Film index

Monsters, Inc. tl'i oooo tl’clc I)octcr. [‘S. 3(XH l John (ioodman. Bill} (’ryxtal. Stcx'c Buxccnii. 92min 'l’hc latcxt ('(il animation from 'Im' Slurr makcrx l’ixar ix xct largcly in Moiixtropolix. a city inhahitcd hy thc t‘oulcxt ol hcaxtx. 'l‘hc nionxtcrx ptmcr their city by xcnding 'xcarcrx' through doorx which tclcport thcm into childrcn'x roomx. ()ncc thcrc, thc} pull laccx at thc kidx. producing xhriclx'x ol tcrror. “hich arc hottch hack in Monstropolix atid tixcd ax a xourcc ol‘ cncrg)’. It's a ncat idca. but \\ hat rcall) lil'tx thc lilm i.x thc xciixc ol' tun that pcnadcx thc \xholc moVic. .U(Hl.\'l(’l‘.\. Im~ runx ax \llltmlhl)’ ax a lairground xlidc that no onc ix too big to cnjo}. .Vnrllt Iz'iliIi/mrgli Jll’lx (.(Vlll’t’. Iii/iii/mrg/i.

Mystic River t ISi ooo «(‘lini liaxtxxood. l'S. 2003) Scan l’cnn. 'l'ini Rohhiiix. Kcvin Bacon. I.aurcncc l-‘ixhhurnc. 137mm. 'l‘hrcc ho}.x from a xmall .xuhurh in Boxton xcc thingx in tlicir childhood thc} mayhc xhouldn't. Ycarx latcr thc past comcx hack to hitc thcm on thc arxc. Scanilcxx. xlightl)‘ north}. \crxion of l)cnnix [chanc'x hcxtxcllcr. hut ax uxual liaxtuood dclixcrx xomcthing that ix hoth lllItL‘lC\\ and ixxuc lcd. .St'lr'i‘lt't/ I'(’/(’(l.\('.

0 Northrork tl’(ii eeoe tMichacl l’olixh. [S 2002) Nick .\'oltc. Janicx \Voodx. l)arr)l Hannah. ‘Mmin. Scc rcx'ic“. (ii-"I: (ilmgmi‘: Film/must: Iz'iliIi/mrg/i. Notting Hill t Hi 00. tRogcr Michcll. l'K. 1999) Julia Rohcrtx. Hugh (iraiit. Hugh Bonncx'illc. 123mm. In a no“ prohihitn'cl} cxpciixixc part ol London. (irant'x l()\\l_\' hookxcllcr litcrall} humpx into Rohcrtx' tilm xtar. 'l‘licrcaltcr. thcy cngagc in romantic purxuitx and L'Vcntuall} ptit claxx and culturc claxth axidc to livc happil) crcr al'tcr. 'l‘hc lcadx don't xtrain


~ .3'

thciiixchcx. hut Richard (’urtix' xcript ix lillcd \xith \xitt} iokcx. particularl} about national xtcrcot}pcx ()i/ro/i iii'Ut’l' Hui/m. Ifilili/mrgli.

One Last Chance 1 tSi oo

tStcu art Saaxand. l'K. liltiin ‘)(itttlll. Scc t'L‘\ icu. Xt'lt'i’lt’i/ I‘c'li’uu'.

People I Know I lfii oo tl)anicl Algraiit. l‘Si(icrman}. ltltlli .-\| Pacino. Kim liaxingcr. R}an ()'.\'cal. 'l‘ca l.coni. Richard Schill. Bill .\'unn. ltltlmiii. lili \Vuruian tl’acinoi ix an agcing cclchrit} puhlicixt. Hix carccr ix on thc dounturn hut in liix autumn )carx hc xccmx morc than happ} to conccntratc on hix charit} \HH'ix. \Vlicn onc ol liix laxt rcmaining clicntx ol notc. a xlcal} actor calch (‘ar_\ l.auncr t()'.\'cali. callx on him to dixcrcctl} hail Jilli Hoppcr il.coiiii out of jail hc tindx liuiixclt cntaiiglcd iii a \\ ch ol' dcccit. .\lind numhing cix ic thrillcr. Sli'r (’i'nluri. Iii/iiiliuru/i. Perils of Pauline il‘i «(it-orgt- .\lat‘xhall. l‘S. I‘M") lictt} Hutton. John l.und.

