Clubs listings

Edinburgh Saturdays continued

I The til \VL‘L‘ Red littl'.

llpiii .itiiii. £4.50 i£4i. \Veekl}. Still the hext mi\ ol indie. (\llx gtirtige. northern \tilll. \kti. 7th punk tind nexx \\;l\ e _\oii're likel} to \ttigger tiermx. .-\ \\ ell |o\ ed lllSlllllllUll thtit reliixex to elitinge.

I El Barrio tit lil Btirrio. ltlpm .itim. i'iliL'L‘. \Vt‘k‘l’xl}. See liilttl.

I Fiesta Latina tit ’l'e\iot Ron l'nion. 0.30pm 2tim. £.l.5() t£3.5l)i. l3 Mtir. Moiitlil}. Still going \ti'ong tlllL‘l' ten )L‘tiix ol' \uppl}ing the hext in \tilxti. inerengtie. iiitiinho tind other l.titin rh} llllll\ t‘tilll’lt'S} ol' I).l l’tineho \\ ith ti l'ree dtinee L‘lttSS from the Stilxti :\nge|\ tit 0.30pm.

I Flaunt tit .\ltl\\;l. l lpm ,5tllll.

£0 £lll. l3 Mtir. l‘ortnightl). .\loiie_\penn} \ prexeiit llll\ night ol' timelexx eluh L‘l;l\\lt‘\ thtit intide houxe llltl\lL' \ilitit it ix todti). \Vith 'I‘omin} (itillo. Mtii‘eo Smith and .loii lidutirdx.

I Funkysensual tll l’o .\';i .\';i.

9pm .itim. l‘i'ee hel’ore l lpm; £5 tlllL‘l'. \Veekl}. Hot mi\ ol' um}. l'tink} hoth ltllhlt‘ l'roin Mtirk B.

I Ginuwine tit ligo. lllpin .itim. £5 hel'ore midnight; £" tiltei‘. (i Mtir. l-‘ortnighth. .\'e\\ Rth tind hip hop night from iiitiiiil‘loor rexidentx Ritehie Rllllltillt‘. Sl. tind M(' l’rolixee tind (iino llltllh the htuenient.

I Give it Some! tit the Bongo (’ltih. llpm 5:111]. £3 hel'ore midnight; £5 illlt‘l’. l.i Mtir. Month|_\. l’etitiiring the hext in l'unk. \Ulll. iti/I tiiid till thtit inxpired hip hop.

I The Groove Collective tit Berlin. 1 lpm .‘tim. l-ree hel'ore llpni; £5 tiller. l3 Mtir. llUthL‘ li‘om lltigg} tind lltii'i‘). I Headspin tit the Bongo ('liih. .\'e\t dtite 2" Mtir.

0 Hoffbeat tit Berlin Bierhtiiix.

llpiii .itim. £5. (i Mtir. Montlil}. 'l'he l‘tinke} nitigie gti_\ \ tiiid llol'lhetit tire here \\ llll more til. [littl deep litithe _\Ull lti\ L‘ \ti miieh. (me time lidiiihurgh loetil turned Btireelonti rexidetit Miii‘i'ti} Riehtirdxon i2(l:2ll \ixioni l'liex in lor the night too. I Joy til the Venue. llpiii .itmi. £ll) i£t\’ lllt‘llli‘t‘l'Sl. l.i Mtir. Monthl}. l'p—lroiit. dirt} lltilISL' gi'oo\e\ on the iiitiiii lloor troni .'\l;lll tk Mtiggie .lo} tind Brett King to work )oii tip into ti ltither on the iiitiiii l'loor. I’lux 'l'rend} \Vend} tiiid Still} l-"x eheek} llll\ ol \oul. lllllk tind elitirt in the tlii\\lt\ltilt’\ \lllle. Note llltll in} l\ ;t L‘lllh l'or gti} people tind their lrieiidx.

I Kiss Kiss Bang Bang tit .\l;l\\il. It).3lliiiii .itini. £5 hel'oi'e midnight; £t\’ tilter. (i Mtir. l‘rexh. ne\\ lortnightl} Stit ptii‘t) l‘oi' hold tind hetititil'til girlx tind


88 THE LIST -'- ’.'.t:'

ho_\\ hitting the ttirget \\ ith ti hlend ol' glorioux \oetil llUUSC tind l'iink} diseo hetitx. ()peniiig night on (r Mtir \xith l.l\;t l.itt|e\\ood. .\’e\\ton k Stone tind .\'eil (.l'titil’xSlUll.

I Live at the Witch Trials tii (‘tihtiret \‘olttiii'e. (nil) lllptti. £5. l3 Mtir. l‘ndei‘ le i‘oek eluh \\ ith Mtitt and Dr (ion/o ttiking it to the nut le\el oi dertinged dtirk miixie in tl\\tk‘ltlll0ll \xith (iothtim tind \ightneux.

