Art listings

Glasgow Museums continued


3060 l’olloksltaus Road. 387 3550.

Mon 'l'hu tt Sat 10am 5pm; Fri ts Sttn llatn 5pm.

Turner: The Late Seascapes t'ntit Stttt 3.3 Ma). .\ rarc chancc to scc mcr 40 of 'l‘ttrncr’s latc scascapcs itt oil and \uttcrcolour crcatcd iii the latcr hall of his lil‘c. 'l'hc paintings. uhich haw hccn brought togcthcr l‘rom collcctions throughout thc [K and thc l’SA. inclttdc Rot‘lu'ls um! If/ttt' [J's/Its l('/o.\t' u! Hum/I. ll'ltult'rx ('I'lu' ll'ltu/t' Slit/u and Sunrise nil/t St'u .llonslt'rx.

Curator’s Favourites \Vctt l0 .\lar. l3.30pm. l'rcc. Simon lic‘c‘lcs scniot' curator ol ancicnt ci\ ilisations gi\ cs a talk on 'l‘hc l’_\'t'amidion ol' .\‘csi-pa-ka-sltuti. \'i/icr ol‘ lig} pt.

Curator’s Favourites \Vctt 17 Mar. 13.30pm. l‘rcc. limma l.cighton. curator ol‘ (‘ltittcsc and oricntal ci\ ilisations. gixcs a talk on a Tang l))'tt;tst} 'I‘rcasttrc.


'l'ranma}. 35 Alhcrt Minn 0845 330050]. 'I‘ttc Sat l0am 4pm; Sun noon 4pm. The Hidden Gardens Scotland's lirst sanctuar} gardcn dcdicatcd to pcacc crcatcd in collaboration “Illl n\a organisation. landscapc architccts ('it} I)csign (‘oopcratn c. thc local communit) and a tcatn of artists.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bcllahouston Park. 10 l)umhrcck Road. 353 4773. hail} l0am 5pm. £3.50 (£3.50).

Ann Kennedy trail “at 3| Mar Photographic \torks ol' Scottish sca attd landscapcs h} Ann Kcnncd).


l'nitcrsit} .-\\cnuc. 330 433l. .\lon Sat 9.30am 5pm.

Rosengarten l'ntil Sat 17 Apr. Artist Annc Bman attd uritcr Janicc (i;tllti\\tl} collahoratc in tltis sculptural installation inspircd h) t‘cscat‘clt ittto ohstctric instrumcnts and thc mcchanics ol' childhirth. Scc rcx ictt.


(ilitsgtm (irccn. 554 0333. Mon lltll & Sat l0am 5pm; l‘ri & Stilt llatn 5pm. Every Walk of Life l'ntil Sun 4 :\pt‘. An cshihition ol 50 black and \thitc photographs pot‘ll‘a} ittg pcoplc \\ ith mttltiplc sclcrosis as part of a projcct to cclchratc thc 50th annncrsar} ol' tltc .\lS Socict}.


3 (‘asllc Slt‘cct. 553 3557. Mon 'l‘htt & Sat l0am 5pm; l‘ri & Sun I lam 5pm. Mapping the Unseen - The Art of Ahmed Moustata l'ntil Sttn l8 Apr. ('alligraph} -hascd artuorlts h} Muslim artist. .-\hmcd .\loustal'a.

Edinburgh Galleries


50 llillhousc Road. 53‘) 5589. Mon 'lilttt 10am .S’pm; l’ri l0am 5pm: Sat

9am lpttt.

Cover Story t'ntil Fri 1‘) .\lat'. .-\ sclcction from o\ cr 50 hook jackct photographs h} l’aul 'l‘urncr.


() l)undas Strcct. 557 4050. Mon Fri l0am 0pm: Sat llatn 3pm. James McIntosh Patrick (1907-1998) l-‘ri 5 Sat 37 Mar. Paintings.

Mabel Royds l‘ri 5 Sat 27 Mar. Prints and dt'axsings h} .\lahcl Rosds.

