
Music rock & pop listings

Tue 23, Glasgow

I Phil’s Session l‘isge Beatlta. 333 Woodlands Road. 504 15W». 9pm. l‘ree. Weekly jant.


I Dick Dale The Liquid Rooiu. ‘le Vietoria Street. 335 356-1. 7pm. £15. Legendary musieian eredited with inventing the surf gttitar sound.

I French Toast and Giant Tank Suhwa)’. (3‘) (’owgate. 335 (Who. 7.30pm. £6. 'l'w'o-tnan hand in the form on James (‘anty the ol the .\lake t‘pt attd Jerr} Busher twho now pllt)’s [h e as part or I"uga1.il playing e\et"\thing l'roin guitar and drums to samplers and ke_\ hoards. I The Zutons attd The Dead 60s The Venue. I7 3| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. in. Another aet helping to lead the new Liverpool tnusieal renaissance speeialising in ‘soul-l'unk— Voodoo'.

I Band Showcase \Vltistlehinkies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l-l. 0pm. l-‘ree. (’all in advance for a gig.

Wednesday 24


I The 22-203, The Cribs and The Ordinary Boys King 'rnt's with \Vttli llttl. 373a St Vineent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. 9.7. An .\'.lII-.'-sponsored tour or touted new l'K hands. Headliners the 33-3().s are deserihed as ‘an tinglish White Stripes'. the ('rihs are rainshaekle indie rockers and the ()rdinar} Bo_\s are mod popsters with a literar} hettt. See preview for the ()rdinar} Bo} s.

I French Toast and Errors Niee'n’Slea/y. ~13] Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. to. See Tue 33.

I Talon 'l‘he l-‘err). ~13 (lute l’laee. (“698 365511. Spin. U3. ’l‘rihute to the liagles.

I Quinn The Bunker. l‘li I‘N Bath Street. 33‘) l—l37. lilpltl. l‘ree. l.t)lli\e Quinn and hand show ease their latest songs.

I The Gems, Red Bee Society and Jane No Stereo. I: 14 Kehinhaugh Street. 57o 5018. 8pm. L31. lire lune-organised night featuring Ioeal eontenders.

I Forced Asphyxia, Messiah Torn, Co-Exist, Brutally Impaled and Mud Five Hundred

'l'he (‘athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 345’ (iotlo. 7.3(lpin. [4. (her l»ls show. l.oea| thrash/death metal quintet.

I The Cinematics Brel. :\sltloli |.ane. 3-13 sonh. Spin. l-ree. .'\eouslie set l'roin a new hand signed to Sonia Reeords. I Acoustic Open Mic The l51li \ote (Kile. .51) ()1) King Street. .555 HHS. 0pm. \Veekl) open stage.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 5(i-l I537. Spin. l'iree. \Veekl} session l'or loeal ntusieians.

I Live Music MaeSorle} s. ~13 Jantaiea Street. 34S S5Sl. 0pm. l‘ree. 'l'hree hands to he eonlirtned.


I Exposure Suhwa}. (it) ('owgate. 335 mm». 7.30pm. l‘ree. New open inie st}le night. illsl eonte along atid p|a_\.

I Horse ()ueen's llall. (‘lerk Street. 603 3lll‘). 7.30pm. U5. \el\L‘l \oieed Ioeal ehanteuse with iau undertones in her delixer} hut a elass) pop otttlook who is haek with an alhtun other laxourite eo\ers.

I Live Music \Vhistlehinkies. -l (t South Bridge. 557 51H. Upnt. l’ree. Details to he eonlirtned.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘ahnt-et \‘oltaire. 50 3S Blair Street. 331) (ili’h. llpnt Rant. [3. l.oeal outlit pla}ing their own kind or hig hand l'ttnk in this new

w eekl} residene} with a smattering ol' [)1 supports and other li\ e aets.

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A UsherHoH

ll)l\Bt R(.ll in association With DF Concerts

56 THE LIST 7?", him ' Art _‘


Box Office 0131 228 1155



I John Squire (‘arling :\L‘tttlelit.\. Ill l-Lglinton Street, nuns nzo 3000/0870 77I 30”“. 7pm. Uh. ()\er l~ls tunder- l(is to he aeeoinpanied h_\ an adult t. the e\ Stone Rtises guitarist is still greeted like a nuisieal god h} his lo}al lanhase. despite his earnest attempts to sahotage his reputation h} releasing pililul solo alhutns.

I The Webb Brothers, The Honeymoon and Clayhill King 'l‘nt‘s Wait Wait lltll. 333a St \'ineent Street. 331 537‘). Sillpnt. LS .v\eoustie set lront .linun) \Vehh's eloquenll} hartnonising how leutted ot'l'spring.

I Dead Meadow and The Gems .\'iee'n‘Slea/'\. -l3l Sauehiehall Street. 333 0M7. Uptn. L‘o. Sloner ps} eh roekers t'rotn \\'ashington l)(' w ho ha\ e supported the \ilttilal‘l) spaeed otit Super l-‘urr'\ Animals.

