\poken \mrd. mug and music h) \inger/guitarixt Alixtair llulett and liddler l)a\e Su'at‘hriclx. l’url n/‘(w/m ('(tllllt't'lirlln.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qualit) (‘entral llotel. l0.30pm. £3.50. I’url u/t'e/lii‘ (‘oIi/tei'limrs. See Thu 33.


I Folk’n’Friends 'l'he ('anonx' (iait. (‘anongate. 55o 44Sl. ()pm. l-tee. lnl‘ormal \teelxl) l'olk cluh.

Wednesday 28


I Iain Anderson in Conversation 'l‘he Piping ('entre. lpm. Ll See Thu 33. Part of ( 'e/lii' ('n/trtt'i'limis.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\hihition Hall. 5pm. l-‘ree. l’urt n/t‘vllir ('nIi/im‘limii. Sec Thu 33.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘lie Piping ('entre. (ipm. l'it'ee. Harald llattgaard prexentx ati illustrated talk on l)ani\h .\lu\ic. l’url o/t'i'llii' ('umtu‘liom.

I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh Dance St Andre“ \ in tlte Square. ol‘l' Saltmarket. St Andre“ \ Street. 548 (3030. 7.50 10.30an £5. :\ll \ielconte. “ith a caller to tell _\ou \\ hat to do.

I Kate Rusby and Friends .\lain .-\uditoriurn. 7.30pm. U450. £13.50. \Vinxotne Yorkxhire lil\\ \ing\ at the piano and guitar. 'l‘op-claxx accompanitnent from her huhh} .lohn .\lc(‘u\ker and l'riendx.

I Martin Stephenson Slt‘;tlltc‘l}tlt‘ Suite. Spin. U350. Songx lrom the linglithan'x \ottiottt'n in the Southern State\.

I Master and Apprentice Piping ('entre. Spin. L'S. Anna .\la\\ie has a one- to-one ltlil\let‘ela\\ uith guitarixt John Do} le. and helloux-hagpiper l’in Moore is in cott\et\atitttt \\ ith hix lather. llamixh. l’ilrl o/ (‘t'll/‘i‘ (.Ultllt't'II-UIH.

I Red Clydeside 'l'ron 'l‘heatre. Spin. [l0 (ESL I’url o/(i'llii‘ (tilt/tritime See Tue 37. I Singing Session ('alc Source. St Andre“ \ in the Square. St Andreux Square. till Salttttat‘ket. 543 (>030. H.30pin. l’ree. .'\|l \xelcome.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qualit} (‘entral llotel. l0.30pm. £5.50. l’url it] (i'II/i‘ ('Ultlti'i‘ltmix. See Thu 33.


I Burns Night lidinhurgh l-‘olk (‘Iulx (‘aharet Bar. The l’leaxance. (i5() 334‘). Spin. (£5). .-\II the trimming\. loud and a dram. \\ ith muxic pt'm ided h} \inger/guitarixt (ieorge Hull and \inger/ liddler ."\tlitlll Jack.

Thursday 29


I lain Anderson in Conversation ‘l‘lie Piping ('entre. lpltt. U. I’ur! (if (.(‘lllt' (tUI/H’t‘llt’lh. See Thu 33.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\hihition Hall. 5pm. l-ree. l’url (1/ (i'llii (‘mtm'i‘limty See Thu 33.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘lie Piping ('entre. optn. Free. list \rnger .\lairi .\laclnne\ prexentx an illll\lt‘aletl talk on (iaclic Sottg. /’(H'/ U] ('(‘llii‘ (‘umrei'limty I Baltic Tae Byzantium Strathclyle Suite. Spin. U350. Singer/ \ongxtriter and tnulti-in\trumentali\t Brian \lcNeill'x dcx ixed piece inxpired it} \i\ ltixtorieal Seotxi li\e\ ilt continental laurope. I’urr n/ ('i'llri' (Dimer/rum.

I Red Clydeside 'l'ron ‘l‘heatre. Spin. L'lll (£3 t. See Tue 37. I’url Hf (iv/lit (‘mim't'Irn/n.

I Sheila Stewart The l’iping (‘entre. Spin. LS. ()ueen ol' Scotx traditional \ingerx and \tor}teller\. The real thing ll‘ttllt one til the hut heat'crx ttl' tltc authentic tra\el|cr tradition. l’url o/ (T/IIt (ill/Illt't'II-UIH.

