Comedy listings

Sun 21 , Glasgow

Frank Sidebottom: Happy Mondays Hacienda Ha Ha Ha 'l'hc Vatilt. l I ll) l’ollokxhaux Road. Shau Iandx. (>40 000". Spin. Lo (L4 l. 'l hc hanio-\trumming. giant~hcadcd Mancunian comcx ottt ol' hihct‘nation to rcli\ c hix hcad} (la-\s ax 'l‘impcrlc} '\ higgcxt \tar. (il(‘l-.

Jerry Sadowitz (3lli/CHS. 'l'hcatrc. ll‘) (iorhalx Strcct. 42‘) 0022. S.30pm. Ll5.50 (Ll2.50i. Scc Hi I”.

Small, Medium 8: Large lllc Stand. 333 \Vootllatltlx Road. 0S,"0 (r00 0055. S.30pin. L" (Lm. .\ hcad} mi\turc ol‘ \tand-up and \kclcltcx l'rom lrixh trio liddic Bannon. lan ('oppingcr and Brcndan l)cmp\c"\. (il( "1-.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lllL‘ Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2‘2. lpm. l’rcc. l’rcct‘orm lunnincxx and hangoxcr hanixhing anticx l'roni rcxidcnt dtto l’aul (iraham and Stuart \ltti‘plt). l‘rcctxt} lci comcd} docxn't gct much hcttcr than lltiS. Bruce’s Sunday Social the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "222. S30pm. L1 (L3). l)c\ ilixh \\ it Brucc l)c\ liii pla_\\ hoxt lo comcd} \tttootlt—lalkct' .loc llccnan. .lohn (iordon and gucxtx.


Slap: Michael Smiley 8. Mandy lllL‘ Sittlltl. 5.3.3 \VtitttlltllltlS Road. (lSqll (lllll (\(l55. ".3llptll. U) l L-l l. .\ hlack comcd} about [no agcing \itcom \tar\ and thcir lragilc l'ricndxhip. (i/( ll Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance Bill 3‘) 43 .v\\hton I.anc. 3J2 40(10 Spm. L2. Scc lllll lS.

Fresh Meat lllc Vault. l I In l’ollokxhaux Road. Sha\\ land\. 01‘) 000". 0pm. lircc. llcadlincr l)c\ .\lcl.can i~ thc act to l'olltm lot' \i\ l'rcxh taccd unknounx \VouId-hc comcdianx. poct\ and \\ot'(l\milh\ \tclcomc: contact llthl Scott .»\gnc\\ on 02-312 lull—()5 l'or mot-c tlcl.ttl\. (i/( 'I'.

The Parting Glass 'l'ltc Stand. 33.3 \Vootll;tntl\ Road. llST'l) (till) 0055. 0pm, L5 (L4 l. lllL‘ ltlllL‘t’Su L‘L‘l l'L‘llltlltSL‘L'ltL'L‘S and \omctimc conlcxxional ol' an cinotional man at an lrixh \xakc. urittcn h) and \tarring \lichacl Smilc}. (i/('I'.


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 2222. S30pm. Ll. liight ahxolutc hcginncrx \harc thc Spotlight \xith hcadlincr 'lcdd} and dc\a\tating compcrc

Jill l’cacock.

Tuesday 23 ,


Floor Show Rehearsals 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0S7) (till) 0055. 7pm. l‘rcc. \Vatch comcdianx lrom thc l‘ltmr .Y/IUH l‘or lrcc ax thc} “arm tip c\cr_\ 'l’ucxda} night throughout thc (ilaxgou lntcrnational ('omcd} l‘cxtixal. Mitch Benn and the Distractions lllL‘ Arcltcx. 353 .r\rg_\ lc Strcct. 505 l023."..15pm. L|0 (LSi. ()llhcat comic \ong\ lrom thc \otcc ol BB(' radio\ You Show Rockin'. (i/( 'If Big Word Performance Poetry 'l‘lic Vault. lllll l’tllltlkSll£t\\\ Road. Shaulandx. 0100007. Spin. L-l (L3). \'i\ (icc. .r\nita (io\an and .lcm RtlllS hring _\ou thcir llllltlllL‘ brand (it lopcractn c and llllttl’ltlllx pcrl'ormancc poctr}. (i/( ‘l'. Big Down Under Stratltclylc l'ni\ci\it_\ l'nion. 00 .lohn Strcct. 552 lS‘)5. 0pm. L2. lop-notch laughx lrom do\\ n undcr ill a \houcaxc ol' .»\ntipodcan comics. Studcntx and f2llL‘Sl\ onl}. Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 't‘ltt- Vatlll. lllll l’ollokxltaux Road. Shaulantlx. 0100002. Spm. L5. Scc i hit IS.