('onxtancc ('ollicr. 93min. .\ Incl} hiopic ol'

xilcnt xtar l’carl \Vliitc. lillcd \xith cntcrtaiiiing xongx. minor charactcrx and comic momcnlx. ’l‘hc rc-cnactmcntx ol' thoxc cliff-hanging xilcnt xcrialx ix at'l'cctiouatcl} donc. SI Brit/("x ("viii/"c. lat/iii/iurg/i.

Peter Pan tl’(il .00 W] Hogan. t'S. 2W”) Jaxon lxaacx. Jcrcni) Sumptcr. Rachcl Hurd-Wood. l.udi\inc Sagnicr. ()li\ia \Villiamx. Richard liricrx. ltlfimin. (’lap )out' handx il' )ou hclic\ c in ran-ich ()nc hundrcd _\carx on l'rom llic original pla}. J.\l liarric‘x cnduring claxxic ix hrought to lilc h} :\ll\ll';tli;tll dircctor l’J Hogan tllurii'l'x Hit/(ling. .llr Hm! l‘il'lit'lltlo lli’i/ilmgi. Sumptuotix in itx production. thc cl'l’cctx drcamcd up h} .llou/in ,\’Ullfl("\ dircctor oi photograph} arc magical. hut thc rcal ltottlx til _\ou'll pardon thc punt ix iii thc

a question of casting... (scottish performance industries and their policies)

a gateway conference

thursday 18th march

gateway theatre, edinburgh

for up to date information and to book on/ine visit or contact gain on 0131 31 7 3970

40 THE LIST 19 Feb-«1 Mar 2004

charactcrixation. \xhcrc Hogan gocx right to thc hcart ol' liiii‘i'ic"x px}cliologica| Ixxucx. \Vcnd} and l’clcr on thc cuxp ol' childhood and adulthood xtrugglc \\ ith thcir conllictuig inxtinctx lor innoccncc. adwnturc. lrccdom. lox c and inaturit}. Strong pcrt'ormanccx trout thc lxidx and gt'o\\tltlp\. and a particularl} nicc camco rolc for Richard liricrx ax Smcc. cnxurc _\ou'll hc clicci'mg tor ‘l'inlxcrhcll ax lici‘ litlll'} -llf._'lll\ ltltlL‘. St'lt't lt'i/ I't'lt’tlu.

Pieces of April t 12m 000. it’t-icr llcdgcx. IS. 20th Katic Holincx. l’atricia (‘Iarkxoir ()Iixcr l’latt. Dcrclx lukc. Scan lla}cx. .'\ll\0ll I’ill. "0mm. April tllolmcxi ix coolxittg dinncr tor Iicr until t'cccntl} cxtrangcd lamil} uhcn xhc dixcm crx that licr o\ cn hax hrolxcn domi. 'l'o makc niattcrx \mrxc licr ncu hlack ho} t'ricnd li.lll\L‘l hax m) xtcriouxI} gonc .'\\\'( )l. and thc cmotionall} \olatilc .'\[‘l'll niuxt axlx hcr ncighhourx lot‘ liclp. hut thix ix .\'c\\ Yorle |.o\\cr liaxt Sidc arid licr nciglihourx arc ax l'ricndl} ax xuicidc homhcrx. :\pril'x taunl}. lcd h} tcrniuiall} ill iiitiiii .lo_\ i(‘larlxxoni L‘\[\L'L‘l lltL‘ tltt} lti lic‘ .t tlthlL‘l'. l'i\c‘t‘llt'lll. lrcnctic ‘l‘hanlxxgit ing tarcc trom thc lnlhglint tdigital and lou hudch .'\lltt‘l'lc';tll lillll \c‘lttitiI/Ilttn L'lltc‘ltl. .Vt'Ii't It't/ It’ll (1H. Playtime tl’( ii 0... t.lacqucx 'lati. l‘rancc. WOW .lacqucx rm. liarhara chnclx. Jacquclinc l.cconitc. l53inin. .\lonxicur llulot. ttixxlmg \\llll tlic modcrn \torld ax ttxual. lollou x a group ol .-\mcrican tourixtx around a garixh and hi tccli l’arix ol concrctc and glaxx. l‘udcrxalucd latcr 'l'ati. “ith thc actor ‘tzm‘x xlapxticlx ol old o\ci‘xhado\\cd h} tan thc du‘cctor'x maxtcrl} control ot' thc \Hdcxcrccn lranic. (imnw. l-fi/I'II/mrg/i.

