
I , '

Artists reinterpret sanitaryware in th

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Thu 5 l-‘ch. l'rcc. .\ \clcctiotl oi contcinporar}. Will and 3001 ccntur} paintings including \Mil'lxx h} l’ctcr .\'ardini. “:0 id Smith. .\lichac1('|arl\c and Margarct Ballant} nc.


l.clltcl‘lt_\ l)l‘i\c, tilt) (illllll.

Scotland’s Dream Team t'ntil Thu 3‘) Jan. l‘rcc. lidinhurgh-haxcd artist Mark l':\ll\0ll L‘L‘lc‘lil‘ulCS Sc‘ttlltlltd'x grcatc\t lootltall ltct‘oc\ ilt [liix \cl’ic\ ol l3 cornrnixxioncd ncu pol‘tl'altx \xhich includcx Bill} Mchil. Jim lla\lcr. l)cni\ l.a\\. .loclx Stcin and Kcnn} l);llf_‘ll\li.


9 l l (iL‘Ul'gC ~Sll‘L‘L‘I. 5.53 303-1. .\lon Sat 9am 5pm.

Eric Doig: Glasgow t'nnl Sal 3| Jan. liric l)oig prcscntx his \ ic\\ ol' thc cit} ol~ (ilaxgou in hold colour'.

Malcolm Butts Mon 3 Sat 3S l‘ch. ()riginal ualcrcolourx ol' Scotland.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\cr\it_\' ol' (ilaxgou. S3 llillhcad Strcct. 330 543]. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm; Sun 13.30 4.30pm.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection l'niil Hi .‘\I l)cc. .\ \clcclion ol thc lluntcrian'x linc art collcction ol‘ British art from thc 301h ccntur).

Scottish Art 1800-1900 Sat 3|

Jan Sat IS Scp. .\ \lllitll htit significant collcction til~ l‘lllt L‘Clillll‘} Scottixlt lll‘l. gil'tcd to thc lluntcrian h} pri\alc collcctorx. ’l‘hc tllSPlil} includcx uot'kx h} Sir l)a\ id Wilkic. Horatio .\lc('u|loch and Sir William .\lc'l'aggart. Ni ‘3." Si lf)‘.'.’.


l8 King Strcct. .553 35-10. .\lotl l't'l

10am 5pm.

Camera Obscura l'niil Hi 30 Jan. An cxhihition of work h} artist group .-\rtlorin including Stcphcn llcal} and Jcn Bcatlic


t v *3: 7 j" 3 f _1.,,,.*

vii tugs,

at: Viki: i t3

Water Closet Workshop on show at the Collins Gallery

and \arioux \crx icc trxcrx. lcaturing pltologt'aphx inadc \\ ith a pinholc carncra.


3i)” litllli Slrcct. 5.3l U733. 'l‘uc Sill

()illll 0pm.

Pascal LeGras Hi 2.1 .lan Wed 25 l-‘ch. :\n c\hihition ol' \iork It) Pascal [.c(ira\. dcxigncr ol' lhc alhtun co\ct'\ lor thc l-all. NE Si i()".'.’.


ll .\litchcll l,;lltL‘. 33l (i303. Mott.

\Vcd Sal l0.30ani 5me'l‘uc llani 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 tSllpl.

The Bird That Never Flew l'nlil Still 35 Jan. (ilaxgtm ~haxcd graphic dcxigncr SUSHI] Roan rcintcrprctx (il;l\go\\ \ ('oat ol .'\l'lll\ tor a \cricx ol‘ 'llxhirlx.

Glasgow Bridge l’niil \Vcd 38 Jan. An c\hihition rcwaling thc conlro\cr\ial

\\ inning dcxign iii a ncu pcdcxtrian hridgc tint)“ lltL‘ (lHlL‘. tlL‘\lg_'llL‘tl l1) RlL'litll‘tl Rogcrx. 'l‘hc £40m toothridgc hax hccn criticiscd l'or hcing unoriginal though (ilaxgtm ('il} ('otuicil dcxcrihcd it as iconic. Makc _\our omr mind up in llll\ tllxpltl} ol~ Rogcrx' hridgc and thc li\ c l‘llllllL‘l‘-llp\. l/\Sl (Ll lANCl if) St E Glasgow Style l'nlil Still I l-‘ch. :\ locus on thc cclchratcd dcxignx ol‘('har|c\ chnic Mackintosh and his associalcx. collccti\cl_\ knou n as thc (ilaxgou St_\ lc. Lightness at the Lighthouse l'ntil Still I l-ch. Studcntx li'oni (ilaxgou School ol'.»\t‘l‘\ l’t'odtlcl l)c\igtl cottt‘xc look at \ta} \ to iinaginc a Iightcr ua} ol li\ ing. Maggie’s Exhibition l'ntil Sun a l-‘ch. .-\ locus on lhc .\laggic\ ('cntrcx uhich aim to hclp pcoplc to adjust to li\ itig \\ illt canccr. Sonic ol lltc \toi'ld'x hm! at‘cllilcclx ha\ c dcxigncd thcxc huildingx including l-‘rank (iciir‘) \ ncu building in l)undcc. White Light l'ntil Sun I l .-\pl‘. l‘inland'x lcadittg tc\ti|c dcsigncrx. inolhcr and daughtcr parlncrship Riitla [Jim and .-\nna Riilta llaa\ l\ltl. prcscnt a \itc- \pccilic installation \\hich c\plorc\ nap

of thing dil'l'crcnt papcrx as dchrsc niatcrials.


Station Road. .\li|nga\'ic. 578 8347.

'l'uc Sat l0arn lpm & 3 5pm. Summer Flowers to Studio Interiors l'ntil \Vcd l 1 Hit. Still Iilc paintings from thc gallcr} ’x pcrmaucnl collcclion.