Natalie Haynes and Lucy Porter lltc Stand. 33.3 \Voodlattdx Road. “350 (lllll 6055. 9pm. Lo (L-ll. .\n all \xoman duct \xith ra/or \harp u it \atalic |l;t}itc\


and cotltcd) '\ littlc Iaxx l.uc} l’ortcr.

(;l( '/-.' Edinburgh

Liberace’s Handbag 'l‘ltt- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. ‘lpm. L5 (L-li. (itlx \upcrxtar l)i\a l)cc makcx tltc \tarx itt _\our c_\c\ \hinc h) rccounting talcx l'rom Itcr lilc lcxx ordinar}. llcar lto\\ talcnt arid lttck cotnhinc \\ ith a cclchrit} acccxxor} ax comcd) actrcxx .lulic (‘oomhc ll;tlll\ it up ax tltc tictitioux l)cc. .lolttt .\lacl\aac pro\ idc\ thc accompaniincnt.

Wednesday 24


Writing Comedy Masterclass 'l'ltc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. llSqll (till) 0055. 2pm. l‘rcc. .'\n altcrnoon ol' \Hll'kSllUPS and talk\ lltlSIL‘ll h} llic BB('. tor an_\onc intcrcxtcd in “tiling cotttcd} l'or lclc\i\ion. l’laccx arc liniitcd. so contact f2L‘l\\Ul‘k\llUp(” l'or dctailx. (IN '/'.

The Kay Show lllL‘ .'\l'L‘llL‘\. .v\rg_\lc Strcct. 505 lll23. ".45pin. L10 (LS). lhc ramhling. rh_\ming. rapping comcdian \lto\\ca\c\ hix uniquc hrand ol humour (il( 'l'.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Rotttl. llS-‘(l (rllll (3055. S30pm. U) tL5 l. l‘pl'ront and undilutcd (icot'dic man

(ia\ in \VclNcr t'rontx a no holdx harrcd \lltl“. (i/( 'l'.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance ‘l‘ltt- Vattlt. ll llll’ollokxhaxu Road.

Shau landx. 010000". Spm. L5. Scc lhu IS.

Fred MacAulay lt’ott 'l'ltcatrc. (t3 'l‘rongatc. 552 -l2(t". lllpm. Ll0 (LS1. 'l'hc lll‘lqlllltllh contcdian rcturnx \\ ith hix laid hack and tcrrihl} tricndl} \t}|c.

(i/( '/'.

The Original Stand-up Show Ramxhorn ‘l'hcatrc. US lttgratn Strcct. 0S"0 0l 3 5401. llpm. Lo (L3l. Studcntx ol' Vi\ (icc'x \tand up courxc ioin hcadlincr |)c\ .\lcl.can lot an cwning ol' rih tickling cntct'tainincnt. (i/(‘lz


Howard Marks: Mr Nice Live lltc \cnuc. I" 2| ('alton Road. 55" 3023. ".30pm. Ll I50. 'l'ltc dopc l'olk lcgcntl rcturm \\ ith hix anarchic onc man \lto\\.

The Stand Improv 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S .2272. 0pm. L-l (L3l. .loin thc Stand l’la}crx ax thc} cmhark on a qucxt into comcd} '\ grcat llllkll()\\ll. \Vith \pccial gucxtx lront thc circuit popping tip iti procccdingx. an_\thing can happcn. and prohahl} \\ ill.