I Luvely til the liquid Rtiiillt.

lllpm 5tiin. £12 t£lll ineniherxi. (i Mtir. Montlil}. .\ \tltIL‘} \oiree. getii‘ed lti\\ttl'tl\ ti gti_\/mi\ed erou d tind lt‘illlll'lllg’ ti lllll\lt' polie) ol lull-on. drix ing iltilISL‘ lrom l‘t‘\ltlL‘lll\ 'I‘onim} K. (il’. .\'e\\ton ik Stone tittd .ltii‘ed.

I Messenger Sound System tii the Bongo ('liih. llpiii .itim. £7. (\ Mtir. l‘ortnightl). litlSS ol' houel-«hil'ting pi‘opot'tionx ;l\ the might} Mexxenger Sound S}\tem hItixtx out the hext in righteoiix i'oot\ tind duh reggtie. [entitling the _\oiiiig lion .r\l'riktin Siiiihti tlS .\l(‘.

I Microphonic tit the ('elltir Btu: lllpni .itim. £the. l3 Mtir. l-‘oi'tiiiglitly l’rogrexxn e houxe \\ ith ti tuixt l'rom Yuttiro. Snook. (irtint l’ tind Ro/ ik l.o/ on rottition.

I Mission Jnr tit Studio 24. Illpin, £5. \Veekl). (ioth. roek. ptink tiiid ol eourxe till thtit nu mettil \itil'l’ thtit the kidx L‘l';l\L‘ \tt ltlllt‘lt. St) ll~ j.till e\et‘ “UlltlL‘l’L‘tl “here till thoxe hltiek eltid _\out|i\ from the top ol (‘oekhiirn Street \ient tilter dtirk look no l'urther. 'l‘he hext tind origiiitil tinder le mettil gtithering iii

I Mission tit Studio 21. llpiii .itim. £5 t£-l niemherxi. l3 Mtir. ltoi'tiiif—"ith. .\'ig|it ol~ niettil iiiti_\heni. goth roek tiiid more l'roni the dtirk\ide ti retil lidinhiirgli lll\llllllltili.

I Moving Through tit (‘tilwtu'ei \'olttiire. lll..5l)|\lll .itiin. £S (UH. (i Mtir. Monthl}. .\ l'ree lloxtin' itini tlitit pit\ the u it\ ol to e hretikhetit di'enehed hothe oiitlit 2\ lil tigtiinxt the turiittihilixm tlllllL‘\ ol llt‘dtlSPll] nut iohx. the RL‘Stllltlllt‘t'.

I Nu Groove Noir tit (‘oni l-Lxelitiiige. Spin .itim. £9. l3 Mtir onl}. .\ night ol' on!) the hext in (it)\. ."llx tmd northern \oul. lt‘ullll'ill}: 'l'err} .lonex iSouthpoi‘t \Veekenderi. Keith \Vhitxon tind Mtirk l.iiiton. l’lL‘tlSL‘ note: there ix ti \trietl) no ttiletini ponder on the dtinee lloor polie} oi' llll\ \\ ill he our lilSl dtinee.

I Opal Lounge tit ()ptil l.otinge. Illpni Stun. £5. \Veekl}. l)ti\e Shedden u itli lllx mi\ ol tllSL‘U tind l'unk} lititISt‘ ll';lL‘l\\.





I Out of Sight tit \iehol lidutirdx. ltlpin .itim. £4, 2t) Mtir. Monthl}. .'\ mi\ ol' lllllSlL‘tll \t_\ lex l'i'oin \otite ol' the hext tip tind-eottiiiig ttileiil the etipittil ll;l\ to tililt‘l'. Rt'\lthlll\ Ilitik'Htl‘lll. \ltlll .\lel\'er\e}. Sttitirt Johnxton tind .ltimie Bohtine} letid _\oii through the retilmx ol~ old \ehool lo l'ttlik} liothe. litil'il lltilISt‘ tind \ill'xt‘tl \t} le loiingeeore.

0 Progression tii the liquid Room. lllfillpm .itim. £lll. l3 Mtir. Motitlil}. l)erek Mtirtiii. (i;l\ (irtint tind .'\lilll l)oh\on tire ioined h} l’i'iigi‘t'\\iiiii l‘tnotirite Dunn) llt\\\ell\. With pi'e-eluh xexxion til (it) ('til'e l'rom Spin.

I Rewind tit the liquid Room. \e\t dale 2-,. .\lttl'.

