St Bride’s: Edinburgh

10 ()ryy'ell 'let'raee. 0131 34(1 14(15. 'l‘iekets 80p.

FRIDAY 28 NOV The Farmer’s Daughter 11’( 11 2.110.


Snow White and the Seven Dwaris 111 2.1111.

Ster Century: Edinburgh

()eean 'l‘et'minal. ()eean Driy'e. l.eith. 0131 5530700. Adult: £5.51) (helore 5pm M1111 l‘ri £4.501. ('11ild 1undet' 151/Concessions: £3. Student: £3.50. l-‘amily tieket: £14. ('l1eap 'l‘ue. all tielxets. all day: £3. Kids ('luh: £1.


Calendar Gli’lSll2A1 0.15. 8.45. Finding Nemo11'1 2.45. 3.45. 5.110. Intolerable Cruelty112.1\1 2.15. 4.45. 7.00. 9.15.

KillBill:Volume11181 4.211. 0.511. 920.

Laurel Canyon 1 181 4.111. 0.211.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen 112.-\1 3.211. 5.411. 8.111). LoveActuaIly1151 3.10. 0.111. 9.10. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi theWorld112A1 3.1111. 0.1111. 7.15. «1.00.

Matrix Revolutions 1 151 2.311. 5.311. 0.311. 8.30. 9.30. Mystic River1151 0.40. Seabiscuitd’m 2.211. 5.20. Steal1151 2.40. 4.411. 0.411.


8.211. 8.41).


Calendar Girls 1 12A1

Daily: 4.15. 7.00.

Also matinee Sat 1& Sun: l 1. 1.45.

Ell 11’( 11

Daily: 3.01). 5.15. 7.30. Also matinee Sat 1& Sun: 10.30am. 12.45.

Finding Nemo 111

Daily: 2.10. 3.41) 111111 8:111k'1‘h111.

4.40. (1.10111111 Sat 1& 111111. 7.11).

Also matinee Sat 1% 81111: 10.10am. 10.40am 111111 81111. 12.40. 1.11) 111111 Sat).

Hollywood Homicide 1 DA)

Matinee Wed: 1 1.30am.

Inspector Gadget 11'1

Matinee Sat 1% Sun: 10.20am. Intolerable Cruelty 1 12.-\1

Daily: 2.15. 4.311. (1.45. 9.0(1.

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: 11111111.

Als11 late [iii 1& Sat: 11.15.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 1 181

Daily: 9.35.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen 1 I2A1

Daily: 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: 10.45am.


Love Actually 1 151

Daily": 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

A1s11 matinee Sat 1& 81111: I 1.00am.

Also late l’ri & Sat: 10.45.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World 1 12A)

Daily: 2.311. 3.30. 5.30. (1.31). 8.31). 9.30.

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: 12.30.

Matrix Revolutions 1 151 Daily: 2.21). 320111111 Sat 1&111111. 5.211. (1.21) (11111 Sat 1&111111. 8.20. 9.20 (11111 Sat 1% 111111.

Also matinee Sat 1& 81111: Also matinee 81111: 12.21). Mystic River 1 151

Daily: 9.25.

Seablscuit 1P(11

Daily: 2.15. 5.15. 8.15. Spirited Away 11’( 11 Matinee Sat 1% 81111: Steal 1 151

151‘i& Sun Wed: 8.40. Also late Fri: 10.40.


1 1.30am.


1 1.40am.


Sat: 11.10am. 12.10. 1.411. 3.10. 4.10. 5.40. 0.40. 8.10. 11.10. 10.40.

11111: 3.10. 4.10. 5.41). (1.41). 8.10. 9.10.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 181 Daily: 9.45.


Programme 1111er to he similar 111 the Prey ious \y'eek. Phone (1131 553 0700 1111‘ details and times. .\'e\y lilms due to open 1111 1'11 5 Dee:

Brother Bear 1 1 ‘1

SWAT 1 12A)

1101: Edinburgh

Kinnaird l’at'lt. Neyyeraigltall Road. 0131 (1(19 (1777. lttl11& 131111kittg211871111 102030. IDI. [1i|. Adults: £5.25

(Mon 1"1'i alter 5pm and Sat 1k Sun 3pm onyyards1. £4.25 tMon 1"1'1 hel'ore 5pm and Sat 1k Sun helore 3111111. Students £3.95 1Mon-'l"11u 1k l'i'i/Sat 111i1lni§211ts only 1. ().-\1’/('hild: £3.05.


Finding Nemo11‘1 2.311. 5.111. 8.1111 Kal Ha Ha Ha 11111-1 4.1111. 7.45.

Kill Bill:Volume1 1181 7.110. 11.40.

LoveActuaIly1151 2.1111. 2. 5. 3.30.

5.00. 5.45. 0.311. 8.111). 8.45. 0.30. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi theWorld112.r\1 2.00. 3.00. 5.011. 0.1111. 8.15. 11.10.

