ctcning'x cnlcrlainmcnl \\ ill) coincdianx Michacl l.cggc. Simon (‘la}tot). chin (iildca and ('olin (‘olc.

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. 9pm. £7 (£0). llL‘adllltL‘l' \it‘k Rcwll ix joincd h} ‘l)a\id Baddicl look- a-likc‘ Jolu) ()lixcr. 'l‘cdd) and Sarah l.cdgcr. Hoxtcd h} Janc Macka}.

North Berwiok

Comedy at the County Hotel ('otllll) llUlL‘l. l5 l7 lliglt Sll‘L‘L‘l. (ll()2l) 892980. 9.30pm. £5. l)ottgic .\lunro introduccx lhc \‘al'lotlS talcntx ol~ .lohtt Scott. Scott Agncu. Jo Jo Suthcrland and antipodcanx Mac Starr and Simon McKinnc}.


John Ryan: Kids are Best 'l‘lic Stattd. 333 Woodlandx Road. 0870 ()00 6055. 3pm. £5 (£3). John R}an lcadx llllx intcracliw and l'un \lt()\\ l‘or childrcn \\l)L‘l'L‘ lltL‘ littlc onL‘x gL‘l to dccidc \\ltal gocx. Braw man. (il('li

The Best of Asian Comedy The Vault. l I I0 l’ollokxhaux Road. Shattlandx. (343) 0007. 7.30pm. £8 (£7). (ilaxttcgian Sai (’hauhdr} ix ioincd h} outxpokcn .\luxlim conlcdiat) Sha/ia .\lir/a tor a night cclchrating lhc hcxl in Axial) lalcnt. (il('li Jason Byrne lhc Slaltd. 3 3 \Yoodlandx Road, 0870 ()00 ()055. 8pm. £8 (£7). Scc l‘ri 26.

Charlie Chuck: Woof, Bark, Donkey! 'l'hc l'nixcrxal. 57 5‘) Sauchichall l.anc. 332 889‘). 8pm. £7 (£0). SL‘L‘ Hi 20.

Glasgow Stands Up l.angxidc Hall. 5 l.angxidc :\\cnuc. ()32 00%). 8pm. £3. Scc l-‘ri l‘).

Craig Hill & Des Clarke (‘otticr 'l‘hcalrc. U3 95 ll} ndland Slrccl. 0870 (H3 5404. Split. £ll); £l() l-ol' l\\t) xll()\\ x. 'l'hc camp I’lour Shun xlar ix joincd h} l'rcxh—l'accd |)cx ('larkc tor a nigltl ol~ higl) jinkx. Scc prc\ icu lol' l)cx ('larkc. (il('/-f

In the Beginning 'l'rot) 'l‘licatrc. ()3 'l'rongalc. 552 4207. 8pm. £8 (£5); £20 for tour This \Va} l‘p xhott x. Scc Thu 25. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcxt Strccl. 03707 S7ll7ll7. Split. £l3. SL'L' Thu 25.

Johnny Vegas 'l'ltc .'\L'il(lL‘lll} (ilitxg()\\. l2l liglinton Slrcct. 0870 77l 2000. 8.30pm. £l().50 £l8.50. lhc ‘hig man and xlar ol' lhc rcccnl lilin Sm [hm oft/iv l’olulu .llt'i) rclurnx. Scc prc\ icxx. (}l('l{

Festival Fringe @ Madcap 'l‘lic Slalc Bar. I48 llolland Slrcct. 332 2l5‘). 9pm. £5 (£4). Bill} Bonkcrx introduccx hix mirth-making gticxlx lor lhc cwning. including ('raig ('rookxlon. l‘ranccx llcal} and |.cc \cxx. (}I(‘I'.

Frankie Boyle and Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill ('otticr 'l‘l)calrc. U3 ()5 lhndland Strcct. 0870 (H3 5404. 9.45pm. U0 £l() lol‘ holh

Slit)“ x. 'l‘hc almight} prcaching ol’ lhc good Rm mcclx lhc topical punchincxx ol' Bo} lc it) lltix lop—notch dotthlc hcadcr. (il( ‘I-I

Festival Club 'l‘ltc Stand. 33.3 \Yootllantlx Road. 0870 ()()(l ()(l55. l0.30pm. £8 (£7). Scc l‘ri l‘).

The Late Lock-In 'l‘hc \‘anlt. l l I() l’ollokxhaxtx Road. Shah landx. ()4‘) 0007. 10.30pm. £o (£5). Scc Hi I”. The Backpacker’s Cabaret lint-o lltlSlCl. .3lS (lult‘ Sll'L‘L‘l. 222 2S2S. llptn. £2. Scc Hi 20.

Late Night Craic’n’ Cabaret 'l‘lic l'nncrxal. 57 5‘) Satichichall l.anc. 332 SSW). llpll). £0 (£5l. SL‘L‘ Sat 2”.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()ttmi (’cnlrc. (irccnxidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. 8pm. £l3. Scc Hi 20.

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 0pm. £8. Scc l-‘ri 2o hut \\llll hoxl .\lartin lligpig.