CITY ART CENTRE 3 Markct Strcct. 539 3993. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. Keeping the Face: National Identity and Scottish Visual Arts l'ntil Sat l7 Apr. .-\n cxhihition cxploring thc dillcring paths in thc dcwlopmcnt ol' Scottish art in thc mm and 30th ccntttrics inclttding \Hit'lss h} Johtt [)tincan. .lttlllcs l)rtnnmond. William (icar. \Vill .\lacl,can and Ian lloxxard. Nature and Imagination: William Gilles and John Maxwell t'ntil Sat l7 Apr. .'\n cshihition comparing and contrasting thc \\t)l'l\ ol~ l'ricnds attd collaborators William (iillics and John .\la.\\\c|l. Raw Talent: 100 Years of Scottish Art l'ntil Sat 30 Jun. .-\ sclcction ot' uork drann lrom thc cit} 's art collcction lcatttring “Ul‘kS h} ('adcll. licrgusson. Bcllan}. Nlac’l‘aggart and \ltt)tttt lilannigan.

lncommunicado Sat I3 .\lar Sat S Ma}. 'l‘hc onl} Scottish shou ing of this ttational tottring mhihition l'rom thc lla}\\ard (iallcr‘). ('uratcd h} Margot llcllcr. Im'ummtmtt'ut/u cxplorcs thc consctjucnccs of communication hrcakdoxsn throttgh thc mcdittm ol lilm. \ idco. installation. sculpturc. tcxt-hascd \Htl'ls. photograph} attd sound. 'l'ltc “um”? Point of thc cshihition is a rc- disco\crcd lilm h} Samucl Bcckctt attd lilntntakct' Marin Karmitl. ('untt'tltt' t I900). SlttHHt alongsidc \\Ul'l\\ by Bruce .\'auman. l.a\\rcncc \Vcincr. l’rancCsca Woodman. Smith/Stc“ art and Mortar llatoum. Scc pt'c'\ic\\ and llitlist. Nl-W St 10th


l9 Blair Strcct. 330 0135. l)ail_\' l0 lam. John Dietrich Sttn 7 Mar. ll latn. l‘rcc. l-‘or ottc night onl} an cxhihition ol uork h} erotic—art photographcr John l)ictrich.


33 3S (.tk‘klilll'll Strcct. 330 l30ll.

'l‘ttc Sat noon 5pm.

the medium is tedium t'ntil Sat 20 Mar. A group slit)“ of mainl} thrcc—

.\Intt Ihurs: l0.un Sal: l0am

7pm. I-ri: l0 - 3pm. 4pm. Sun: t lost-(l

t-spct i.tll\ Ruskin .IIHI .\Inrris.

THE GL‘ASGON ,v g pr

M.“ kititoslt (iallt‘r). lo? Itt‘lllt‘t'“ Stt'cvt. $33 -I 300,

“tum-n at the (iiidiill Artists‘ ('ololn ~I 37 Mart It

An (‘\IIII)IIl()II ol~ paintings. It'xtilt-s aml littrniturc

l'rom tlu- (iiitliill Artists‘ (‘olonv to ( (‘It‘IH'JIt‘'_\‘s t-ntr} into IIH‘ luropcan llnion.'l IIl‘

tolon} llourislu-tl IM‘I\\(‘(‘II I90! and I930 and “as

tlu- most signilitant group ol'tlit- Hungarian .-\rt } Noun-nu Mm (‘IIH‘III. It “as louutlt-(l on HIV SIIJI‘C’II prim iplt-s ol'thc Inglish l’rc-Rapltat-litt- .\I()\(‘III1‘III.

IIH‘I‘P \\ ill ln- a talk Ii) ouv ol‘tlit- curators ol'tliis t~.\liil)ition in thv Mat kintosli In tttrt-llu-atrv at llptn i Mart Ii 200-I.'l'liis t'\(‘lII is l'rt-v and is (ipt‘lt to HIV l)lII)Ii( .

96 THE LIST -'- '8 Ma' PHI»:

dimcnsional works. 'l‘hc cxhihition lcaturcs an cxploration hctuccn coltsttmct‘isnt and mass ornamcntation l'rom Jcnny Hogarth; Katc ()ucn crcatcs a window displa} rcsttlting l'rom thc otttcomc ol a dail} routinc; Ruth liuatt shows a ('l) jukchm; l.)nn lland \mt'ks with discardcd ohjccts; Laura Brucc slums [no picccs including tcn-mintttc monologuc .\'t'u~ Hut. attd listonian collahoratn c group l’roudl'oot shtm a \crsion of .4 Bird in [/H’ llmm' which

n as first shoun at thc lag 'I‘cam lixpcrimcnt. Scc rcVicxt.

