Music folk & world listings

Saturday 24 continued

I Back of the Moon, Dochas and Emily Smith Band Rt)_\al (‘oncert Hall. 3pm. U250. Three of Scotland'x emerging )ottng handx. I’m"! (Mfr/lie ('mtlm'limts.

I Jim Sutherland’s Cold Weather Dancing The x\l'L‘llL‘\. 8pm. U250. lix—liax) ('luh muxician. producer and compoxer Sutherland hringx a nen commixxion. a xong-nork fronted by [no )otltlg Scandinaxian \xomen xingerx. and croxxing into Rtkli and hip hop. l’url u/‘(i'llit‘ (‘o/t/tt't‘limn. See Mu.xic pre\ ien.

I Shoormal and Cloud 9 The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £8. 'l'hree-part \ocal harmony and t'ootx} /pop inxtrumentation l'rom the Shetland hand. I’rll‘l nut/m- ('onm'i'liom.

I The Life of Robert Burns 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. 8pm. £8. Margaret Bennett and guext muxicianx and xingerx \\ eax ex together a xelection ol‘ Burnx‘ xongx. poemx and letterx. l’tll‘l aloe/Irv (tinned/(Hts;

I Cliar with Bruce Molsky (ilaxgon ('athedt'al. S.l5pm. U250. The leadittg (iaelic folk haitd. t‘ronted h) Arthur Cormack. pltix l'S liddler and tnttlti-inxtrumentalixt Molxlx). in an atmoxpheric concert h) candlelight. l’url Hf ( T/Iit‘ (It’ll/H’t‘IITIIIS.

I Bob Geldof (’arling Academy. 8.30pm. L'l7.5t). l-‘ormer Bootttttmn Rat doex hix hext imprexxion ot’ a dixhexelled. world near} pop xage. Still peculiarl} popular dexpite a patch) laxt decade.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh lixhihition Hall. 8.30pm. to. I’url n/ ('i'llit‘ ('unm't'limrx.

I Fiddler’s Bid Barron land. 8.30pm. £14. l-‘rom Shetlattd. tour liddlex. acouxlic guitar. haxx. ke)hoardx and Scottixlt harp create a ptmet'liotixe xound. l’url oft ‘v/tit‘ ('mun't'lionx.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qualit) ('entral Hotel. |().3()pm. £3.50. I’tlrl (i/‘(i'mt' (-iIItIIi't'll'mlx. See Thu 22.

I Burns Supper and Ceilidh (‘ottier 'l‘heatre. ll)ndland Street. 357 5825. l.i\e muxic.


I Ceilidh Dance St Bride‘x ('entre. ()rn ell 'l'errace. Ho l-lll5.

7.30 ll.3()pm. £8 (£5). The Bella McNah Dance Band pla) lot art Adtilt Learning Project l'undraixer.


I New Voices: Adam Sutherland Strathcl}de Suite. lptn. it». Young Sexxion A‘) liddler Sutherland in a xi\- piece line-up. l’url U, (r/lit‘ (turner/ruin. I The Young Tradition: Scots Song The l’iping (‘entre. 2pm. u». Scott (iardiner. Stexe B)rne. liindla) Napier. (iillian l‘rame. limin Smith and Jen Buttemorth. Part of (‘i'llrt' ('mtm't'Iio/tx.

The Whirling Dervishes


Queens Hall Edinburgh Tues 10 Feb

Tickets - £16 Box office - 0131 668 2019

Presented by MultiCulti



If you are a fan of the downhome retro sound of the Be Good Tanyas, or even if your only contact with American back porch music is on the soundtrack of 0’ Brother, Where Art Thou? you’ll go for Tanya member Trish Klein’s Po’ Girl, another winsomely offbeat female threesome. And they’ve got legendary Irish/American multi- instrumentalist Tim 0’ Brian in support. (Norman Chalmers)

I (ks-73.1; Gounod/om. Hog! .)()'7f;(3r.' Ila/I. (i/(lefl f/i’oi‘ 267.11:

I Na Tri Seudan and The Three Treasures Main Auditorium. 3pm. L'ltl. lnno\ati\e pipe muxic and dance performance created h) tamed hagpipemaker llamixlt Moore \\ ith choreograph} h) l-‘ranlx .\lc('onnell. I’url (life/lie (inttlrr‘llmtx.