I Who Shot Jonson?, Japan 4, Given and The People’s Alibi Barri}. 3(it) ('l_\de Street. ()870 01)." (NW). Spin. l.oeal alternatne hand hill. headlined h} ska punk pop outlit Who Shot .ltillstill'.’

I The Cinematics 'l'lie Bunker.

W3 1‘)” Bath Street. 33‘) 1-137. lilpnt. l'ree. See Wed 34.

I Open Mic 'l'ehai ()\na. 43 ()tago l.ane. 3571534. Spin. l-ree. l‘ortnightl} tipett stage.

I Sticky Fingers Studio One. (irosxenor Hotel. (irostenor 'l‘erraee toll B}res Road). .Hl (t5lo. Upnt. l‘ree. Rolling Stones trihute.

I Rieser Beanseene \Vest lilltl. 5 ('ressw ell Lane. 334 (i770. Sitlpni. liree. l.aidhaek. haekground sounds.

I Esther (‘Itoeolate 'l‘herap}. 5 .r\hhol Street. 033 5on5. 7pm. £3. l.aid haek aeoustie tunes leatttring guests .lo Mango and .-\nd_\ Patterson.

I The Vagabonds 'I‘lte Seotia.

l l3 l l4 Stoekwell Street. 5.53 ShSl. 0pm. l5ree. l’opular emers.

I Jam Session Samuel Dow‘s.

()7 7i \ithsdale Road. 43.“ (HUT. Shillpnt. l-ree. llosted h_\ lndependenee. I Live Music llte l5llt \ote (lire. 5t) (ill King Street. 553 lots. 9pm. £3. |.auneh ol the latest eonipilation trout (‘l'\tlel\ttill Reeortls.

r rowan

I Live Music Raw. Queen Margaret l'nion. 33 l'ni\ersit} (iardens. 33‘) 0784. 7.3(lpnt. £3. \Veekl} show ease or loeal lttltttls. North Park Reeords. tlte (‘).\lis own lahel. lields a lineup still to he eonlirtned.

I Live Music Soundset. the Soundhaus. 43 ll}de Park Street. 33l ~lh5‘). 33(1an H.511. line-up to he eontirnted.

I Live Music .\l;tt~Stit'le}s. ~12 .lamaiea Street. 3-13 S5Sl. ‘lptlt. l‘ree. 'l'hree hands to he eonlirnted.

I Live Music .\le(‘liuil|s. in High Street. 553 3135. Ufitlptn. l‘ree. .\'ew hands night.


I Mike Baillie, Deadenstereo anthka ('onnolh‘s. 33 \ieholson Street. (ll-135 SSS 073. 0pm. l‘ree. Roek.


I Saint Jude’s Infirmary, Thomas Traux and Desc (‘aharet Voltaire. 5h RS Blair Street. 331) (ii—it). 3pm. £5. Shoeshine and SI. Reeords show ease. See llit list.

I SiLENCiO ('ounting llouse. \Vest \ieolson Street. no? (1877i. 7.30pm lain. U tt'3t. Surreal and glamorous ol'l'erings as alwa}s eourtes) or this innoxatix e perl'ortnanee pieee l'ealuring e\perintental tnusie. theatre. spoken word. \ isuals. eotned} and more with surprise .\l(‘ .v\li and D] Daniel. ('reatixe \ intage/glain eneouraged.

I Full Moon Open Mic ('oinniplex. -ltl ('oinntereial Street. l.eith. 555 5033. Split. l‘ree. ()pen tnie lor anyme lrotn poets to hands to solo singers. l‘ull haek- line tguilar. hass antps. drtuns. tnies etet pro\ ided attd a pre hooked hand on tront arottnd llpin. ll’ )ott want to hook a slot eall Hill on (iii—7M) l75 74‘).

I Peter Michael Rowan (‘are Ro)al Bistro Bar. l7 \Vest Register Street. 5.5— 4393. “pm. l-’ree. See llttl lS. I Raff and Atomic Playboys \Vhistlehinkies. -l (i South Bridge. 55." 5| H. 0pm. l‘ree. Indie roek lrotn new loeal aet .-\tontie l’l;i}htt_\s on at ntidnight.

I Society the Bongo (’luh. Mora} House. 37 llol_\rood Road. 553 7(itl-l. 10.30pm. £4 tL'3 1. Show ease or talent lrtiltl Jewel tk ltsk Valle} ('ollege.

The last time The List encountered Cat Power she was by turns stroppy. flirty. funny. sweet. angry and irritating. in the space of a 20- minute interview. This mixed up attitude is reflected in both the music and performances of folk-inflected singer songwriter Chan Marshall (for Cat Power is she). which can range from divinely moving to embarrassingly honest. This show has her appearing solo without her long-suffering live band. so the constraints on what can happen are even less than normal. Whatever. expect a night of beautiful and striking melancholy that will undoubtedly sail close to the rocks of

musical madness. (Doug Johnstone)

I 5‘1: 11:1 F Edi/)1 )t .'