
Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Disabled access key \\v.'\T'\\lllL‘L‘lCllilll' itc‘L‘L'\\l \\'.'\.'\'—‘\\vllk‘k'lL'll£llli (ICCL‘\\ \xitli ;t\\l\l;lllL‘t‘L l"-l’arl\ing l'aciliticsz \\-(‘_.'\klil|)lk‘tl lmlclhl.


353 :\t‘f_"\lc Sll‘L‘L‘l. 505 llll“. I\\'(‘. \\'.'\I The Arches Artists’ Forum the 3 l)cc. (ipm. l-rcc. Open to all tll'll\l\ l'rom all disciplincs. this artists forum ot'l'crs thc chancc to nctuork. air \ icu \ and share ct'cati\ c idcas.


3nd liloor. .14 .’\lbion Strcct

Orient House Sat 3‘) .\'o\. 8pm.

£7 L'lll from 07876 7504M). llcll) dancers and innsicians takc part in lltt\ da_\ cclcbraling .\liddlc liastcrn cnlturc uith gncst star Yasmina Raiiix}. 'l‘hink li\c ttlll\lcl;tli\. top dancers trom ttL‘t'Uxx Scotland and l)J\ spinning thc bcst in Arabic tnncs and )on won't be disappointcd.


ll‘) (iorbals Strcct. 42‘) ()022. ll’. ll. ’I”l'. \\'('. WA]

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui l'ntil Sat 2t) [)cc lnot Sun/Mont. 7.30pm. {l3 (H l. Brcchl‘s political parablc about totalitarianism is as \ ibrant toda} it\ it cxcr

Kl N G' s


commits- 10° "585 .. ; arms IKING'SVI‘, ,. . . . ,


(qu tee)

0141 240 11 2 2 ticketmaster

0870 4000 680

(24 hrs. bkq tee)

(Online. bkq tee)

has bccn. l)ircctor Philip lirccn told the list: "l‘hc pla} has a \cr} intcrcsting takc on the na} capital and conqncst go hand in hand. ()nc thinks ol' Iraq. 01' I)nb}aK trillion dollars ol AIDS relief to :\l'rica.' Nothing l‘nnl Sat 30 l)cc (not Sun/Mont. 7.30pm. £12 ll.‘~1l.:\stitlcs go. Nothing dictionar} dclinition: l. .\'ot ainthing. 2. Something ol no importancc hardl} inspires conlidcncc. But thcn it's nc\cr \\l\L‘ to jndgc a book. .v\nd nc\cr morc so than \\ till this. aclrcss Andrca Hart‘s adaptation ol' llcnr} (irccn's undiscmcrcd leth ccntnr} gcnt. Sci amidst thc ul’bcr middle-classes ol post-WWII. Nut/ting c\aminc\ thc ll‘l;tl\ and tribulations that cnsuc as parcnts tr} to commit to thcir ol‘l'spring. Nothing to raw about or nothing but pcrlcction’.’ You tlL‘CttlL‘.

Snow White Thu -7 .\'m Sat 27 l)cc. 'l‘ltc ('tl/ pt'L‘\L‘ttl\ llth L‘l;l\\lL‘ [2th till

London's favourite comedy hit,

with a mystery guest star.

Until Sat 29 Nov


§r>~ ', ,0.

‘Just *’ ,; I purrfect’

Manchester Evening News

Tue 10- Sat 28 Feb

. . . at the Dawn of the 8th Day, Tramway, Glasgow

bcant} and persons ol~ rcstrictcd gronth. SL‘L‘ Kltl\ listings.


03 U5 ll)ndland Strcct. 357 38%. Ill. M ‘. w-xl

Refuge Thu 4 Sat (i Dec. 7.30pm. £8 l£5l from 563 7 l 3‘). \\'cc Slicc prcscntx Janct l’aislc} 's hard hitting black comcd} wt in a women’s rcl'ugc.


l) l'ni\crsit_\ :\\cnuc. 330 5522.

STAG Nights Thu 27 Sat 2‘) .\'o\. 7.30pm. to (H l. :\ shoucasc ol' ncu actors. dircctorx. dcsigncrs and ti ritcrs through short pla} s. music and 'happcnings'.

Our TOW" \VL‘tl 5 Silt (i DCC. 7.30pm. U) 1H l. 'l'ltttt'ttlolt \ViltlL‘I'K c‘lttxsic talc ol lil'c. death and al‘tcr-lil'c in \tttall-ttm n Amcrica is dircctcd b_\ Stew Boltolttx.

A dramatic and tender love full of classic songs including Y0u’ll Never Walk Alone.

Mon 8 - Sat 13 Mar

listings Theatre & Dance



The Slab Boys Roxana Silbert's lively production of John Byrne's Scottish classic keeps the laughs coming and creates a rosy glow without dipping into sentimentality. See review. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, various dates until 24 Jan

Living Cities There are elements of performance art and multimedia in the Working Party‘s site specific production. performed in a derelict supermarket. See preview. Lowcost supermarket, Toryg/en, Glasgow. Fri 28 <3 Sat 29 Nov

Jack and the Beanstalk Loads of camp and foolery from the traditional King's panto. with Andy Gray and Alan Stewart leading the outrageous mugging. See preview. King's Theatre. Edmtmrgh. Sat 29 Nov—Sun 78 Jan

oven 30,000 uvAuR£;pi

Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Lyrics by Jim Steinman

Mon 22 Mar -Sat 3 Apr