Music rook & pop listings

Rock & pop continued


I Amityville, Merchant City and Striker King ’I'ut’s \Vah Walt llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 22] 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Andrcw .\lontgomcry. crstwhilc singcr with (icncya. rocks otit a hit morc with his ncw hand Amityyillc.

I El Hombre Trajeado and Fuck Off Machete Nicc'n'Slca/y. 42! Sattchichall Strcct. 333 9637. 9pm. Angular post-rock lrom Iil llomhrc. supporch by a colourlully namcd combo l‘caturing cx-(iangcr gal Natasha. 'l'hcir dchut album. My first .llurlu'tt'. is out on Monday.

I Random Number and thc lntpossihlc l‘lowcr 'l'hc 13th .\'otc (are. 50 60 High Strcct. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. limotronica. apparcntly. from Yorkshirc. dclinitcly. With addcd hcadbanging.

I The Pedestrians, Solution, Autopilot, The Devotions and Greg Friel 'l'hc (’athousc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4.50 (£5). ()ycr- 14s show. Rock/pop linc-up.

I Psycho Dalek and Splitbac Barfly. 260 (‘lydc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4. ()yct‘— l4s show. .\|ctal bill.

I Declan O’Rourke 8: Jo Mango Brcl. .-\shton Lanc. 342 4966. 8pm. £3. Scc Hi 6 for Jo Mango. I’ur! nil/11' ('I'Iy ()fl.()l‘('>/l’.\'1ll'(ll.

I My Latest Novel 'I'hc Sotmdhaus. 47 llydc l’ark Slt'c‘c‘l. 22l 465‘).

I Suzette 'l'hc Bunkcr. I93 I99 Bath Strcct. 229 I427. l0pm. l-‘rcc.

I Shrink 'l'chai ()yna. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. £1. lilcctronica.

I Rev Doc 8. The Congregation Sttidio ()nc. (irosycnor llotcl. (irosycnor 'l'crracc loll Byrcs Road). 34l 65 I6. 9pm. l‘rcc. 'l'rad R& B with harmonica cmhcllishmcnt.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scotia.

ll2 ll4 Stoc‘kwcll Strcct. 552 8681. 9pm. l"rcc. l’opular coycrs.

I Jam Session Samucl l)()\\ 's,

67 7| .\'ithsdalc Road. 423 ()l07. 8.30pm. l-rcc. llostcd hy lndcpcndcncc. I Live Music l.oadcd. Liquid l.oungc. 94 \Vcst chcnt Strcct. 353 6333. l0pttt. £5 (£4 on door). \Vcckly showcasc ol local artists.

I Live Music MacSorlcys. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 858l. 9pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hrcc hands to hc conlirmcd.


I Love with Arthur Lee 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 7pm. £15. l.cgcndary act from thc 70s hack on thc road again and still wowittg audicnccs.

OThe Magnificents and David Jack 'l‘hc \cnuc. l7 2| (’alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £6. Industrial clcctronica as thc Magniticcnts mark thcir album launch.

I Mr Greenfinger, The Jackals and The Mile 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. Moray llousc. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 8pm. £5. 'l'riplc hill ol' local indic lypcs.

I Blackjack Blues and Fred Whistlchinkics. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5| 14. 9pm. l-‘rcc. lndic guitar action with a hlucsy twist l'rom Blackjack Blucs.

I Bubblecraft and Brutal Goose llcriot-\\'att l'niycrsity l'nion. Riccarton. 45| 5333. 9pm. l'it‘cc. .-\tmosphcric ittdic lrom Buhhlccralt with hcayicr sounds from Brutal (ioosc‘. I Peter Michael Rowan (‘at‘é Royal Bistro Bar. l7 \Vcst chistcr Strcct. 557 4792. 9pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Thu 5. I Born to Be Wide 'l‘lic \'cnuc.

l7 2| (’alton Road. 557 3073.

l0pm 3am. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 5.


I The Haze l.aya l.oungc. 2 Ann Strccl. l0.30pm. £3. lndic rock at thc Bcatcluh.

58 THE LIST 5) if) F (3|) 200.”.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.


I The Michael Deans Quartet Bccr ('al‘c. ('atidlcriggs. 552 98 l 5.

9 l 1.45pm. l’rcc. .\lodcrn _ia// quarth lcd by tcnor sasman l)cans.


0 Konrad Wisniewski Quartet llcnry ‘s Jal/ (’cllar. 8 Morrison Strch. 467 .5200. 8.30pm. £5. Sa\opltonisl Konrad \Visnicw ski has a rich sound. rootcd in thc tradition ol' thc sasophonc giants. llc is just back l'rom Bcrklcc (’ollcgc in Boston. and will showcasc his ncyy attack and tcchniquc. 'l‘his rcplaccs ('olin Stcclc's Kind ol' Bluc. which will now hc hcard in April.


I Scott McGillvery Bahy (irand. 3 7 lilmhank (iardcns. 248 4942. 6pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scott .\lc(iil|ycry plays romantic songs with rcsidcnt pianist Danny as part of thc (’ity ol' l.oyc l'cstiyal.


I Big Band Concert l'csliyal 'l’hcatrc. l5 2‘) \ic‘olsott Slt‘c‘c‘l. 52‘) 6000. 7.30pm. £l0 (£8). 'l‘ltc RSAMI) show casc this cycnittg spcctacular of show -stopping numhcrs l'rom tlic worlds ol' Big Band and musical thcatt‘c.

