l.ady Stan’s llousc. Lady Stair's('1osc. 529 4901. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. Dorothy Dunnett (1923-2001) l'ntil Sat 20 Jun. A locus on tltc lilc and work of author Dorothy 1)unnctt who pcnncd [amoral (‘lumit'r/m. King llr'l'r'it/ir'l'. 'I'ln' Hullu’ (If.\ii‘('U/H :tlttl tltc ./U/lll.\'ull JU/my‘mt dctcctiyc scrics.


l'niycrsity ol' Dundcc. 13 l’crth Road. 01382 345330.

Sally Osborn: A Sketch of the Universe l'ntil 1’ri 5 Mar. 'l‘hc rcsults ol' Sally ()sborn's rcsidcncy with tltc c\hibitions dcpat'tmcnt taking tltc l'niyct'sity o1 l)undcc's looIogical collcction ()1. Sir D‘Arcy \Vcntworth 'l‘hotttpson ( 1800 1948) as hcr starting poittt.

Beasts Both Small and Great 1'ntil Hi 5 Mar. li\ccrpts liront lcttcrs by Sir D'Arcy \Vcntworth Thompson arc illustratcd by spccimcns liront thc collcclion.

Other Trace Evidence Sat (1

Mar 1‘ri 23 Apr (Lamb (iallcry 1. An cxhibition cxploring how womcn hayc gonc l‘rom bcing tltc 'ittycstigatcd' to tltc ‘inycstigator’.


152 thhcrgatc. 01382 909900.

'l'uc \Vcd. Sat & Sun 10.30am 5.30pm: 'l’hu ck l‘ri 10.30am 8pm.

George Shaw: What I Did This Summer l'ntil Stttt 21 .\lar.'1‘hc lirst Scottish showing ol’ paintings by

(’oy cntry -bot'n artist (icorgc Shaw. l'sing llumbrol cnamcl paint lmorc commonly associach with modcl airplattcsl. hc paittts tltc mundanc lt'om council cstatc

footpaths to pttb carpat'ks. in thcsc rich cy'ocations ol' placc attd tttcmory.

No Films: Anna Klamroth and Deimantas Narkevicius t'ntil Sun 28 Mar. A showing ol' films by Anna Klamroth attd l)cimantas Nztl'kCVlCllls which cxplorc lost idcals and harsh rcality. Joanne Thompson l'ntil Sun 7 Mar. chcllcry by tltis lidinburgh (‘ollcgc of Art graduatc.

Stephen Bird l'ntil Sun 7 Mar. Pottcry inspircd by traycls to lttdia. Asia and Attstralia.

Grace Girvan 'l‘uc 9 Mar Sun 25 Apr. chcllcry' by ()rkncy -born (iracc (iiryan which combincs lottnd objccts with prccious matcrials.

Spring Flowers 'l'ttc 9 Mar Stttt 25 Apr. A display of work by cralt tnakcrs l'caturing ccramics. tcxtilcs attd handbags.


25 20 Mid \Vynd. .\lid \Vynd Industrial listatc. 01382 225982. Thu Sttn

noon 5pm.

An Elegant Universe 8: the Frog and the Scorpion l'ntil Stttt 14 Mar. 'l‘wo two-pct‘sotts shows arc brottgltt togcthcr iii an cxploration o1 collaboration l‘caturing l.ondott-bascd l)ictmar luv and (iilcs Round attd (ilasgow-bascd Jakob Anckarsyard attd Bcn I)cmbroski.

a-n Artists’ Events Scotland Sat 13 Mar. 3 ()pm. him. To book a placc call 0191 241 8000. Art maga/inc a-n prcscnts an cy cnt looking at collaboratiyc practicc witlt prcscntations lrom Magnilitat attd ('abin lixchangc. discussions. nctworking opportuttitics and onc-to-onc scssions.


Albcrt Squarc. 01382 432084. Mon ch & 1’ri Sat 10.30am 5pmz'1‘hu

10.30am 7pm; Stttt 12.30 4pm. Snapped! Dundee People and Places Sat (i Mar Sttn 25 Apr. 1)undcc Photographic Socicty cclcbratcs its 125th

The Paps from the Mainland by Kurt Jackson on show at the Dundas Street Gallery

anniycrsary with this exhibition ol' oy'cr 100 imagcs from 1881) to thc prcscnt day. NEW SHOW.

Outside the Cities



'l'hc Rotuttda. Stcnton Road. (11592 508045.

Meet the Artist: David Mach Thu 1 1 Mar. 7 9.30pm. £8. Adyancc booking ncccssary. l‘it‘c-born artist attd sculptor Day‘id Mitch. tltc crcator of Big llcids on tltc M8 motorway ncar (ilasgow. talks about his work attd his inyolycmcnt with tltc (‘cntrc for ('rcatiy'c lndttstrics at (ilcnrothcs ('ollcgc.



1 High Road. 01098 251000. \Vcd 10am 5pm; 'l'hu 10am 7pm; 1-‘ri Sat 10am 5pm; Stttt noon 5pm. l'rcc. Living Paint l'ntil Sttn 21 Mar. ()y'cr 40 works by Scottish ('olottt'isl ll) l'crgussott including landscapcs. nudcs. portraits and still lil‘c.



