Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.


l Fame Legwarmers to the (ore for a trip to the New York School of Performing Arts. See Theatre.

Voulez Vous Camp tribute to the lads and Iassies from Abba featuring all the hits and stunning costumes. See Theatre.


Court Bar 69 llutcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.30 10pm. l‘ree. Popular traditional bar.

Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. Free. DJs. qui/ and karaoke. LGBT Centre ll Dixon Street. 2.21 7203. l lattt tttidnight. l-‘t'ee. ('afe/har. The Merchant Pride 2() (‘andleriggs 564 I285. 9pm. Free. Formerly the (‘andle Bar attd ttovv ttttder new gay ownership there is niglttly entertainment promised at this newest arrival on the scette.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 55.3 l221. l0pm Iartt. l-‘ree. lintertaintttent frotn Mon to Thu and a lively bar at weekends.

Revolver 6a John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Popular bar.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 589i. Noon- midnight. l-‘ree. Well known gay bar.


Bennets 90 (ilassford Street. 552 576]. llpnt 3.30am. £3 £6 (£2 £5). lixcellent dance action Wed to Sttn attd a student night on Thu.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

l 1.30pm 3am. ('heesy cltart gay nigltts on Mon (Passiottality) and Tue (l‘.l'.N.). Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22]. 10pm 3am. £5. l-‘resh. lush and Carry on Polo. Hi to Sttn.

Health and Support

Body Positive .3 Park Quadrant. 332 50“). Sttpport for lltose affected by HIV/AIDS.

Sandyford Initiative 2 6 Sandy'ford Place. Sattchichall Street. 21 l 6700. ('etttre providing support. counselling aitd information for wonten also hosts a monthly lesbian health clinic (cotttact 21 I 8l30 for tnore details). a lesbian counselling service and one-off support (contact centre for inforntation or appointment) and the Steve Retson Project‘s twice weekly sexual health and cottnselling service for gay men (cotttact 2| 1 8628 for appointment ).

Glasgow Lesbian Line PO Box 686. (i3 711.. 847 ()547. Advice. Glasgow Women’s Library lot) Trongate. 552 8345. ()pen Tue Fri

62 THE LIST 53—22 Jan 9004

Glasgow Thursdays


DogGod Qbar. The ('ot'inthian. l9] Ingratn Street. 552 1 NH. 10.30pm 3am. £2. Weekly. New gay/mixed night promising everything from Kylie to house to electro-rock.


Diverse Talents l.(iB'l‘ (‘entre. ll Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Thu 8 Jan Sun l8 Jan. I lattt midnight. l-‘ree. An art exhibition for attd by the LGBT comntunity.

Glasgow Fridays


Diverse Talents LGBT (‘entre. ll Dixon Street. 221 7203. Thu 8 Jan Stttt l8 Jan. I lattt tttidnight. liree. See Thu.

Glasgow Saturdays


Death Disco The Arches. 253 .vrgtlc Street. 565 I023. Sat l7 Jan.

1 1pm 3am. £ l0. lledonistic night of trans-euro excess.

Exhibitions Diverse Talents l.(iB'l‘ (‘entre. ll Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Thu 8 Jan Sun

l 6pm; Sat 2 5pm. Women's literature and the lesbian archive. also host to meetings of the LIPS group for lesbians and bisexual women under 25 (fortnightly) and the new l.lPS grottp for women aged l8 or under (contact Sltona Bruce on 552 8345 for more details on meeting times).

Homophobic Crime Reporting ('ontact 847 0647. ()pett 7 10pm daily. Phace Scotland 49 Bath Street. 332 3838. The tttain service iii the West of Scotlattd for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard PO Box 38. (i2 2Qli. 8470447. ()pett 7 l0pm daily. (‘onlidential advice.

VlVidYOUth SIT-(i (l‘lllt'c‘. 5.55 Woodlands Road. 248 1842. Meetings weekly on Tue 7 9.30pm for yottng people aged l5 25.


