
Monday 26 continued

Film Quiz (il'vl‘. l3 Rose Street. 333 8l38. 8.45pm. L'l.50. Do you know _\our .S'pt'l/lmuml from your Spielherg'.’ Test your lilm l'actx and uh ia at llth lttltlotts and fun qui/.


Turner at Home and Abroad National (iallery ol‘ Modern Art. 75 Bell‘ord Road. (134 (i300. l3.45pin. l‘ree. lan \Varrell from Tate Britain gi\'e\ a talk on the work ol"l‘urner. See art ll\lltlg\ tor lull National (ialler') of Modern Art listings.


lain Anderson in Conversation 'l’he Piping ('entre. 30 34 Mcl’hater Street. (‘owcaddenx 387 55l l. lpill. Ll See Thu 33.

Jenni Calder: The Scots in Canada Bordet'x Book» ()8 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. 6pm. l’ree. Jenni ('alder tllsc‘llxch her new hook The Sum in (’unm/u. which looks at the multi-l'aceted history of emigration.

Cultural Meeting (iarnethill ('ommunit) (‘entre. 3l Roxe Street. 333 9765. 7.30 9.30pm. Free. The monthl} meeting of the (iltlxgtm Branch of the Scotlaml-(‘hina .-\\\ociation.

CND Public Meeting (ilaxgow ('aledonian l'nixerxit}. (ieot'ge Muir Building. 70 ('owcaddenx Road. 433 l333. 7.30pm. l‘ree. See pre\ iew page 8o.


Big Word Poetry Raid North lidinhurgh :\t'l\ (‘entre. l5a l’enn} well ('ourt. 3l5 3l5 l. lpm. l‘ree. Big Word bring their unique hrand ot' poetr} lo the Arts ('entre.

Taking Control of Your Money ('it): lidinhurgh. la Market Street. 336 ‘)5o0. (3.30 ()pm. t l 5. ('omedian and co- attthor ol'xl (ii/'l'x Hm! l'i'ir'ml is [/('I' Monet Jasmine Birtles otters linancial ittl\ ice.

The Night Sky in February Ro>al ()hxenator} leltot' ('entre. Blackl'ord llill. (ma 3404. 7.30 8.30pm. r: (U l. The ever-imprexxhe Ro}al ()hsenator} celebrates all thingx leap _\ear ;t\ RtISSL‘ll liherxt dixcussex the planets parading the e\ening \k} with Jupiter approaching \tcadtl}. linthuxiaxtx \hould clteck out the public ohxerx ing time axailahle ever} l-ri until Mar. with actix itiex and exentx for the w hole l'amil).

Wednesday 28


Discussion Group (ll’l'. 12 Row Street. 333 8138. 8.30pm. liree. Head to the ltpxlzllIN har alter the 6.45pm screening of (ilr/ ll'l'I/l u /’('(H'/ Ifurring and join in with the monthl) lilm tllxcllxxltllt group.


Maureen Sangster and Paula Jennings Scottish l’oetry l.ihrat'}. 5 (‘richton'x (‘lo\e. (’anongate. 557 3870. 7.30pm. £3 tL'3l. Readings h} Maureetl Sangxter and Paula Jennings organised h} the l’oetr} :\\\ociatlon of Scotland.

Glasgow Re-imagining Chinese Cinema ('('.»\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900.

l lam lpnl. £5 (£4). (‘inematographer Yu l.ik wan presents llllx masterclass

focusing on hlx directing lllelhodx and ll\L‘ of digital \ ideo.

CND Benefit Night The Hall Bar. lot) \‘l'oodlandx Road. 504 I537. 7pm. £3. The Youth and Student Scotllxh ('.\'l) henelit night with li\ e ltlthlt‘ and \ltlt‘tix.

Dave Gorman: Googlewhack Adventure \Vatei-sione‘x. l5} l57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)l05. 7pm. l-‘ree. See prex iew page 87. 88 THE LIST 2"? ll". 5;

l (fl; 70%:

£4.-.” “inl\ n H J, THE DWARFMAN COMETH Rob Grant’s career has happily

straddled the boundaries of cosmic mayhem. After a protracted period partaking in several random vocations, Grant had a none-too-dwarfesque epiphany and (with co-creator and writer Doug Naylor) produced the astonishingly successful TV series Red Dwarf. This fortnight Grant heads to the capital to pontificate on Incompetence, his fictional rant against a world that appears to have gone quietly barking.

I Rot) Grant. Wile/stones East End. 6.30pm. Thu 22 Jan.