Laugh at Another Level ('cnlral l’oint. l4 l0 King Sll't‘t‘l. lll5ll() ()53()lS. 0.30pm. £5. John Scott introduccx lhc talcnlx ol a group (it local coincd} ltL‘l‘oL‘x.

Sunday 28


John Ryan: Kids are Best lhc Stand. 33.3 \Yootllandx Road. (LS—70 ()(lll o055. 3pm. £5 (£3). Scc Sat 27. Patrick Monahan lltL‘ Vault. l l l() l’ollokxha\\x Road. Shah landx. ()4‘) 0007. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). l.o\ahlc contcdian ol ( it‘ot'tllt'. ll'ixll and Iranian c\lraclion dcmonxtralcx uh) hc \\()tll(l makc a good pct and caxlx hix mind hack lo thc good old (la) x. \xhcn kitlx collltl xllll pla} ol) lhc xlrcclx. (I./(./'.

Big Word Poetry Slam .\‘icc 'n‘ Slcal). 42l Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 0000. 8pm. £4 (£3). 'l‘ttcnl) ‘ll\L‘ \\()lll(l hc \HH'tlSlttllllS halllc it out lor lhc co\ clcd titlc ol ( ilaxgott ‘x pcrl’ormancc pocl cxlraordinairc. lloxtcd l)_\ .r\nita (i()\all and .lclt) Rollx. lo lakc part call 0"81 I 304058 or ctnail

lL‘tttl‘()llx(” lug“ol‘d.l'\ltL‘l.co.tlk (i/( 'l'.

Nick Revell 'l‘ltc Stand. 33.3

\Yootllantlx Road. 0870 NM) 0055. 8.30pm. £7 (£5). Satirical conicdian Rcwll \ll()\\L‘1l\L'\ hix lalcnl lo cxlracl Iatighlcr l'ron) altnoxl an} xuhicct or xilttalion. (i/( 7-.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? ‘l‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. lpn). l'lL'C. SL‘L' Sun 2 l.

Bruce’s Sunday Social the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). .-\narchic hoxl lirticc l)c\ lin introdnccx a plcthora ol' laxl talking gucxlx. including .larcd ('hrixlmax.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night 'l’hc |.igl)thouxc. 32 34 lhc Shorc. l.cil|i.

554 (No.3. 9pm. £5. l‘orincr l'tll/lt‘l' 'li'tl xlar Mich;th Rctlmond hcadlincx. \xilh cotncd) cruxadcr Bill l)c\(ar and 'lctltl). Sirius Comedy Bar Sll’lllx. l)ock l’lacc. l.cith. 07005 045573. 0.30pm. £5 (£3.50). 'l'hc ltinn_\honcx ol' |.cilh arc licklcd it) thix monlhl} night chock—lull (it local comcd} hcrocx. compcrcd h} Jo Jo Suthcrland.

Monday 29


Stand-Up Night Bit-l. 3‘) 43 .-\xltlon l.anc. 342 40m). 8pm. £2. .'\n c\cning ol xland up (till) Raynond .\lcarnx. l)cx .\lcl.can and .loc llccnat). (i/( 'l'.

A Firework Up the Arse 'l‘ltt- Stand. 333 \Yoodlamlx Road. 0870 ()00 0055. 8.30pm. £7 (£0). Marlin ‘liigpig‘ .\lor joinx l'orccx \\ ill) /.i)nhah\( can clout) (‘hrix l._\na)n tor a night ol c\ploxi\ c laughx. lrickx and contcd) capcrx. (il( ‘l'.

Fresh Meat 'l‘ht- \‘anlt. It I() l’ollokxhaux Road. Shim landx. ()4‘) 0007. 0pm. l‘rcc. Scott .v\gnc\\ introduccx lhix (\cck'x linc—tip ol' ncu lalcnl \(ilh chxonx Iron) a lit) xlcr) hcadlincr (\hoxc idcnlit} ix _\cl lo hc rcxcalcd. Intriguing. ch'.’ (il('/-I


88d Raw .l‘llL' Stand. .5 Yttl'k l’ltch‘. .553 7272. 8.30pm. £l. l)roll xtlrrcalixl .lolm ()li\cr hcadlincx thix night l'or xland-up \irginx. ('otnpcrcd h) (icrr) .\lcl)adc.

Tuesday 30


Floor Show Rehearsals lhc Stand. 333 \Yoodlalttlx Road, 0.87“ ()(lll ()ll55. 7pm. l’rcc. Scc ’l‘uc 23.

Four Chairs and a Table Too ’l'ltt- l't)i\cl'xal. 57 5‘) Sattchichall l.anc. 332 880‘). 8pm. £o (£4). .'\n ctcning ol' cotncd) and muxic put )ogcthcr h} lhc (can) hchind (‘lirn in ' [/lt’ I’ill and ()i/m/t'. l‘caluring .\lc(‘uc and tltc Sn ing (iuilarx. (il( 'I'."

