index Film

eorruption that e\ists within the Holy Land. A young boy makes the journey to Jerusalem only to end up doing hard labour tor a manpower agent. Ile soon learns the trieks ol suryiyal. l’art ol the Jewish lilm l'estiyal. (il7'l. (i/rlygun.

Kal Ho Na Ho itbe) i.\'ikhil Adyani. India. 3003) Shah Rukh Khan. Sail Ali Khan. I’reity /.inta. Jaya Illiadtn'i. tbeniin. 'l‘hree lriends. one ol' whom is a stoekbroker m .\Ianhattan. go through a series ol meidents that ehange their Il\ es eomplelely. Romantie drama Irom India starring the eminently wateliable Khan. (him!) .II [In Quay. (i/riygmi; (til. lat/ni/mrg/i.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 I IS) 0.... (Quentin ‘l‘arantmo. LS. 2003) I'ma 'I‘hurman. I)a\id (‘arradme. I.uey |.iu. Daryl Hannah. \iyiea A I‘m. Michael Madsen. l 10min. A long time in the eornmg. 'l'aranlino's two-part martial arts sword lighting epie gets oil to a roaring rampaging start with Vol I. ‘I‘arantino wears thse mlluenees till his slee\es: (‘hmese Japanese martial arts l'lieks. blasploitation and amine. Something ol' a departure Irom his pi'eyiotis lilins in that there is no smart era delining dialogue here. lust glorious bloody driy en narratiye, A must loi‘ anyone with a passion tor the Ielt lield low budget ioys ol people like Argento.

Judith)“ sis} tilltl any HI. lllL‘ direelor's \sllt) eame out ot the Shaw Brothers studios III the “Us. (inn I'tl/ I‘t’It’tIyt‘.

Laurel Canyon i Ls) 0000 Il.l\tl ('holodenko. LS. 3003) I‘ranees .\Iel)orinand. (‘Iiristian Bale. Kale Ileekmsale. \ataseha Melillione. Alessandro .\'i\ola. Illsliiiiii. I'i‘anees Mel)ormand giy es one ol her best

The mob on the Clyde is all mine all mine in American Cousins

Nightmare li’i lure ('liriymim eoines a wondei'l'nlly eolourlul adaptation ol Roald I)ahl's mueh oned noxel. l.l\ e aetion tops and tails the story. but tor the most part. it‘s Inn times with slop<inotion puppets. By turns funny and seary. ll stays true to I)ali|\ surreal and whimsieal \isiou. til I. (i/mgmi. James’ Journey to Jerusalem t 15) iRa'anan .v\le\androwie/. Israel. 300*) Siyabouga Melougisi Shibe. .'\I‘IL‘II l'.ll.t\. Salim I)au, ‘lllllllll. ('ondemning essay on the

eonsists of a trio of separate. interweay'ing stories about ordinary people attempting to follow their dreams. (‘onyineingly aeted by the mainly non-professional east. Iliximius .Ili'ni'mus is further proof of the diyersity' and strength of eontemporary Argentinean eineina See Video/DVD. I-ilnr/muxr’. Edinburgh. Holes (PG) 0... iAndrew I)ayis. IS 2003) Sigourney Werner. Jon \'oight, ’I'im Blake Nelson. Shia I.aBeouI, Khleo Thomas. I l7rnin. A wrongfully eony'ieted boy is sent

I‘rannie begins to suspeet the eop‘s the killer. Pretentious. eringy erotie thriller adapted from Sti/anne Moore's trashy noyel and dressed up as art. ('(i(‘ Ken/few Street. (ilusgnw: (112nm. Intuit/Hugh.

Inspector Gadget I t 'i 000 tl);t\ id Kellogg. LS. 1999) Matthew Broderiek. Rupert Iiyerett. Joely l‘isllCl'. 70min. Disney 's lake on the I'ireneh kids' earloon Iiillows the part human. part gi/mo (iadget's tllroderieki quest to beeome a proper. respeeted eop.

perlormanees in years as the sedtieei'. \eteran reeord produeer Jane. a sesual tree spiru whose eurrent. mam squee/e is a mueh younger British roek singer. Izrotie sparks I'ly when her puritanieal psyeliiatrist son. Sam illalei. and his equally uptight lianeee. .-\le\ «lieekinsalei are l'oreed to share Jane's house in the Hollywood Hills. laid baek. mature and sesy entertainment. S. In ml ri'lnm.

to a desert detention eamp where he digs holes and listens to spooky stories. Iii/arre. episodie and oddly endearing this is one weird Disney family lliek that eseapes Iron] the Usual eliehes ol the genre. I‘('l. [Jilin/Hugh.

