
Music jazz listings

Sat 20


I The Glenn Miller Years (‘airrl 11a|1.(‘it)‘ Squarc. 01382 434040. 7.30pm. £14 (£12). A trihutc conccrt to (ilcnn Millcr and thc othcr lariiotis big hands h} thc Syd l.a\\‘rcncc ()rchcstra.

Saturday 20


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Mcrchant's ('orncr. 18 John Strcct. 552 3801. 2.30 5.30pm. 1-'rcc. Drummcr Mc(io\\ an lcads his big hand with gucst \ocalists.

I Organomoaly Brcl. 30 43 Ashton Lanc. 342 4066. 3pm. l'rcc. l-‘unks grom cs undcrpin hard s“ inging hcats \\ ith that classic organ sound.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar 185.

Brian Kellock: Brazil 1930s Final chance (for now at least) to catch the pianists latest reworking of pre-war jazz repertoire. following projects on the music of Fats Waller and Willie ‘the Lion' Smith. Brian looks south of the border this time, with Brazilians Mario Caribe (bass) and Edmundo Carniero (percussion) on hand to supply the authentic groove. and John Rae on drums. Henry '3 Jazz Cellar. Edinburgh. Thu 78 Mar.

Preston Reed American guitarist Preston Reed concludes his latest solo tour of his adopted homeland. although solo is a bit of a misnomer he's a band all by himself. Reed commands attention not just for his remarkable hammeringon percussive technique. but also for the imaginative and refined musical use he makes of it. Eastgate Theatre, Peep/es, Thu 78 Mar; Cumbernau/d Theatre, Cumbernau/d, Fri 19 Mar.

Glenn Miller Centenary Concert Miller (pictured) created one of the most popular trademark sounds in all of jazz history, and it is a testimony to its enduring appeal that there are Currently several bands touring under the Miller banner around the world. and doing good business in large venues like this. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Fri 26 Mar.

60 THE LIST 1?"; Mar

' Aj,’

Buchanan llotcl. 185 Buchanan Sti'cct. 332 7284. 5.30pm. l'rcc. chular suinging _ia// \L‘ssion.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘Ts'cill‘s. 71. Albion St. 5520822. 0 11.45pm. 1"rcc. Vocalist liddic sings his \\a} through Amcrican songhook standards.


I Ludovico Einaudi t‘shcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm.

1; 11) £20.1hc Italian composcr \\ ho rct'uscs to hc pigconholcd and draw s on rock. ia/I. pop. classical and world music lor his inllucnccs. pcrt'orms on thc 1'shcr llall's Stcinua} ('onccrt (irandc.

I Mario Caribe Sextet llcnr} ‘s Ja// ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. Scc Hi 10.

I 80QSt House Band so ()uccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. Modcrn tiax/ classics iron] this d_\ namic 11\L‘-[)1L‘L‘L‘.

I Carlos Pena with Special Guest Edmundo Carniero llcnr} ‘s Ja/I ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strch 467’ 5200. midnight. £6. \cnc/uclan Soncro and Bra/ilian crc\\ pla_\ rumba. samha and hot



I Paul Towndrow and Friends Bccr (are. (‘andlcriggs. 552 0815. 2pm. 1"i'cc. Modcrn ja/I standards and originals lrom thc pcn ola1to-‘sa\ophonisl '1t)\\lit11't)\\.

I Yamaha Music School Min-licll 'lilicatrc. (i (iram illc Strcct. 0845 330 3501. 6pm. ()\cr 150 kc} hoard. guitar and \ocal studcnts trom Yamaha Mosic School shim casc thcir talcnls.

I Glasgow Wind Band Concert RSAMl). 100 chlrcu Strch. 332 5057. 7.3(lltm. £8 (£4.50). A mi\ ol' mainstrcam and morc ohscurc milsic including a trihutc to Bcnn} (ioodman and a pcrl‘ormancc o1./uir'/rn \xrittcn h_\ Michacl ’l‘orkc in cclchration ol' thc 1006 ()1) mpics. I Mario Caribe Sextet ‘l‘ron ‘I‘hcairc. 63 'l'rongatc. 552 4267. 8pm. £7.50 025.50). Scc iii 10.


I Jazz Brunch ()\}gt'ii Bar & (irill. 3 5 litlii'iii;ii‘_\ Strcct. 55~ 0007'. 2 5pm. lircc. 'l‘hc Rohcrt l’cttigrcu 'l'rio pla} in a llL‘\\ \\ L‘L‘hl} ja/l hrunch kids \\ L'lL‘UlttL‘. I Kevin MacKenzie Trio lit-m} 's lit/l (.L'llill'. .S Morrison Strcct. 40," 521111. 8.30pm. £5. A ncu trio lrontcd h} ch in .\1acl\'cn/ic. ()nc o1 thc major ncu l'orccs in ja/l guitar. hc claims Jimi llcndri\ and \Vcs Montgomcr} as his main intlucnccs. but his pla} ing is morc ol‘tcn associatcd \\ ith that ol John .-\hcrcromhic m ith \ihom hc has studicd in .\'c\\ York).


I 4 Jazz Burnhrac. Milngax ic. 042 5051. 8pm. 15rcc. ()uartct producing suinging ja/l standards lcaturing guitarist Boh Sloan and And} Sharkc} on douhlc hass.