I Ale Mollers World Heritage Orchestra Barrowland. 8.30pm. U4. .Su'edixlt multi-instrumentalixt hrings ltix orchestra fusing world muxic style\ and l'eaturing a Sweden-haixed line-up ol' international \ingerx and musician» and British guests including liddler AI)‘ Baitt. l’url o/t'v/lii' (‘mt/rvrlioin.

I Session A9 'l‘lie :\l‘elte\. 8.30pm. U150. ('harlie McKerron t('apercailliet lead\ the new liddle group making \\a\e\ in the Highland littllx \cene. I’tu‘l U/t't'llit' (‘rtltllt't‘limly I The Zulu Open Mic ()’.\'eill\. Sattcliiehall Street. 353 3W5.

9pm midnight. l-‘ree. See Thu 33. I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The ()ualit} ('entral llotel. l0.30pm. £5.50. See Thu 33. I’tll‘l “life/[It (‘o/iltu‘limtx.


I Iain Anderson in Conversation llte Piping (‘entie lpttt. E l. I’url olt'v/Iii‘ ('nnm't‘linm. See Thu 33.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\hihition Hall. 5pm. l‘ree. I’ur/ of (‘i'llii' (butter/roux. See Thu 33.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘he Piping (‘entre. (upm. l’ree. ('oncertina and Northumhrian \mallpipex tttae\tro Alixtair :\tidet\ott prexentx an illtt\tl'aled ltttt‘ttdttetiott to Northumhrian .\lu\ic. I’m/'1 u/‘(i'lrir ('onm'i'linm.

I Afro Celts Main .»\uditorium. 7.30pm. l‘ree. \Vorld—lamoux dance} \) ttlltexix ol' lt'ixlt traditional attd \Vexl African muxic. cluhland gromcx and \tot'ldheat ittl'lttencex. l’ul‘l 0/ (T/Iit' ('mtm'i'limis.

I Malinky Strathcl}dc Stiite. Spin. L'l3.50. Singer/\onguriter Karine l’olu art lead\ the Sc'otx/lt‘ixlt lidinhurgh hand. Support l'rom Beneche. I’m! 0/ (iv/[Ir (‘ttltllt't‘liuuy

I Master and Apprentice ‘l'lie l’iping ('entre. Spm. L'S. Kenna ('amphell attd Kathleen (iraham c\plorc the (iaelic. “hile Sle\e ll)‘t‘ttt‘ and Jim Malcolm get together the Scot\ \ong tradition. /’url n/t‘v/lii' ('muu’i'limn.

I New Voices Revisited: Aidan O’Rourke - Sirius 'l‘lte .-\rche\. Spin. L. l”. .'\ lz-pieee cnxenihle reprixe tlte

live-part \lllle h)‘ Bla/itf l’iddler Aidan O'Rourke premiered at laxt )c‘ttt'\ (’(‘. I’url u/‘(i'llit' (int/tritium. .

I Red Clydeside 'l‘ron 'l‘heatrc. Split. L. l() ([3). I’HI'I u/ti’llit' (.(HIIH't'II'HIM. See Tue 27.

I lshbel MacAskilI and Elspeth Cowie (ilitxgttu (’athedral. .S’.l5pm. U350. (iaelic meets Settlx in \(Hth. I’HI‘I NICK/lit" (-UIIIH’C/I'UIIS.

I The Martins 4 B;tt't'o\\‘l;tttd. 8.30pm. L'l4. Star guitarixtx all. Martin ('arth}. .\lartin Silttpxttll. Martin 'l‘;i_\lor and Juan Martin cm er l‘olk. \xorld.

ja/I. llatttcttco and classical. l’url or

('(‘llii‘ (Miner/inns.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh lixltihition llall. l0pm. U). I’url n/ ('e/Iii’ (butter/inns. See lit 33.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The Qualit) ('entral llotel. 10.30pm. £3.50. l’url n/‘(i'llii~ (‘rtllllt’t'liulty See llttl 33.

I Guid Crack Club l'pxtairx at the Wax erley Bar. St .\lar_\ 's Street. 55o 057‘). 7.30pm. £3.50. Sentlixlt Storytelling liorum prexentx Scotx \(tttg’x and \lttl‘lex lor the Burns \ezlxntt with liu'an McVicar.