I Live Irish Session Win} ().(‘(lllll()l"\. \Vexl (ieorge Street. 35—1 5154.4 7pm. l‘ree.

I Ishbel MacAskill’s Taste of the Fest 'l'ron 'l’lteatre. 4pm. in. (iuextx from the ('eltic ('onnection l’extnal programme. I’m! a] (‘t'lnt' ('onm't'lionx. I Alasdair Fraser - The Fiddle Music of Burns The Piping (‘entie lell. £8. The tamed l‘S-t'exident Scottixh liddlcr pel'ltll‘lth tuncx collected or \\ ritten h} the hard. accompanied h) cellixt Natalie llaax attd pianixt Muriel Johnxlone. I’urt n/ ('t'ltit' (ii/titration»

I BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year Final Main Auditoriunt. Spin. U250. Si\ ol Scotland'x moxt talented }otittg pla}erx hattle it ottt tor the anard. I’m! at (’t-llit' (int/nativity

C9 Laura Boosinger & her Band ’l'ron 'l‘heatre. Spin. £8.50. I’m! 0/ ('t'llit~ (int/tritium. See Hi 23.

I Michael McGoIdrick Band ’l‘he Archex. .S'pm. L‘ l 2.5(). (‘apercailliox xtar \\lllxllL‘. flute and pipex man pla_\x niuxic taken ll'Ulll hix award-u inning alhum l'iiml. a mix of trad. hip hop. ia/I and norld xoundx. and ix joined h} xpecial guext. lrixli xinger Karen (‘axe_\. I’m! (1/ ('t'llii~ ('onm't‘Iiu/tx.

52 THE LIST k1) .iar ’, l-q-t

I The Unusual Suspects Maitt Auditorium. S.l5pm. U050 U250. l.ed h} (‘orrina llenat and Dan e Milligan. 4() ol' Scotland'x traditional muxicianx and xingerx create a huge xtltllltl. l’tll'l HI (t’llli‘ (.llllllt’t‘II-UIH.

I Shooglenifty and Susana Seivane and her Band Bill’l‘t)“ land. H.3(lpm. L'l-l. .\'e\\ -\\a\ e ('eltic dance lloor xoundx from the eter-popular Shoogletllll} joined h) the )oung. talented (ialician gaita pla} er Sttxana Sei\ane. “If! (If ( i'll/t‘ (YUIIIt't'IHHH.

I Burns Night (‘al‘e (’nxxaeliok. Ruxxian (‘ultural (‘entre. King Street. 553 07%. ()pin. £5 tUl. l.e\ Atlax and ()leg l’onomarex. “ith a gttext l'S xinger. create art alternati\ e Burnx night throning together Scottixh. Rttxxian. Bluegraxx and (i)px_\ l'ollxlore.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qllillll} (‘entral llotel. ll)..i()pm. £3.50. l’url of ('t'llrt‘ (‘n/trit't‘lioltx. See Thu 22.


I Burns Evening with Haggerdash Wee l’olk ('luh. Rt))ill ()alx. lnlirmar} Street. 557 2‘)7(i. 3.30pm. £3. Alternatiie l'olk/rootx celehration ol' the hard.

I Supper with Burns The 'l'axx. High Street. 550 057‘). 7.30pm. U250 tincludex meal i. Scottixh Storytelling ('entre prexentx Donald Smith. l)a\ id ('amphell and Linda Bandelier.