The Comedy Cave Nicol liduardx. \iddr} Strcct. 55(iSo-12. 0.30pm. L2. \Vcckl} contcd} cluh hoxtcd h} ('hrix ('a\ c. lhc comcd} ca\cman. and lcaturing compctitionx. chcap drink\ and high iin\ galot'c.

Thursday 25


Liberace’s Handbag 'l'hc Stand. 33% \Voodlandx Road. “SW 000 0055. 7.30pm. L5 tL~ll_ Scc 'l‘uc 23. Des McLean & Paddy McCutcheon 'l‘hc .krchcx. 253 .kt'g) lc Slt‘ct'l. 505 lll23. 2515p”). LS (UH. l)L'\ ‘a\ \cht on lV' .\lcl.can and l’atld) ‘radio xtar' .\lc(‘utchcon ioin lorccx.

(;/( 'lz

The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe lll lltc Vatill. l l to l’ollokSltaux Road. Shau land\. 01‘) 000". Spnt. Lo. 'l‘hc grcat Rcwrcnd gathcrx hix \cr) \lrangc llock lot‘ an c\cning ol unltol_\ conicd} lcxct'. (i/( '1'. In the Beginning lron 'l'licatt'c. (t3 ‘l’t'ongatc. 552 420‘. Spnt. LS (L5i; L20 ltll lour 'l'hix \Va} l’p \hou \. Italianx 'l'rio ('on Brio prcxcnh thix uniquc plt_\\ical conicd} \litm. l’art ol' lhix \Va} l'p. Neil lnnes: lnnes Own Words 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0S7) ()00 (1055. Spm. Ll0 (LS). l‘ornicr .\lont_\ l’_\thon \tar and original muxician \cil lnnc\ cntcrtainx \\ ith \ong\ and \toricx l'rom hix man} )carx iti thc contcd} huxincxx. (i/('l-.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcu Strcct. 0V0" S"0."0". Spin. L". Stand tip c\cning \\ ith \Vindwr. lrixh prankxtcr Km in lla)c\. l)a\ id lladdingltam and Richard .\lorton. (i/(‘lz

Stand-Up Night lit-cl. 3‘) ~13 .-\\lttott lanc. 3~l2 twin. Spin. L2. lrcland\ \lichacl Rcdinond and local comic .lohn Roxx gct togcthcr l'or an cxcning ol' \tand tip. \Vith compcrc .'\llcn (‘halmcrx (i/( l. An Audience with Bob Doolally 'l'hc Stand. 3 33 \Voodlandx Road. 0S20

Natalie Haynes keeps her hair on at the Stand, Glasgow, Tue 23 Mar

(lllll (3055. 9pm. L7 (Lot. \Vaxhctl-up l‘oothall commcntator Boh l)oolall} gi\c\ hix \odka lucllcd opinion on thc goxxip and gamcx ol thc \caxon. (i/( 'l-Q

Fred MacAulay 'l‘ron ‘l‘hcatrc. (t3 ‘l‘rongatc. 552 4207, 10pm. Ll0 (LS). Scc \Vt‘tl 2-1.


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .r\canthu\. l7 \Vawrlc) Bridgc. 55o 235S. 0pm. l-‘rcc. .\'c\\ /.caland gagxtcr Kciran Butlcr. lidinhurgh'x (iordon Brunton and .lohn Scott gllL‘Sl.

The Thursday Show 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm. Lo (L5). .lanc \lacka) trontx a night ot' comcd} starring .larcd (‘hrixtmax l’cixt} Jill l’cacock. .l-L'lltl} atttl 5(l-\\ot‘tl \tor}tcllcr Stcphcn Barnah}.

The Snatch Social 'l‘ltc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. lll.3llptit 3am. L350 (L3). Scc 'l'htt lS.