I Sophistifunk til (it): lidinhtirgh. llpiii .itim. £7 \Veekl}. Rexident l).l .lohn lllllt‘lllStill Pltl}\ liinked up Rth remi\e\ tind hou\e lllllL‘\ to ti hetititil'til L‘t‘imd.

0 Soul Biscuits tit llttltt‘}ettllll3. Illitlpm .itim. £S i£(ii. o Mtir. 'l‘he hip hop night ix htiek tlllt‘l' ti \tee hretik \\ ith l).l l’ltix l tl)M(‘ \Vorld elitimp tind no“

meiiiher ol' the Sertiteh l’er\ert\t htiek l'or

ti 'l)}ntimie |)uo reunion’ with lll\ old deknietil \ptirring ptirtner I).l li\trti. .Mxo li\ e M(‘ \killx l'rom the Seotltind Ytit'd tiioh. I'HI' I/ii'x (ltllt' u;i/\ ‘.\ lixl'i im/ lio/t/i'i'x gel 1.5 i'nlri ill/ Hie/ii.

I Super Saturday tit the Venue. lllfillpm .itini. £5. () Mtir. Monthl}. .»\nother ne\\ ie lor the Venue \\ ith three l'loorx ol lllttSllL‘tl up \tilllltl\ l'rom l'unk} houxe \ iti Rth to lull on trtinee \\ ith ti ltl;i\\l\ e D] l’tixlet‘ ill the \litipe til KM \Vright. l’tigtin. (itir_\ Mtie & Betin). \Vt‘eektige. ()li tind l'roxt) .l..St'i'/n'i'i1i'ii. I Tease Age tit (‘iiriix (‘liih

I lpm .itim. l'ree hel'oi‘e llfillpni; £5. \Veekl}. 'l‘liix indie \ltll\\;ll'l dixhex tip eu‘t'}thing l'rom \n inging (l(l\ lll[\ to htigg} Mtinehextei‘ l'ti\e\ ;l\ \\ ell ;l\ ti hoxt ot' eiirrent .\'.lIl-. elitirt hotherei'x.

I Thee Jailhouse tit 'l‘ex iot Rim l'nion. \eu dtite 27 Mtir.

I Ultragroove tit (‘tihtii'et \‘olttiire. llpiii Stim. £l2 i£ltli. l3 Mtir. lidinhtirgh'x peei'lexx retil ltUUSL' ptirt}

Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Wed 10 Mar

Trying to find good music on a weekday night can feel a bit like snuffling for truffles in a cesspit. With Edinburgh’s substantial student and layabout communities the situation should be better. A few nights buck the trend. Low Gravity began three years ago when the Liquid Room approached Edinburgh club ,eterans and Sublime backroom residents Gary Mac and eany to bolster their midweek schedule. According to Beany, the music policy is underground but accessible. ‘If we like something we’ll play it,’ he explains. ‘I mean, you say that and people get the idea you’re a wedding DJ or something. But it’s not like that all. We thought when we started that we might have to pander to a specific type of audience but that hasn’t been the case. People just seem to be up for good records.‘

The occasional guests have generally been a tasty proposition, and the birthday date sees Hybrid bring a 12-piece band with them. The Welsh progressive house act burst onto the scene in 1999 with the splendid ‘Finished Symphony’, have worked with Soulwax, Peter Hook and the St Petersburg

Heritage String Orchestra, released their second album, Morning Sci-Fi, last autumn, and are continuing to build on an already impressive live reputation. (James Smart)

\er\e\ up trtiek} gi'ooxex. \oull'ul \oetilx tind trihtil ltlliL‘\ in Studio I l‘roni rexident (itii‘eth Soinmer\ ille joined h) one ol' the ‘groo\e\ lilHltll‘llC \t)ll\ .loe} \egro l'or thix Btietirdi BBtii‘ \peeitil.

I Vain tit 'l’e\ iot Rim l'nion.

9pm .5tllll. £4 t£3i. (i Mtir. Monthl}. ’l‘eehno. goth. llltlllSll‘ltll. S’tlx and lit‘\\ roiiitintie tunex. So thtit'll he eheer} then.

I VEGAS! tit ligo. lilfilipm .itiiii. £‘) i£7 il' ‘l‘tihiilousl_\ drexxed‘ l. l3 Mtir. Monthl}. Hep dtidd} m ing. eoiintr} t‘l;t\\lt‘\ tind \lL‘ttl} lixtening \\ ith _\oiir high-kieking lli)\l\2 l'rtinkie Stimtitrti. Biigx} Setigull. l)ino Mtirtiiii tind the \ttmning \t‘gttx \lio\\git'l\. .r\nd do tr} to iiitike tin ellot'l \\ ith the tll'L‘\\ eode. eh'.’ I Velvet tit ('ommple\. ltlpin 2tim. £(i t£5i. (i Mtir. Monthl). \Vomen'x night l‘oi‘ gti} gii'liex tiiid their \peeitill} in\ ited ho} lriendx tmen etin on!) gtiin tltlllll\\ltill it tieeoiiiptinied h} ti Itid) i. llti\lL‘tl l\_\ \llt‘ltt‘lle (lit). \Vigglel. l‘iir [/le {/(I/l' (HI/V ‘.\ /.t\!'i‘(ll'(/ /IU/(/('l‘\ Qi'l 15:HHi/(H'l'l’l'lt‘t'(ll/III'L'IH.