I Swingin’ and Singin’ l'csliyal 'l'hcatrc. l5 2‘) NlL'olsoti Sll‘c‘c‘l. 52‘) 6000. 7.30pm. £l0. Bryan .'\llcn dit'ccts thc RS.-\.\ll) l‘oi' an cyctting ol show - stopping numhcrs li'om lltc worlds ol‘ Big Band and Musical 'l‘hcatrc.

O Konrad Wisniewski Quartet llciiry’s Ja/l ('cllar. 8 .\lorrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. Scc Thu 5.

I Guest Band Night 80 Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 2265097. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc. chularja/x night l‘caturing top Scottish _ia// groups.

I Angie King 80 ()uccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 2265097. 9pm midnight. lircc. Vocalist Angic King is joincd l‘or somc classic tuncs by licr trio.

I The Elephants ('ahat'ct Voltairc. .36 33 Blair Strcct. 220 6l76. 9pm. £thc. Hard-grinding. ska. gritty rcggac and al'ropunk l'rom Salsa ('cltica‘s 'l'ohy Shippcy.

I lnnasoul llcnry 's Ja// (‘cllaiz 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. midnight. £5. Sotil classics \\ ith rcggac sty lc. dccp (‘arihhcan l'unk grooyc l‘caturing Howard Bridgcs on \ocal and pcrcussion.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Ntcrchani‘s (‘omciz 18 John Strch 552 380l. 2.30 5.30pm. lircc. l)rummcr .\lc(iowan Icads his big hand with gucst \ocalists.

I Stewart Forbes Quartet Brcl. 3‘) 4.5 :\sltlon I.anc. 542 4966. .5 6pm. l-‘rcc. Jan standards and original colttposilions as pat'l ol- Iltc (‘in ol. l.o\ c l‘ic‘sllutl.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar 185. Buchanan llotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. 332 7284. 5.30pm. l'i'cc. chulat' swinging ia/l scssiott.

I Cafe Source Swing Five ('al'c Sourcc. I St :\litll'c‘\\ ‘s Squat'c. 548 6020. 8pm. £I6.95 tpricc includcs 2 coursc mcall. Vocallsl l-"ionna Duncan Icads thc smooching w ith loy c classics lt'ottt 30s and 40s. lcaturing guitarist Duncan l‘indlay. trombonist. (icorgc Kidd. clarincttist lyan llcndcrson and drummcr .lim ()'.\'cil.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()'.\'ci|l's. 7|. .-\|hion St. 5520822.

9 l 1.45pm. l’rcc. Vocalist liddic sings his way through Amcrican songbook standards.

CHICK LYALL PLAYS ORNETTE COLEMAN Ornette Coleman’s revolutionary impact on jazz is felt even more strongly now than in the firmament of the 605, when he was at the centre of a storm of controversy in jazz’s ongoing internecine warfare. His freeing of melody and rhythm from established jazz practices has slowly become a pervasive influence, and is heard regularly in the work of bands like Trio AAB and the Bad Plus. Chick Lyall’s Trio are less commonly associated with it, and it will be fascinating to hear the pianist’s take on Ornette’s music. (Kenny Mathieson)

I Henry's Ja// Col/(tr. {dinning/i. l/i/od 16‘ lab.

I Campbell Considine and Stewart Harrison Duo 'l‘hc Suppcr (‘luh Mcrchant Squarc. (’andlcriggs. 9pm. lircc. Swinging _ia// yocals with Stcw art llarrison on bass. I Danny Thompson Baby (irand. 3 7 lilmbank (iardcns. 248 4942.

6pm midnight. l-‘rcc. Danny 'l‘hompson and l'ricnds on thc thcmc ol‘ loying as part of tlic (‘ity of Low l'cstiyal.

I Stuart Gorman Quartet Blackl‘t'iat‘s. 36 Bcll Sti'cct. 552 5924. 9.30pm. I‘rcc. laid back ja/l from this young quartct lcd hy guitarist Stuart (iot'tltatttt as part of thc (‘ity of Low l‘cstiyal.


0 Courtney Pine l'shcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 8pm.

£ l 3.50 £16.50. Suprcmo sax playcr l’inc \ycay cs liastct'n and :\si;lll inl'lucnccs into his latcst sound. playing tuncs from his ncw alhum l)c\olion. llc is supporch hy .\lc.\ican- born guitarists Rodrigo y (iahricla whosc traycls hayc inspircd ncw. dynamic sounds.

C) Konrad Wisniewski Quartet llcnry's Jan (char. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. Scc Thu 5.

I Carol Kidd Quccn‘s llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. 663 20l‘). 8.30pm. £l2.50 £25 t£|0.50 £23). Scotland’s lirst lady ol‘

ja/l continucs to build on hcr

rcputation as a lirst-ratc intcrprctcr of standards.

I BOQSt House Band 80 ()uccn Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strccl. 2265097. 9pm midnight. l-‘rcc. Modcrn ja/l classics l't'om this dynamic tiyc-piccc.

I Rumba Caliente llcnry’s Jal/ ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. midnight. £6. Sis-piccc band lcad hy Salsa (‘cltica trumpctcr 'l‘oby Shippcy. proy iding thc lincst in hot raunchy l.atin sounds.


I Jazz Brunch ('al'c Sout'cc. I St :\ndrcw’s Squarc. 548 6020. lpm. £8.50. Bohli} \Vishart and l'ricnds play a _ia// brunch on a spccial loyc thcmc