Louise Annand: A Retrospective 1942-2002 l'ntil \Vcd l I l'ch. .\ rctroxpccliw cxhihition focusing on thc \xork ol' Scottixh artist l.oui\c Annand lcaturing paintings. hook illustrations and art cdtrcational llllllx.


I58 Bath Stt'ccl. 331 4000. Mon 'l'hu

noon Iain; l’ri Sat noon 3am.

Shapes of Things l'niil Well 4 l-‘ch. 'l‘hc Shapcx of Things is a \cricx ol c\hihition\ highlighting thc uork ol' rcccnt gradttalm and \ltldcnls :ll (ilaxgou School ol‘ Art and othcr art collcgcx. I)a\'id littxtacc \hou \ “ot'k lt'otlt 33 Jan 4 l'ch lollou cd by Jlll Rthxcll (.5 l3 l'chi.


333 ck 334 l)ukc Strccl. l)cnnixtoun. 550 7370. 'l‘uc Sat noon 0pm.

Blink l'ntil Sat 3| Jail. l’rcc. All} \Vallacc t'tflllldx up Markcl'x Blink \cricx \\ itlt a largc-xcalc papcr installation in thc \\ indou \paccx of thc gallcr}. Simplc block of \hapc. colour and light arc trxcd in ltlx piccc \xhich takcx ittxpit'alion lroin lhc archilccturc of his surroundings. [AST

(ll lANCl: it) St E.


370 Sauchichall Slrccl. 505 -l I00. .\lon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove t'niil .\'o\ 3005. As thc Kcl\ ingrm c \ltlxclllli & Art (iallcr) has no“ cloxcd its dool'x for major rcl'urhixhnicnl. our 300 pailtliltgx l‘roni thc Kc|\ ingro\ c collcction takc up rc\idcnc_\ at thc .\ch.cl|an (iallcricx. ’l'hc

dixpla} includcx 'l'hoinax l‘acd\ 'I'ltc Lust of

Mir ('er1 and Rcinhrandt’x .vl Man in .lrmuur. plus \tork h} ('harlcx chnic .\lackintodi. Dutch and l‘lcrnixh art.


47 l’arnic Strcct. 553 5037. TM Sat l0..§0am 5.30pm; Sun I 5pm.

Festive Exhibition Sal 3| Jan. .\ nii\cd \htm including ccraniics h} ()liVia Brown. uoodttrrning h) Scott erinc and paintings h} gallcr} :li‘li\l\ l’at Scinplc. .lamcx llau lxllt\. (icrard M Burns and llL‘lL‘n Dcncrlc}.


7.3 Roltcl'lxott Strccl. ~Sttilc 0. Floor l. 348 37| l. 'l‘uc l’ri noon 5pm.

Padraig Timoney l‘ntil Hi 30 Jan. \cu uork h} Padraig 'l‘inroncy \Vllo l‘caturcd in 7714' [frills/1:01 Slum- .5. TM l)crr} -horn ttl'll\l llSL‘S a \aricty ol‘ incdia and matcrialx in lti\ work including photographs. painting and installation. SL‘L‘ l'L‘\ lL‘“.


33l \Vc‘xl (icol‘gc Slrcct. 3—13 975.5.

.\lon l‘ri 10am 5pm.

John Duncan Fergusson (1874-1961) Thu 3‘) Jan Sat 3| l-ch. l-‘rcc. :\n mhihition ol’ paintings. uatcrcolourx and drau ingx by John Duncan licrguxxon RBA l I874 l‘)0l ).

PAISLEY MUSEUM & ART GALLERY lligh Slrcct. SS") 3 l 5 l. 'l‘uc Sat

l0ain 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Slab Man - Art by John Byrne l'ntil Sun I l-‘ch. :\ \aricd tllSPlil} of uorkx h} thc artist and pla} \\ right John B) rnc.


('cntrc l-"or l)c\'clopmcntal :\l‘l\ IS Albion Strcct. 553 3833. Mon Fri |0ani 5pm. A Squiggly Map of Scotland t'niil Hi 30 l‘ch. :\dllll\ \\ ith Icarning dilliculticx c\plorc tlic gcograph} and landxcapcx of" Scotland in this c\|tihiliott ol pailtlingx.

listings Art

.. George Shaw: What I Did This Summer Childhood memories of place are meticulously immortalised in this exhibition of paintings by Coventry-born George Shaw. Using Humbrol enamel paint, he paints the mundane, from bus stops to council houses. See preview. Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Sat 24 Jan—Sun 27 Mar.

Ellsworth Kelly The first ever Scottish exhibition of work by the seminal American artist Ellsworth Kelly, renowned for his oddly shaped abstract canvases. Here, he shows a suite of new prints. See feature. lng/eby Gallery, Edinburgh, Wed 28 Jan—Sat 6 Mar.

The Jerwood Drawing Prize Whereas last year's prize featured drawings on tables and collages, this year’s line-up takes a more conventional approach. The show features Paul Brandford's winning work of a protestor set upon by riot police, but look out for Miranda Whall’s Paradise Place. See review. Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, until Sat 27 Feb.

Janice McNab/Louise Hopkins From abandoned aeroplane chairs to floatation tanks. Amsterdam-based artist Janice McNab explores themes of isolation and alienation in this new series of photo-realist paintings, while in the round room, Louise Hopkins transforms existing surfaces with subtle markings. Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sat 27 Feb.

Bill Viola Three video pieces from the ongoing Passions series by Bill Viola are currently on display. Taking a very painterly approach, Catherine '8 Room, Four Hands and Surrender explore different states of emotion. Not to be missed. National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, until

Sun 7 Mar. >

1)? Jail 5) lot) 2004 THE LIST 79