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a a __ i it“: .A _ ii

w David Mamet


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M“ w “I 't oixim Kori-

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/ GABVMAB 'BEANY WBEGK GE mum sruitin smelt ioiiitvriiirii FllTllll Pnoor * Timur i x uranium Mc soiiiiv

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44 THE LIST " {inc L”. if-', .,';:'

Matrix Revolutions l IS» 0.. t:\nd} \Vaehou xki. I.arr} \Vaehouxki. I'S. 2003i Keanu Reexex. l.aurenee l‘ixhburne. llugo “em mg. ('arrie .-\ntte .\l0xx. Monica BL‘llllCl. 132mm. 'l‘he trilog} eoneludex ax uar breakx out on the xeorehed liarth ax the maehinex imade Zion. (‘oinatoxe at the end of Rr’lmlr/t'rl. Net) tRee\ ext ix no“ xtt'anded in limbo betueen the human and maehine uorldx: although not jaeked-in. he ix xomehou able to aeeexx both diiiienxionx ximultaiieouxl}. More dangerouxl). renegade eomputer program. Agent Smith illugo

\Vea\ iug i. liax axxumed human form. broken tree lrom the maehinex ulueli onee eontrolled him. and ix no“ purxumg a prnate. nihilixtie agenda or" hix oun. 'l"liere are iuxt 12 hourx to xax e humanit) trom eomplete annihilation. The eoneluxion to the trilog}. it i'einindx ux “hat \\ e lo\ ed about the original. The aiiibiguoux’emgmatie/ eonluxing ending

pro\ idex ample fodder for poxt-lilm argumentx about the meaning of Nt‘ti'x mexxiame tiuext. the ultimate late or liix areh neinexix. Smith. and the bi/arrel) unreliable predietionx oi The Oracle. (it'llr‘l'tt/ I't’lt’tlu’.

The Matrix I 15! ..... t'l‘lie \Vaeltou xki Brotherx. l’S/Atixtralia. I‘N‘h lx'eanu Rem ex. laurenee l‘ixliburn. (’arrie :\nne .\onx. l3(imin. .-\bxolute|} gob-xmaekmg xeienee lietion thriller boaxtmg eutting edge xpeeial et'leetx. roeking aetion xetiueneex. a xmart xtor} and an iiiunenxel} entertaining eartoon xenxrbilit} ithe lilm \\ax xtot') boarded b_\ eomie artixt (ieot'l l)arro\\ i. In the tuture da} to-da} lite ix iiiei‘el} .i xeam. a matrix eamouliagmg realit}: a imxt-apoeal}ptie nightmare “(did in uhieh humankind are a pou er xouree tor domineering xuper- eomputei'x, ()nl} Rem ex‘ e}ber hero. \eo. and a gang of haeker piratex xtand betueen the ex ll teelmolog} and their i'aee'x extinetion.

Shout tl\t' (him'mu. I’un/n. ’tm/n.

Mon Oncle «I’( h 0000 datum-x ‘l‘au. l’ranee. WSM .laequex ‘l‘ati. Jean Pierre /.ol;i. .r\drienne Senatre. l ltuiun. \Vorkmg in eolour lor the lirxt time. tan prexentx .\lonxieui' llulot betuddled b_\ the modern laetor} \xhei'e liix

brother-in-lau hax gi\ en him a job. and b} the all-mod-eonx apartment \\ here he \‘ixilx hix }ouiig nepheu. Superb catalogue of xight gagx eentring around the dehumanixing effect of the next teelmolog}. (il’ul. (iluxgmr‘.

Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday it’m

.... iJaequex 'l‘ati, France. 1953) Jaequex Tali. Nathalie l’axeaud. Miehelle Rolla. 91min. .\i llulot. the aeeident-prone bachelor arrivex at a jaunt} eoaxtal rexort and devaxtation \er} xoon enxuex. ('omie timing at itx moxt irrexixtible. ax ‘l‘ati getx aua} \HIli a number ol memorable. x|o\\ burning gagx. all undereut b} the xtabbing notion that u e all haxe an unele exaetl} like llulot. (i/V'IL (ilmemi;

The Mother I IS» .... iRoger .\litehell. l'lx'. SWIM .-\nna Reid. ('athi'}n Bradxhau. Ste\ en Maekmtoxh. Daniel (‘raig. l’eter Vaughan. "2min. When her huxband diex Ma} I.'\nna Reidi xtartx xhagging her daughter'x bo} friend. Darren il)aniel (’raigi. .\'ot. _\ou'd think. a niee thing for a mother to do. but the affair turnx out to be mututh beneiieial to both partiex. :\x axtutel} xeripted b) llanii ix'ureixhi and eai'elull) direeted b} Roger .\lieliell m ho pre\iouxl} eollalmrated on [he Built/lit; of Suburbia I. The Mother takex a taboo xubieet and makex a eompelling. eompaxxionate. though ne\ er eliehed drama out ol‘ a errxix. The union ol Mai and Darren reall} eom ineex. liutiall). xhe'x eurioux about him and he'x x} inpathetie touardx her. She begx him for xex and he obligex. but the extent of |)arr'en\ emotional problemx xoon beeomex elear. .\ \H‘llwllltlg‘t‘tl. per'l'eetl} pla}ed. lull) .ibxorbing drama. (ii/nu). I'fi/i/i/iure/i.

The Muppet Christmas Carol «1‘» .... «Brian Ilenxon. l'S. 1003i .\liehael (Lime. Stem-ii .\laelx'intoxh. Meredith Braun. Nunm. lt'x (’hrixtmax time. and naxt} old mixer Serooge i(‘ainei needx to be tatiglit a lexxtin Ii} three \L‘ttxollttl gltnxlx. (.tlltilll'l'lll \erxion ol' l)iekenx' elaxxie tale that u ill pleaxe the kidx and keep the .idultx xmilmg \xith itx llllle irre\erent \pleex. .VHI'I/l Iii/III/ntl‘e/I slm ('t'iiln'. Int/Hiluu'e/i.

Mystic Rivert |5i i(’lmt liaxluood. I‘S. IINHI Sean Penn. ’l'im Robbinx. Kenn liaeon.

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