Matrix Revolution51151 2.20. 3.211. 5.20. 0.15. 8.15. 11.20.

Out at Control11111~1 3.10. 0.011. 8.30. Seabiscuit11’(;1 2.111. 5.30. 8.311.

FRIDAY 28— THURSDAY .1 American Cousins 1 151 1111111: 4.1111. 0.211. 8.411. Calendar Girls 1 12.1\1

1511 1k M1111 Wed: 7.00.


Daily: 2.30. 4.11). 4.55. 0.30. 7.15. 8.50.

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: 1 1.10am. noon. 1.45.

Finding Nemo 111 Daily: 3.20. 0.10. Also matinee Sat 1k Sun: 12.45. 1.411.

Holes 11’( 11

151118 M1111 Wed: 4.20. Matinee Sat 1k 81111: 12.30.

Kal Ho Na Ho 11111-1

Daily: 2.110. 5.31). 9.05.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 111

Matinee Sat 1& 81111: 11.00am.

Love Actually 1 151

Daily: 2.15. 3.1111. 3.311. 5.30. 0.00. (1.30. 8.30. 9.01). 9.30.

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: 1 1.50am. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World 1 12.-\1

Daily: 2.00. 2.45. 5.111. 5.511. 9.01).

Also matinee Sat 1k 81111: Matrix Revolutions 1 151 Daily: 3.111111111811111. (1.15111111'1‘11e1k “1‘11 1. 9.15.

Mabix Revolutions (Subtitled) 1 151 \Vt‘tli 7.00.

The Medallion 11’( 11 Matinee Sat 1& 81111: Out oi Control 11111-1 Daily: 8.31). Seabiscuit 11’( 11

1’11 1& 81111 \Ved: 9.40.

SWAT 1 l2A1

Sat: 9.30.

11111: 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 181 Daily: 9.51).

Veronica Guerin 1 181

81111: 4.00.

'l'ue: 7.110.






Programme liker 111 he similar to the pt'ey'ious \\ eek. Phone (18700 102030 1111‘ details and times. \eyy lilms due 111 open 1111 1'11 5 Dee:

Brother Bear 111 SWAT 1 12.-\1

liGC Fountainpark: Edinburgh

l'otmtaiimark. Dundee Street. 24111 lnlormation 1y ('1‘edit ('ai‘d Booking 1.ine: 08711 902 0417. ('al'e liar. Adtilt: £5.30: oil-peak Mon-11111 helore 5pm: £4.00. ('11111l/Studenl/( )AP/l'll40: £3.20. liai‘lyhird Price: £2.75 all [1e1'1111‘n1anees 11e111re 11111111. 1511111in tielxet: £13. Yearly pass 111nlimited moy ies1 £9.99 per 1111111111.


Finding Nemo11'1 104511111. 1.411. 4.20. 7.110.

Intolerable Cruelty112:\1 12.50. 3.411. (1.20. 8.45. Kill BlII:Volume1 1181 1.1111. 3.25.

0.05. 8.40.

Love Actually1l51 10.50am. 11.50am. 2.00. 3.1111. 5.00. 0.00. 8.110. 1100. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World (Gold Class) 1 12.v\1 1 11511111. 1.31). 2.311. 4.30. 5.311. 7.45. 8.311. Matrix Revolutions 1 151 1 1.1011111.

12.111. 2.25. 3.111. 5.211. 0.15. 8.311. 11.20.

The Mother1151 11.45am. 2.45. 5.45. 8.51).

Seabiscuit11’('.1 110011111. 2.1111. 5.1111. 8.111.

Spun1181 11.20.

Steal1151 11.50.1111. 2.20. 4.45. 7.00. 11.15.

Trilogy: 0ne1151 115011111. 2.411. 5.40. 8.211.



Daily: 10.30am. 1.00. 3.30, (1.10. 8.51).

Finding Nemo11‘1

Daily: 11.55am. 2.40. 5.15. intermission 1 181

Daily: 11.00am. 1.30. 4.111. 0.45.


Also late ['11 1k Sat: 11.45.

Intolerable Cruelty 1 l2.1\1

1'11 \Vetli 2.50. 8.111(11111\\1‘111.

\Ved: 9.110.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 1 181

Hi 1111‘ 1k 11111: 8.00.

Also late l’ri 1k Sat: 10.40.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen 1 12A1

Matinee Sat 1k 81111: Love Actually 1 151 Daily: 10.50am. 11.50am. 5.05. (1.01). 8.15. 9.05. Also late 1'11 1\ Sat: 1 1.30. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World 1 l2.-\1 Daily: 11.15am. 5.30. 7.45. 8.40. Also late 1:11 1k Sat: 10.55.

Matrix Revolutions 1 151

Daily: 11.10111111k 2.111111111811111. 5.20. 8.30.

