘) 4142. Mnn Sat

ll)am 5pm.

Season’s Greetings l'ntil Sat 31 Jan. A enlleetinn nl' Vietnrian and earl) 2()th eentur) ('hrixtmax and Next Year eardx.


23 ('harlntte Square. 243 ‘)3()().

EA Hornel - The Painter and his Passions l'ntil Sun 3() .\'n\. Paintingx and artelaetx h} (ilaxgcm Bn} liA Hnrnel.


2 ('hamherx Street. 247 42 l‘). Mnn Sat l()am 5pm t'lue 3pm); Sun nnnn 5pm. l‘ree.

Millennium Clock A chance tn \ie\\ Rttxxian meehanieal xeulptnr liduard Berxudxk} 'x millennium elnek. a kinetie xeulpture. meaxuring nine metrex high. Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950-76 l'ntil Stm 4 Apr 2004. The tnrmatinn nl (‘nmmunixt ('hina ix hrnught tn lil'e thrnugh a pri\ate enlleetinn nl' maxterpieeex made hemeen l‘)5() l‘)7(i. aequired during and immediate!) alter the ('ultural Reuiltttinn.

Trailblazers - Scots in Canada l'ntil Sttn 4 Jan. [4 (£3l. l-'nr mer 4()() )earx ('anada hax been a ke} dextinatinn lnr emigrating Sentx. 'l'hix l'axeinating exhibitinn tellx the xtnr} nl hcm Sentland’x lirxt trailhla/erx helped tn xhare the laee nl' mndern ('anada and the impnrtant relatinnxhipx \xliieh dexelnped hetneen earl} indigenntix (‘anadianx and the lirxt e\ er Sentx in ('anada.


Lad} Stair'x Hnuxe. Lad} Stair'x (‘lnxe. 52‘) 4‘)()l. .Mnn Sat ll)am 5pm. Dorothy Dunnett (1923-2001)

l'ntil Sat 26 Jun. A l‘neux nn the lite and unrk nl' authnr l)nrntlt) l)unnett “lttt penned [._\'I)I()II(/ ('lirnltl'c'lex. Kine Hereafter. 'I-lte Hume n/ .Vic'c‘u/n and the .lH/IIHUH Juli/tum deleeln e xeriex.


l'nixerxit} nl‘ l)undee. l3 l’erth Rnad. 01332 345330.

A Tonic to the Nation t'niil 'l'hu 27 .\'n\. The lirxt in an annual e\ehange e\hihitinn l'eaturing the \tnrk nl Ml"A xtudentx at lidinhurgh (‘nllege nl' Art ineluding lillen Munrn. Rnhin Sentt and Margarita \"a/qtte/ l’nnte. Common-Place Sat () l)ee Wed 7 .-\pt'. A lnnk‘ at hnu huildingx are enneen ed and de\elnped l'netixing nn nine Senttixh prnieetx ineluding lidinhurgh'x l)unee Baxe and a xhelter nn 'l'iree.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS I52 Nethergate. ()l 332 ‘)l)‘)‘)()(). 'l‘ue Wed. Sat ck Stm lll.3()am 5.30pm; 'l'hu ck l’ri ll).3l)am 3pm.

Plunder l'ntil Sun I l Jan. A tnajnr grnup e\hihitinn “hielt lakex a l't‘exh Innk at enllage limit the paper \ariet} tn digital media. xampled xntmd and mm ing image. The xlttm leaturex Kurt Selmitter‘x paper enllage made in l‘)2l. l’eter Sax tile and Jamie Reid'x inlluential \xnrk lnr reenrd emerx in the late 7t)x and 30x and unrkx h} l)nuglax (inrdnn. Rncleriek Buehanan. l’ierre llu}glie. Jim l.amhie. Sarah l.ueax. liduardn l’anln/xi. ('ath) \Vilkex and man}

Scott Hudson, Frances Thornburn and Matthew Fitt l‘ntil Mnn l5 l)ee. l)undee-haxed artixtx rexpnnd tn the “ink nl' l)undee pnet Matthett l-‘itt.


Albert Square. (H332 432n34. .Mnn \Ved ck l-‘ri Sat l().3l)am 5pm; ’l‘hu

l().3l)am 7pm; Sun l2.3() 4pm.

Ode to the North Wind t'ntil Wed 31 Dee. An e\hihitinn highlighting l)undee'x enlleetinn nl' 2()th eentur} nil paintingx alnngxide ehanging dixpla}x nl \utterenlnurx and \Htl'kx nn paper. Revealed - Ten Years of Collecting l'ntil Sun 4 Jan. An inxight intn \\ hat the MeManux (ialleriex ha\ e been enlleeting l'nr the paxt ten _\earx. lliglilightx inelucle arehaenlngieal material unearthed in l)undee‘x High Street. a mndel nl‘ the reenrd-breaking xeaplanex. the Mini! and Mereur} and Derek Rnhertxnn'x hequext nl' e\ntie hutterlliex.

About You and Your Fears t'ntil Stilt 4 Jan. ()\ er three innntltx. l'nur tip-and- enming artixtx l'rnm l)undee \\ ill e\plnre and re-interpret the gallei'} xpaee. 'l‘he .xeennd inxtallatinn leaturex neu paintingx and enllage h) l)elia Baillie limit the xeriex /.(l.\ li'em In .llLRciiiic-r. l)an llnxxard-Birt prexentx a xeriex nl' “ttl'kx uhieh e\plnre the linguixtiex and the prexumed meaning nl' language. l’ernille Spenee xhnux an earlier lilm \tnrk. / lnnL up. llnnA c/nmi and Miehael Mallet \\ ill ennxtruet large- xeale “all-haxed enllagex ‘li\e' in the galler}.