As well as the proverbial goose getting fat and the influx of improbable New Year's resolutions, the festive period brings with it a time of quiet contemplation, of a year (near) past and the year to come. A time to consider all the things we wish we'd done, had started but never finished, or could never quite muster the inclination for - from learning a language to treading the boards as an actor, director, musician or diva.

Here at The List we appreciate that tippling and revelling are of the highest priority, so we've done the pre-festive legwork, leaving the easy part up to you. Over the next couple of pages, we guarantee there's something for every disposition. So here's to some first class joie de vivre and a very happy New Year.

Office of Lifelong Learning


Open Studies - Part-time Day and Evening Classes for Adults“ Classes start week beginning 12 January 04 - brochure hot-line 0131 650 4400 (24 hours - 662 0783)


Why not try something new this year? We offer an exciting variety of part-time courses in a wide range of subjects. Choose from Archaeology, Art, Computing, Creative Writing, Film, History, Languages, Music <5; Dance, Personal Development a Health, Philosophy 6: Religion, Science 6 nature, Society and Politics. If you are on benefits or have a low income you may be able to have your fees

paid through the fee waiver scheme.

Find out more or phone for a brochure. Office of Lifelong Learning,

The University of Edinburgh

11 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW

Tel 0131 650 4400 24hrs 0131 662 0783



1 1 Dec 2003—8 Jan 2004 ‘l'flE LIST 133