St Andrews

One Will Laugh Victoria (are. 07905 045573. 0.30pm. L5. \ctt /.caland comcdian Simon Mc‘Kitttic} prcxcntx laughtcr mcixtcrx .\lac Star. l)ougic .\lunro aitd .'\\hlc} l'ric/c.


Comedy Quiz Hour Bl‘Cl. 3t) 43 .'\\lll()ll l.anc. 3-12 4000. (rpm. l-rcc. .\'cil \lcl’arlanc tcxtx )our comcd} ktto\\ lcdgc \xith thc chancc to \\ in L50? (il('/i Jason Byrne (‘otticr 'l‘ltcatt-c. ()3 ()5 ll}ndland Strcct. 0S70 013 540-4. Spnt. L‘) (LSl. l‘rccxt} lc lrixh mad man .laxotl B}rnc \ ixitx US to takc thc audicncc on lllL‘ l'ltlL‘ (ll lllL‘ll‘ ll\L‘\. UK 3/13

Charlie Chuck: Woof, Bark, Donkey! ‘l'hc l”ni\cr\al. 57 5‘) Sauchichall lanc. 332 SSW). Spnt. L" (L‘m. .loiit llli\ \tll't’L‘dl cotncdian \xitlt mad hair and a ltoxt ol' imaginar) t'ricndx l’or an unl'orgcttahlc cxcning. (il(‘l’.~ Glasgow Stands Up \VootlSitlL‘ l’uhlic Hall. 30 (ilcnlarg Slrccl. 0S45 330 350i. Split. L3. Scc l‘ri l‘).

Hattie Hayridge lhc \‘attlt. t l in l’UllUkSllll\\\ Road. Slta\\ land\. 04‘) 000”. Spin. LS (L2). llattic llay‘idgc. aka thc (lr) -humourcd lloll} lrom Rl’l/ lhut/‘I. hringx hcr pcrxonal. highl} - cltargcd St} lc to thc Vaultx. \tipportcd h) comic “(ll'tlSlllilll \'i\ (icc. (il('/i

In the Beginning lron 'l‘ltcatrc. (t3 'l‘t'ongatc. 552 .120”. Split. LS (L5); L20 l’or lour lllix \Va} l”p \lltl“ \. Scc ’l'hu 3%

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(’ Building. chlrc“ Strcct. 0S7)" S2050". Spnt. LI2. Scc Thu 25.

Tina C: Just Doing it for the Love 'l’ron 'l‘hcatrc. o3 ‘l‘rongalc. 552 420". l0pnt. LS (L'm. Kitxch countr} \tar \ll'ilkltllt‘\ thc \tagc oncc morc ax part of lltL‘ (i/( 3/:

Festival Club 'l‘hc Stand. 33.3 \Vtititllantlx Rogttl, llS-‘ll (tllll ($055, I0.30pm. LS (L2). Scc l’ri I‘).

The Late Lock-In lltc Vatilt. t t In l’ollokxhaux Road. Sha“ landx. (34‘) Hill)". lll.3()pttt. Lt) (L5l. Scc l'it‘i l‘). The Backpacker’s Cabaret lint-n llUSlCl. .3ltS (‘l_\dc Slt‘L‘L‘l. 222 2323.

l lptn. L2. .'\llllp(l(lc;tll lioxl Simon .\lcl\'innc_\ introduccx an axxortmcnt ol' comcdiam including Bcnc linchcxticm. .\likc Boon and a lcu otlicrx “ho arc '_itt\t paving lltt'otlglf. (il(‘li

Funkin Funny 'l'ltc l'nixcrxal. 5" 5‘) Sauchichall lanc. 332 SS0”. l lpm. Lo (L5l. SL‘L‘ kit I”.

AI Murray - Pub Landlord lhc :\cadcm} (ilaxgou. l2l liglinton Strcct. (lS‘ll “El 2000,S.30prtt.£10.50. National (our lrom thc hald-hcadcd. ranting landlord attd l’crricr auard

\\ inticr. (i/( ll


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()mni (‘cntrc. (irccnxidc I’lacc. 0S"0" S"()"0". Split. LI2. .’\n