I Mark Duff and Ross Kennedy lollitmlll. Jail \\'_\nd. (ll 736 274W)”. l..i(lptn. l‘ree. 'l‘he Sunda} Sexxionx return \\ ith hrilliant nhixtle/recorder and hodltran pla) er Dull te\-('apercailliel attd xinger/lmuxouki pla) er Kenned}.

Monday 26


I lain Anderson in Conversation 'l‘he l’iping ('etttre. lpni. L'l. See lllll 22. /’url of ('v/Iit' ('n/iiu't'Iio/is.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\hihition Hall. 5pm. l-‘ree. I’url of ('t'llit' ('mtm't'limrx. See Thu 22.

I Talks and Debates The Piping ('entre. opm. l’ree. Brian McNeill. head ol' Scottixh Mttxic at the RSAMI). prexentx an illuxtrated talk: An Introduction to Modern Scottixlt 'li'aditional Muxic. /’ur/ a! ('i'llii' (“Hurt/[NHL

I The Dubliners Main .-\uditorium. 7.30pm. US t£l5l. In their lil'tlt decade. the xentinal lrixh l'olk hand are xtill going xtrong. I’url u/ (‘v/It't‘ ('o/im'i'lionx.

I Michael McGoldrick and Desi Donnelly 'l'he l’iping ('entre. 8pm. £8. lrixii/Mancunian xtar duo pla} llute. \\lll\lle. ttillean pipex and liddle. l’ur/ u/ (Y'lll't' ('onut't‘limrx.

I Po’ Girl attd Tim O’Brien and John Doyle Strathchde Suite. Spin. “2.5”. l’o‘ (iirl ix a [S all letnale trio putting a contemporar} tn ixt on old-time folk. _ia// and cotlttlt') inuxic. Support from [no great e\pottettlx ol‘ .-\merican ('eltic. I’url o/ ('t'llit‘ (hither/ions.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qualit) ('enlt‘al llotel. l().3()pni. £3.50. See Thu 22.


I Supper with Burns 'l‘he 'l‘axx. lliglt Street. 55o ()57‘). 7.30pm. £l2.5() tincludex meal). Scottiin Storytelling (’entre prexentx Donald Smith. I)a\id ('atnphell arid Linda Bandelier.

Tuesday 27


I lain Anderson in Conversation 'l‘lie Piping (‘entie lpnt. Ll See 'l‘hu 22.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage l'lxliihition Hall. 5pm. l-‘ree. See Thu 22. I Talks and Debates 'l‘he Piping ('entt‘e. (rpm. l’ree. lain liraxer and Pete ('Iark prexent an illuxtrated talk on Settllldl l-‘iddle Sl}lex. “If! (If (.t'/II'(’ (‘mt/u't‘liom.

I Transatlantic Sessions with Aly Bain and Jerry Douglas Main Auditorium. 7.30pm. U5 L'lS5t). (‘oinciding \\ ith a 'l‘\' rerun oi the influential xcriex. Bain reprixex the get- together ol' top pla}erx l'rom hoth xidex ol‘ the pond \\ ith a xuperh houxe hand illltl gllexlx like [he Mc(iarriglex. I’tll’l HI (Y'lll't' (‘rlllllt't'llullt

I Jackie Leven and Ian Rankin Strathcl}de Suite. 8pm. U250. Mr lair ‘Rehux' Rankin ix joined h) xongnriter/ guitarixt Jackie l.e\en l'or xome \H'} readingx and xongx. l’ur/ or ('t'llrt' ('n/Hu'i'lrom.

I Master and Apprentice The l’iping ('entre. Spin. L'S. Memherx ol‘ Sexxion .-\‘) tttitl \Voll'xlone xlltm their liddle techniquex. I’urt o/ (‘t'ltrt‘

(iHl/lt’t IIUIH.

I Red Clydeside 'l‘ron 'l‘lteatre. Spin. tltl ([3). The dramatic time iit Scotland‘x ltixtor) hrought to lile in