Echo (ilttsgtm l'nixerxit} ('ollege (‘luh. l‘nixerxit) A\ e. 7.30 9.30pm. liree. An opportunin to take part in these li\el} workshops run h) 'l‘heatre ()d} sxe) including pla_\ readings. imprm l\;tllt)lt. writing and ttlttxlt‘. ()pen to amone met" the age of lo with all interest in the L’lil\\lL‘\.


From Culloden to Quebec lidinhtll‘gh (itlxtlc. Ro}al Mile. 335 9840. l lam 3.30pm. £8 (£3 £(i.35l. See 'l'hu

Big Word Poetry Cabaret North Iidinhurgh :\t't\ ('entre. l5a Penn} well (‘ourt. 3l5 3l5l. 7pm. £5 (£3 £3.50l. Acts from the local. national and international circuit come together for lltix exening ol' poett'} performance. SiLENCiO (‘ounting House. West Ntcolxon Street. (»(»7 0876. 7.30pm lam. £3 (£3). Surreal and glttlttol‘otts otl‘ei'ings ax alwa) s courtex} ol llll\ innoxatn e performance piece teaturing experimental lllllNlC. theatre. \pokcn word. \ isualx. coined} and more with \tlt'pl'lxe M(' .-\|i and [)1 Daniel. ('reath e \ intage/glam encouraged.


4th Annual Antiques Fair l’ollok llouxe. l’ollok ('ountr) l’ark'. 30o0 l’ollokshaw s Road. olo 64 l0.

1 lam 5pm. liree. Do your own hargain hunting from the \election ol‘ l'urniture. paintings. ceramics and jeweller) on \alc throughout the lltllINL‘.

Returning to China (’ampanile llotel. l0 ’l‘unnel Street. 33‘) 438l. l‘ree hilt ticketed. () 7.30pm. l’ilmmaker l)ai Si‘iie hosts a round tahle tllxcllxxttm (in l-‘renchl looking at tilmmaking in (‘hina and the intricacies ol' working between l’rench and ('hinexe no\el and film. The Restoration of 78 Derngate Queen's (’roxx (‘hurch. 870 (iarxcuhe Road. 946 oo00. 7pm. to. Dr S} l\ ia l’inchex ghex a talk. as the title suggests. on the restoration of 78 l)erngate.


From Culloden to Quebec lidinhurgh ('axtle. Rt)}1ll Mile. 335 ‘)84(). l lam 3.30pm. £8 ([3 £6.35). See 'l‘hu

Curator’s Choice National (ialler) ol' Scotland. The Mound. 634 (i300. l3.45pm. l‘ree. l‘rancex l-‘ow le from the National (ialler) ol' Scotland \electx ’l‘he lilighl into lig)pt h} (luillauine l)uhul'le

ax her curator\ choice. See art li\llltg.\ l'or lull galler} detailx.

Carry on Up the Khyber Nomatlk lent. 3l St Leonard's Lane. 0.30 l0pm. L'l5. The Nomads 'I‘ent. now in its 3N )ear of trading. is marking llx achie\emenl with llx t'undraixing part) in its w arehouxe. complete with cappella singers. lig} ptian dancerx. jugglerx. a stiltwalker. comdeian and piano pla} er. All proceeds go to charit}.


3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair Rtwal (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. Want 5pm. l’ree. (‘ontemporar} cral‘t. design and artwork\ direct from the makers themselx’ex.

4th Annual Antiques Fair l’ollok llouxe. l’ollok ('ountt') Park. 3060 l’ollokxhawx Road. (no ()4 I0.

I lam 5pm. l"ree. See l‘ri 30.


Wordpath linergeticx. Broughton Street l.ane. l0am 4.30pm. £50. Join acclaimed no\eli\t\ Meaghan l)elahunt and Kit‘xt} Hunt for a da} ol~ small group and otte-to-otte tll\c‘ll\\l()ll\.

Chinese New Year Celebration North lidinhurgh Arts (’entre. l5a l’ennyw ell ('ourt. 3l5 3l5 l. l lam.

L' l .50. A tun-tilled da) e\ploring (‘hinexe art and culture. with \\'()t'l\'\ltt)p\, stor) telling and dance in thix the )ear ol' the monke}.


3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair Roytl (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauclliehall Street. 353 8000. l0ani 5pm. Free. See Sat 3|. 4th Annual Antiques Fair Pollok llouxe. l’ollok (‘ountr_\ l’ark. 30M) l’ollok‘xhaw \ Road. () l (l ()4 l (l.

l lam 5pm. liree. See Hi 30. Chinese-English Corner Brasserie Metro. 8 (‘rexxw ell Lane. 338 8|3 l. 3.30 4.30pm. liree. .-\ li‘ieiitll} meeting for both (‘hinexe people w ho want to practice their linglixh and ali_\one wanting to impro\ e their Mandarin ('hinexe.