Clone Zone 45 Virginia Street. 553 2666. Mon Sat llattt 9pm; Stm

Noon 9pm. (‘lothing. videos. maga/ines artd toys.

Joys-4-Us l.(iBT (‘entre ll Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Noon 8pm. New lesbian rtttt shop stocking goodies galore.


LGBT Centre I l Dixon Street. 221 7203. Maitt gay centre hosting Beyond Barriers (challenging ltotnopltobia). Steve Retson gay men's sexual health advice (Thu 5.30 8.30pm). Holistic Healing (iroup (.Mott 7.30 10pm). Performance (irottp (Mon 7.30pm). attd the monthly meetings of ()l.(i.'\ (social group for older lesbians). Icebreakers (for those new to the scene). Bi- (ilasgow. (‘rosslynx (iroup. ()ttt on Sunday informal |.(iBT group. l.l(' lesbian social group. Speakeasy poet and writers.


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group ('ontact ()7985 62l 057. Thu. Weekly.

Glasgow GOC Swimmers (‘ontaet 649 5896. 7.30 9pm. Thu. Weekly. Informal session.

Gay Rambling Group (‘ontaet 950 I081. Monthly.

GOC Cycling Group ('ontact 649 5896. Monthly.

l8 Jan. I lain midnight. liree. See Thu.

Glasgow Sundays


Diverse Talents LGBT ('entt'e. l l Dixon Street. 22l 7203. Thu 8 Jatt Sttn l8 Jan. I lattt midnight. l-‘ree. See Thu.

Glasgow Mondays


Diverse Talents l.(}l£'l‘ (‘entre. l l Dixon Street. 22l 7203. Thu 8 Jan Sttn l8 Jan. I lattt midnight. Free. See Thu.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Pink Penelopes Penelope's Niteclttb. 18 Jamaica Street. 847 0820. l lpm 3am. liree. Weekly. ()pen after a long hiatus Penelopes are resurrecling their weekly gay ttigltt.


Diverse Talents l.(}B'l' (‘entt-e. l 1 Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Thu 8 Jan Stttt l8 Jan. I lam midnight. l-‘ree. See Thu.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Fourplay linvy. 26 ('atttbridge Street. 332 3437. l lptn 3am. £4 (£2 with flyet‘). Weekly. New gay club.

Allure The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 I000. ll.30pm 3am. £3. Weekly.



Bar Java 48 52 (’onstitution Street. 553 2020. 8 lartt. .-\ relaxed attd informal atmosphere is protttised at this new venue iii the heart of l.eith. In addition to the bar prov iding meals all day tltere are ltotel facilities and there will be a weekly Pink Night on Wednesday s attd live music.

Blue Moon Café l Barony Street. 557 09l l. .Mott l-‘ri llartt ll.30pm:

Sat Stttt 9pm l2.30am. l-‘ree. lidinburgh's longest rtmning gay cafe. CC Blooms 23 24 (ireenside Place. 556 933 l. l0.30pm 3am (bar frottt 6pm). lirec. See ('lllbs and also llUSIS Icebreaket's (montltly ) for those new to the scene. Habana (ireenside Place. 558 l27l). Noott lam. l’ree. DJs every l-‘ri attd Sat and qui/oke on Thu.

Flashback 9 Hope Street. 226 0901. 4pm lam. (‘heesy disco attd pop Mon to Stttt.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 765l. lpm lattt. l’ree. Popular.

The Laughing Duck 24 How e Street. 220 2376. Mon 'l‘ltll

llatn llpm; l-‘ri (k Sat 1 lam lam; Sttn l 1.30am l lpttt. Stylish. comfy bar which also hosts monthly lunchtime meetings of Kills. the grottp for men who wear attd admire kilts (contact 07800 89l702 for further information i. New Town Bar Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon Thu Noon lam; Fri Sat Noon 2am; Stttt l2.30pm lam. (iay cruise bar attd underground club. Planet Out (ireenside Place. 524 006l. Mon l‘ri 4pm lam: Sat Stttt 2pm lant. l’ree. Regular fun events. pre- clttb. DJs including ’l't'endy Wendy (Mon). qui/Ies attd bingo.

