Music rock & pop listings

Sunday 1 4 continued

I Jody Cooper and Straight Jacket \Vliisllchinkics. 4 () South Bridgc. 557 5| 14. 9pm. l-‘rcc. Dchut tor soloist (‘oopct‘ \sliilc Straight JaL‘kL‘l \s'cigh in u ith somc guitar rocking.


I thisGIRL and db68 King 'l'ut's \Vah Walt Ilut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). Spm. £(i. ()\cr- l4s shim. This is thc sound ot‘ thc suhurhs in\ igorating indic rock from Rothcrham. l‘ronlcd h} 3(l-_\'cai‘-old Liam ('rcamcr (just an cscusc to print thc namc. rcall} l.

I Zenfo 'l‘hc |3th .\'otc ('alc. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 lo32s’. 9pm. £4. Mancunian hand who mix hip-hop with rock and mctal clcmcnts.

I Ramp, Second Fault, Stitch, February Solution and Modo 'I‘hc (’athousc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 (i006. 7.30pm. £4. ()\cr- l4s shou. Rock linc- up.

I Acoustic Jam Nicc'n‘SIca/s. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0037. Split. l'rcc. With a lrcc drink as inccntch for participants.


I The Bootleg Beatles l‘shcr llall. l.othian Road. 33S 1 I55. 7.30pm. £30. 'I'hc Bjorn Again oi thc Bcatlcs trihutc markct.

I Acoustica ('ahai'ct Vollaii'c. 30 38 Blair Strcct. 330 ()l7(). 7.30pm. lircc tx'oluntar} contrihutions on cxit l. A ncxs' night oi acoustic sounds ol‘lcring \aricd linc-ups l'rom lidinhurgh's lincst singcr/ songuritcrs. .-\nd rcmcmhcr no co\cr \L‘i'sions allo“ cd.

I Paradise at the Weekend 'l‘hc (‘anons’ (iait. 333 ('anongatc. 55o 44Sl. 8pm. l'i'cc. (iuitar hascd singcr/

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62 THE LIST ‘.' {26:1, 2231-, k: ’28.}.


Of all the bands boarding in the untidy borstal that was nu metal, l-llFH seemed like the most inappropriate inmates as they are, in actuality, closer in spirit to such navel gazers as Idlewild or Ash than any ageing metallurgists. This is an opportunity to hear rough shapes of new songs before they head off to record their second long player. (Mark Robertson)

I The Garage. Glasgow. Sun M DOC.

soiig\si'itci' tuncs li‘om this trio. mcllo“

\\ ith hig choruscs and harmonics marking thc rclcasc ol' thcir dchtit lil’. Rctro _\ct class}.

I Open Mic \\'liistlchiiikics. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l'rcc. .lust turn up and pcrt'orm.


I The Hype, The Dante Rossetti’s and GenetiK Blueprint 'l‘olhooth. Jail \Vyid. 0l7So 374000. 7.30pm. £3.50 £4. Now Top oi thc Rocks action uith rock'n'roll l'rom thc ll}pc. summcrtimc mclodics comhincd \xith purc aggrcssion from thc |)antc Rossclli\ and clcctro mctal l'rom (icnctiK Blucprint.

Tuesday 1 6


I The Buzzcocks, The Moonies and The Nash 'l‘hc (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 l I30. 7pm. U350. ()\L‘i‘- l-ls slio\\. ()nc oi the liKis most intlucntial hands ol all timc tisn't that right. l.ihcrtincs'.’i charm \sith thcir )outhl'ul hu// pop mclodics. it not thcir looks.

I Arch Enemy and Akercocke King 'lut's Wait Wait llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). S.30pm. £9. S“ cdisli hca\) moh punting thcir Ant/mm u/ Ri'ln'Hinn. supportcd h} linglish Satanic rockcrs.

I Syth, Aviator, Yoshi, Kunt and MIA 'l‘hc ('atliotisc. l5 l’nion Strcct. 348 (moo. 7.30pm. £4. ()\cr—l4s shim. .\lctal hill.

. gum 'l‘hc l3lli Note (‘alick 5“ (ill King Strcct. 553 M38. 0pm. £3. \Vah-tsah guitar and s_\ nthcsi/cr cmhcllishmcnts.

I From Day One, Kudos and Strange Feelings Sicc‘n‘Slt-a/_\. 42! Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0037. 9pm. £3. l.ocal hand linc-up. promoch h} _\'(}.\l (North (ilasgou Nltlsic‘l.

I Johnny 7 Karaoke Iii-cl. :\sliloti Lanc. 343 4906. 3pm. 'l‘hc rcdouhtahlc loungc li/ards lohnn} 7 pro\ idc lis c hacking for this altcrnatn c karaokc.

I Trippy Tuesday lL‘liai ()\ na. 43 ()tago |.anc. 357 4534. ts’pm. £l. Monthl} li\ c music night.

I Rico Franhi Bcansccnc. 1‘) Skining Sti‘cct. 033 8000. Split. l'i‘cc. |.aid hack. hackground sounds.

I Asylum Rarchird. I38 .\lcrr}lcc Road. 03‘) l‘)()(). 9pm. l‘rcc. Rock classics.

I Phil’s Session l‘isgc Bcatha. 333 \Voodlands Road. 50-4 l5‘)(i. 0pm. l'i'cc. \Vcckl} jam.


I The Bootleg Beatles t'shcr Hall. l.othian Road. 33S l 155. 7.30pm. £30. Scc Mon 15.

I The Sunshine Delay l'i'uitmai'kct (iallt‘l'). 45 \lttl‘kL‘l Slt‘L‘L‘l. 335 3.33.3. 7.30pm. rm. lidinhurgh-hascd cottntt'} popstcrs pla} ing an :\mcricana mis. \\ ith lcad singcr Paula \chall).