I International Student Concert .\lain Auditorium. I330an l‘ree. Students attd tutorx lrom international t'olk and traditional ltllhtL‘ college L‘tttlt'\L‘\ VlUlll tttgetltel‘. I’url (If (T/Iit‘ ('(tltllt't‘linnx.

I Grada and Brolum Stt‘athcl_\dc Suite. lptn. L‘S. Sewn-piece Brolum

\\ ith t\\ in liddlex. pipes. \thixtle and clar\aclt join tixe—piece (irada lot‘ an e\citing contelttporar} l\\t\l on Scottixlt muxic. l’urr n/ ('e/Iii' ('mtmn'liom.

I The Young Tradition: Fiddle 'l‘he l’iping ('entre. 3pm. £6. Scotlanth linext emerging lidtllet'x \ltim uhat their inxtrumentx cart do. /’url of ('w/Iii' ('unllt't'limts.

I The Zulu Open Mic Brunswick (l‘llitl'x. Sattchiehall Street. 5M 1830. 4 7pm. l‘rec. See ’l’hu 33.

I Altan and Riverdance Flying Squad Main Auditorium. 7.30pm. £35. The leading lt‘t\lt group and the pocket \erxion ol the international hit dattee \lltl“.

folk & world listings Music

I Alison Brown Strathelytle Sttite. Spin. “3.50. The banjo-wielding queen ol‘ hluegrasx l‘uxion n ith a l'S/lrish pairing ot‘ 'l‘im O'Brien and John l)o_\ le. l’ur! of ('t'llit' (turner/roux.

I Red Clydeside 'l‘ron 'l’heatre. Spin. t It) (L'Sl. I’url n/t't'llii‘ ('iirtrtt’t'liuttx. See 'l‘ue 37.

I Martin Simpson Piping ('entrc. Spin. L‘S. Brilliant. hluex haxed guitarist.

I Wendy Wetherby - Sunset Song (ilihgtm ('alhedral. 3.15pm. £43.50. Vocal and inxtrumental \uite lltxpll'etl h} l.e\\ ix (iraxxic (iihhon'x Suner Song perl‘ormed h} an I l-xtrong enxemhle and \ingeix .\lairi Machines and Rod l’aterxon. in the atmoxpheric \etting ol (ilaxgoix \ cattdlelit cathedral. I’urr of (It’ll/t" (it'll/It't'llmlx.

I Kepa Junkera Barrimland. 8.30pm. L'I4. lixuherant Baxque accordionixt Junkera leadx ltix lite-piece hand \xith guext liddler John .\lc('u\ker. Part of (i'IIit‘ ('itltltt’t'ltmn.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh li\hihition llall. l0pin. to. Part arm/m- (‘Illlllt’t'llnllt See l't'l 35.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd The ()ttalit) ('entral llotel l0.30pm. £3.50. /’(II'! 0/ (T/Irt' (.(tltltt't‘llnlh. See Thu 32.


I New Voices: Jennifer Port Strathchde Suite. lpm. u». :\ next piece inxpired h} her Sutherland hackground h} the l'ormer l)ann_\ Award \\ inner and Clill'SilCll pla}cr. l’tll'l (tlt'v/Iit‘ ('(tllllt’t’ll'ultx.

I The Young Tradition: Ensemble 'l'he l’iping (‘entre. 3pm. £0. (‘loxing concert in the Young li'adiliott xeriex teaturex accordion. piano. clarxach. liddle and douhlc ha“. I’urt u/‘(r/m- (turner/turn.

I Live Irish Session \Va\_\ ()'('onnor\. \Vexl (icorge Street. 354 5154. 4 7pm. liree. See Sun 35.

I lshbel MacAskill’s Taste of the Fest 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. 4pm. U). The third arid tinal Sunda} \houcaxe. leaturing glle\t\ l-t‘ttltt tlte (‘cltic ('onnection l’exthal programme.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Finalists 2004 li\hihition Hall. 5pm. Free. The top talent picked from the ('eltic ('onnectionx ()pen Stage. Part of (kl/ii- ('mnti'i'liom.

"pped their ‘Sound v- technology with