The Regent 2 Montrose 'l‘et't'ace. 66l 8l98. Sttn Thu llattt midnight: l-‘ri Sat l lam lam. Alan Joy 's new venture sees hint opening the newest gay bar iii the capital.

Sala 60 Bt'ottghton Street. 478 7069. Tue Sttn l lam l lpttt. Free. The Hill (’cntre‘s cafe is new i) reopened for fresh food all day.


CC Blooms 25 24 (ireensidc Place. 556 933 l. 10.30pm 3am (bar frottt 6pm). liree. :\ bar attd clttb w itlt a

play list of high camp aitd disco classics.

New gay cltth from the people behind ('ttbe's Passionality attd l".l'..\'. protttising happy. cheesy pop iii the company of DJ Darren.


001' The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. Wed l4 Jan. 9pm. £6 (£5). Monthly. The Stand‘s monthly dose of catnp comedy with ('raig llill compering while Jill Peacock hosts lter (’ampest quix.


Diverse Talents t.(iB'l‘ ('entt'e. l l Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Thu 8 Jan Sttn l8 Jan. 1 Iain midnight. l‘ree. See Thu.

Edinburgh Fridays


Blaze ligo. Picardy Place. 478 7434. l-‘ri l6 Jan. l lpttt 3am. £3 before midnight; £4 after. Fortnightly. DJ James l.ongworth protttises to ignite the gay weekend with a chart and ctimtttercial/funky house soundtrack. Oot! Studio 24. ('alton Road. 558 3758. l-‘ri 16 Jan. llpm 3am. £5. Monthly. .\ mixed night for mixed people with resident DJs Dav id Myers and Brett King playing twisted house and phttnked-up techno.

Edinburgh Saturdays

Clubs Eye Candy .\ 36 39 Market

Health and Support

Lesbian Line 557 ()75 1. Mott & Thu 7.30 10pm. Ilelpline.

LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing 9 llowe Street. 523 ll()(). New cetttre opened to promote lesbian. gay. bisexual and transgender health. The Hub lnformatiott ('entre will be open Mon 4 8pm & Wed 3 7pm.

LGBT Police Link l.(iB ('entt‘e. 60 Broughton Street. Mon 6 7pm. Weekly. (‘all 620 5l38/620 5140 if you want a chat with your comtttttrtity officer. Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 556 4049. 7.3() Input every day. Helpline.

LGBT Youth Scotland (‘ontact 622 2266 (Office) or ()345 l l3” “()5 (Yottthline). Social events for l.(iBT ttttder 26.

Waverley Care Solas. 2/4 Ahheymotmt. 661 ()982. liree. Various services including Juice. a weekly social group for gay men affected by lll\'/.-\lDS (Fri 2 4pm).


O-Store 5 Barony Street. 477 4756. Scotland‘s only gay licensed sex shop recently opened in the spot formerly housing ()tit of the Bltte.


A.D. ('ontact 5564049. l-‘or lesbians over 40. Meets monthly to plan social events. ('all for tttore details.

LGB Centre 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069. Important gay cetttre hosting the Women's (iroup Drop-In (Thu). (iay Dads Scotland (monthly) as well as Bi-lidinburgh the social/support group for bisexuals attd those questioning their sexuality (monthly).

Scottish TV/TS Group The Phoenix ('ellar Bar. 46 Bt'ottghton Street. 557 0234. Monthly.


Caledonian Thebans (‘ontaet ()7074 843226 for information on training and matches. Scotland‘s ftrst gay and gay friendly rttgby club.

Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘ontacl 226 4476. Mon 8pm. Weekly. GOC Cycling Group ('ontact ()87() 32l 5894. .Motttltly.

Gay Outdoor Group (‘ontaet 556 8705. Mottlltly.