35 'l'hc Stirling Arcadc. 01786 479361. \Vcd Sat 1 lattt 5pm.

Work in Progress t'ntil Sat 13 Mar. For tour wccks. cach wcck. thrcc artists w ill bc using tltc spacc to makc and prcscnt ncw work or cxpcrimcnt with ncw idcas. Artists inclttdc 'l'racy Bcgg. Vicky 11alc. Stcphcn Murray. 1.i/ l’cnman. l’ranccs Ryan and (iarry Wilson.

a-n Seminar for Artists Sat 0 Mar. 1 3pm. l‘rcc. Art tnaga/inc u-n hosts this onc day scminar for artists with tltc aim of cttcouraging tltc usc of thc (‘odc ol l’racticc l‘or tltc Visual Arts.

, t " . i \



Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities And Fun

Pottery Workshops Sat 0 & Sat 13 Mar. noon (rpm. £5. 1-‘ircworks Studio. 35a 1)alhousic Strcct. 332 3738. Agcs 4+. Paint pots or hay c a go on tltc pottcr's whch in thcsc wcckly workshops lior cltildt'cn.

Saturday Art Club Sat (1 is Sat 1.3 .\lat‘. 10am 1pm. 1’rcc.(ia11cry o1 .\lodcrn Art. ()uccn Strcct. 229 199(t. 1‘un art actiy itics l'or childrcn agcd 3 l0 rclating to art on display with drawing. collagc. sculpturc making attd gamcs parcnts catt gct stuck in too. Ouroboros Creative Exploration Day Stttt 7 .\1ar. noon 4pm. £4. (‘('A. 350 Saucltichall Strcct. 352 4900. Workshops l‘or childrcn bascd on cyclical thcmcs ol‘ naturc. rcgcttcration and crcatiy ity inspircd by tltc ancicnt symbol ()urobot‘os tltc snakc that dcyours its own tail.

Spring Has Sprung Sun 14 Mar. noon 2pm. £3. ('('A. 350Sauchicha|1 Stt‘ccl. 352 4900. A workshop itt origami bascd on spring l'olding and crcating windmills. kitcs. animals attd llowcrs.


That Picture Just Sang Me a Story! Sat 0 .\lat‘. 10am 5pm. (iallcry ol' Modcrn Art. Quccn Strcct. 229 199(t. World-trayclling story tcllcr liwan ML‘Vic‘itt‘ lL‘ll\ (I talc or lyso \\ ith thc ltclp o1 objccts in thc gallct'y attd tttodcrn music yiolin/clarinct duo 'l‘wo's (’ompany. 'l’hc group commissioncd nittc Scottish cotttposcrs to writc ltlttsic lo intcrtw inc w itlt liwan's storics. and tltc outcomc is lull ol‘ art. tun. audicncc participation and storics with a dill'crcncc.

Children’s Classic Concerts - Going Global Sat 13 Mar. 3pm. £9.50 (£5); family tickct £20. Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. Alasdair .\Ia1|oy prcscttts this musical world tour with cclcbrations. licstas attd carniyals pcrl‘ormcd by tltc Royal Scottish National ()t'chcstt'a. conductcd by ('ht‘istophct‘ Bcll.

Busted 'I'uc lo & ch 17 Mar. 7pm. £20. S1i(‘(‘. 1‘innicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. Pop with a punky cdgc l'rom this thrcc piccc boy band.

Theatre & Dance Henny Penny Chicken Licken Sat () Mar. 2pm. £4 (£3.50). Scottish Mask & l’uppct 'l'hcatrc ('cntrc. 8 l0 Balcarrcs Aycnuc. Kclyindalc. 339 0185. Ian 'l'urbitt’s l’uppct 'l‘hcatrc prcscnts a host of traditional talcs with songs. slot‘ic‘s and audicttcc participation. Deep Sea Adventures Sun 7 Mar. £8; l‘our tickcts £27. Sli(‘(’. l-‘innicston Quay. 08700404000. lhc Kcttlcrs arc in good yoicc lo t'ccot‘d tltcit' Itcyy \ tdco attd tltc) 'rc on tltc lookout l'or an audicttcc with a starring rolc. Bear in the Big Blue House Live Thu | 1 Sat 13 Mar. 'l‘htt ()pttt‘. 1‘ri 2pm a (tpm: Sat 11am. 2pm & 5pm. £9.50 £15. ('lydc Auditorittttt. liittnicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. Join 'I‘V's Bcar in tltc Big Bluc llottsc attd all his l'ricnds l'or this singing and dancing cxtrayagan/a. Scc photo caption. Anansi the Magic Spider Sat 13 Mar. 2pm. £4 (£3.50). Scottish Mask 1k l’uppct 'l‘hcatrc (‘cntt'c. 8 It) Balcat'rcs Aycttuc. Kclyindalc. 339 (1185. Jack ‘(1' l.antcrn tc1| tltc talc o1‘.-\1‘rica's layouritc l'olk hcro through tltc mcdittm of shadow puppctry. l-‘ollow tltc littlc spidcr on his big adycnturcs.

.2 '18 Mar Kid-1 THE LIST 99