Mab'ix Revolutions (Subtitled) 1 151 81111: 11.10am. 2.111. Mystic River 1 I51 Fri—Sun 1& 1111' 11111: Seabiscuit 11’( 11 Daily: 11.35am. 5.511.

The Shape oi Things 1 151

Daily: 11.20am. 1.40. 4.00, 0,20. 8.51).

Also late l'i‘i 1k Sat: Spun1181

Daily: 1.35. 3.50. (1.15. 9.10. Also matinee \yeekdays: 1 1.05am.


2.011. 3.110.

1.20. 2.31). 4.311.

2.45. 9.20.


Also late 1'11 1& Sat: 11.40. SWAT112A1

Sal: 10.50am. 1.20. 4.00. 0.40. 11.30. 11111: 11.55am. 3.15. 0.00. 8.45.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 181 late liri 1k Sat: 111.511.

Trilogy: One 1 151 1‘11 1& Sun Wed: \Vetll.

Trilogy: T1010 1 151 Daily: 11.111111111. 1.20. 8.20.

11.55am. 5.2010111

3.45. (1.110.

listings Film

1 RIDAY fi-—THUR§DAY 1 1

Programnte likely to he similar 111 the prey iotts \y eelt. Phone (1871) 9112 0417 1111' details and times. .\'e\y lilms due 111 open 1111 1'11 5 Dee:

Brother Bear 1 1 ‘1

SWAT 1 12A1

Warner Village: Edinburgh

()mni. (ireenside Plaee. 111111 line 08702 400020. Adults: £5.00 (£4.00 Mon l’t‘i helore 5111111. (‘11i1dt‘en2 £3.80. Students: £4. l'ittlilily ticket: £15. (ioltl ('lass tiekets 1111‘ oyer 18s only: £7.50.

ll-lURSDAY 21'

Calendar Girls (Gold Class) 1 12.11 11111111. 2.30. 5.30. 8.31).

Finding Nemo11‘1 1.511. 4.211. 0.511. Intolerable Cruelty112.1\1 1.20. 3.511. (1.30. 9.10.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 1 181 7.10. 11.45. LoveActuaIly1151 115011111. 1.50. 2.50. 5.110. 5.511. 8.1111. 1100.

Love Actually (Gold Class) 1 151

115011111. 2.51). 5.511. 1100.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the Worid112..\1 11111111. 3.00. (1.00. 11.10.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World (Gold Class) 1 12.-\1 2.00.

5.1111. 8.10.

Matrix RevolutionS1151 12.20. 1.110. 3.20. 4.00. 0.211. 7.1111. 11.20. 111.111). Seabiscuit11’111 2.111. 5.211. 8.311.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 181 9.30.

1.411. 4.211.

131111)AY I28 111111181)AY 4 Calendar Girls (Gold Class) 1 12111

Daily: 11111111. 5.41). Eli 11’(i1 Daily: 12.50. Also matinee Sat 1k Sun: Finding Nemo 111 Daily: 11.15am. 1.411. 4.20. (1.50. Intolerable Cruelty 1 12.-\1

Daily: 4.111). 9.20.

Also late l'l'l 1k Sat: 1 1.511.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 1 181

Daily: 4.311. 7.111. 9.45.

Also late 1:11 1k Sal: 12.15am.

Laurel Canyon 1 181

Daily: 1.31). (1.411.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen 1 12A1

Daily: 11.20am. 2.110.

Love Actually 1 151 Daily: 11.50am. 5.50, 8.00, 9.00. Also matinee Sat 1& 81111: 10.50am.

Also late l’t'i 1k Sat: 11.30.

Love Actually (Gold Class) 1 151

Daily: 11.50am. 2.50. 5.51). 9.111).

Also late 1511 1k Sat: 12.11111111.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World 1 l2.v\1

Daily: 11.30am. 2.311. 5.30. 8.30.

Also late 1511 1k Sat: 11.30.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World (Gold Class) 1 l2.1\1

Daily: 11.00am. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

Also late 1'11 1& Sat: 11.15.

Matrix Revolutions 1 151

Daily: 11111111. 3.00, (1.00, 9.00.

Also late 1511 1k Sat: 12.10am.

Mystic River 1 151

[‘11 Wed: 11.10am. 2.15. Also late l'il‘i 1k Sat: 11.55. Seabiscuit (Gold Class) 11’( 11 Daily: 2.31). 8.30. Also late 1‘1'i 1k Sat: SWAT 1 12A1

Sat: 8.25. 9.30. 12.10am.

1110: 11.20am. 2.10. 5.10. 8.15. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 181 1‘11 1& 81111 11111: 9.30.

Also late 1:11: 1101111132111.

Also late Sat: 11.00.

3.211. 5.411. 8.15. 10.30am.

1.511. 2.50. 5.00.

5.21). 8.45.


11111)AY f1 llllJllSDAY 11

l’rogran1n1e 1111er to he similar 111 the prey ions \yeek. Phone (18702 4000211 1111' details and times.

3 i ' [11* .313.“