I Wiggle tit ligo. .\'e\t dtite 27 Mtir. I Workers Party til the ('elltii' Btu: lt)..§(lpm .itiin. £5t£-ti. (i Mtir. Mi\ed htig dixeo. gtirtige tind punk \xith li\ e perl'oriiitineex li'oni Ktiin tind 'l‘he \eetiil‘\.

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva tit ('tixendixh/Ihxti. lllpm Stim. l‘i‘ee hel'ore l lpm; £(i tilter. \Veekl}. ’l'he lull} rel'tirhixhed \ptiee lithlx ti night ol' till the gt‘itii\le\l llll\ limit} the ()ll\ ()US. \\ ith etirrent ehtirt l‘tixex on the top floor. ()\ er 25\ tiltl}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party tit Mood. 9pm .itim. l‘ree helore llpm; £3 tiller thee to meiiiherxi. \Veekl}. ('htirt. ptirt} tind \oul hitx lroni l).l Mtirtin.

I Shake It tit l.':\tttielie.

l(l.3(lptti Stun. £~1heloie llpni'. £5 itllt‘l'. \Veekl}. l’tirt} muxie limit the (ith right tip to l;l\l \xeek. plux ltitltl\ of drink\ promox to \\;l\ll it till doun “till. I Subway West End tit Sulmti} \Vext lind. (rpm .itim. l‘ree hel'ore 9pm; £5 til'ter l £4). \Veekl}. ('htii‘t. dtinee tind eheex} tunex till night long htih_\.

I The Subway tit Suhuti}.

7pm .itmi. £1. \\'eekl_\. See l'l'l.

I Supernova :ii Rexoliiiioii. 10.30pm .itim. £(r helore midnight; £7 i£.l £5t tilter. \Veekl). (’htirt tind ptirt} hitx till night long.

Edinburgh Sundays


I <any excuse> tii l’iixe (’oiineil. ltlpm .itiiii. l-ree. \Veekl}. Btiek 2 Mitre \t} le \etx l'i‘om ti \eleetion ol' lidinhurgh ltnouritex. l'llllk). ehilled. iiplilting

\ ihex. l’lux the <tiii} e\eu\e‘> promoterx tire tllSU oll’ering ti lree ‘phone in \iek [ii \\iil'l\ \L‘l'\ iee‘ tilt .\lUll t.ltl\l tl\l\ lllt' I” l. not \tirprixing “hen till drinkx tire

L l.

I BootyLUSI-lous ill \lt-tlinti.

lllpm .itim. £2 hel’ore midnight; £3 tiller. l-l Mtir. l‘oi'tnightl}. More ol' ti Simdti} Soeitil tlitiii ti lillll on gltiiii tilltiii~ \\ith l).| l)ti|e l.u\h. Simiiiotie Bltiek tind UL'L'thlUlltll gtiext \lll‘tISlth mi\ing up Rth. soul tind limk.

I Chocolate Sundae tit l';lllll. llpiii .itim. £~l l£5l. \\'eekl_\. the Rth tiiid hip hop Sun xexxion returnx \\ ith DJ Paul 'l-‘o\.\‘ l‘o\ htiek in elitirge.

I Cosmic! til the ('elltir Btii‘.

ltlpm .itllll. £2. \Veekl}. l).l 'l'oin ()ke plti_\\ l’iink} lt'i'eneh houxe \\ ith ti totieh ol' Sllx kitxeh. Though it doex eome

\\ ith ti “tuning: \ti'ietl) l'or dtiiieerx'. I DKY tit Studio 24. I lpiii .5tllll. £l.5(l £2. \\'eekl_\. l)l\'\' \tridex eonlidentl} into itx third _\etir \\ ith t‘L‘\ldeltl l).l\ .lol‘dl. (itll‘elll ttttd l)ti\ e plti} ing roek. goth. niettil. indu\triti| tind punk. 'I'henie nightx tind l'i'ee gil'tx eoinhine to keep thingx interexting. week in. \\eek otit.

I El Barrio tit lil Btirrio. lllpm .5tllll. l'il'L't'. \Veekl}. See ililltl.