The Pledge t l5i O... tScan l’cnn. IS. 2001 i Jaclx \icholxon. Rohui \Vriglil


Northfork: prairies, i

rogress and m

ndustrial p

l’cnn. Sam Shcpard. lliniin. In thc cold mountain rcachcx ol \mada tlic bod} ol' a littlc girl ix lound. rapcd and murdcrcd. .-\ xunplc mindcd Nam c :\lltL‘l'lc‘;lll ix xxxil'tl} takcn into cuxtod} and a conlcxxiou ix c\tractcd. lollouiiig \xhich tlic man lxlll\ llllthc‘ll..'\l1t)pL‘ll and xhut caxc . . lor cxcryinc hut Jcrr} Black tan admirahl} ont kc} Nicholxoni. a rctiring policc ol'liccr \xho thuikx lhc} hax c thc \irong man. (’ouchcd in thc comcntionx ol~ a thrillcr. l’cnn‘x third liliu ax dirccloi ix lirxt and l'orcnioxt a compclluig px} chological xtud} of a middlc agcd man attcmptmg to gi\ c liix lilc nicauing poxt rctircnicnt. .lci/) and MM} ()lxon Kt'ottioltm xki'x xcript. adaptcd lroni l’ricdrich Durrcmnatl‘x lto\ cl. lxccpx thingx aniliiguoux. l’ciui countcrx thix. du'ccting \\ ith an cxcii hand and caxtuig a xoinhrc mood o\cr thc procccdingx. ('unim. Ici/i'Ii/iurg/i.

Possession t Ih'i t.‘\ndr/c| lirlau xki. l-rancc/(icrman}. I‘LS’I I l\ahcllc .'\tl|;tlll. Sam \cill. \largit (’arxtcnxcn. l.‘ iniin. 'l‘hix xtunning compoxition \Hlil c\ccptional canicrauorlx and hrilliant uxc ol colour tcllx thc \loi'} ol a man who rcturnx to licrlin lroiii a uorlx axxignuicnt ui liaxtcrn lituopc to dixcowr liix \xilc unole in a hcatcd al'tair. llc lirxt xuxpcctx anothcr man but tlux paxxionatc thrillcr holdx an outragcouxl} hi/ai'rc l\\l\l. film/mun: lailm/vm'g/i. Power Trip t l_‘i tl’aul l)c\liii. l'S. .‘lltHi 35min. .\ documcntation ol an x\|tlt'llc‘;llt po\\ cr conlpan} ‘x attcuiptx to i'cgulatc clcctricil} in thc I'ornicr Soxict chulilic ol (icorgia. lo xa_\ thc clcclricit} nicn arc nict \\llll xtrong rcxixtancc l'rom tlic local pcoplc \tould hc xouictlung ol ati tindcrxtatcmcnt. conxidcring blackmail. \ahotagc and murdci' ligurc in thc \lttl_\. I'l/Hl/IHHH'. Ia/in/rm‘g/i.