I The Wrong, Jack’s Katana, Stratus and Under the Influence ’l‘hc \cnuc. l7 3l (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Spm. £thc. Stc\cnson ('ollcgc hand slioncasc \\ ith morc to hc announccd.

I Band Showcase \Vhisilchinkics. 4 (l Sotith Bridgc. 557 51 I4. 0pm. l’rcc. ('all in ad\ancc tor a

I Lyrics to Go (‘aharct Voltait‘c.

30 38 Blair Slt'ccl. 330 (1170.

l lpm 3am. l‘rcc. .'\n opcn mic hip hop

jam scssion hostcd h) l.i\ c Scicnccs and

DJRcdo. \Vith duh and rcggac in thc loungc l'rom Itch} Soul lli-l‘i.

Wednesday 1 7


I Mondo Generator 'l‘hc (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 1 I30. 7pm. U l. ()\cr--l4s shots. ('crtain indi\iduals in '/'/I(' [is] till—ICC haxc liL‘L‘n lttSL‘i\ itillsl} looking l'oruard to this gig l'or somc timc. as .\londo (icncrator is thc sidc projcct oi ()uccns ol‘ thc Stonc :\gc scmi- nakcd hass hcast .\'ick ()|i\cri.

I Isobel Campbell and Roddy Hart King ltlhs Wait Wait lltit. 373a St \'inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. lis-Bcllc & Schastian mcmhcr Isohcl ('amphcll prcscnts hcr gossamcr-light solo alhum .tmm-mu li\c. summoning thc spirit ol' l-rancoisc Hard}. \anc} Sinatra and :\sll'tld (iillk‘i‘lo to procccdings.

I The Silver Pill, the Needles and Versity 'l'hc Bcat (’luh. Nicc’n’Slcal}. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0037. 9pm. £3. lidinhurgh noiscniks thc Silxcr l’ill promotc thcir forthcoming mini-alhum from ()ur ('uli/ [)('(l(/ Hum/s. produccd h_\ Strokcs produccr (iordon Raphacl. no Icss. Support lrom .v\hcrdonian indic rockcrs thc chdlcs.

\\ ho rcccntly opcncd for thc might} .\ltlsL‘ at lllL‘ Sli(‘('.

I Gary Lightbody lil‘t‘l. :\slilon Lanc. 343 40m». 7.30pm. £5. Snoxs l’atrol l'rontman pcrl'orms solo.

I The Devotions, Graduation Day, the Strand, Merchant City and Ampersand 'I‘hc (‘aihoustx IS l‘nion Strcct. 34S polio. 7.30pm. £4.50. ()\cr~ l4s sho\\. Rock/pop Iinc-up.

I Berkeley and Closer Your Sound. Stcrco. l3 l4 Kclrinhaugh Strcct. 57(150IS. Spin. £3. limo punks Bcrkclc) and (‘lUSL'lI tlL‘sci‘ihcd as ‘\\'cc/cr mccts thc l-"oo l5ightcrs' play li\ c at thc rcgular shoucasc l‘or ncu' hands‘ dcmo tapcs.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc Halt Bar. Int) \Voodlantls Road. 504 1537. Split. l‘rcc. \VL‘L‘kl) sL‘ssion l'ol‘ ltlL'ill musicians.

I Live Music MacSoi-Icys. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 348 S58]. ()pm. l‘i'c‘c‘. 'l‘hrcc hands to hc conlirmcd.


I Errata 'l‘hc Bongo (‘|uh. Moray llousc. 37 llol_\rood Road. 558 7004. Spm. £4 (£3). l’art ol Big (ion/o.

I Mydas, Capstin Pole, Mr Greenfinger, Smiler and Opal Sky 'l‘hc \cnuc. l7 3] ('alton Road. 557 3073. Spm. £5 (£3). :\nothcr hatch of Scottish rock. indic. l'unk. punk and pop l'rom Apocalypsc Scottish (’ircuit. I Poundstretcher and The Dazes \Vhistlchinkics. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l-‘rcc. (iuitar rock all night \\ ith anothcr act thc.

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharcl Voltairc. 3t» 38 Blair Strch 330 (il7(i. I lpm 3am. £3. Local outlit playing thcir oun kind of hig hand lunk in this nc“ \scckl} rcsidcnc) “ith a smattcring of DJ supports and othcr |i\‘c acts.

Thursday 18


I The Proclaimers and The Grim Northern Social Barrouland. 344 (ialltmgatc. 553 400]. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. ()\cr— l4s shms. 'l‘hc Rcid hrothcrs Icad thc cclchrations in lront of an adoring ci'tmd. \o onc dcscr\ cs llic rccognition morc than thcsc songwriting accs \\llti\L‘ currcnt alhum Burn lllllru'r’lll is anothct‘ hcc/cr.

I Myslovitz, Striker and Red Bee Society King 'l‘ut‘s Wait Wait Hut. 373a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). S.3llpiii. £5. ‘l‘hc hcadlincrs arc Poland's higgcst inusical c\port sincc Basia from Matt Bianco.

I Who Shot Jonson?, Almighty Me, Dirtbox, Japan 4 and The Astrobelts ’l’hc (’athousc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 (i()(l(i. 7.30pm. £4.50. ()\cr»- l4s sho\\. Skatc punk linc-up.

I Reality and Speech Therapy 'l'llt‘ l3lli \olt‘ ('tllt“. 5() (ll) King Sll'L‘L‘l. 553 Inks. 0pm. £3. Scottish hip hop acts. \\ ith an opcn mic slot at thc cnd ol' thc night l'or \sould—hc limincms.