

The Arches, Glasgow, until Sat 21 Feb 0..

The smell of smoke and burnt wood that hangs over Andy Arnold’s promenade production devised from Seamus Heaney’s verse translation of this medieval epic - adds dark atmospherics to the process, if it also gives one pause to make an uneasy glance at the fire exits now and then. But it’s right that it should be there, for the dark, dank universe of these ancient Danish antecedents to our own world gives a ringing authenticity to this piece.

The story is that of a domain benighted by the bloodthirsty Grendell, a creature that takes over a patch of the Danish King Hrothgar’s (Finlay McLean) territory, slaughtering and devouring all those who come near. Along comes Beowulf (Tam Dean Burn) and his band of Scandinavian machos to destroy the creature, but other perils arise to blight the happiness of Hrothgar’s people, so the big guy returns for some more aggro with the creatures

of the night.

Arnold’s production provides some visual fireworks throughout its promenade process, as we follow a 30-strong cast of students from the RSAMD through the cavernous interior of

the Arches’ maze of dark spaces, witnessing weird inventions and treated to bizarre

percussionary rhythms. The monsters themselves, created from a human pyramid of students, are very effective. Burn’s Beowulf is a scary as fuck, while the measured despair of McLean’s quietly political King is well played.



Dundee Rep, run ended; on tour until Sat 13 Mar

Right play, wrong time

Terry Johnson's comedy is at an awkward age. first seen in 1994 and set. two years earlier. at the time of the deaths of Benny Hrll and Frankie Hoxr/erd. it is currently too young to be a period piece and too old to be topical.

It means that when we see a group of friends in their mid to late-80s, dressing and talking pretty much like anyone of the same age today. we are confused by their obs :ssion With Carry On films. music hall entertainers and long dead comedians. A Dead l unny Society dedicate< to old

68 THE LIST l -’:l, J

school comedy wouldn't be impossible today. but .1 makes full sense only when we remember this is all 12 years ago.

When, for example. one of them refers to Ben Elton as sf he were the anti Christ standing against the great traditions of llléllltSll‘fI‘Ell“. British comedy. we have to think back to Elton the iilyective—spouting lefty. not Elton the writer of dodgy West End musicals.

this is why in Borderline's production. directed by Brian Pettifer. Johnson's attempt to mix the silliness of slapstick comedy with the psychological truth of real life is not entirely successful. Where traditional comedy deals in sexual innuendo, here the characters genuinely drop their trousers; where so mucl‘ humour is based on tea." of homosexuality. here the most sympathetic character is gay: and where no one gets hurt in comedy Violence, here the custard pie fight is fuelled by real anger.

But the connections are not as obwous as they should be. making it feel like we're watching two plays at once: one a Jolly romp through old time sketches. the other a bleak drama of marital infidelity. Despite this. as soon as the characters' dilemmas become more urgent than their comic obs 2ssions. the production gets very funny indeed. llvtark l isheri

But there’s some loss of Heaney’s wonderful verse in its sprinkling through a multitude of voices, rendering it occasionally inaudible and concept of its first room. All the same, it’s confusing. So too, while Brian Hartley’s set is beautifully constructed on, no doubt, few

Tam Dean Burn: Scary

resources, I was left a bit mystified by the link between the tale and the middle-modernist

darkly smart and cleverly executed, making it well worth watching. (Steve Cramer)

VHS (2A1, ABOO Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 1—Sat 5 Mar 000

7"ere were a o'. :2‘ ‘rigi‘fenezi heterosexual niei‘ :n the aid ence t'xhen i sax: this

to." "g :2":)::.;ct on a: the Lona/n. it January Perhaps l was one of then‘. For Drew

gaynson's aggresswe-g sexuai sed Ph-iip Salton starts this l‘TLJC": talked-about ntuszcal

2:. George a"::‘ Mark Dares wt“. a foray into the audier‘ce that aggressively

week's <:..t We c enter}. it's a grand turn. and one the befrockeo Jaymsor‘ ina-ntains foot as cot“ "greater and character.

\.'.'e're too. " ins tale of star ‘rockeo’ ioters. of the trials and ti':bulat'oits of one Bity Declar‘ Bermet? a ‘.'.a"".ai>e photographer who leaves the depressive. Thatcher- l)€?".'§l"f(}(l si“a o‘ "is b *2“. for farne and fortune tn London. Here he meets Boy George Stephen Asl‘fzelo who oexe'ops a crush on lizin But Bil'i, only has eyes for K n~ Ash’e-gn (Brat . so (3 aorge "l()‘.’(38 ()l‘ to future pop star Marilyn James Gillani.

(‘1 o‘.'.-::-r;"g orer fr‘e entrre C:"()‘.'.':l' .s Lergt‘ Bowen, 'Robert Shelly star ding in for Mark 1 Itie oi‘ the :la', . arcl‘ ~i;ii":>;.'atcr and outrageoiis dresser. the great. arguabiy malign <:o"t":>' e" o‘ t" s 'ne'tager‘e Drugs infiltrate the seedy. gender-bending c .i'o scene. a":: tales o‘ tragedy and sur‘nual ‘<:"o'.'.'.

CW stooher l?<:-"sha'.'.”s production >oasts some grand movement and danc ng. and Bo, George's "‘itifSKZ. '.'.h:clt creates some pretty agreeabie musical numbers a ()"§}f;'(l(;~ tl‘e :: :t ‘are o‘ Do Your Rea/ii; ‘.'/(:,rt.‘ To Hurt f/i'e? Karina Chameleor‘. and so ‘::"t".. It a‘ comes along nicer. On the (t':)‘.'.‘7‘.fsl(l(}. there's slight touch o‘ tabloid Cliche " the My drags he'l' second hal‘. and ~.'.rl‘ale Shelly makes a game Job < .."(l(}"f;l‘.i(t\. "g Lift-e. one ca"'t help but fee: that the presence and t weathcal saw.) of the after ‘.'.'as r" ss'ng an this ::ru<;:ai role. Ashlield's George gives a strong i;-::-r‘or":aricc-. and bears a (rut, uncanny. resemblance to the man hvnse‘. Outrageous costumes. "gl‘ campen. and the return o‘ Mark Little should make thus a good night

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Mark Little (centre) as Leigh Bowerey