Super Bowl Party \Valkahout. 7 Renl'rew Street. 333 3800. [5. (iet a 'l‘\' piece ol‘ \'l’l. action along with around 500 other gridiron lanx. ax Aeroxmith. .lanet Jackson and Be}once Know lex prmidc the entertainment for the mega .-\merican l‘oothall e.\tra\ag.'an/a.


Design and Decoration: Eastern Style Riwal Mtixeum. 3 ('hamherx Street. 347 43l‘)/4433. l0.30anl .30pnl. £48 (£36). See 510135.

Annual Day of Paranormal Experience (‘orn li\change. New Market Road. (iorgie. 443 3437.

Noon 8pm. £7 ([5 l. The Oracle 'l'ruxt in association with Bod} and Soul li\ent\ present this other-worldl} e\perience.


The Open Floor Poetry/Spoken Word Night The ('anonx' (iait. 333 ('anongate.55644810 l l.30pm. l‘ree. llardcore llumour prexentx part sex en ol' itx dark \et'hoxit). hoxted h) (Ear) l)eath. Edinburgh Student Festival Varioux Venues. (50 ()78‘). Times and prices \ar_\. See pre\ iew page 8o.

Tuesday 3


John Cairney Bordcrx Bookx, U8 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. opin. l-ree. John ('airne} tlle‘lt\\L‘\ lll\ new hook. The Qme l‘or Roller! Louis Slt'l't'nwn.


Comet and Asteroid Impact Rtwal ()hxenator} \lxlltlt' ('entre. Blackl'ord Hill. («)8 8404. 7.30 8.30pm. £3 (fl l. The ()ll\L‘t‘\ill0l‘} \ummarixex the e\ idence ol' paxt impactx on liarth. looking at the planets and moon\ throughout the \olar

x} \tem. littered with craterx cauxed h) the impact ol cometx altd a\teroid\

Wednesday 4


Friends of the Earth l-‘rientk ol' tlle liarth Scotland. 30 lllllhead Street. 334

l050. 7.30pm. l-ree. Monthl} meetingx.


Women Alive .\'orlh lidinhurgh .v\rt\ (‘entre. l5a Penmwell (‘ourt. 3l5 3l5 l. l0am noon. l‘ree. An Ul‘hortunil} lol' )oil to take to the stage and work with theatre director and teacher Janice \Vunxche to produce a jointl} de\ ixed piece ol' theatre l‘or performance.

Visions of Edinburgh - Car Friendly or Car Hostile? Morningside Justice and Peace (iroup. 430 Morningxide Road. l0.30am. Ll ('llr Andrew Burnx. 'l‘ranxport ('omenor lor the ('it} ill" lidinhurgh continue\ the great debate on llll\ e\el'-tenuou\ imue.

John Cairney: The Quest for Robert Louis Stevenson (Multan-N. 57 (ieorge Street. 335 4405. 7pm. l‘ree. SL‘L‘ Tue 3.


Echo (ila\go\\ l'ni\cr\it_\ ('ollege ('luh. l'nherxit} .'\\e. 7.30 0.30pm. liree. See Thu 3‘).

Scottish Caravan 8. Outdoor Leisure Show Sl-L(‘(‘. l'inniexton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. l0am (iplll.

[(3.50 {7.5” l [5.50). lixcapc lllL' winter chill with the Hand new look S('()l. \htm.


Writers’ Bloc: Under the Influence the ('anonx' (iail. 233 ('anongate. 55o 448 l. 8pm. £3 lL'l I. This eclectic group continue to \howcaxe the best mi\ ol prolcxxional w riterx and new \oicex. Se\eral memherx ha\e Plll‘lldlt‘tl no\el\ in Britain and the l'S.I\. \Vriterx appearing at I'll include Slelan l’earxon. llannu Raianielni and more.

Big Word Performance Poetry ’l‘he 'l‘ron. ‘) llunter Square. High Street. 33o 0‘)3l. () l lpm. L'31L‘3l. Roh(iec introdtlccx the poetic ltllt‘llh til lllt‘ compulxhel} rude .i\nnic \Vallace. plux .-\nila (iman. rixing \tar .lenn_\ l.ind\a_\ and 50-word stor} teller Stephen Barnah}.