Slade (3tllllL‘l' .l-llk'illl'k‘. 9.3 9.5 ll} ndland Sll't‘t‘l. (lSqll lll 3 5404. 8.30pm. £10 £0. l)cxlincd lo l‘ollotx in thc lootxlcpx ol ltix lccnagt‘ contcd} partncr Bill llickx. Sladc rclurnx lo lhc l‘K allcr a triumphant l5ringc laxl .'\tlgllxl. (il('l'.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lhc Vault. lll0 l’ollokxl)a\\x Road.

Shau landx. ()4‘) 0007. 0pm. £5. Scc 'l'hti IS.

The Stand lhc Stand. 33.3 \Voodlamh Road. (LS—fl) ()lll) 0055. ‘lpltt. £7 (£5 l. .v\nd_\ /.a|l/man. lhc man \\ ill) lhc ci‘al} orangc hair and c\cn cra/icr xcnxc ol‘ htttnour. ix niccl) )nalchcd \\ ill) lhc dr}

\\ it (it John ()li\cr in thix xland up dolthlc hill, (i/( 'l-.


A Firework Up the Arse 'l'lit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 0pm. £7 (£0). SL‘L‘ .\lot) 2‘).

listings Comedy

Wednesday 31


Four Chairs and a Table Too 'l'ltc l'nitcrxal. 5" 5‘) Sattchichall l.anc. 332 880‘). 8pm. £6 (£4). Scc 'l‘uc 30. Jenny Eclair: Middle Aged Bimbo ('ollicr 'l'hcalrc. 93 U5 ll}ndland Slrccl. 357 3808. Split. U250 l £l l l. .\l()l‘L‘ xhocking comcd} lrom lhc lcixl} lad} \\llll a gullcr mouth. (il('lz'

Maverick Magic lhc \‘anlt. l l l() l’ollokxhaux Road. Sha\\ landx. ()4‘) 0007. 8pm. £o (£4). .loin l)tn)lcrmlinc card maxlcr Slcphcn Dick lo)‘ a night ol' illttxiot). lrickx and comcd_\ ax hc introduccx hix llL‘\\ magic l'ricnd. Hand} Mudcn. (i/(‘Ii

The Stand lhc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlandx Road, ().x"() «()0 (M35. .x'.3()pni. £7 it'll). l’hil .\')chol and (’arc} .\lar\ conic logclhcr lo)" a halllc ol' lhc quick \\ itx. (il('/'.


Dwight Slade lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. .553 “2.52. 9pm. £S. SL'L‘ lth 3”.

The Comedy Cave Nicol lidttardx. Xitltlt'} Slrcct. 55o 8o42. 0.30pm. £2. Scc “(XI 24.


Just Jane: Jane Mackay the Stand. 333 \Yootllantlx Road. 0.870 000 ()055. "3er. £5 (£4). Stand rcgular .\lacka} ix rclcaxcd l'rom hcr compcring dulicx tor a night to do a ()ltL‘-\\()ltlall xland-up xhott. (i/( 7’.

Stand Up, Drink Up l3tli Note (‘al'ta 50 ()0 King Strccl. 553 M38. ".30pin. £5 (£4 l, .loin compcrc .lanc} (iodlc) tor a \(andcr around lhc \lcrchanl ('il) 'x harx

\\ ill) a dil'l'crcnt comcdian in cach onc.

(il( ‘l'.

Bashing April with the Fool The Vault. |ll0 l’ollokxhaux Road. Shanlandx. ()4‘) 000". 8pm. £5 (£4). .\l(' Roh (icc introduccx lhc ‘liig \Yord llunclt' lot' a night (it hot loolcd lom l'oolcr} and l_\rical madncxx.

Tommy Tiernan (‘olticr 'l‘hcalrc. 93 ()5 lhndland Slrccl. 08“0 0| 3 .5404. 8pm. £12.50. Irixh comcdian hringx morc quirk) onc lincrx. xharp ohxcrutlionx and (tinxoinc lalcx. (il( ‘l'.

Steve Gribbin lhc Stand. 333 \Yotnllantlx Road. (LS-ill (till) 0055. ‘)._3ll[)|n_ £" (£o). Scottxc cotncdian Slct c (irihhm xhockx and dclighlx in cqttal mcaxurcx \\ ill) ltlx L‘ltt‘t‘k) [tallt‘l‘ alltl clc\cr xoltgx. (i/( .I'.

Edinburgh Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'lic

'l'ron. ‘) llunlcr Squarc. lligl) Strccl. 22o 0‘)3|. 0pm. £3 (£2). .\ night ol comcdic poclr} anticx lcaluring Brixtolian l.t)c_\ linglixl). Rollct‘dam holnirc llarr} /.c\cnhcrgcn and Richard .\lcdringlon. \Ytllt .\l(' Rol) (icc.

The Thursday Show 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "272. 0pm. £o (£5). Surrcal xland up And} /.all/man xl)arcx lhc xlagc \\ ith (iracmc 'l‘honiax. .lohn (iordon and Slcphcn (‘arlin

i.‘.:' ' 5x: ' -'- THE LIST 77