Lost Boys and Girl Guides t'ntil Sat 30 Mar. l)a\id Blyth attd Sara (iallic cxplorc thcir rclationship \\ ith thc natural \torld and thcir pcrccption of it itt this cxhihition in thc projch room.


4] l)undas Strcct. 557 4509. .\Ion l-‘ri 10.30am 5.30pm; Sat l0.30am 5pm. Pam Carter Sat (i \Vcd 3l Mar. .\'c\\ landscapcs h} l’am (’artcr.

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 Dounc 'l‘crracc. 335 7lS9. .\lon l-‘ri 9am 5pm: Sat llant 3pm.

Liverpool Photos l'ntil Hi 5 Mar. Black and \t'hitc photographs lrom I908

h) Danish pltotogl'apltct‘ and lilm dircctor

l-‘rcdd_\ 'l‘ornhcrg dcpicting a “orlsing class arca in l.i\crpool.

Eftersyn - Time Check Sat IS .\lar lit 30 .-\pr. :\ stir\c_\ ol' thc \‘tttl‘ls ol Danish photographcr llcnrils Sa\gt‘cn “ho. sincc lhc o0s. has prodttccd portraits. doctttncntar) attd photographic l-t'illlll't‘S.


licllol'd Road. 034 (i300 tl‘ccot'dcd inlormation 333 33M»). .\lon \Vcd tk l-‘ri Sttn 10am 5pm; 'l‘hu l0am 7pm. ('alc.

Artists Design Textiles t‘ntil \Vcd 34 Mar. A displa} of thc collcction ol' laht‘ics dcsigncd h} artists such as William Scott. Victor Vasarcl}. Bcn Nicholson. lili/ahcth l'i'ittk. .\larino .\larini and (‘ccil ('ollins. produccd lot” lidinhurgh \Vctncrs in thc l950s. Paolozzi at 80 Talk Mon 8 .\lat'. l3.45pm. l’rcc. Rohin Spcncct‘ from St :\lttll'c‘\\.\ l'lliu‘t'sll) lttlsL‘S it look til lltc‘ carccr ol- l.cillt-l30t‘tt artist lidtlat'do Paolo/Ii.

After Hours - Itchy Feet Thu 1 1 Mar. (rpm. l‘rcc. .\ programmc ol at'tcr galicr} lltttlt's L'\Clll\ lcatttrittg songs ol‘ tra\cl \\ ith Jcnnil’cr Logan.


lSa l)undas Strcct. 557 5337. .\lon Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Peter Nardini l'ntil l‘ri 3o .\lar. Rcccnt landscapcs aitd liguratn c \Hil‘lss h) l’ctcr \ardini.


l l (ia) licld Stjtiarc. 55S 7] l0. \Vcd l‘ri l lam (rpm: Sat noon 5pm.

Solar Lunar t'ntil Sat (u .\lar. Sis artists hascd in lidinhurgh. (ilasgou. London aitd Bascl arc hrottght togcthcr for this group shou l'caturing \tot'lss h} .\lo)na l‘lannigan. .\lc|anic ('arxalho. l-‘ran/iska l-‘urtcr. ls'crstin Kartschcr. ('atnilla l.o\\ attd Rosalind .\'asltashihi. lASl (IHANCl- l() Sl'l".


(NI l)undas Strcct. 55S 93o3. l0atn opin. Charles Simpson l'tttil \Vcd to Mar. Rcccttt \\'Ul'l\‘.

The Paps of Jura Sat l3 Sat 27 Mar. A scrics ol' tic“ paintings h} ('ornish-hascd artist Kurt Jackson capturing tltc changing light and mood on lsla) attd Jttt'a. Nl W SHOW.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 74 l.auriston l’lacc. 33| (i000. .\lon 'l‘hu l0am Spin; l‘ri Sat l0am 3pm. Brides ot March Thu 4 .\lat'.

4.30 7pm. l"rcc. Artist-run Magnititat and thc limhass} prcscnt thc lottt'lli iii a \L‘t'ics til. c‘\ L‘ltls ltL‘ltl ttl l':('.'\‘s Sculpllll‘c

('ourt. l-‘caturing a prcscntation h} pcrl'ormaucc artist l)a\'id Shcrr} at 4.30pm lolloucd h} a sclcction ol \ idco \Htl'ixS and li\'c pcrl'ortnancc. Nl' W

Si lOVV.