I Jam Session 80 ()uccn Stl'cct Bar and Rcstauranl. 80 ()uccn Slrccl. 2265007. 8.30 11.30pm. l-‘rcc. ()pcn scssion u ith thc l)a\ id Patrick 'l‘rio comc and pla) or conic to hcar a \\lio1c load ol' nc\\ lalcnt. I What’s New llcnr} 's .lal/ (‘cllaip 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. lamdraiscr in aid ol' tlic Fiona lluncan Vocal Jal/ Workshops. lcaturing sonic 01 thc hcsl up and coming singcrs in Scotland \\ ith thc 'l‘om l-‘inla_\ 'l‘rio.

Tuesday 23


I Millar-Spencer-Travis: Acoustic Standards llcnr} ’s Jal/ ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strch. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. ('lassic modcrn lit/l rcpcrtoirc lrom Milcs to Monk.


Trio AAB have patched up their differences with Henry’s and returned to the fold. The trio - saxophonist Phil Bancroft, guitarist Kevin MacKenzie and drummer Tom Bancroft - have earned a deserved reputation for their daring and unpredictable approach to contemporary jazz. Their three 00s have consistently attracted favourable attention: the Sunday Times named Stranger Things Happen at C in their top three jazz discs of 2003. Expect sizzling improvisations, lots of group interplay, and a bit of creative

mayhem. (Kenny Mathieson).

I Henry's Jaz/ Cellar. Edinburgh. Sun 28 Mar.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()x}gcn Bar is (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar) Slrcct. 557 0007. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. SCC 1110 13.

Wednesday 24


I Ryan Quigley Quintet llcnr) 's .la// ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Rising star on thc Scottish trumpcting sccnc. R)an Quiglc} lcads this quintct \iith his punch}. d}namic st}lc.

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharct \‘oltairc. 50 58 Blair SII'L‘L‘I. 22110170. 1 1pm 3am. £2. l.ocal outtit pla_\ing thcir o\\n kind o1 hig hand l'unk in this ncu \\L‘L‘l\1_\ rcsidcnc} “1111 a smattcring ol‘ 1)] supports and othcr lix c acts.


I The Michael Deans Quartet Bccr (are. ('andlcriggs. 552 0815.

0 1 1.45pm. l-rcc. Scc Thu 18.


I Ryan Quigley Quintet llcnr} \ Jan ('cllai‘. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Scc \Vcd 24.

I Salsa Celtica Quccn‘s llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. 668 2010. 8.30pm. £12 £14. A hcad} mi.\ o1 _ia//. .-\1rican. Latin and (‘cltic rh}thms l'rom this li\cl_\‘ group. n ho launch thc third tour in thc Scottiin Arts ('ouncil's 'l‘unc l'p scrics \\ ith this conccrt. I Freddie King Quartet 80 Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Sti'cct. 2265007. 0pm midnight. l-rcc. Jan \ocals l'rom King and his cntouragc.

East Kilbride

I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story Villagc 'l‘licatrc. Mautcll 1)ri\c. 01355 248660. 7.30pm. £1111£8L 1);l\ c Andcrson and 1);I\L‘ Macl.cnnon prcscnt a scntimcntal journc) through thc lit'c o1 thc lcading .-\mcrican song \\ ritcr.


I The Glenn Miller Centenary Concert l{o_\al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £12.50 £21. l’opulai'jal/ and suing hits lrom thc 40s including In llu' .llootl and .UUHII/lg'lll .M'I't'llllllr' \\ 1111 [IN (ilL‘llll .\illlL'l' ()rchcstra \\ ho pcrl‘orm in unil'orms o1 thc timc.


I Dave Binney Quartet llcnr) ‘s Jazz ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strch 467 5200. 8.30pm. £0. Ncw York alto saxophonist lcads his high cncrg) hand. lcaturing lacoh Sacks on piano, Thomas Morgan on bass and Dan \\'ciss on drums. Scc prc\ icw.

I Guest Band Night so Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. Scc Hi 10.

I Jimmy Taylor Trio 80 ()uccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. lircc. This trio prcscnt Salutc to Mcl 'l'ormc.

I Thirty Seven 5th Street llcnry's Jan ('cllat‘. 8 Morrison Strch 467 5200. midnight. £5. Singcr Suhic ('olcman l'ronts this ncw hand full of .\'c\\ York and 1’hiladclphia st_\'1c soul sounds.


I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story (iaict) 'l‘hcatrc. (‘arrick‘ Strcct. 01202 61 1222. 7.30pm. £10. Scc Thu 25.

East Kilbnde

I Singing and Swinging: Craig McMurdo and Alyson Orr \‘illagc 'l'hcatrc. Maxucll 1)ri\'c. 01355 248660. 7.30pm. £10028). Scc Thu 18.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Mcrchant‘s ('orncr. 18 John Strcct. 552 3801. 2.30 5.30pm. l’rcc. Scc Sat 20.

I Lorna Brown Quartet Brcl.

30 43 Ashton l.anc. 342 4066. 3pm. l-‘rcc. This ~jau foursomc. lcaturing guitar. bass and drums. is lrontcd h} ori- iltC-llp saXopltontsl [iron I].

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar 185. Buchanan llotcl. 185 Buchanan Strch. .552 728-1. 5.30pm. 15rcc. SL‘L‘ Sill 211.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘Ncill‘s. 71. Albion St. 5520822.

0 1 1.45pm. 15rcc. Scc Sat 20.


I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra Harry‘s Jan ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strch. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. SaXophonist 'l'omm} Smith lcads his 17 )oung prolcgc‘s through a pcrl‘ormancc of music by Maria Schncidcr. ('cdar Walton. lillington. (iil li\ans. Basic and Miiigus.