Hollywood Homicide t 12A) .00

(Ron Shelton. LS. 2003) Harrison Ford. Josh llartnett. Lena ()lin. Bruee (ireenw-ood. Isaiah Washington. Lolita Day'idoy ieh. l l lmin. Light-hearted sister movie to Shelton's blacker Dark Blue. The direetor again takes on the mythology oi" the LAM) but this time he easts Harrison Ford against type as a eantankerous deteetiy‘e who likes to moonlight as an estate agent. likeable il' inconsequential stuff. there are a few niee set pieces that ride over the dis isiy'e plot and Ford gets sterling eomie support from llartnett as his yoga obsessed partner. Star ('i'nrury‘. Edinburgh.

In America t IZA) O... tJim Sheridan. Ireland/I'K. 2002) Samantha Morton. Paddy (‘onsidine. Sarah Bolger. Iimma Bolger. I).iimon Hounsou. I05min. Reeling from the death of a ehild. man and wife Irish emigres Johnny t('on.sidine) and Sarah (Morton) hit modern day Manhattan with their young l'eisty daughters in tow (’hristy and Ariel. They have just about enough money to hole tip in a erumbling junkie infested bloek in the eity"s Hell's Kitchen area. A deeeptiy'ely simple tale of griel‘. redemption. aeeliinatization and friendship as Johnny. a jobbing aetor and taxi driver struggles to keep his hrood's ahoye the breadline. Moying drama Iron) the direetor and w riter oI In I/lt’ Name u/ilht' I'itI/it'l'. Si'lt’t'h’t/ I't’lt'UH’.

In the Cut t 18) O. tJane ('ampion. LS. 3003) Meg Ryan. Mark Rull'alo. Keyin Baeon. I 18min. I’rannie Ayery tRy'an) beeomes a witness in a murder inyestigation and then begins an erotie affair with deteetiy'e James Malloy' IRUIIan). A young woman has been mutilated in a pattern ol~ serial killings and lirannie may haye seen her in a seedy Manhattan bar on the night she was butehered. But what I-‘rannie saw in the bar‘s darkened eellar was the Victim giying a man with a distinetiye tattoo on his arm a lilowjob. So. when Malloy' eomes ealling to Iier apartment and she notiees the same tattoo.

l'nlortunately. the dastardly ('law tliy'erett) has a seheme l'or world domination. w liieli ineludes creating an ex il doppelganger ol' the treneheoated wonder. The Inspeelor's many eontraptions will delight younger y iewers. and oldies w ill be amused by the plentil'ul sell-referential moments. .S'Ier ('vnrurr. Iz’tli'nlmrgli.

interMission t 18) 0000 (John (‘rowleyg Ireland. 2003) Itlomin. I’aey romantie eomedy thriller set iii Dublin. ll Uses the same multi-eharaeter dey'iee as /.Ul't' Aeruully with mueh greater el'l‘eet. Superb perl'ormanees and a w ieked dark streak run through Illlt’l'.lll.\\lnll. It is as it Roddy Doyle and 'I'arantino dreamt tip a yersion ol' I.u Rum/e. SL‘L‘ reyiew. Se/c’t‘lt'i/ I‘t'lt'ltyt'. Interstella 555 (PG) 0. (Ka/uhisa 'I‘ukcnouehi. Japan. 3003) (ih'min. Animation Bull/e rift/iv I’lulit'ls homage seeliis to he the way to go for l)alt I’unk sinee their sales started dipping. This hour and a bit promo seems to hit all the wrong buttons but you lime to admire thetn for trying to tray erse the boundaries ol sell~ promotion. ('unim. [ft/inhiu‘g/i. Intolerable Cruelty I 13A) .00 IJtiL‘l/lillltlll (ltICll. LS. 3003i (ieorge (Joul‘m‘). ('atlierine Zeta Jones. Billy Ilob 'I‘hornton. 99min. 'I'he ('oens' latest is a return to the serew’ball eomedies ol' yesteryear. With this east it's going to be a stieeess btit this is their weakest lilm to date. It‘s your typieal lawyer meets goldigger romantie eomedy. A lot ol' I'un. btit eloser in studied. slightly eheerless spirit to Illltl.\llt'kt'l' l’rmy than anything they haye done in the last few years. (ii'm'm/ release. It’s Easier tor a Camel . . . (ll Est Plus Facile pour une Chameau. . .) t l8) t\'aleria Bruni 'I‘edesehi. l‘ranee. 2003) Brunt 'I‘edesehi. ('hiara Mastroianni. I l0min. Bitter sweet drama about a rieh young Parisian of Italian estraetion who tries to make sense of her me while keeping depression at bay. A sort ol' (iaelie I’nu'm Nation. I’art ol‘ the I‘reneh I-"ilm l‘t‘sIIHll. I’ll/Il/IHU.\'¢'. l'k/iIi/uirg/i. James and the Giant Peach it‘i .... tllenry SL‘IIL‘K LS. I‘NO) I’alll Terry. Stisan Sarandon. Simon (allow. "0min. l'ltHll the direelor oI' Jim li’urlmi '\ I/u'









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