The Visitation: An Illustrated History 'l‘hu l l lllll IS .\lar. li(':\ mastcr ol' linc art studcnts crcatc a miwd-mcdia installation cncompassing pcrl'ormancc. collaboration. lilm. sculpturc. drau ing and painting iii a hricl sct h) 'l'ttrncr l’ri/c notnincc Mikc .\'clson. NE W St lOW.


30a l)undas Stt‘cct. 557 5003. Mon l'ri llam 5pm: Sat l0am lpitt.

Venice Remembered Sat 0 ’l‘uc 30 Mar. ('it}scapcs ol' \cnicc h) Norman Maclcan. .-\ndrc\t l-‘it/patrick. Joscpltinc (iraham and (icollt‘c) Ropct'.


3.3 l'ttion Strcct. 557 3479. 'l‘uc Sat 10am 6pm .

Imprint: Triennale Internazionale D’lncisione l'ntil Sat 37 Mar. Jointl} prcscntcd h) (ilasgtm l’rint Studio. lidinhttrgh l’rintmakcrs and thc Italian ('ttltttral Instittttc. a major cclchration of Italian grapltic art lcatttring contcmporar} ctchings and cngrtn ing h} 34 ot' thc most t'cspcctcd graphic artists “mixing in Ital) toda}.

EDINBURGH ZOO (‘orstorphinc Road. 33 9am optn.

Deerly Beloved t‘ntil Sun 7 .\lat‘. 'l‘hc \\ inning L‘ltll'ic‘s ol tltc British l)ccr Socict} 's intcrnational photograph} compctition arc on displa).

()l7l. hail}


SS l.otltiatt Road. 339 5933. John Bellany l'ntil Sat 27 Mar. Small paintings and prints h} John Bcllan).

FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 .\larl\ct Strcct. 335 3383. Mon Sat llatn opm; Sttn noon 5pm.

Louise Bourgeois: Stitches in Time Sat (i .\lar Sttn 9 .\la}. l'rcc. 'l'hc lirst tnajor l'K mm c) of work h} tltc iconic l-rcnclt artist l,ottisc liottrgcois. ('uratcd h} l‘ranccs Morris and l'catttring a group ol' lilc-si/c scun lahric husts. ccll-lilsc \"itrincs hottsing scctws ol torturc and ccstas) and MM) major suitcs ot' ctchings. Born in Paris itt l‘)l l. Bottt'gcois tttm cd to \c\\ York ('it} in I938 uhcrc shc continttcs to lit c attd \xork. llcr hcginnings ucrc as art cngrmcr and paintcr htil h} thc I940s shc had ttn'ncd hcr attcntion to sculptural \torls. lor \shich sltc is no“ rccogniscd as a 30th ccntur} lcadcr. B) thc l9o0s. shc hcgan to c\ccutc hcr “ork in rtthhcr. hron/c and stonc. rcl'crcncing what has hccomc thc dominant thcmc in hcr “Ul'ls. her childhood. Although shc .tas hccn shtming hcr art for man} dccadcs. shc has onl_\ hccn lull) rccogniscd latcr itt lil‘c. ln I983. shc hccamc tltc lirst \toman to ha\ c a rctrospcctiw at .\'c\\ Yorle Muscutn ol' .\lodcrn .'\rt. .\lorc rcccnt “ot‘k ittclttch I UH. I I‘m/H. / Ruin. tltc inaugural installation in thc 'l‘urhinc llall ot' 'l'atc .\lodcrn in 3000. No! to lk‘ lltisscd. Scc lcttltll'c and llillisl. NE W Sl-lO‘.‘.’.

Curator’s Talk Sat 0 Mar. 3pm. l‘rcc. :\d\anccd hooking rccotnmcndcd. (‘tlt‘ttlol‘ l"t';tttccs Morris discttsscs thc “ol'ls sclcctcd liot' tltc l.0tlisc liottl'gcois cxhihition.


33a l)undas Strcct. 55o 3lSl. Mon Fri llatn 0pm; Sat l0.30am 4pm.

Art from Ukraine Sat .\lar Sat 3 Apr. 'I’hc tcntlt annttal cshihition ol l'krainian art lcaturing landscapCs. scascapcs. still lilc. animals and liguratixc \torks h} (Er) gori_\ Sh} shim. l’ctro .\lagro. l’anas 'l'}tcnko aitd l.conid ls'ttdr}a\tsc\.